Now that the first one is also on PC
Is it worth getting into?
Now that the first one is also on PC
Ni no Kuni was my biggest disappointment of last gen. Make of that what you will.
Been playing the first game on PS3 right now. if you like monster taming games you might enjoy this one.
Great Studio Ghibli artstyle, interesting locations and character designs.
The weakest parts of the game so far is that the story starts out strong but then suffers from being a children's RPG. The plot gets dumbed down because you play as a sheltered 8 year old. The Battle system takes getting used to but it's still not great. Your AL partners aren't very smart. You can give them orders/control them, but sometimes you don't have the time to think about those things.
>Ding Dong Dell
I'm sorry to say, I can't recommend this game. I played it about 20 hours and, while the style, design and music were all amazing (much like Dragon Quest VIII, the reason I bought this game), nearly everything else about this game is absolutely frustrating. It has literally done everything that annoys me in RPGs.
-Long pointless dialogue sequences that almost seemed aimed at kids, yet are full of adult themes
-Endless tutorials about things you can learn simply by reading the Alchemy guide OR trial and error yourself
-Random boss battles with no warning because of story events
-Horrible AI for your teammates which will use the wrong familiar or use all their MP at stupid times
-You are punished for exploring by enemies that are way too powerful for your current level (yet you are told to go there because of bounty hunts or on the way to the next story quest)
-Enemy attack animations can cancel your own causing you to have to constantly reissue commands
-There is no option to pause battles and while this normally wouldn't be a problem, it is a MAJOR problem when you have to spend 5 seconds switching party members and finding the right skill to defend yourself but the boss only needs 1 second to get his ultra special move off
-Nearly every characters name has been changed and looses all meaning in the story from the original Japanese (in before Weeaboo accusations)
-Using many magic skills just feels like busy work to make the game longer, especially the main point of the game which is healing peoples hearts
-All the stupid word puzzles for that stupid Spirit boy. 'Translate this Nazzcan Script for me?' 'What is required to make a Cheesburger?' That is the epitome of busywork in an RPG.
Its really a shame. This game has amazing design, music and has even improved on the questing of Dragon Quest IX. I have no idea why the story, main combat engine and exploration is so horrible.
Wow that's a damn shame
Been looking at this for awhile now too
Was going to try out DQ as well but I'm still on fence whether or not Square will put the definitive edition on pc as well
>The President of the United States gets isekai'd after a fucking nuke
an interesting start, you have me intrigued
It's great, one of the best games I've played the past few years. Played it for over a hundred hours.
Dragon Quest on PC is a new thing. Only games since 2014 have even been on PC.
dumb as fuck localization. if you even hear what they call the country in the japanese dialogue it sure as fuck isn't that nonsense
The first one is one of the worst JRPGs I've ever played. I liked the second one though.
I have this on steam in a backlog. Might get the first one on sale.
That whole plot thread kinda lies dormant for most of the game since that character is a companion, not the main character. His whole role is to be a wise mentor who has been in the situation of running a country and trying to do right by the people he represents.
Just skip the first one and go right to the second, it has better characters, story, setting and gameplay. There's pretty much no connection between the games too.
Is the pokemon minigame better?
I don't even usually like JRPGs.
My biggest complaint about the game is the fucking town building bullshit that actually gates story content behind it. No one asked for this, stop putting it into games and just let me play a jrpg
City Building is great though. When you get bored with a part of the game for a bit like the Action combat after some long dungeons or exploring some new city or part of the map and talking to everyone, you always have some other shit to do like upgrading your city or doing some RTS battles.
ok but dont fucking require me to do it to further the story. its boring and only actual autistic manchildren like city building games.
This user here Your criticisms are generally correct but
>You are punished for exploring by enemies that are way too powerful for your current level (yet you are told to go there because of bounty hunts or on the way to the next story quest)
I'm having issues dying from regular enemies, in addition to having dumb AI, but also because I feel like this game requires grinding. It feels like once most enemies of specific areas start running away from you, you can start grinding in the next areas.
For bounties though, I feel like you have to use that one magic blast spell in order to get those bounties done. Or just not do them as soon as you get them. You get quite a few 5 star bounties when you've only just started 3 star ones. Granted I'm not that far in the game, I'm trying to get a ride to the next island/area.
>There is no option to pause battles
on the ps3 all you need to do is Press start. Also the battle pauses once you select a party member to switch to.
I agree that the timing for switching members is awful though. Sometimes you want to switch to a healer but by the time you send the healer out, the enemy is already right next to you and kills you right away.
I enjoyed the City Building I actually wanted it to be expanded more and be more open ended because as it is it's a bit too scripted.
I'm playing the first one on Switch and I just can't get into it. The story seems good but gameplay is so bland and the battles are very different than what I'm used to. I don't dislike it, but does it get better?
