you now remember paid mods
You now remember paid mods
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you now remember hope
Valve popularized lootboxes in the west
n o m o d c o m m u n i t y
Someone got screencaps about the apple mod?
they're still around under a different name.
>people were taking free nexus mods and uploading them for money on steam
there literally is no limit to valve's jewy antics
This is true, but at least they had the decency to tell you what pile of shit you'll get in the box.
Ahh the innovations of capitalism
make your own mods and roll in cash noobs. you can make 100000 thousand a month
Makes glad that steam is dying
steam was changin' the mind of players
while chasing the mods away
Nexus mods was booming
All while Gaben was seething
And downloaded thousand o' porn mods
Remember-How casuals paid 20 bucks for mudcrabs -so gay
valve shut the program down after all the backlash, meanwhile kikethesda amped up the Judaism on their own. what does kikethesda do in response to their backlash? they just double down.
cc isn't comparable to valve's paid mods.
cc is basically third party horse armor.
aren't they a thing for f4 on consoles
>When bethesda creation club came out a lot of big mod authors jumped over to it
>Did the bare minimum in importing their shit to skyrim SE
>Have to use custom fixes or fixes made by other people just to get the same functionality as in LE
>SE mod scene still doesn't quite live up to the one for LE
>they had the decency to tell you what pile of shit you'll get in the box.
Crates had no pull rates though
Bethesda are such a bunch of retarded niggers. The only reason their shitty buggy games did so well in the first place was because of the incredible mod community free for everyone.
But like true jews, they wanted to make profit off of that too and in their attempt, almost ruined what allowed their games to sell well to begin with.
Don't act like valve removed paid mods only because they say people disliked them.
There's no way they didn't anticipate people would be pissed. Had the reaction been any less of the anal Ragnarok of anger and hatred that spewed from the internet towards them we would still have had paid mods to this day.
Valve didn't remove them because people were upset. They removed them because their image tanked even further and people were boycotting them, thus they were losing money.
You now remember when this picture was a joke.
I remember that Bethesda's cut was like 70% of the profit.
What an awful Jewish scheme
I now remember waiting to pirate the mod lmao
So why don't Skyrim mods work with the SE? Didn't they just change some textures and water?
I never forgot.
>Taimanin was almost on steam.
Yea Forums bought fallout 4 and 76.
both games are literally paid mods and nothing else.
SE is mostly caught up with mods but there's an ongoing problem with every single CC update breaking SKSE and any mods that were made dependent on SKSE version.
wake me up
Yeah, but you can trade them and buy the items directly from other players.
Different internal infrastructure
Imagine you're plugging things in in a specific order, then one day every other plug is shifted one slot left, and every third plug is moved downwards, and there's a random chance the plug you do plug into unplugs everything else.
That's bethesda modding.
What the fuck are you talking about, you stupid faggot bitch
Haven't you ever heard of nexus
it's still a joke.
Where is my chuchu rocket?
They do, you literally just have to open them in the SE CK and save.
>SE mod scene still doesn't quite live up to the one for LE
Actually it does, all the good mods have been ported, those that weren't can be ported with just a few clicks and more mods are being made for SE each week than for LE, check the numbers on nexus.
Wrong picture but whatever, just meant to post it as a comparison t the OP since it's an amazing mod made for free.
>people still defending valve to this day
>pc g*yming
I hate how 90% of skyrim mods are just shitty followers.
aren't mods and dlc basically the same?
everything you said is completely false.
all worthwhile mods have se ports some are even better that take advantage of the engine switch to 64 bit. eg legacy of the dragonborn
hardly any modders are on cc
people still clinging to LE are retards.
>belly-button not lined up with belly-button
How do you fuck up that badly?
you might be retarded. They're not even the same on an etymological level.
>paid mods "officially" dead
>still being locked behind patreon
>discord cult autists actively search all patreon reuploading sites because they like playing personal army for their patreon of choice
Wasn't this the reason why SkyUI never got an update? I think the creator wanted to sell the mod and keep updating it, but got pissy since people didn't like the idea of paid mods.
SkyUI is on SE tho
It's an alpha-version that hasn't been updated since 2017 and is pretty much just a port of the LE version
The week Todd decided to absolutely buttfuck the TES modding community.
>and is pretty much just a port of the LE version
ok and? were you expecting them to do more for SE?
How are they always the top file too? I got no beefy with big tiddy mods but who the fuck is always downloading these followers mods.
No I expected the mod as a whole to receive more updates regardless of the game version. Since while serviceable, the mod is far from complete and could've used added functionality. But like I said, I think the author got upset that people wouldn't buy into jewery and abandoned the mod.
>because of Bethesda's and Zenimax jewery people are setting patreon exclusive adult mods only for people subscribed to them monthly
fuck this gay earth
yes I remember he was one of the first ones on-board with the whole thing too
>because of Bethesda's and Zenimax jewery people are setting patreon exclusive adult mods only for people subscribed to them monthly
how is that bethesda and zenimax fault?
