Fags don't want Touhou music in Smash

>fags don't want Touhou music in Smash
What's wrong with you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I have never even played Touhou but the music's good so I'd welcome Reimu into Smash.

because you suck

Sakurai just reiterated that there will be no anime characters

But I do

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Good thing she isn't one then.

I still don't know what Touhou even is. I've seen the games on the PS store but they just seem like assorted shitty flash games. Is there a particularly iconic Touhou game that actually justifies this bizarre Reimu for Smash meme?


I'm sure Nintendo will want the music of a known plagiarist in their games. No way that could backfire legally speaking.

I do though.

Fuck off stupid secondary.

Reimu's final smash?
Everyone turns into clones of her.

>muh secret club
Kill yourself.

dumb pedo

Reimu in Smash would ruin the fanbase & franchise, if she got a Sans deal where it's a costume/song the song is guaranteed to be UN Owen so why even bother. Put in Saber instead, the franchise & fanbase are already shit and the OST is great if they rely on the FSN OST.

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Play EOSD or PCB. You can download it off Moriya Shrine

>Relating the fanbase with its franchise
You're a fucking retard.

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>Reimu in Smash would ruin the franchise

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>retard forgets about Sword Goku as always
>this is shit so let's put it in 'cuz at least it won't get any shittier

>Sword Goku
Crono came from a game

>fags don't want Minecraft music in smash
What's wrong with you nigga?

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Minecraft doesn't work in a game like Smash

*Minecraft music


DLC is coming with music and Gyromite does fit

animal crossing

I'd only want it if we got Takkoman, CtC, ShibayanRecords, and Luna Nights music along with the stock stuff.

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>Comparing Minecraft music to Touhou music

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When Reimu uses the Thanos gauntlet, it has a very different effect on people from when Thanos uses it.

oh fuck off.
theirs not a lot of GREAT touhou music tracks.
most of the really good "touhou" music is fanmade shit.
Maybe 5 amazing tracks, and the rest is forgettable
People will hate me for saying it but its fucking true, lets be real here

>Reimu's Final Smash
>The stage music changes to this youtu.be/IDUEFgx5pdw

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id love touhou music in smash.
thats why i wholly support the reimu mii costume.

There are hundreds of compositions. Such a bold claim only makes you look like an ignorant shithead or a low effort troll

Reimu's a lazy bum, right?
So uh what effect do you think that has on everyone else when she uses her final smash?

user if you wanted people to post good 2hu music you could have just asked

Her final smash causes her to stop being lazy for a few moments. No survivors.

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Ya theirs a lot of music, how does this invalidate my point?
Most of it is just alright,
A lot of it blends together and you only remember really stand out ones like flowering night
Which had a better fanmade remix DESU

i still do not fucking get this joke

Post those songs that haven't left your head for a while:


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fuck, i forgot about the word filter
Gonna take the yikes on that one

Well I don't get the coomer joke. But people still post it, don't they?


>implying there is bad 2hu music
Even fucking PC-98 has godtier OST

btw fav in the series youtube.com/watch?v=gQN6BRALkhw

Have you even heard shanghai teahouse?

Marisa would absolutely have to be involved in her Final Smash, just like Chrom was for Robin, & how MM/Hero show off all the other protags. Plus, if the final smash is a Fantasy Heaven/Master Spark tag, we'll get that glorious BWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM in Smash HD.

Most of the games on the PS/Switch store are shitty flash fangames of Touhou, since the creator allows other indie devs to use the IP freely (more or less). The official mainline Touhou series is a game series that's about 25 years old and has over 20 mainline games, which split between ~17 bullet hell games and 6 official 2D fighting games. There's probably hundreds of fan games at this point. I wouldn't say that any one mainline game is head and shoulders over the rest in terms of "iconic" status; it's more so that the franchise as a whole has significant and enduring popularity in Japan particularly.

It's also important to keep in mind that as Touhou has 6 official fighting games, Reimu has appeared in more fighting games than most Smash characters (and that's counting Smash). She's got a ton of readily-available moveset potential.

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The part about "maybe 5 good tracks". Music is subjective but that's just too retarded to be taken seriously.

