Tales from Gamestop

>new zelda remake drops
>see they have a trade in deal
>bring in a game to knock off the price a bit
>see disinterested girl at the counter
>figure "alright this should be quick, she doesnt want to fuck around or waste time"
>looks at me from the counter
>enters autistic "omg so randum" female mode
>oh no
>oh nononono
>forgets to scan my trade in game
>autistic landwhale soiboi coworker walks over
>after multiple attempts to trade my game in, she takes my ID
>gets kinda flirty
>"oooo 25, i knew you were my age hehe ;)"
>soiwhale lets out a grunt
>oh please no
>not that she was bad looking Yea Forumsros but jesus christ
>soiwhale attempts to make a "ZELDA ISNT M FOR MATURE HURRR WHY TAKE HIS ID" kind of joke
>joke falls flat making the whole interaction even worse
>after that awful transaction i finally go to leave
>get home
>brother points out pic related
>the dumb bitch put the game in one of the god damn store display pre order boxes
>not an official box
>have to go back and have another interaction with them

So when did you decide to buy online/digital copies only user?

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GOD i don't have time to read your useless bullshit.
Just sum it up in like 2 lines so i can shitpost you real quick and move onto the next thread already.

>Just sum it up in like 2 lines
OP stole a display case of the game and made up the story

>things that never happened
nice try reddit you aren't getting upvotes for this

>go to buy 8mb memory card for my PS2 in Cex
>Japanese girl behind the counter asks me what PS2 game I'm playing
>I say Persona 3
>she fangirls about SMT

I just wanted to buy my memory card

You can probably sell that box for like $15 to some idiot on ebay

what was the point of this? This wasn't funny
if this goes on r/ebbit then put me in the screencap cause I got something to say: fuck you niggers

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>So when did you decide to buy online/digital copies only user?
Like 15 years ago with Steam.

You could be having your balls licked but instead you mogtowed your ass to dry nuts.

You’re buying a Nintendo game my man. You’re just as bad as those faggots

Just play along with them, it makes it so much less dragging. I've learned to find humour in the fake enthusiasm of corporate employees. This best is when you find a way to naturally segue into pointing out how strange it is that they would enjoy interacting with literal mouth-breathers as part of a part-time retail position. I prefer getting an employee who doesn't bother with the fake smiles and such, though. Their obvious depression and resentment for the customer is not only honest, but makes for some amusing interactions.
>saving the same image twice

If you want to get your balls licked just buy a jar of peanut butter and go to an animal adoption center

You forgot to post FUCKING GAMESTOP!

The part where i cringed the most was when you said you are 25 and still living with your parents

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I don’t have an appropriate image, but pretend I replied with an image of a fat guy in a trench coat and a fedora looking smug and holding a katana or a rotary dial phone.

>Working at FUCKING Gamestop, week of PS3 launch
>Our store is slow so I'm the only one there from open till 1
>Slow Tuesday, three Basketball-Americans enter and ask if we still have PS3s
>Inform them we do, retrieve one from the back as they said they want to purchase one
>Start ringing them up, sell them on the extended warranty which requires their drivers license info (this matters later)
>Last minute lead nig says he forgot his credit card, says they'll come back later
>They don't that day of course

>Next day about 11:30, same three, start with the same story
>The second I open the back door to get a system all three bum rush me and force me into the back
>Demand I open the closet to the systems
>Not my fucking systems so do it
>They grab about 8 PS3s and make a dash for it
>Call police, when they arrive get standard info, take security video
>Tell them one might have had a gun in his hoodie but I couldn't be sure (he didn't)
>"user, is there anything else you can tell us about them that might help?"
>"Well yesterday one of them gave me his address and his drivers license information"
>Cop is looking at me like "Are you fucking serious?"
>"Alright, we'll check it out"
>Get a call 5 hours later that all three were arrested for trying to sell them all at the same pawn shop

>Show up to court 3 months later to testify
>They all plead no contest
>They were charged with armed robbery since I said one might have had a gun and they found one in his house
>Never even had to take the stand and all three got several years

You must be white.

