This is a plea to Nintendo that will go unread and unanswered

This is a plea to Nintendo that will go unread and unanswered.

Nintendo. Please. STOP making these woodwind-themed tracks in your games. Please. Seems over the past decade or so, Nintendo has slowly been creeping in these woodwind tracks into their games... and they are not working. Link's Awakening remake is littered with them. These new Yoshi games are littered with them.

And those have the additional insult of the other "thing" they're doing with tracks, especially in Yoshi and Kirby games, where the track is played off-kilter, as if an untalented or very young group of kids are TRYING to keep on pitch and beep and step. Admittedly that one irks me the most, but both of these are bad.

I'm not sure who the music composition team is comprised of at Nintendo these days, but please please PLEASE stop trying to create these psuedo-minimalistic, off-tune, off-key, woodwind-themed tracks in these classic/pillar Nintendo franchises. These tracks are bad, out of place, and are not working.

For fuck's sake people, if you think I'm crazy, go listen to the Link's Awakening Remake game into and music, and then go listen to the original on GB! It's like the theme grew a fucking manbun and ordered a latte!!!!

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Am... am I alone here?



I played the oboe in high school. I can confirm it's trash.

>go listen to the Link's Awakening Remake game into and music
How about you fetch it for me, retard.
Yes, since nobody's going to do the work for you to figure out what you even mean.

>he doesn't know about water trumpets
you need to go further

>it's a Hoenn thread

Fuck off the saxophone is based

I'll agree that MK8's saxophone is absolutely obnoxious.

Is there an exact moment where nintendo went to shit when it comes to music/sound direction?

Remember all those awful NSMB games with their WAAH! WAAH! soundtracks?



Email them or do something. Find a way to contact them and at least you have a chance

Zoom zoom

OP's example.

However, here are some of those Yoshi tracks:

Please kill yourself

Post some examples OP, I haven't played newer Nintendo games.

>Top tier
Strings and piano
>Mid tier
>Shit tier
Brass and woodwind. Brass especially makes everything sound like boring capeshit.

Now I see what you mean, it's really annoying and low effort.

I love the clarinet. What a comfy ass instrument.

Violin or guitar

If there's music from an instrument you have to blow into you can just blow me instead lmao fuck you

y-yeah... fuck the saxophone

Prefer hearing cello/violin but a good autistic guitar can do wonders for an OST depending on the atmosphere they're going for.

>Mid tier
Piano here, don't even play percussion but if done well they can carry a track. Of course they will almost never stand out as well as the others because they're not supposed to but mid tier is kinda downplaying them a bit. Agree with the others though.

try again, and this time pick a single tier for piano

>yes I play the bass oboe for nintendo how could you tell?

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Musicians around the world BTFO

>Piano tier
>Everything else
Everything else

Eat my entire ass, the Sax literally makes MK8's soundtrack

>Ultra-mega-god tier
>Not worth it
Everything else

stop reminding me I used to play music but then quit because I never wanted to practice and sorely miss it while realizing I was never good or motivated to do it in the first place

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Just start again, it's a rewarding hobby regardless of how good you are.

Brass is great as long as it isnt underwater.

>Blaming poor use of the instruments on the instruments themselves.

Imma need you to stop right there. They usually do that for "cute" games like the two you mentioned. Another game they've got full ensembles with a wide variety of instruments going. Just listen to Smash's theme or Mario Odyssey.

Attached: 1466290315575.jpg (840x632, 104K)

I still hate practicing and l can't play by ear so I can't even play vidya music
plus my instrument has fucked up pads or something and I would need to get it fixed for god knows how much money

What instrument?

Never, it varies by game. Mario Odyssey, XC2, and Three Houses all had great soundtracks, with XC2 arguably surpassing XC1. BotW's sound design was stellar, although its score is divisive because it doesn't have bombastic overworld themes (and what it has doesn't have enough variety). They also licensed and published Cadence of Hyrule which was literally full of bangers.

Alright so question I guess for you piano nerds, I've always wanted to play and I've got my eyes set on a pretty good cheap learner piano, the only thing really stopping me is that I definitely don't have the money for formal lessons or any of that shit. Are there any decent online things to help me learn how to play? I don't care if I have to pay a little bit for them, they're going to be at least affordable unlike actual lessons.

>I still hate practicing
That's just something you have to deal with if you really want to learn to play. It's probably something most people never get over but for some, myself included the reward of finally nailimg a piece and beong able to play something well eventually is far greater than the touble of having to put myself in front of the instrument to play.

