Mods deleting an in-depth point and click thread because of toni butt

>mods deleting an in-depth point and click thread because of toni butt

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Trannies feel threatened by 2D drawings of healthy cis women.

Think of the advertisers.
Their American hearts can't handle female nipples and buttcracks.

>cis women
you can't fool me tranny

I bet if was a boy bum the gaymer jannie trannies wouldn't delete the thread.

don't think there was even a nipple, regardless, just delete the fucking image instead of the whole thread you trash interns.

That Deponia? Dropped the game cuz the main character sucked ass.

german game is crap

>cis woman
There’s no such thing as cis you dumb faggot. It’s just woman

Isn't that what trannies call real women tho? Or did I use it out of context?

Whatever happened to Inkerton?
Haven't heard much about them since the Tumblr got sanitized.

they deleted it because you posted nsfw on a blue board

please don't be one of those anons that pretends to be oblivious/ignorant/ retarded when they do dumb shit and get hit for it. we have too many of those as is

mods want reddit tier discussion, and they don't care if video games have to go to accomplish this

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Deponia is shit. Your thread deserved to be taken down

Well, jannies are fucking retarded, does that surprise you? for starters, they do it for free

Did you expect the tranny jannys here to actually know any of the discussed games instead of just kneejerk deleting stuff that could be porn but isn't while also being 100% on topic and not breaking a single borad or global rule?

Attached: are you winning son.webm (1024x800, 1.33M)

the janny defense brigade has arrived


That's the point, he's your asshole point and click protagonist amped up to 11 in a world that actually doesn't let him get away with it

Is there deponia type of point and clickers? Mostly mean gameplay wise.

The thread was clearly healthy and if the mods were that immensely triggered they could've just deleted the picture of cartoon butt, instead of wiping out like 200 posts of real discussion.
Now instead we have a thread that's just bitching about them instead.

logic doesn't apply to them, it's a pointless effort to point that out. They hate freedom

holy cringe chuds!!!


Attached: Toni.png (520x600, 245K)

Made me very angry since I really like P&C and most threads here are about shitty AAA games or are shitposts. They keep e-celeb and bait threads for hours here. Especially if they are about disgusting Tranny SJW topics or Nintendo games. This board is dead.

just say women. trannies are not women, only women are women. don't play their dumb game.

looks like she fucks black people

>Why yes, I would very well refer to myself as a Chud. How did you know?

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i mean its been a few years since i played the first game but he seemed to largly get away with it or if he didn't it didn't actually matter

Del wit it nu-Yea Forums. The hilarious notion that this place was ever a bastion of "free speech" and not just a wild west like it really was just shows how nu r u. Iurk moar faggit

She's the protagonists ex GF. The protagonist is also a downy retard so I'm not sure what that says about her taste in men.

What Leisure suit larry game should I play? I have them on steam.

lol u tk him 2 da bar|?

does that matter? and why?

Since the last thread ended about Doomsday and how it felt a bit cheap.
Poki, the creator, actually had no intention to do another Deponia game, but was forced to do it anyway (on a tight schedule on top of that). So he looked for a way to not ruin the trilogy story-wise.

he doesn't really get away with it, nearly all his plans fail, his selfishness pushes everyone away and he's eventually forced to re-evaluate himself and whether it's all worth it.
It's a slow burn and he's definitely unlikable, but unless you're self inserting as him then he's a perfectly fine character.

I bought the first three Deponia games awhile ago but never started them.

I decided to get the Hector trilogy at the same time to sort of redip my toes in the adventure pool, but by the time I was done with Hector I got disctracted by other games and forgot about Deponia entirely. I am far too distracted to start them now.

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Then cover them with severed heads and blood. The censors will have no problem with that.

Ahhhh that makes sense. Like coomer posting. First cmbrain didn't work now this stupid meme

Delete this. I don't care how cute she is. I DO NOT want to see the smelly arse of a HUMAN BEING.

I am genuinely going to start censoring sexual content with violent content.

What's that link to the one MS Paint furry "I knew you were trouble" video?