Just realized I'm forgetting some of the spinoff mainline games, so the full total of mainline bullet hell games in the series is probably closer to 25, if not higher. It's a really big series.

I'd be happy enough to have Marisa as an assist trophy, floating on the top of the stage shooting thousands of stars before doing a 10 second long Master Spark finisher, all while having the "Spell Card Attack" on the background. Now imagine if it was Okuu with her CAUTION sounding all over the place.

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Would Reimu"s FS be Fantasy Seal or Fantasy Heaven?

>That fig
Peak soul

Would have been fine with it. But I'm sick of seeing this cunt's face plastered all over Yea Forums that I don't want her in any more.

literaly no1 givs a flyign fuck abot stuped ghey fuckign helo kity barbie adn frens sesame street pu$$y poly pokit wimpy kidy ghey stupid brotharz braul

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A-user, are you ok?

Marisa as an AT would be great as well, but a tag-team final smash would be too fantastic to pass up. Although, I suppose that if Marisa's not the AT, it becomes a lot harder to pick. I assume it'd end up defaulting to Youmu, maybe?

No chance we get Luna Nights music, but man, that'd be incredible. I'd love to have their version of Maiden's Capriccio. I wish we had more fangames which were that polished; the vast majority are extremely rough around the edges even if they're fun. I'm waiting warmly for that Suika game the same publisher is putting out.


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i've spent some time around the touhou fanbase recently

there are so god damn many uncomfortably weird people in it

it's like MOST people into touhou don't give a fuck about the games, they just want to fuck fairies

Mii Fit Trainer
Mr. Game & Watch
Animal Crossing Villager
I could go on.

whers mastar cheef lololol

Real shit; If the Chief or Reimu got in Smash I'd fucking shit myself. The soundtrack picks, the homages and references, and the possible reveal trailers could be kino of the highest order.
The best part is, with Banjo and fucking Sans in Smash, this is very well within the realm of possibility.

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>There's probably hundreds of fan games at this point
Understatement of the millennium

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That would be the filthy secondaries which we must stop from increasing.


Reimu would be cool honestly. Though my ultimate hope would be Sakuya.

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Chief would definitely be the Cloud-tier wtf character this game needs

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She could be a stage boss.

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Because Touhou music is shit, How about we get X or Zero for some real tunes
Kill yourselves Ninbabies. there's a reason the series moved over to Playstation

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>really stand out ones like flowering night
I really fail to hear what other people do in that particular track, it's one of the most boring ZUN compositions I've heard
Is it just the memetic popularity of Night of Nights MADs?

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I mean, X would be rad but...

>Has no counter-argument

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Flowering Night is a good track, but Night of Nights is a huge fucking meme in Japan, to the point where Touhou Luna Nights explicitly remixed "Night of Nights" instead of Flowering Nights as a weird meta-gag.

You had no argument either.
>touhou music is shit
is only your opinion.
>kill yourselves nintenbabies
Is just an insult.
And you can only make counter arguments when an argument existed in the first place.
So fuck off and kill yourself while you're at it :)

>Because Touhou music is shit,
How can someone be so cringe
>How about we get X or Zero for some real tunes
And yet so based at the same time

Appreciate both

It can sound good when it's a medley.

>we should get megaman x and zero music
>HAHA he's a spirit
fuck off

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I prefer RE music.
Go back to your hole, waifufag.

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Saber is from an eroge. She had multiple h-scenes in her first game. She is automatically disqualified.
I don't even want him, but if there was a VN rep, it'd be Phoenix Wright.

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The Megaman X series has really good music, no one denies that, but Touhou music is way better IN MY OPINION.
I'm not sure if you already know this and are just baiting, but music taste is subjetive.
I'm not opposed to X getting in the game, in fact, Ultimate might actually get another fun character to play if he does.

For comparison.



Both series have excellent music, it's okay if you don't like Touhou's, but don't come here saying "X is shit" and complain when someone doesn't "have an argument" to their response of your baseless claim when you don't have an argument yourself.