I agree with you on the second point but not the first. Woodwind instruments are great and I even like the Links Awakening theme. The yoshi songs are fucking annoying though. The whole aesthetic of that game seems really focused on have this toddler-esque quality to it though so I get why they did it. It just doesn’t appeal to me on any conceivable level, but I bet it appeals to Japanese women:

Someone finally said it.
God bless you, OP. I hate pokemon soundtrack because of it, that underwater sounding ones from game boy.

>I've got my eyes set on a pretty good cheap learner piano
Piano or keyboard? Make sure you know the difference between the two if you want to go any further. I personally started with the keyboard and I'm thinking of switching to the piano because of how simplistic the former feels, I wanna play something more than just pop songs. As for lessons just about anyone would recommend taking physical lessons at first at least for a while since it will help you to build foundations that you may screw up and not realize on your own which you'll just have to unlearn later.

to this day I have never played a mid staff Bb that didn't sound like airy fucking dogshit
but I'm pretty sure some other pad on the thing is leaking air last time I checked, fuck that instrument it has too many failure points and putting it together before I play is like solving a fucking rubix cube
the saxophone was way more fun to play and a lot less headache
I honestly hated and still do hate practicing more than anything, I only ever got carried by being in a large group which is still more fun than playing alone even if I didn't suck
I never even properly learned my scales or memorized keys, when I was in a jazz group and we had improv sections I'd have to write out the sharps and flats in each measure instead of just knowing it in my head like everyone else
the only thing in my life I can have an okay time practicing at is vidya

Expanding on this:
>frisson tier
Cello, violin, piano
>can shine melodically
lead/acoustic guitar, flutes, sax, oboe occasionally
>does its job by blending in, but huge impact when good
Percussion, bass (both kinds)
>better used harmonically
Brass, other woodwinds, violas, alto anything
>Trash tier
>in all tiers
Vocals, synth

this but for runescape but also with dubstep elements

I think that mid-staff Bb is just an awkward fingering on the instrument.

But if you still have it laying around, try and get it looked at and learn some songs on it. Getting it fixed shouldn't cost too much.

If that fails, look into getting a cheap Sax. Transitioning from clarinet to sax is easier than the opposite. Trust me, I tried.

Piano. I'm probably going to end up pulling the trigger on the Alesis Recital. It's cheap as fuck but it has alright reviews.

Just download synthesia and some MIDIs.

Cool, but if it's piano you're going for then all the more reason online lessons may not cut it, various things like dynamics are very hard to spot mistakes in yourself when starting out. It might be possible, learning shit is different for everyone but personally I wouldn't recommend it.

I think I'm going to try that flowkey thing I see shilled on music streams/channels. If that doesn't work, I'd have to travel a decent way to find any kind of actual formal lessons. Not a whole lot of that kind of thing near me. I live in a pretty shithole area

it's a shit note because you're opening the two holes at the very top of the thing, like I said I don't see a way to not make it sound airy and shitty
I've already played the sax extensively at this point so I know how to go between them, I just don't own one
I also can't learn any songs without sheet music and finding shit for things I actually want to play is a nightmare, both stuff I don't have to transpose and stuff that is written for a solo instead of part of an arrangement
whoever came up with the idea of instruments being in different keys and having to transpose shit should be tortured to death

Synthesia? they're kinda like guitar tabs for piano, helps you to learn stuff easily but professionals and people playing at a high level will tell you that they don't really help in the long run since learning how to read proper sheet music is more beneficial. Honestly though a lot of this depends on the reason you're playing and what kind of level you want to play at. If you're just doing it as a hobby then there's no need to be 100% tryhard about it, but if you are thinking of doing it seriously and going somewhere with it like making a living off of it then you might want to get as much as you can right instead of wasting time on improper technique, since if you're only beginning to learn as an adult you're many years of practice and experience behind other people who've been doing it from a young age.

Ah I see.

And I kind of understand your point about finding stuff you want to play. That's just how it is mang.

Is the stuff you want to learn video game related? I know its a silly question but I'm curious.

pretty much
there's not really anything I'm super motivated to learn either though, without a group it's a lot harder to work towards a song with how agonizing trying to practice is
plus since it's not a piano a lot of things just don't sound the same since I can't play chords and shit with the melody obviously

I'd still focus on just learning the melody. Even if it sounds off without the chords, the act of learning a piece can be pretty fun.

But like you said, being unmotivated to do so gets in the way. I've been trying to learn some songs on my guitar for months and only kind of have them down.

it just isn't fun to practice an instrument
I can practice video game stuff and have fun but nothing else

>if I bitch on Yea Forums things will change