Party Van

Hey Yea Forums, it's Sunday. Let's play some video games.
This week, we're playing Fistful of Frags. Get in here, shoot some dudes, and don't forget to pass the whiskey

Password: the usual

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for pass the whiskey

instaling for the first time right now, what am i in for


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>steam version

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educate a retard, what's the difference

playing this right now, this is nothing like the FoF I remember. this is shit.

steam version changed a bunch of shit and made it worse, I dont understand why the hosts picked it instead of the mod version, fucking dumbasses

Pass the whiskey

>say we're playing FoF
>Literally nobody knows what the mod version is or explains what it is
>Doesnt host his own version or offer to host/educate people on why the mod version is superior
>Whines about it when its shit despite making no attempts to rectify it other then asking, "why arent we playing the mod version"

Oh cool game crashed
yeah fuck this

>Password: the usual
Am i not good enough for you Yea Forums?

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>not knowing password used for every game Yea Forums plays
you only have yourself to blame, especially when its mentioned every party van thread.

nuFistful is trash and R_Yell is a hack.
Game has only been getting worse with every update. The final straw that broke the cowpoke's back was fucking up shootout mode with a shitty money system. Peak FoF was early steam version.

it's not the same one i used to play in tf2 party van threads, then again i havent done that in half a decade

>Literally nobody knows what the mod version is or explains what it is
basically the version before it became a game on steam, what fucking else nigger
>Doesnt host his own version or offer to host/educate people on why the mod version is superior
why should I? if you gave a shit you would've aldready known that the pre steam version is superior
>Whines about it when its shit despite making no attempts to rectify it other then asking, "why arent we playing the mod version"
I aldready asked on friday and yesterday what fucking version we were gonna use and you niggers never said before today, if you had told me I would've explained why pre steam is better, but it's too late for that

>I haven't played in tf2 party vans in over a decade
I suppose I cant fault you for not knowing the password then.
The password is: Rage

Password is fage

threadful of fags more like haha

>pass isnt ''the whiskey''
missed oportunity

As a former prominent member of the Fof community, here are many of the dumb things that have changed over the last few years that killed FoF
>made the jumping and crouching worse, nerfing any kind of advanced movement techniques
>changed shootout by adding a money system and completely reworking weapon chests for the worse
>destroyed fanning and left handed mode
>cannot move whiskey bottles anymore
>bad weapon balance changes overall, listening to vocal whiners in the steam forums
>yellowboy (henry rifle) fucked up completely
>smith carbine removed from starter guns
>lack of additional maps, existing maps get changed over and over for no reason
>removal of modes from former versions
>removed advanced dynamite techniques
>killed teamplay modes with a bad loadout system

Don't play this shit game, and if you must, download an older version:
>hurr durr reddit
Be happy I'm spoonfeeding you this at all. This game used to be wonderful, but a full of himself dev and a shitty autistic steam community killed it for good.

Can you be specific on why it's bad

use if you have to post reddit links
it's right here user


FoF is only fun for an hour until it gets boring
Theres a much better selection of source games, even non source games like Quake to choose from

Is this game good?

>download FoF
>try to run it
>doesn't run
>you have to re-install steam for it to work
>plus everyone who played FoF says the steam version is shit
>have to re-install steam for a shit game I won't play past today
good van

I'm pretty sure quake doesnt support 32 players
sunday vans are boring anyways

gmod is the best sunday van because of how many gamemodes it can handle, everything else has been shartcore
css was fine but not as good as gmod

1. no you fucking dont need to restart steam you ponce
2. thats literally every sunday is playing obscure games that we'll never play again

Quake 2 supports up to 64, or at least it did 20 years ago on a few servers.

then how do i get it to run smartass?

put it on a tread mill

the first gmod van was the only van I joined, it was pretty decent, though connection was garbage
how the hell are source mods obscure? obscure games would be shit like tribes 2 or swat 4
are you sure? I checked and all 3 of them only support 16

Positive. We had 32v32 CTF clusterfucks running all the time. 20 years ago.


fuck fistful of frags, someone put up a tf2 server already

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>they patched it so that you can't spawn with portable whiskey anymore, can only get it from crates
I miss being a dedicated healer

why the fuck does q3 only support 16 then, unless ioquake3 supports more

Quake 3 supports 64.

Is that public 64 players, or is it russian/bugmen shit like how Contagion and NMRIH is "64 players"

What the fuck are you on about? It's Quake 3. Quake 3 could always run 64 players. You just change maxplayers in your settings and there you go.

one thing is that it supports 64 niggers, the other one is that it's designed around it

What part of I PLAYED ON 64 PERSON SERVERS ON QUAKE 2 ON FUCKING DIAL UP WITH SUB 100 PING AND EVERYTHING RAN FINE AND QUAKE 3 RUNS EVEN BETTER don't you understand you filthy fucking underage faggot? Goddamn I hope you get raped by a pack of dogs.

i think we should be nicer

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you played on what with who?