I'm 100% fine with Reimu or a Touhou character getting in but unlike most of Yea Forums I'm not that picky about who gets in as long as they're unique and come with good music.

>fags don't want Touhou music in Smash
No. No we don't.


What Touhou music selection would you want in Smash?

>muh zunpets and guitar wheens
Step aside rookies

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>linking a song that appeared in only the third rerelease of RE1 on the PSX and no other versions
>In addition to the fact that it was made by a literal hack musician
RE has some amazing music
Winds of Madness (RE5)
Theme of Alexia Type 2 (CVX)
The Second Malformation of G
Beast From the East Mix 2
Super Tyrant (REmake 2)
Chris Opening (CVX)
Still Dawn (RE1)
...And After That (RE2)
Credit Line of Whole Staff (RE2)
Berceuse (CVX)

Everything from this

i'd rather have Doom music

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they're not official games

>Laura Shigihara
Now this thread went on a completely new level of based

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>is only your opinion
The soundfont is garbage, All the music sounds too samey. It sounds too much like Midi music from what I've heard of it. Not to mention many songs being overly forgettable.

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New 2hu megaman fangame when?

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Mega Man X music and Touhou music are both MIDI music.

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>autist steals Nintendo sound fonts and makes ROM hack, which Nintendo traditionally C&Ds
>gets meme character in with costume
>gets meme music piece in

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I'm sure Capricorn will make Touhou Rock Maiden 4 (though it'd technically be the 5th one) soon enough and it will still be garbage.

Yeah, the fanbase is terrible. Just remember that people who actually play the games hate the people who are just there to jerk off to fairies and EoSD characters.

Yeah shes even less likely than them since nobody knows who this Loli is

Just do both, do that challenge that you can only fap to characters that you defeated on normal or greater.
I defeated flan recently and now i can fap to her.

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>get 2hu song stuck in your head
>look it up so you can listen to it once and get it out
>end up going deep down a rabbit hole listening to a dozen tracks
God fucking dammit, I can't handle this much good music.

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If they went nuts and gave us 15:
>Maiden's Capriccio
>Love-Colored Master Spark
>Pure Furies
>Night Sakura of Dead Spirits
>The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
>Magus Night
>The Japanese Wilderness the Girl Watched
>The Ground's Color is Yellow
>Flowering Night
>Tonight Stars an Easygoing Egotist
>Eternal Spring Dream (AoCF mix)
>Idolatrize World
>Emotional Skyscraper
>Song of the Night Sparrow

RE has GREAT music. Credit Line of Whole Staff is fucking incredible. I never get tired of the guitarist going absolutely nuts shredding that solo. Hearing it play in RE2make put a huge smile on my face.

Everyone turns into clones of her

Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the based levels?
It's over 9000!!!!!!!!!

Touhou music is wildly overrated.

There's a lot that's nothing more than solid BGM, to be sure. With that said, given the sheer amount of songs, there's still quite a few excellent standout tunes. That's also to say nothing of the massive amount of groups which do covers in all sorts of genres. There's a group called Active NEETs which have done full orchestral covers with 20+ piece live orchestras for a number of the songs, and they sound pretty fantastic.

It's still wildly overrated shit and shit.

Very well-reasoned and compelling argument. Nice work.

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Who are the exceptions though?

When it gets so many high quality arrangements you know you are doing something right.

I wish every game had Active NEETs covers. The music sounds phenomenal when played by a live orchestra. I would kill for them to do Night Sakura of Dead Spirits.


stay mad weeb

pc98 > nu-hou

redpill me on this, where should i start?

You start by walking away and playing something else worth your time.

touhou 6 embodiment of scarlet devil, if you want to start off with windows era touhou.

See you in 2 years

>no one knows
How many video game characters have had real life flowers named AFTER them, not vice versa?

You can start with any of the bullet hell games, but EoSD, Imperishable Night, or Hidden Star in Four Seasons (this one's on Steam) are all good entry points. The first two are iconic, while HSiFS is more modern while still being very representative of the series, as well as an average difficulty level.

Pikmin but that's only because Nintendo sought out scientists and breed a new variety of flower for promotional purposes.