>turning gamers into your paypigs
okay, this is a genius idea.
prior to this whole debacle pretty much every mod was free at most youd get a modder asking for money for his private mods but nothing as bad as this
That's not bethesda's fault. Skyrim was hugely popular and modders saw a chance to make money of their work
They pretty much kickstarted the idea of paying for mods, before that the very thought of doing something like that was shunned. But since a big company tried it, people suddenly became more open to the idea. It sounds stupid but that's how it works.
>i like to defend the chinese me eat dog now
Unironically why was this a bad idea
Freetards go on about
>muh forcing people to buy it means less exposure
But it places a value on something while it being free just lumps it altogether
I want the Sindol one
>Unironically why was this a bad idea
I think Steam and Bethesda both took huge cuts from the mod itself leaving the mod author with almost pennies.
It's why I don't let Skyrim update anymore.
To users, it fails to create a concept of value. What is the price of a weapon considering the price of a game that is full of weapons already? Should I be paying for a patch that fix a game-breaking bug that Bethesda refuses to fix? Will this follower be a waste of cash since there is no refund button? Bethesda didn't even try to ask these questions.
To modders, it just created a shitstorm between people doing it as a hobby and people trying to get a job at Bethesda, and in the end modders didn't even get a decent amount of cash from them since most of it was given to Bethesda (plus all the stupid limitations of Creation Club).
Modders selling their projects isn't something new, games like Second Life and Warframe already have them (one of the popular gay robutt artist now creates designs for official premium skins), and we also have people selling resources for game development. Both Bethesda and Valve just fucked up hard and failed to communicate with the community. They just implemented the system and hoped that greed would make modders understand their point of view.
White women are insane
I think its supposed to be lined up with the babies heart, like the heart was ripped out
there was no quality control, even for "approved" mods you got shit like armor that only worked for one gender which had to be spawned with the console
lots of mods are built on other people's work which created tons of rights disputtes
the pay split ended up with bethesda and valve pocketing almost all of it
Gabe Newell personally addressed why they did it (he believed it would encourage modding), listened to people's complaints and concerns, and then personally killed the idea when he saw how upset it made people and the problems they didn't foresee happening.
Bethesda, on the other hand, set up their own damn system all so they could push paid mods all on their own.
Valve said they'd never do it again. Bethesda said they were stopping "for now", then went and did it again.
Blaming Valve for Bethesda's greed is stupid.
Well it's almost an unspoken rule that mods should be done out of genuine passion for the game, from the community for the community. I'm sure you can tell what happens when money is introduced into the equation.
>why yes I am a right wing conservatard and proud capitalist, how could you tell?
Name a company more out of touch than Valve?
The modding scene has always been a free community operating on goodwill. Kinda like a socialist society.
Besides, the ones who were profiting were not the creators. The creators got 25% (TWENTY FIVE PER CENT) of the monies made from the mods. The bulk of the money went to Bethesda and the rest to Valve.
I'd be totally find with Paid Mods if the Mod was officially ordained by the original developer. Great example would be ID Software releasing the Master Level for Doom 2 which essentially was fan levels.
You should just be expecting to just slapdash a mod and get money from it. It's not an independent product or officially supported. It's also a slap in the face to fantastic efforts like Enderal which is free.
>Kinda like a socialist society.
No because Socialist Society means someone is guaranteed money for work. Modding is a hobby that people do for free because they either deeply love the game and/or likely hope to become professional developers and realize that they can gain deep knowledge by making mods of popular games.
If one wants to earn money working on video games then he should do so properly by getting into the industry or making his own product as an indie instead of mooching off of an already existing game.
>not Shining F
>There's no way they didn't anticipate people would be pissed.
And you know because? If anything, it makes even more sense that Valve didn't know any better given their track record. They're always experimenting with new features, and this happen to raise enough backlash to retract it completely.
No they didn't. Games like Pangya had them for years before Valve ever created any. The idea that Valve "popularized" lootboxes is for retards that didn't actually play games.
I'm not paying for a lack of quality control.
where the FUCK is AA2 on our steam
It wasn't Valve reselling people's mods. Way to place the blame on the wrong party.
You all will be remembered of it by Bethesda themselves soon enough, and remember that you will for ever.
>and then personally killed the idea when he saw how upset it made people and the problems they didn't foresee happening.
He said something along the lines of "this time it didn't work out but we might try again". He didn't shut it down because he was convinced it was a bad idea, he did it because of the bad press.
I don't even know what's to get mad about. You have to be literally fucking retarded to, like those faggots who deal in small, shitty goods and still think high prices rather than volume will make them more money.
SkyUI was something everyone fucking wanted. He'd see more from a donation button than he ever would've seen being a bethsjew.
Part of it is the perception of value. Dropping from $X to free makes anyone happy for obvious reasons. Inversely, this is even more critical going from free to $X. People have been enjoying free mods for so long, and some of them are just plain fantastic, that it raises a simple question: If paid mods are implemented, how will they fare to what is available now (for free)?
And given the state of the industry, the answer to that question is instinctively not going to satisfy anyone with half a brain. Personally, it's the same reasoning why I ignore 99% of all indie titles on sight. It follows the same conundrum. Why should I pay for these games when better alternatives exists, or have existed, for free on armor games and whatnot?