Why do leftists continuously shove their ideology into games?

Why do leftists continuously shove their ideology into games?

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When gdc turn into vice-tier?

because conservatives have no artistic talent thus they have no influence, theres exceptions of course but the majority are artistically talentless

Meanwhile the best games come from eastern europe and japan which are more right wing and nationalist than the US. Feels good.

what was the purpose of this thread

because we're right

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Oh yeah because conservatives are totally making all that porn out of Japan right?

Considering it drives you leftist trannies insane because girls are sexualized, I'm guessing those guys probably loathe sjws.
Remember: Sony only began censoring games after moving to califagia

Why do incels live in constant fear of the leftists? Why do they pretend to be right wing and conservative while living a wasteful, degenerate, godless lifestyle? why do they pretend to be shocked and offended when the world doesn't work according to their sheltered, fat and fantastic world view? Why are they constantly parroting russian propaganda, seemingly without realising it?
Why are these fat embarrassments all over the internet?


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Hey man, when did Russia become a stand-in for western white civilization?

There's a significant and astonishing difference between white Russia and the USA; One's beautiful the other is shit, care to guess which?


So the question now becomes, how do we revert the shit you have bestowed upon us; to go back to White Western Civilization from a Cultural marxist hellhole.

My favorite part about Marx is how other philosophers alive during his time outright made fun of him and blew him the fuck out because nothing he predicated happened or was even close to happening. In fact, everything was the opposite.

>Communism only took root in poor, underdeveloped nations that had no industry or capitalistic infrastructure and was merely used as a tool for authoritarian governments
>Poor people's lives improved by leaps and bounds all over the capitalistic world and no modern capitalistic nation had a magical worker's uprising

Its amazing how one man can be so wrong yet still have a bunch of people follow his every world. Marx was a joke in the economics/philosophy world back then and he still is today.

Case in point, it's always deranged fatasses behaving like 12 year olds, probably with some behavioural disorder. That's why these specimens are so easy to manipulate.

>muh russian conspiracy!

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>replace seeds with weeds
>replace people with plants

Also marginalism btfoing the ltv and dialectics being a psuedoscience

There isn't one. OP is a fat faggot.

Because you don't do anything to stop it.

>muh ruskies
>but the others are manipulated

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Japan is socially conservative, but politically pretty liberal. After the war, they've become a lot more diplomatic with other countries, and have become much more peace-loving, having agreed to the terms outlined in the NPT.
Of course, they could easily make nukes overnight, but the point is that they haven't yet.

to shit on leftists

Communism and Marxism is sold to young people today as a "Robin Hood" fantasy.
It is just an excuse to rob the rich CEOs TV.
Something niggers and gypsy's have 0 problem doing without a social movement.
Then you have these faggots who have taken over modern communism. These people are not working class. they haven't seen a 9-5 job in their life. Middle class LARPers. They just call themselves commies so they can use it to create a protected class. Ironic really a system that was used to destroy classes is now used to protect the alphabet class. I feel sorry for the true believers really to see it co-opted by these people.
If you want a preview of how society would work under these people look no further than this youtube video of their conference
Imagine a political crisis that has to be sorted out and these massive faggots are complaining about their body image problems.

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I too remember being 15