Do you think Death Stranding will flop?

Do you think Death Stranding will flop?
I've been trying to gauge what the the general reaction is to Death Stranding on the internet for the past two weeks and I think it's very likely it might flop if reviews aren't 85+.
This is what I've noticed
>Tons of Yea Forums thinks it looks like shit
Okay, not too bad. Just Yea Forums, but then I went elsewhere
>Youtube normies have a very mixed view on the game
>Reddit normies also have a very mixed view with many leaning negative
>Twitch normies have a very mixed view of the game
This is unlike most other Kojima games pre-release.
Pretty much the only unanimously positive group of people are:
I'm hopeful for the game, personally, I think it looks like a good game, but time will tell.

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This masterpiece is not even out and the plebs have already been filtered.

I personally expect the advertising branch of Sony will shill it HEAVILY pre-release and it will sell spectacularly. I'm also excited for it, but besides that, I doubt Sony wouldn't push it.

It'll sell on marketing alone but will be forgotten as both a game and a movie a month later. Will review well with journos but not actual gamers.

No, but I don't think it will be good. I don't think it will 5+ million either, though. It seems like more of a niche title in comparison to something like Uncharted and God of War.

can someone tell me what death stranding actually is? Give me the basic gestalt of what type of game it is.

You strut from point A to point B in various strolling scenarios.

Open world delivery boy simulator with sprinkles of combat and asynchronous multiplayer.

story driven delivery man simulator

He blew it with MGS5.
Now even the normies know he's a hack.

I don't know why anyone would get invested in if it's a flop or a success before it's even released, unless you are the dev of course. It's still coming out regardless and anyone can see it for what it is after release. It's tiring to see that threads like these take up more and more space on Yea Forums.

It'll end up like RDR2

Boomers will appreciate its slow paced gameplay and plot, but zoomers will call it boring or something like that

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2019 Game of the Year.
Screencap this.

It doesn't seem the kind of game normies would like. God of War and Spiderman are straight action games. TLOU is a survival horror zombie game. Death Stranding looks a lot like STALKER for me and that game is an acquired taste. I think it will flop but it will also be a cult classic.

95 critic score
40-60 user score
Game will sell well initially but sales will drop after word of mouth gets around it's another boring as shit walking sim that thinks it's smarter than it is.
It's like modern art. The product is shit but all the dipfuck critics fawn over it because they're pretentious and the fact that they "get it" and anyone with a brain doesn't means they're better than you

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Interdimensional FedEx Simulator.

>it's tiring to see that these threads take up more and more space on Yea Forums
What about all the coom, shitposting, bait, twitter screencap, resetera, politics and low-effort "yes" or "no" question threads on Yea Forums?

It'll sell greatly but be truly loved only by minority of players.

Open world action game with the focus shifted to world traversal and connecting with characters instead of shooting people, spooky super natural themes

Literally the only people who don't like MGS5 are Yea Forums type contrarians and Metal Gear obsessives upset they didn't get the muh evil Big Bossu material they expected

That's just wrong though. Get out more.

pre-order gang?

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No, I don't think it will flop. The shit looks unique and I want it to work.


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no u

>Death Stranding
3 (three) games of the decade, back to back.
Is there anything that can stop Kojima?

Oh, did I leave out Twitch variety streamer oafs who can't into stealth and who abandoned the game to go back to their battle royale of the month?

psssh nothin personnel kid

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You need to save the president and the internet went down. Fix that shit.

Will it flop? No, it won't. Will it be good? No idea.

It'll probably do fine. Kojima games and MGS usually sell around 5-7 million so I expect that.

You can't even pull the b-b-but Metacritic thing on this one because it shows the truth. MGSV was universally considered one of the great games of 2015, arguably game of the year.

>Now even the normies know he's a hack
You're seriously overestimating the amount of people who care about "exposing" a video game developer like some obsessed schizos on the internet. Most people simply don't give a shit and probably don't even know who Hideo Kojima is.
Even taking into account the amount people who go out of their way to have discussions about video games, most actually have positive things to say about MGSV if Steam and MC user scores are anything to go by.