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You like asian girls, user?
In most of asia is completely normal to still live with your parents past 25.
Especially japan.

why is her head so small?

How do you read his brother noticing the box and project living with your parents into his post?

Get her number and fuck her dude. Why are you playing around?

Is GameStop going to become a pop culture toy store? They're bleeding money and there are more funko pops and video game mugs and plushies than there are games

>live with parents rather than wasting a fuckton of money on rent
>this is somehow a bad thing

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You must be pretty cute if she just started flirting with you like that.

Based, and dare I say, even a little redpilled.

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First of all, who cares that it’s not in an official box? It’s just plastic.
Also, why didn’t you ask her out? You could’ve fucked her...

>enter bookstore
>cute girl at the door smiles in that way where it seems she lost her composure a bit, almost beaming
>asks me several times what I’m looking for and if she can help
>n-no thank you, I’m b-browsing
>not sure if she’s interested or doing her job
>have to spend 15 minutes pretending to look at books before an opening to slip past her because I only came in to buy a cheap pen

>I have fantasies where I’m a victim who gets roughed up by dangerous black men and get revenge from the position of the victim, the only place where I feel powerful.
This is some impressive cuckoldry right here. Normally you’re supposed to make yourself look good in things that didn’t happen thread.

Resale value, and because that's what I fucking paid for.

>selling a used game

>t. virgins


>I only know how to respond to things with violence
Spotted the darkie.

Cute little story, user.

T. Never took a cashier home for a bottle of cheap wine and spaghetti o’s.

>shopping at gamestop

I don't understand why the fuck do people do this? does your area not have a best buy/wal mart/target/etc? people on the internet act like gamestop is the only place in the world that sells video games and I don't fucking understand it..

If you're even a little above average women flirt with you wherever you go, I've had to stop eating at alot of places because I've turned down the girls working there, it's annoying.

Yeah probably. They should have bought games from customers for half of what they sell them instead of nickle-and-dime-ing us.

It's only worth going to abuse some of the trade-in promos they offer occasionally.

No I don't have Best Buy or Targert, and Wal-Mart doesn't have everything.

I'll take insecure white for $1000 Alex.

>work open to 1
>gamestop is typically open at 9 or 10
How do you manage to find enough to complain about in your 3-4 hour shift?

The trend in the market towards digital downloads makes that almost irrelevant. It's just an extra bit of karmic retribution.

That pre-order box is probably worth more. Also, have sex incel

>Only one there from open till 1
This would imply that a the closing person works from 1 till 9, with several hours of overlap in the middle. This is a standard retail schedule.

walmart literally says new switch releases at $50

stop lying

Why does everyone on this site overestimate the value of sex so much? Why the fuck would anyone gas up some rando from gamestop for the possibility of getting your dick wet?

Right on fuck those nigs.

Gamestop stories? Okay.

>Guy comes in
>He's a regular, large man, looks to be about his late 20's likes to talk a lot
>Welcome him in with the usual spiel, nobody else is around
>its just him and me
>He places his drink down on our counter, and sheds off a jacket thats obviously too small for him,
>Just kind of watch but don't say anything about it
>"So, Anything you're here for today?"
>He looks at me breathing heavily, and without a word just turns away and starts wadling to the xbox section
>He grabs a case from the shelf, waddles back and puts it on the counter, still heavily breathing and points at it
>I feel like i'm talking to fucking totoro
"You want this one?"
>He nods
>Just do my job and ring up his total, ask if he has a powerup, he remains silent just breathing
>Give him his total and he fishes out his wallet and hands me cash
>Ring him up, ask if he wants any pre-orders
>No response
>Hand him his bag and tell him thank you for shopping
>He takes it, looks inside and then looks back at me
>Out of fucking nowhere he makes this big open mouth dopey grin like a kid getting a christmas present
>Stand a bit confused
>I'm sorry, what?
>You, buy things you need?
>Politefully decline and tell him i can't leave my job to help him
>Tell him no again and to go find help elsewhere
>He starts fucking screaming
>Manager comes in from the back and ask what the fuck I did
>Try to explain the situation
>Manager just looks at this guy and tries to level with him
>He goes fucking silent again
>Starts waddling out the door
>Have to explain to my manager the whole scenario afterwards
>Apparently that guy has a diseased brain and comes into not only gamestop, but random stores on the whole block

Wont that be worth more than the game in future.