Oh boy here we go.
Thanks for the link user

Good luck with the input lag user. Sometimes it really sucks.
I think there's a patch for this somewhere.

what if she ends up as a mii costume?

Her? In.

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She doesn't really work well as one.


Soon, she'll be the only one in.


Smash Ultimate stole fanart for Masked Man on accident so

>>fags don't want Touhou music in Smash
You mean the Touhou song? The entire soundtrack for the series is one song played differently

Touhou has some pretty good music


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Did you know Sakuya can stop time?
She's a powerful adversary.


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i love sakuya

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And then there's Remilia Scarlet, lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
She's over 500 years old, and extremely powerful.

She devours humans the way you snack on bread or crackers. Sakuya is her maid

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>Fighter 69
That's a weird looking Incineroar

Download the all in patch and choose an integer between 6 to 17 except 9 (and 11, 12 or 15 if you aren’t experienced with bullet hells)
6 to 10 may have input lag on modern OS which is solved with vpatch also included

Why don't Reimu get in, like Sans did? As a GOOD-Helmet Mii Fighter?

who fucking cares, go to Youtube and type which song you want to listen to in the background while playing Smash

>touhou "music"

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So we're still pretending that Touhou music isn't over-produced garbage? okay, then

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substantiate your claims

If they're gonna add Reimu to Smash, they definitely have to bring in arrange music from the doujin community.
Reminder Nintendo themselves made an arrange CD and sold it at Reitaisai.

Several Touhou music tracks are god-tier, for example Scarlet Tower ~ Eastern Dream and Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream. There's no sense in arguing with retards in this thread that claim otherwise, given the subjective nature of music taste. Just pity them instead.

>”Reimu in Smash would ruin the fanbase & franchise”
>wants a porn character to be added instead

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I'd prefer some Ace Attorney tracks.

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Really? I think it's really good

Toby Fox literally started his game development career making Earthbound rom hacks using Nintendo's IP, characters, art assets, and sound fonts..
His shit is now in Smash and he and Sakurai is best buds.
Let that sink in.

Yeah, he didn't even post the best one.


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he's a jew, he can do whatever he wants

That's not nearly the same thing.

Of all the possible ways to criticize music, how did you manage to pick the one that couldn't apply LESS to Touhou music?

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Homestuck is already indirectly present in the game. Maybe we can get Evangelion in there as well

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>play EoSD
>keep getting killed by Cirno
why am I so bad at this

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>No way that could backfire legally speaking.
This, but unironically
Do you seriously think someone could sue Nintendo for including music composed by a guy who maybe plagiarized a DIFFERENT song, a long time ago?
Why wouldn't they go after ZUN? How would they have any sort of case with Nintendo?
Furthermore, do you have any evidence of ZUN plagiarizing music or are you just repeating a meme?

Because you can't git gud

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hold shift

hank chill


Oh shit are we musicfagging? Share your lists if you want so we can r8 each others shit tastes

Bhava-agra As Seen Through a Child's Mind
Catastrophe in Bhava-agra
Emotional Skyscraper
Idolatrize World
>God Tier
Tonight Star an Easygoing Egoist
Complete Darkness
Gensokyo Millenium
Bloom Nobly, Ink-black Cherry Blossoms
Flight of the Bamboo Cutter
>Fucking Amazing Tier
Last Occultism
Septette for the Dead Princess
Now, Until the Moment You Die
Kobito of the Shining Needle
Faint Dream (Unsused Vers.)
>Good Shit Tier
Onigashima in the Fairyland
Pure Furies
Lengendary Illusion
Unknown X
True Administrator
Border of Life
>Pretty Good Tier
Judgement in the Sixtieth Year
Voyage 1970
The Concealed Four Seasons
Venerable Ancient Battlefield
Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom
The Great Fairy Wars
Strawberry Crisis!!
>Alright Tier
The Lost Emotion
Faint Dream
None of them are shit
Except you
Just kidding

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For me, it's the Kokyo Active NEETs

Barely sounds anything like Native Faith.
The first few notes of the melody are the only similarity but the rhythm isn't the same and it immediately diverges.
This is a big reach, and that's being generous. Do you have any good examples?