People who keep hammering this "hack fraud" shit are an extreme minority within a minority, and that's even assuming every time someone says that is doing so unironically.

I was a big time Kojima fanboy from MGS1 all the way up until MGS5 then I lost interest in video games because of how shitty it was. There's a lot of people who can see right through that gook's bullshit now after MGS4&5.

It has to. One can only walk in a game for so long.

meant for

>it's another boring as shit walking sim
You don't know what that word means.

the fact is the game looks boring for your CoD, GoW type of gamer. They don't buy games based on who directs them, if the game has guns it sells.

just because you didn't like MGSV doesn't mean it wasn't a good game

It will sell well and review well. There is a lot of hype for this game and I think a lot of people are clueless and going on the name alone. I think it will be clear once the game is out that it will be a shitshow.

Not even Kojima knows what it's about, he said it himself, so just enjoy the scenery and the comfy gameplay.

It wasn't a good game. It was a good tech demo and skeleton of what could've been a good game.

>all these coping Vfags

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>Walk from point A to point B
>TLoU tier stealth combat only added here and there as an attempt to break up the monotony
>Walk from point A to point B
>repeat until the end of the game, where you have to make a decision who to give the baby to
Screencap this

I think die hard Kojima fans are gonna sing praises - even if they themselves didn't enjoy it - and most people are gonna hate it. It's gonna be the video game equivalent of Twin Peaks' final season.

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It might, but its definitely a unique game. I'm honestly curious what the game will be like when it releases.

Never question the power of a PS4 exclusive.

Days Gone was a massive success. Who even remembers Days Gone?

And this isn't the worlds most generic zombie game, it's the newest release from one of the most famous and loved creators there is.

>the fact is the game looks boring for your CoD, GoW type of gamer
But who gives a shit? Do you think Kojima, or Sony, or anyone looking forward to DS is under the impression this game will have mainstream mass appeal? That's not even true of Dark Souls, and that game is regarded as some sort of "modern classic".

>bosses are garbage compared to MGS1-3, even worse than 4's bosses
>Takes PW's absolute worst elements and infuses them with the most hardcore steroids then jams them into MGSV
>Skull face
>The story
>Dull and mediocre level-design
>Repetitive missions
>Reused missions
Yeah, what a good game. The only good thing to come out of V was Ground Zeroes.

Twin Peaks final season is absolute god-tier kino, so if this is the video game equivalent then it means Death Stranding is going to be absolute god-tier ludo.
Check mate unbelievers, WE WON KOJIBROS

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Let's not kid ourselves. The game will be a big steaming mess of Kojima-isms but it will still sell fantastically just because of name recognition and hipster cred alone.

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>Land traversal
climbing, rappelling, balancing, walking/running/vehicles

>Survival mechanics
stamina, stress, blood level in mL, shoe degradation, cargo degradation, resting

>Human combat
nonlethal and lethal options, enemies can take your shit and you'll have to steal it back. In Kojima fashion you can stealth and pacifist run

>Monster combat
the BTs: gazers, hunters, catchers, fight or escape

>Building mechanics and Soulsbourne style mechanics
Leave your ladder or climbing rope behind. Build a rain shelter or a locker to share items with others. Cooperate with a bunch of people to build literal highways, safehouses and bridges. Or don't do any of these things if you dont want to

>No traditional game over
When you "die," you basically astral project, try to recolllect most your items then respawn. The area you died in was nuked and leaves a crater. Shitty players will have craters all over the place and good players might not have any craters at all

>Norman Reedus dating sim
In the saferoom, you can do cute shit with Norman Reedus like play dress up, watch him shower, stare at his balls or get him drunk on beer/Monster

there is no way a HIDEO KOJIMA game will flop

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>TLoU tier stealth

Nigger. I know Kojima is a meme here but really?

I bet you played MGSV with reflex mode on like a fucking casual didn't you?

Kojima-isms aren't necessarily bad though. Just look at MGS1-3, those are great games. Only 4-V are shit, and even Ground Zeroes proved to be quite great despite it's small size. I think you're judging the game too early. Might be a return to form and be as good as GZ but on a bigger scale.

The area you die in only leave a crater if you get consumed by a BT.

