Game requires genetic ability to play well

>game requires genetic ability to play well

Attached: ty2Pmn.jpg (951x840, 90K)

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le git guddd!!1 ;D

>game requires you to be young with quick response time

Attached: 1536361603217.png (383x352, 85K)

unless you were born blind, handless or braindead, there is no excuse.

I'm colorblind. Fuck games with poor accessibility.

that sucks but i heard that there are filter apps for colorblind people, no idea how good they are tho.

Feels good being in the 99th percentile in every game I play.

Attached: 00ifeq.jpg (3300x1600, 1.04M)

This is literally every multiplayer game ever made. No matter how many hundreds or thousands of hours you spend on that game you love, there will always be 19 year old zoomers who run circles around you with one tenth of the play time. What motivates you to go on?

must suck being american

Videogames are ablest as fuck.

Rent free

rent in america is as far from free as it can get actually

Name ONE game that's actually %100 unplayable because you're colorblind.

Japanese games


>having to read text to understand the plot


Attached: eJwFwcsNgzAMANBdMkCM8yGBBSr11BWiYBkkaJDtnqru3ve-7iOnW91udusKsB3ah2xebUhj8jwGn9TuQ30fFzSz1veL3qaAdUm5 (401x453, 36K)

you're not missing out.

Playing eugenics in fire emblem

Puyo puyo

What is arena FPS, Alex

The Witness

all gaymes?

Fucking kek

Super Hot

If you can't outgun zoomers, you were never good at FPS to begin with