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Just don't have Native Faith as one of the music selections. That only leaves the better part of 200 tracks to still choose from. Outside of this and a few other examples such as Fall of Fall or Lullaby of a Deserted Hell there aren't really too many convincing cases post-PC98. And some of the ones I have seen are outright dishonest like the Septette/Beethoven one, which always aggravates me given how clearly it's meant as an overt reference.

sorry Touhoubros I'd rather have Mana music in smash.

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>these fucking shit meme again
i bet you believe the death waltz meme again

Touhou music is pretty good, but I'd rather have superior indie music in Smash

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Because it's an homage. ZUN does it a bit. Another one is Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique in Septette of a Dead Princess.

zun doesn't plagiarize


>an homage is plagiarism now
ebnic. we gonna have a sampling = stealing discussion now too?

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I hope she gets in just so they can only put in UN Owen was Her with no other songs and all you fucking 2hu fags can seethe about secondaries


not plagiarism

>mfw homestuck music is better than touhou music

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You don't fucking know what plagiarism is if you think ZUN's work is plagiarism.
THIS is fucking plagiarism.

i know, i'm saying that it's not

No Touhou remix will ever fucking top this. where the FUCK did Shibanyan get those Justice samples holy shit it makes my dick ROCK HARD hearing those


>no justice samples
automatically worse

The NEETs already blew this the fuck out of the park
Plus I absolutely adore this arrange of Bell of Avici

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>6 gorallionth Smash thread
They could honestly put in Moonman from Moonbase Alpha and I still wouldn’t give a shit. Do this many people actually play Smash on here or is it 99% shitposting and people trying to shill their favorite video game character?

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An official Touhou mainline game was announced for Switch during one of the Touhou livestream events. I think it was AoCF.


Obligatory PC98 track.

A lot of the tracks recommended here aren't Smashified enough.

>magic sword

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>Smash logo appears
>Galeem and Dharkon are duking it out
>Kirby tries to end them both right here, right now on his pop star
>fails, loses his popstar and crash lands
>Galeem and Dharkon, stop the in fighting to eliminate the pink puffball because they know how much a threat he is
>before getting blasted by beams a ying and yang block the beam attacks
>both of them are wondering who stopped the blasts and saved Kirby
>Kirby looks up to Reimus Silhouette, she’s facing away from Kirby then looks to the camera
>Reimu has an indecent to solve

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this music plays?

>TFW no transformation FS's
>she will never get to go full danmaku while that plays

Would prefer them do a Maiden's Capriccio in this sort of style youtube.com/watch?v=eYRFnYGxIV4

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What would a Kirby Reimu looks/sound like?


Touhou sounds like the week equivalent of my little pony.

Most music is plagiarism


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the music is alright
the fact that it's attached to a character who by deisgn is going to be a projecitle spamming son of a bitch is what makes me not want it

Oh wait, do you guys think I meant Touhou would ruin the Smash fanbase/franchise? No I'm saying Smash would ruin the Touhou fanbase/franchise. With Fate there's nothing left to be ruined.


You sound like a retard instead

Move over Reimu.

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I don't understand this logic. Zoners like the Links, Belmonts, Duck Hunt and Olimar are already in the game. Adding another one won't change anything.

If Miku gets in, they better get News 39 in.

"And now for the headlines: I'M IN SMASH!"

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I can't help but hear the sound of Ace Attorney text movement in this

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I actually wonder what they would do for her music if she got in. I'm guessing they would just do instrumental covers for some of the more popular vocaloid songs.

Just what kind of attacks would Miku have anyway?

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>both have detached sleeves
Am I seeing a pattern here?

thing is they only have around one or two projectiles out at once via two specials, a reasonable amount
meanwhile in the touhou fighting games, even a single projectile attack throws out like 4 projectiles at once
if you'd add up a second move thrown in there you could potentially have like 10+ projectiles on screen at once
and that fucking sucks to fight against if she can throw those out as fast as the castlevania gang

reimu's projectiles will be comparatively slow, though

If the lesser/auxiliary projectiles have no hitstun, it wouldn't be a big deal and just gives a slightly larger range that does chip damage.


alt costume for miku

Based soccer guy

>He doesn't know

so... will bad apple be her trailer music? and will be be in the ZUN art style for her model?