You're missing my point. Fuck this faggot for even mentioning his hours

>Around the time X/Y came out
>Woman in line buying a "Pokeyman" game for her son
>Looks genuinely un-interested
>Wants the cheapest one she can get, and asks the store clerk
>Kid obviously really wants X
>$45? um, yeeeah, anything cheaper? like.. $15, $10?
>Clerk does a check
>"Well we have pokemon Black and Platinum in stock at about $30 and $25
>Woman shakes her head.
>No no, I need it to be like, cheapest you got, I can't spend more then 15 dollars on a toy.
>Kid looks genuinely upset, starts tugging on her skirt crying about it.
>She shuts him up and says something in another language, I'd guess spanish.
>Clerk checks again
>Well. we have Pokemon battle revolution for the Wii.. at, $13?
>Yeah okay give me that one.
>This is after the whole Wi-fi going down for Wii/DS
>Kid looks genuinely displeased
>Pipe up and just say You may not want that, the servers for it are no longer supported.
>Woman turns to me, glaring, then turns back.
>Pays for the game and walks out dragging her crying son out the door

delete the .txt file this is in and stop spamming this story every thread

At least you tried to save that kid's day.

This one too you fucking autist. How pathetic are you to have saved these?

? The last time i posted this one was when it happened back in 2015. Are you saying someone actually saved it and doccumented it?

How pathetic are you to keep hanging around fucking gamestop story threads to recognize said stories?

>the dumb bitch put the game in one of the god damn store display pre order boxes
Were you buying a used copy? Those shit should already come inside a case and wrapped.

What a goddamn waste of time

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Sometimes when I'm standing in the middle of a crowded place, I'll literally shout out "CHARLOTTE!" and take two steps back. Then I'll shout "JOHANTHAN" and take two steps forward.

Then i'll speed up until i'm moonwalking backwards and forwards, almost shuffling my feet in a dance screaming CHARLO-JOHNATHA-CHARLO-JOHANTAHA-CHAR-JOHN-CHAR-JOHNCHARJOHNCHARJOHNCHARLOTTE

Then i'll stop cold, and simply step back into the shadows

You spam them every fucking thread you pathetic autist.

Obviously. Who else would go to an animal adoption center?


No such thing. They take the games out of the shrink wrap to store them behind the counter to prevent theft and leave the display copies on the shelves. When you buy new they literally fish out the game cart/disc from the back drawers to put it in the case again and give it to you.

To be fair, PBR is still really fucking good even with offline rental teams.

Say it without buzzwords, I stopped reading after the third.

Actually I don't since I haven't been on Yea Forums in 7 months. so the more likely scenario is some "Autist" as you claim copied them and spams them every thread on my behalf.

>anyone who doesn’t fantasize about being victimized is a nigger (the type of person I fantasize about)
Kek. I wasn’t expecting Anthony Burch in this thread, but I got two of them. Replace any reference to nigs with “gamergater” and it’s the exact brand of cuck. Man this place has gotten soft.

Now, that's not true. I work at gamestop and we store the new games inside a cabinet. We don't even touch the display cases unless the customer brings it to the checkout.

>go to EB Games
>ask if they have something in stock
>qt girl at counter
>she opens her mouth to speak and reveals the most fucked up teeth ever


>defending niggers
You are right, this place HAS gotten soft.