Don't know about that user, but my MGSV run was with no markers and Reflex mode on. Was breddy fun. Reflex mode felt very fair there because of no markers and having to actually scout out and memorize shit beforehand rather than just dragging you camera all over the screen and marking everything.

The voice actress who played Lightning in Final Fantasy at TGS said the reaction she got when it was announced she'd been cast in Death Stranding was unlike any she'd gotten before in her career

Kojima games are serious business whether you like it or not

You can't even joke that Kojima could make a game about throwing handfuls of shit at things and it would be a hit, because HE LITERALLY HAS MADE THAT

>voice actress who played Lightning in Final Fantasy at TGS
This is the first time I've heard about this. What character is she playing in DS?

what if he made a game about dog fucking?

MGS5's stealth is laughably bad. There were a lot of .webms posted in late 2015 here about how shitty the AI is in that game.

I played with Reflex Mode on but only as a learning tool, I play game over on sight style but reflex let me see my mistakes

Norman Reedus's character

I just wonder if this will turn into a franchise or not. I feel like after decades of being forced to work on MG Kojima would want to work on a bunch of different settings and ideas.

Why is he such an asshole bros?

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The game seems risky in general based on what Kojima has said about it. I’m looking forward to it personally but I have no clue how well it’s going to perform. If it turns out great I don’t expect amazing sales early on but it’ll probably one of those games that keeps selling well long after release because it’s regarded as one of the system’s classics.

She's the Japanese voice of Mama

I thinks it's going to sell pretty well but I don't think it's going to be that good at all

he needs a better translator lmao

Dogs fucking dogs, or dogs fucking people? Asking for a friend.

>MGS5's stealth is laughably bad.

Get a load of this idiot.

So Kojima is just the "ideas guy" and this game shows how creatively bankrupt he is.

Really though. Does anyone consider video game voice actors as real actors?

I am still convinced kojima is hiding half the game of what happens when you die.

If that shit is fun the the game will review fine and sell well.

It has Kojima's name on it so it won't flop. Kojima has been memed into godhood so anything with his name on it will sell like crazy


The only thing lower than a video game voice actor is a video game dub actor.

I don't think he'd have any intention of franchising it or creating some ongoing super series, part the reason for Metal Gears longevity was it's name strength made it easy for him to get games greenlit. Now he's independent it's not an issue.

I haven’t heard a Kojima refer to it as a new series or anything like that, plus he’s got the influence and resources to be able to do only original projects from now on if he so chooses. He’ll merchandise the fuck out of Death Stranding though, and there’ll probably be tie-ins and shit for years to come.

nigga please

Also he dedicated one of DS's TGS presentations entirely to show casing his voice actors.

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It’s got a clear mystery angle to it so I’m sure he’s hiding quite a bit. In the E3 2019 (I think?) trailer we see like half a second of a giant cthulu looking monster walking through a city and stepping on cars, plus in the world of the dead there are those things swimming in the air above the water.

>Dogs fucking dogs, or dogs fucking people?
why stop there?

Kojima-isms are overly melodramatic and childish bullshit that just happens to be hammy and on the nose enough to work sometimes. The reason it hasn't worked in a long time is that it's incompatible with a fully serious tone like what DS has. Kojima also got a pas for it in the past because the industry wasn't very mature back then. Now that he wants to hang with the movie-game big boys he doesn't get that pass.
I have no hope for any kind of return to form because there was no form to begin with

Just play Deadly Premonition then. It's much more of an interesting product than Death Stranding will ever be.

I'll be shit but won't flop, bad games make bank all the time

Ah yes. The grown up and mature video games industry.

How can Kojima hope to stand along the likes of thematic masterpieces like God of War and it's message that being a dad is tough.

I'm not saying I'm a fan of that bullshit. I'm saying that Kojima definitely is though and that's the tone he sets and the standard by which he'll be judged

Kojima games are for people who eat up stuff like God of War and are incredibly insecure about games being "art". There's already plenty of developers out there advancing the medium in interesting ways, but not enough people ever take notice for whatever reason.

