Mario RPGs have the best villains of any RPG series

Mario RPGs have the best villains of any RPG series.

>psychos who can smelt their heads into tanks
>interdimensional demons
>dream weaving vampires
>sidekicks with fury!
>even the occasional tragic villain

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Too bad we will never see any original ones because Miyamoto got too afraid with Super Paper Mario's OCs.

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Cool thread OP, shame it will be drowned out by waifu shits, image dumps and threads with absolutely no game discussion.
Even though we have dedicated boards for image dumping people still have a tendency to do the same shit over and over again, whilst they try to hold an excuse of putting a vague boring question for the threads conversation topic, while also having cropped porn being the image.
But have a pity bump, hope it helps!

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There is no game discussion because the games are years old and all discussion has been talked to death.
I wish Mario RPG threads still had active discussion but Nintendo themselves killed most of it.

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We're most definitely getting Mario & Luigi Switch at some point, we just gotta wait for it.

I anticipated that Paper Mario and Mario RPG discussion would be weak at this point in time, which is why I made this a general Mario RPG thread. The combined forces of Mario RPG, Paper Mario, and Mario+Luigi should be more than enough to get a thread started.

I watch every Direct waiting for a M&L Switch. I know the BIS remake didn't sell a lot, but surely they can't blame the game itself when it was a 3DS game 2 years after the Switch.

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not really but whatever

With no new game confirmed there isn't much to talk. While from the 3 RPG franchises M&L held out the most, paper jam and the lackluster remakes didn't help it much and it is starting to fall down with the rest.

Think about it, your average JRPG villain is some mopey whiny emo kid or generic crazy who wants to destroy the world because there's pain and suffering or he wants to be a god or something.

Mario villains have a sense of gusto about it. It helps that, gameplay-wise, the actual combat is more than just watching a cutscene play out like in FFXV where you summon Ramuh and you put down the controller for five minutes. Meanwhile, in a Mario RPG you're so actively engaged with combat and specials are a treat to use because of how much input you have in it.

You're right, and that sucks. Still, there's hope for the future.

With arguments like that, how can you be wrong!?

OP said all RPGs, not just jap ones

Who's the pink woman with the bird on her head?

To an extent it applies to WRPGs too, since many of them employ really talkative guys who try to be philosophical. Meanwhile Fawful just wants to have fury against red and green, and Antasma is embarassed that Bowser tricked him before he could trick Bowser. They're not too deep, but they're just enough to fit in with the general tone of the games.

Valentina and Dodo, from Super Mario RPG.

People just ignored the new characters/antagonists introduced huh?

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Nigga no one played this game


Hey, blue is a cute.

Is Bowser JR's Journey even worth it?
I recently got the 3ds remake recently.

It's a step up from the Minions Mode in the Superstar Saga remake by improving on some things from there, and Junior in particular actually gets some character development, alongside the Koopalings.

It offers more content in terms of remakes. Alot more than the Link's Awakening remake, at least.

>Despite acting calm in many cutscenes, it is soon revealed she is quick to temper and has a serious drug addiction
Straight from the fucking Mario wiki

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>and has a serious drug addiction
I fucking love Mario games, man.