I think you should stop sucking so much dick, you're clearly brain damaged due to oxygen deprivation from having so much cock rammed down your throat.

fuck man I only played quake for sp and ut for mp, how was I supposed to know that, I only looked up at pcgw to see if how many fags the game can handle, besides do you really have to get miffed at that shit, damn

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based chug the horse pussy fucker

lynch all micfags

dios mio


what a shitty fuckin mod
see you fags next week

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what happened

vigilantes>rangers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cow shit>spics>((((((desperados)))))
i wana inseminate that cat

nothing, we had fun.

If sunday vans are boring, suggest a game for us to play/offer to host a van

I have but I dont really care at this point, I havent joined the van like in 3 weeks and I'm just posting here to bump the thread

Why the fuck did we not play Gmod or CS:S again? Literally ruined my week with this gay shit.

yes because TTT is sooooooooo much more fun

neck yourself zoomer

You can play other stuff in Gmod too, also fuck you TTT is fun with password only people.

Well I enjoyed it. Comfy fragging instead of minigame madness for a change is nice.

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Last time we played Gmod it was a majority of TTT. The other gamemodes lasted maybe 10 minutes and then back to TTT where you can't have any fucking fun and everyone just looks at eachother like retards until someone is flagged as OK to shoot

gmod with less emphasis on TTT
get shit like flood, sled building, sandbox, UCH, jailbreak, and melonbomber to work

The reason the gmod event was so focused on TTT was because it was the only stable mode with 40+ players. Everything else lagged to shit.

E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy with 64 player coop playthrough WHEN

>van TTT
>retards shoot everyone on sight >impossible to tell who's a T
>lose a billion karma for a bullet grazing the wrong guy
>deal 0 damage for the next 3 rounds

>any other TTT
>get permabanned for RDM for doing anything

I don't know which is worse

>T shoots a guy
>guy shoots someone next to T
>that guy starts shooting at complete random for some fucking reason
>now everyones shooting

I saw this happen last van

normal TTT by far, with the van you can still actually play the game even if everyone is dicking around

>be inno
>shoot some guy
>that guy starts shooting another guy
>everyone in the immediate area dies in the shitfest
>after the smoke clears someone checks the bodies
>everyone was innocent
never gets old

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>Last gmod van there was a witch hunt because someone's spray
aside from that it was better than the first Gmod van

What happened is that people would just kill anyone they thought was fishy and would only stop till the server changed or they were about to get karma banned.

It is shit like that that makes party TTT so fun.

I don't recall the spray.

flood could work if we could actually move items

Thats not it the reason.
Everything you just listed is broken or not maintained.
Shit like Flood, Sledbuild, UCH, and Melon bomber have been broken for years and the ONLY people who have maintained them are the mega communities who have Lua Coders fixing gamemodes so they can literally sell them and get ad revenue for them.

The reason we played TTT was because every gamemode is broken. Trust me, i'd LOVE to play those with Yea Forums, but they are broken as fuck.

As for Sandbox, its unfeasible. People spam props the moment you enter in, and 40 people, with the ability to only spawn 10 props is still 400 props in the map which will lag the server.

AFAIK there's a currently active UCH server, owned by a relatively small steam group

RE outbreak night when

We have enough people to have a private DARK RP server

Dark RP requires work. If you genuinely think anyones gonna play Base TTT your out of your fucking mind.
Especially with Yea Forums, you'd have to heavily gimp the game and ban shitters who insta-block spawn.

You'd need to strike the balance between custom shit and base shit.
Base Dark RP is boring as sin, and nobody wants to install 200 pony and naked alyx models to get in.

Do you honestly think that will go well?
What stops us from doing stuff like Jailbreak or Deathrun?

Nothing, we played Jailbreak before, but people got bored because its just a power fantasy for the Guards.

>Completely unrestricted Yea Forums sandbox server
Would it be kino?

jailbreak is the faggiest shit ever made and has no purpose to exist

Tried it, crashes in less then 5 seconds.

man I missed it
damnit, I love this game too.

I'm down with trying out a private darkrp server

It died rather early and some people refused to even start it up because they demand everyone download an obscure older version of it to play for a couple hours instead of just using the steam version to make everything go faster and smoother

It died an hour early then when the van usually dies.
Some people whined but we did get like 25 people on, so it's all gucci

New version sucks shit, though. The accuracy mechanic is beyond broken, you can't hit people with a shotgun at point blank range unless you stop and wait for your crosshair to tell you you can shoot.

Don't care. It downloads quick and clean on Steam with 1 click. It's playable. It's only being played for a single night. No reason to do anything else


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>haha wouldn't it be funny if you where a girl and you had to press your face on the horse asshole hahahaha

>horses are mad thicc
what did he mean by this?

chug would fug a donkey mug