Actually you do and are pretending you don't now you pathetic fuck. Delete the .txt file where you save these

your mistake was taking the gutted copy. when you buy a new game and they grab something that isn't shrinkwrapped you say "excuse me i asked for a NEW copy" and when they don't have it you turn 360 degrees and walk away to another gamestop

What kind of Gamestop are you going to?

>be me about 8
>see movie game
>think about having my mom purchase it
>gamestop employee warns because it has the name of a movie it isnt a game but a literal movie.
>fuck that i want a game
>for years of my life i was convinced that they literally just sold fucking movies on game discs
>thank you game stop employee for helping me not buy shitty games.

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Rekt xD

they do this for one or two copies so they have a shelf display case, most of their copies stay sealed.

That doesn’t seem right. I bought a game last week and they didn’t fiddle with anything, just handed me the game and I was off on my way.

what in the fuck are you talking about schizo?

Theres no way, this can’t possible be real. Most autistic thing I’ve seen at a GameStop was in middle school when I went to pick up my preordered Pokémon Black and saw a girl in a Pikachu onesie.

>she fangirls about SMT
>not a good thing
Oh wait, I forgot. Personafags have no taste

Did you fuck her?

what movie game user?

Why the fuck would you go to gamestop in 2019? There's like 6 other brick/mortar stores you could go to without having to deal with stupid bullshit.

Nah I wasn’t awakened yet so I just laughed awkwardly and went on

>Go in to pick up Genesis mini
>Guy and Girl working the register
>Came after work so it's about 5:30PM
>Tell the girl what I'm here for
>Guy pipes in and says they gave all the Genesis minis away
>Don't even react because I know it's some autistic shtick
>He goes to the back and gets my Genesis mini
>Hands it to the girl and they look over the back of it and start point out all the games they like
>Fucking drop it
>Girl keeps taking forever to ring me out
>Finally transaction is done and they ask that I do the survey
>Go home and rip them a new one saying how awful the service was


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just keep the case. some people see it as a collector's item and will pay more for it than a regular retail case.

>autistic "omg so randum" female mode
>Yea Forumsros
I feel like nowadays all posts on this board are essentially just different combinations of the same buzzwords.

Fuck off you annoying cunt, I've never read these

all of them

>new zelda game drops
>see they have a trade in deal
>bring in a game to knock off the price a bit
>see ugly whore at the counter
>figure "alright this should be quick, she doesnt want to fuck around or waste time"
>looks at me from the counter
>enters faggot OP mode
>oh no
>forgets to scan my trade in game
>autistic landwhale soiboi coworker walks over
>Slaps her fucking tranny eyebrows off and spits in her mouth
>after multiple attempts to trade my game in, she takes my ID
>get kinda horny
>"oooo 12, i knew you were my age hehe ;)"
>soiwhale lets out a grunt
>oh please no
>not that she was bad looking Yea Forumsros but jesus christ
>soiwhale attempts to make a "ZELDA ISNT M FOR MATURE HURRR WHY TAKE HIS ID" kind of joke
>joke falls flat making the whole interaction even worse
>after that awful transaction i finally go back to my parents' car
>get home
>mommy and daddy points out pic related
>the dumb poo poo brain put the game in one of the god damn store display pre order boxes
>go back inside
>shit on the counter
>smear the shit on my pajamas and let er rip
>make a gamestop application
>gets hired
>fucks soiwhale in the back every tuesday

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>being this socially inept
when you are living in a retirement home you will regret how you handled these moments so hard.

Jokes on you, I have crippling anxiety and I regret every moment so hard every day. I am also off meds, because I told the doctor I'm fine now. Which I regret.


They'll be gone in a year. We're a few months away from them being getting de-listed from the NYSE. It's going to be a swift death.

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Thanks Vegeta

Most exciting story I have, not very exciting but fuck it.