>but dont fucking require me to do it to further the story
How does it require you to do it to further the story? There's like 2-3 events where all you have to do is build like a building or research a thing that's literally clicking 3 button clicks and you can usually do it immediately.
Remember how the very second town has a sidequest in it to catch a monster that has like 1% chance of being catchable? Remember how that one fucking retarded sidequest is actually the start of a whole long chain of sidequests so the only way to do them is to just fucking grind that retarded cactus monster for hours? Fuck Ni No Kuni 1, fucking trash game.
No. The only significant changes the game makes as it goes on are when it introduces monster catching and other party members. The entire rest of the game is just treading water.
At least it's pretty I guess.
>How does it require you to do it to further the story?
>I literally didnt play the game: the post
>that dlc
I liked Ni No Kuni 2. It is very underrated.
I finished with the game before they released the DLC, did they add anything of substance? Or was it just shitty dungeon crawls? I was expecting the latter.
Its garbage. Just 100% rehashed content from what I could tell. Should have just cancelled it.
I haven't played the second yet, but the first has one of the worst battle systems ever in a jrpg.
Not really Ni No Kuni 2 improves on a lot of the original game especially in combat but fails at just about everything else especially with the equipment, no longer are there cool and unique weapons it's all WGBP Diablo style bullshit
Does that appear after you meet the queen of the desert town? Not quite there yet.
Are you talking about how the bonus familiars are locked behind limited ways to get them? Like preordering from GameStop vs Best Buy gets you different familiars, or also how only the Gold Edition or w/e gives you a few bonus familiars? At least the Dragon's a good wall, but the monster collector in me is disappointed.
The "Adventure Pack" is free and adds one main story event and a few sidequests.
"The Tale of Timeless Tome" adds content throughout the game where you have to rest at an inn in every town for dream sequences and at the end of the game you get backstory on major characters with illustrations and shit and seems worthwhile.
"The Lair of the Lost Lord" is retarded and just a 100 floor grindy, repetitive dungeon.
The second game dumped that garbage in favor of a competent albeit generic action RPG combat system.
That anyone gullible enough to buy the game will also be gullible enough to buy DLC.
first one is good, second one is meh
I meant the dlc for 2.
>"The Lair of the Lost Lord" is retarded and just a 100 floor grindy, repetitive dungeon.
Jesus christ, the game already had trash like that in it for the retards that wanted it with the doors that led to randomly generated dungeons. Bizarre that they'd do a whole DLC expanding the worst part of the game.
Wait, seriously?
How did they fuck up the mixing this much it's so annoying, the Japanese doesn't have this problem but I can switch because of drippy.
Desert Town is the place where you get that sidequest yeah, but I think it doesn't unlock until you get the second party member. I don't remember I haven't played the game since the month it originally came out. I think it's one of the worst big budget JRPGs ever made, I'd rather play FF13 over it.
That is the intro to the second one, there's even a surprisingly grim scene halfway through the game where he has a dream about it and sees his son with the eyes burnt out of his head. Don't go in expecting much to come of that subplot though, most of the game is a pretty kid friendly plot about a kid learning how to be a benevolent king.
>liking drippy
I didn't think it was possible to have taste this shit.
I've already done all the side quests I've can and so far I've got the girl, went over to that waterside town where you have to be half-naked, and now I have to go back to the desert and its Queen so I can get on the boat to the next island or area.
Only familiar quest I've done was the first one catching the banana monster and turban one. I did have to fight the cactus monster for rainbow leaves or something though. I suspect I'll get the quest you're talking about once I'm done with the desert queen.
Jesus christ how terrifying
It's a Level RPG I don't think they've ever made a truly good RPG, even Dark Cloud 2, their best game has some major flaws
>turban one
I think that might have been it. Like I said, it was a long time ago, but I remember grinding for hours trying to complete that quest to no avail because of how awful the capturing mechanics are in the game.
I'm playing ni no kuni so my taste is already questionable, he's the only enjoyable thing in this piece of shit game besides the art direction.
*Level 5*
>Takes place a few hundred years after the first
>Earth tech looks like its only advanced by about 80
So is Ni no Kuni actually Narnia or some shit?
I loved this game, it hit all the right boxes for me in such a way I spent the time to 100% it
>game has random stat growth
Fuck no, trash game.
Same, I'm not even sure why. No single element is really exemplary except maybe the aesthetics but it ended up being one of my favorite JRPGs of recent years. But any time I bring it up online, people tell me "oh the first one was way better, the second one was trash" and I'm just baffled. I thought the first game was utterly abysmal.
I have to assume the people who praise the first either haven't played it or maybe they're dumb kids and it was their first JRPG? I can't imagine any other reason why one would enjoy that hot garbage.
People gushed over it for the artstyle and/or trap shota. The gameplay itself is lukewarm at best and the story is pretty retarded, even by JRPG standards. Wouldn't kill you to pick it up when it's like $5 on sale or pirate it, but it's sure as shit not worth full sticker price.