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i hate secondaries, what a waste of good talent

Bad Apple is a carbon-dated meme. It wouldn't be in the trailer. We'd get Maiden's Capriccio if anything.

>Bad Apple
The entire franchise is a basically a fucking "meme" like Sans/Undertale. If anything we could get original PC98 Bad Apple.

>Not wanting all new original arrangement of PC98 game that isn't that particular remix.

Only Sakurai can deliver quality remixes.

>implying midriff won't get CERO'd

Why would I want Bad Apple when there's so many other good songs? I like Bad Apple, but it's not representative of the series, it's representative of memes.

>Bathing Suit Samus

they could have gone with the undertale theme, but they went with megalovania, your point?

>being so elitist, midriff pisses off you

>If anything we could get original PC98 Bad Apple.

One of ZUN's (few) rules for other people using Touhou is that they can't use the original songs, they have to remix them if they want to use them. Dunno if Smash would be allowed to be an exception to that.

For a sec there, I thought that was an ultimate mockup portrait.

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>Motoi Sakuraba remixing motherfucking bad apple
good lord take me now

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i fucking wish, nobody has actually made a smashified reimu yet, let alone a ZUN accurate one.

>dude let's change the design of the characters and sexualize them because why not lmao
Maybe I wouldn't be so elitlist if you faggots actually cared about the series

Somebody here pay money for a mockup artist to make one.

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>17 games and has been around since the windows 98 era
>doesn't even have an official anime but only a fanmade one
Keep trying fag, the anime side is just pleb filter at this point

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well maybe if you gave a thing about touhou you'd ask for a better fucking smash render

Fuck off Xfag, you're forever stuck in assist trophy and mii costume hell.

To the first video:
3:20 doesn't sound like Eiki's theme at all. It sounds more like PCB 5 stage theme.
4:25 Mario 3D World came out 21.11.2013 and DDC came out 12.08.2013 so who's copying who?
6:30 again two songs sound nothing alike
7:45 apart from a few notes they sound nothing alike
12:20 aside from a few repeating notes songs sound nothig alike
I'm surprised that it didn't mention Septette of Dead Princess 'cause this one is qiute similar to Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata (Rondo)
Now second video
0:10 apart from few notes they sound nothing alike
And the end of the video has really only exagerrations.

touhou music is hella lit .cit

ZUN isn't that good of a composer.

>some rando
it's not happening, ffs


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yes, and?

King Dedede theme ver. 2, done right

Is this the thread to talk about superior doujin music instead of the inferior originals?

This one is so beautiful. Extra stage themes are fantastic. youtube.com/watch?v=MQ_FIXrpKT8

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Megalovania is Sans' theme, user. You do know that, right?

Well, there are franchises with WAY better music than Touhou.
Also way better characters to make them into fighters.
Also, way better stages.
Also, fuck you, Touhou a shit.

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it's Chara's theme, but it's also Dr. Andonut's theme. and it's also a meme song.

>Seriously comparing Minecraft's soundtrack to Touhou
Only an Exterminatus can purge this bullshit

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It's really not. It's an easter egg song that was originally composed for Dr. Andonut and has been reused ever since youtu.be/iIowwZThIXM.
youtu.be/N1-RyLUQUrA is sans' theme.

I like 2hus. But 2hufags are obnoxious so I'd rather they not mix with the already obnoxious nature of smashfags.

This is the closest we will get to one.

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because I'd rather have some good music

Cool music, I respect your music taste.

Touhou still holds supreme though.

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Enjoy your spirit


Give me tips to improve, bros. I learned about streaming and staying aggressive but I still don't know what to do when numerous bullets seem to be coming at me from all sides with no gaps. Touhou 6

It's just a matter of practice. Over time you will notice dramatic improvements in both your bullet reading as well as movement control. Try not to tunnel vision when trying to read the bullets though.