>unless you're self inserting as him then he's a perfectly fine character
I was self-inserting as him and I think he turned out to be a fine character.

is it? i was thinking of torrenting it

It's always interesting to observe. If you look at the German fanbase, most people will tell you how much they love Rufus as a character.
If you look at English speaking communities, so probably mostly US players, they will tell you how much they hate Rufus and what a terrible character he was.

I want to marry Fran Bow when she becomes of legal age (14)!

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It's an okaish game, art is the high point, but you will be left with a bad taste in your mouth at the end and possibly a slight depression if you like any of the characters.

I admit he was a terrible asshole at start but he does grow on you later. I think westerners never made it past the first chapter (for obvious reasons).

Why do Germans love being naked so much?

least effective insult ever developed.

he's unlikable
almost every line he has is so absolutely grating that i could barely stomach enough to finish the first game and dropped the second within an hour upon realisation that he hadn't changed or learnt anything from the first game
i'm all for shitbag protags in a point and click game but jesus christ Rufus is too much and its a shame because I genuinely liked the world and aesthetic of Deponia

>i missed a point and click thread

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Same reason why they love being messy and scat so much


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What do you mean by westerners? Is this a series popular in Asia?

Europeans consider themselves central and not western

i never got that self inserting shit. you either like a character or don't. hell you can hate a character but still kind of like it.
doesn't matter if it reminds you of you or doesn't. also that's pretty gay.

Yeah I was speaking purely out of geographical point of view, but I do consider the west mostly USA and UK (native English speakers).


Trannies love to use 2d drawings of women as avatars due to them looking nothing like real women.

I'm not used to western games having this much fanservice

Love for Sail is peak Larry then go for the remake and then the DOS games from 6 to 2. Magna Cum Laude is kinda fun, don't bother with Box Office.

Speaking of coomer posting.. check out this madlad at Yea Forums.

I think that's as much as you get



UM, you can't post naked women here, jannies please remove this it's inappropriate and creepy..

Islam is right about women

Why are you even allowed to post women not wearing their burqa? Why doesn't anyone think of the advertisers??

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>Naked ass on the front page!

Attached: FUCK YEAH.webm (720x404, 1.35M)

mods will freak


I was kinda sad that was her only nude scene. Start with the goods on display and end with nothing. Too sinister even for german made.

theres the goal pinup and the black chick in 3 but other than that i cant think of many lewds

You know I gotta dab on em for this
Yeah you like that janny? Get dabbed on

>Blackwell series
>Thimbleweed Park

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Cis is probably my most hated non-word of the recent insanity, another case of making up words to add a derogatory slant to being a normal person.

This "censorship" actually no. I won't even call it that. this curation (better word for it) is really a breath of fresh air. Before when i'd browse this board i'd be always a game of chance. Can I post in this thread in front of my wife? can I post in it in front of my friends? Usually i'd be a huge gamble.
I've had a few stern words throw my way after she saw a few threads. But now that the mods are FINALLY against these perverted sexist posts I think Yea Forums can finally recover and be what it always supposed to be. A videogames board.

Lost Horizon > Ankh > Book of Unwritten Tales > Secret Files: Tunguska > The Raven >>>>>>> Deponia

A very fine bait but a bait nonetheless. Your subversion is not appreciated.

> Yea Forums
> family friendly

solid 8/8

This image and game seems kinda sexist... yikes.

And that's a good thing. Sexism exists in real life no matter how much some mental cases want to wish it all away (and maybe throw some people in prison if they had the say so).

ironic shitposting is still shitposting
stop encouraging it

Um this is 4channel sweetie

You’re still asked if you’re 18, dumbass.

And? you know what Safe For Work Means?

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The definition of which is totally arbitrary.
For example depending on which mod is on, this image is furry porn.

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You're browsing anime images online at work, nigger. Everybody hates you already regardless of user posting pixel butt.

...Are you retarded? Please fucking tell me WHY ELSE they ask.

What's the best classic Point and clicks for someone who never touched the genre?

she does show up in a skin tight suit later. promotional art is good too.

point and clicks suck desu

What's the secret to compelling point and click (or similar VN) games? Besides a good story and environment of course.

Give everything that you can motion and panning

Playtest your game so it's not running on some shitty logic that only the writer could ever solve

>2D drawings of healthy cis women.
>healthy cis women.
>cis women.

You mean NORMAL woman.