> go to game stop with birthday debit card
>chubby but cute asian girl at counter
>starts trying to chat me up about every game I look at
> "oh you like project diva! I love that game but It's too hard"
> I'm a sped so I tell her it's fucking easy and to gitgud
>She giggles and says she'll try
>I put box away because I'm a sped that just wanted to impress her with playing random ass weeb games and already owned it.
>Grab dynasty warriors 8 and 8xl on ps3.
> try to pay for it but am too autistic to figure out how to slide card
> she grabs it from me and slides it for me then proceeds to try and talk about hyrule warriors with me
> tell her I don't have a wii u and walk out

I should have gone for that thicc rice puss but my ride was waiting for me in the parking lot.

That's not even funny anymore, it's just sad.

nice made up story you autistic incel. Hope you can handle the display box ruining your physical vidya collection

Get Hyrule Warriors on the Switch user

Idk but mines has big tits and always where's low cuts

GameStop hires those girls on purpose to attract fat neckbeards

>So when did you decide to buy online/digital copies only user?

Ps2 and ps3 were the only consoles i didnt hack, for the wii, psp, pc, switch, etc, I always pirated. I can barely remember what buying from a store is like

Btw user, wtf is wrong with you? Are you really getting nervous to talk to a girl? Are you 14?

I fugged a girl from GameStop, she had a nice butt and always flirted with me before we fugged

>go to eb to use a gift card
>get SamSho price matched
>sealed copy
Pretty good, I'll go back if I'm ever given another gift card.

Yeah I went out with one of them

>birthday gift card
>my ride
You have to be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums.

You're so fucking pathetic... Did it hurt you that much to talk to a girl?

This place is filled with jaded motherfuckers and basedboys

why user, it's his 18th birthday!

Even if they can be weird, I enjoy the excited female employees at game or pop culture stores. Nice to talk about the more “normie” games with someone who actually likes them

The manager hired me because he thought I was 16.
I'm 29.

Is your name Jasmine or Megan

>unless the customer brings it to the checkout
I've had guys literally walk to grab the display copy and then attempt to fiddle around in their desk instead of handing me a new copy I can clearly see behind them.


Not gamestop but:

>Few years ago
>Nintendo world toys announced, really want a metroid
>go to TRU to see if they've come in
>Aisle 12, Row filled with Nintendo toys, but its all wave 1 stuff.
>Figure, okay, not time yet. but wouldn't hurt to ask.
>Go to help desk
>Guys asks how he can help me
>Tell him I'd just like him to check the system if he knows when scheduled shipments will be.
>"Sure thing, just let me finish with these people first and I'll be right over"
>Other register is open
>Perky girl at the register
>She notices me
>"Have you been helped yet sir?"
>Tell her I was waiting on the other guy to check something for me
>"Oh, Well I can do it! what do you need?"
>Figure I might as well go with her and tell her the same thing.
>"Oh,.um well lets see. The nintendo amiibos right?"
>"No, not the amiibos, the Nintendo world toys."
>"Oh.. Well, it says deedeedee is coming in soon, also bowser, "Ick", and -
>"No, no. NOT. the amiibos, its a specific line of toys called the Nintendo World line, You currently have wave 1 out in store, I'm just wondering if your system says anything about wave 2."
>"...Oh. Well I don't see anything about those toys in the system. are you sure its not the Amiibos?"
>"You have them in aisle 12"
>"Oh. Huh... Hang on."
>gets on mic
>"Can I get a check on aisle 12? Do we have stock on "Nintendo world toys?"
>Literally frowning this entire time.
>"It'll be just a sec."
>ten minutes later
>another guy comes from behind the counter.
>"Yeah we got em. you have to get them in electronics though."
>Politely thank her and leave for electronics
>Wonder why the fuck the toys are in electronics
>Get to the register, ANOTHER perky girl working electronics
>"Hi, can I help you?"
>"I'm here for the Nintendo world info."
>"Oh that, yeah got it right here."
>She hands me a game
>Fucking Nintendoland
>"Is that what you were looking for?"

