Game has 2 wikis

>game has 2 wikis
>the FANDOM wiki is the popular one

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>most popular wiki is the fextralife one
looking at you, MHW

>wiki spoils absolutely everything about the story up-front
>wiki writes everything in-universe so you have no idea what game(s) they're even talking about

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>game has two or more wikis
>all of them are incomplete in separate areas

I fucking hate this, I wish the people that usually work on wikis would just migrate already to the empty as fuck gamepedia one because fuck fextralife, it's so inconsistently bad. I made one edit for it to add an icon to a jewel that was missing one.

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>UESP lower on search results than some one-off wiki that popped up

God I hate that site. It’s UI and layout sickens me.

>actual game's writers get so lazy that they start referencing the wiki
>it's full of literal fanfiction

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The fuck, I just found out that Fandom bought Curse and with it all the gamepedia wikis
What in the goddamn is going on

>game has two wikis
>fandom one is riddled with misinformation and edit wars
>other one is only half-complete

>fandom/fextra are utter dogshit and run by retards
>gamepedia runs and loads like hot ass
there's just no winning lads

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>game essentially becomes a wiki reading simulator
Looking at you housamo

There's always based wikidot.

>wiki has people writing up random crap they made up on the spot and adding it to legitimate pages
>half of it is neglected because people in charge are the biggest fanfic writers with their own OC that gets dedicated pages

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>wiki has outright wrong information

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>game has two wikis
>the official one is made by professionals from the company but is basically abandoned
>the fan one is updated more frequently but the contributors have no idea what the fuck they're doing

Souls-based wikidots are kino
these fextralife faggots need to step off

>Game wiki is an impenetrable clusterfuck of unsourced information and bizarre name choices for its articles.
>Fans step up and make a second better one.
Lookin' at you, Blazblue.

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>wiki spoils absolutely everything about the story up-front
wikis are archives of all information what did you expect
meme spoiler culture is very recent nobody screamed at wikis for having info from beginning to end a decade ago

spoilers are just a marketing strategy


>meme spoiler culture is very recent
u fookin wot
Are you like 12 years old? Were you not alive when Deathly Hallows came out?