The AI in MGS V is fucking retarded, so he's not wrong.

the human apotheosis while u go from the everyday shit

And yet Kojima is the first person out there trying to do something with open world games that isn't just another slight modification of what the genre has been since GTA3

I don’t necessarily agree that Kojima’s games don’t advance the medium in some ways, but in general I agree with that sentiment. One of the ones that annoys me the most is Dragon’s Dogma, Itsuno made the next big leap forward in terms of fusing RPGs and action games without dumbing down either aspect, yet no other devs took notice. Mechanically it was brilliant and the best realised ‘action RPG’ yet made despite everything else about the game being of questionable quality, yet no other devs saw fit to try and tackle it themselves and would rather just rip off Dark Souls repeatedly because it gives them a formula they don’t have to do any of their own creative flexing for. God I hope Dragon’s Dogma 2 delivers. This sort of thing happens all the time in most mediums unfortunately.

I anticipate it to be the highest rated game of all time, solely because of it including game journalist difficulty mode in a AAA game.

it'll sell gang busters with the help of critics led by geoff.

They will keep defending it because of what Kojima said about Brexit and Trump, and boost the scores. The audience scores (it's a movie) will be near the 60s because people will see that this is just Phantom Pain ported to a more pretentious setting.

The social strand gimmick will be nothing more than leaving asynchronous messages or seeing player ghosts like in dark souls.

I expect tons of padding and a rushed mid to end game.

Christ, what will Geoff even do when his friend is exposed?

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How is he doing that exactly? Death Stranding is looking as boring as an open world game can get so far. The open world trend just needs to die for now.

>Do you think Death Stranding will flop?
No, it has cinematic graphics. That's all you need these days especially with critics.

No idea, but I'm willing to give Kojima the benefit of the doubt after GZ/TPP. I don't look forward to playing it months after release if/when the multiplayer has fizzled out and everyone's already on to the next thing (or rather is done talking about it already, sharing your experiences with others is almost half the fun) but such is life when you can't afford full-price games.

Pretty much. The game's actual quality won't matter for sales, at least for now. The game will sell 100 times better than any hotcake by the time it initially releases. That's the way of the Kojimafags.

>Do you think Death Stranding
no way in hell, its got GTA5 levels of hype around it, wouldnt surprise me if it became the best selling game of 2019, what im really interested in is its legacy, i personally feel like alot of the people hyping DS up are people who got on the kojima hypetrain with MGSV, either through playing the game themselves or through his reputation of being a master ruseman genius game dev, alot of those people missed out on his earlier games that were actually good (first three MGS games, ZOE etc) and they dont know that kojima hasnt released a good game since 2005, while his earlier titles are still loved by many all over the world and are considered some of the best games in history, i personally dont believe death stranding will reach that level of lasting appeal.

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From what I've seen I'm not super excited, I might buy it after release on sale though.

Bought 4 cases of monster I’m kinda regretting it but whatever I’m going to like this game whether I like it or not

Uber eats simulator

No exclusive is going to become the best selling game, but it definitely might be up there in sales numbers.

Death Stranding will not be a flop, it'll be another financially successful let down where most of the audience is profoundly disappointed, just like MGSV. People need to stop bitching about the taste of feces if they insist on eating whatever Kojima shits in their mouths.

Since when is hating kojima cool?

it literally can't flop. it's got norman and mads and del toro and a huge following since the early days of silent hills and PT. it's 100% impossible it will flop.


lmao holy shit all this desperate fud

Who the fuck didn’t buy a ps quadruple

but what is the significance of EAT STANDING?

You try to reconnect fallen cities by delivering things and you have to stay alive from beached things and other evil entities. If you die you go to limbo and have to fight your way back to life.

You deliver supplies across a post apocalyptic America and link settlements together in the process.
You're basically a provisioner from Fallout 4

I think it will have the combined problem of over inflated budget and unrealistic sales expectations. Will that mean flop? I can't say. But I do remember Tomb Raider reboot was also a flop because it only sold two million units.

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>stare at his balls

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>unrealistic sales expectations
I think people are definitely doing this. MGS has never been a Rockstar or EA level sales series. They sell well but usually like the 7 million area. If people or execs are expecting much more than that then they are