>Go to gamestop
>Get offered to get a bj
>Bitch gave me top in front of the little kids buying Captain Toad
>OP walks into store to buy Link's Awakening
>Can't resist my fat fucking muscles
>Offers to give me a bj
>Kicks OP's ankles
>OP acts like a fucking baby and starts complaning about gamestop employees trying to make him laugh
>Gamestop employee sells him the pre order box
>Faggot OP groans and moans about having to go back inside to get the actual box
>OP goes home and jacks off to trannies

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Dis some noneuclidean lovecraft shit right here, damn.

It's Ariel.

We sometimes do that with the games that we don't have many copies of, no clue why they didn't hand you a new copy though.

Why are all sonicfags antisocial.

why is everyone on this board so obsessed with sex?

Nope don't know an Ariel, good luck with GameStop Virgins

The fact that they needed to put a brand new game in the box is a red flag on its own.

You also realize that GameStop isn't the only retailer who sells video games, right retard? Just shop somewhere else.

Please fuck me, user.

holy shit

They were too confused about why an "adult" was asking for kids toys.

Walmart has switch games for 50.you could have saved time and gotten it cheaper


OP is a faggot


I got my gf while buying smash. It was very odd, as she came on to me.

So when did you SMASH her for the first time?

Glad to hear it worked out, user.

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Hey user, that box is worthless if you want I can trade you the original one I have.

>It's a cold rainy night with nary a star in the sky
>I travel far over steep chasms, cursed forests and treacherous cliffsides, but I've finally made it.
>The cursed castle of FUCKINGGAMESTOP
>With trade ins in hand I approach the towering gates and make my way to the counter. I feel most unwelcome by all the pairs of eyes laid upon me.
>Slowly but surely I arrive at the counter, a looming shadow turns around to greet me!
>No.. It can't be..!
>Simon Belmont!
>What is a monster like you doing in a place like this?!
>I work the nightshift. His voice hisses, Have you come to pre-order the latest Installment of the animal crossing series?!
>No! I would never preorder a game from a beast such as you!
>So you say, But did I mention that the game comes with a limited time only poster?
>You fiend! I will not fall to your temptations! I will end your reign of terror and only pay the retail price!
>Typical Belmont, but this is a Nintendo game! It's price was locked before you even had the chance! That will be 59.99... WITH TAX.
>Tax?! I will pay no such thing!
>Then I have no other choice. Have at you Belmont. Today is the day you will pay full price with added tax! Have at you!

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People who cant get a thing become obsessed with that thing. That's why anime has a LOT of girls with big tits, very very few japanese women are over size B

Can you tell us the story? And I mean it unironically

I don';t get it either. I've had it a few times recently and I still prefer just snuggling. its honestly just exhausting work with little pay off that you couldn't get taking care of it yourself later, yknow.

Top tier, here's your YOU

>ywn snuggle with user
Why even live?

I've read this before user.

the whole world is like that actually

>dude hehe check it out I got hit on by a girl at gamestop aren't I better than you?
That's basically the point of the post, everything else is irrelevant.

What is the purpose of this user, I had a giggle, but this is pretty retarded.

>go to pick up LA
>clerk hands gets my Dreamer Edition and Amiibo out drawers
>make small talk about switch mini
>pay for swag and about to leave
>oh hey you get a free poster too
>thank him and leave

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>cant read for one (1) minute

bros I want a gf

user, the first was funny, now you've broke even.


I'll be your gf after my surgery next week.

>gets kinda flirty

Yeah see, this is bullshit and you know it. If your disgusting neckbeard ass wanted to make a thread shitting on gamestop, you could have just done that without making some bullshit story up user.

>americans leave their parents after turning 20
They don't actually do this right?

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generally you're shamed into dumping all of your savings into a slumlord's bank account because that's "being an adult"

im confused.. You were buying it used? why not just buy it new for like a couple of $ more

>the only reason you would spend time with your brother is if you're both living at your parents' house
That's so sad, user

Not that user, and not white either, but biggers are fucking animals. If you had ever spent any significant amount of time near large groups of them you'd know that.
t. went to a predominantly black school