Are you playing Legacy of the Duelist - Link Evolution? What is your favourite video game adaptation?
Yu Gi Oh videogames Thread
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So, post your favourite archetypes, r8 and h8.
Link evolution is shit. I fucking hated playing the synchro and XYZ campaigns with those fucking link zones
I've only come back relatively recently but post-Sisters of the Rose Harpies are really fun IMO. It's weird to think about how cards like Perfumer, Conductor and Alluring Mirror Split are all less than a year old as of this writing.
Duel links is better and it's f2p mobile game lmao
My most beloved arch will forever be Six Samurai
Why is she in black?
She is Magi Magi, the xyz version
Oh yes. I forgot.
semen magician
They have censored cards and mobile models, why would I play this instead of YGOPro?
It’s pretty hard to win with the shit story decks and it seems like it will take forever to get enough staples for a tier deck. Right now I’m grinding blue angel to try and build trick stars. Any tips on getting to the point of having a usable custom deck?
Because you're a tard that didn't play the uncensored japanese version that's in full english
Because the computer can’t ragequit if you play anything slightly more competitive than table 500
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I'm Slutty_girl
>there are people in this thread who support this choppy portjob
>there are people in this thread who play darkworld
My favorite is tag force 5, they feel like dating sims and I like the chibi models, good thing there's a tag force 6's fan translation about to come out
can't you just download a save data?
having fun with this chimeratech deck in tag force 1. game is pretty stale right now, 20 days until some tournament. 3 future fusions with dimension fusions is broken as fuck
that thing was bad even back then
Game is way too fucking slow. Why did they the remove the option to change speed? ffs
The PSP games are much better. If only they had HD card artwork
uuh... w-what?
>take around 1 month saving gems to go through a main box 1 (ONE) time so you can try to build 1 (ONE) deck
>or buy EX Decks™
it takes forever to finish a duel. Even when you turn off animations. This game is just boring
what should i replace them with? RoD and mirror force are banned. bottomless is meh especially with dimension fusion.
Gladiator Beasts
I've used madolche since day one, but thanks to "mr. I nuke your board", they're not playable anymore. Using Witchcrafters now and they fucking suck.
this was by far the better anti-attack back then
I wish Witchcrafters had a few more low level monsters to work with and more extra deck viability. The spell recycling gimmick is fun and Scmietta, Madame Verre and Golem Aruru are all fantastic cards but it just lacks that wow factor, that real power play potential. I think it could be something with more support.
>tfw always wanted a madolche structure deck
The one thing I like about yugioh is that, for the most part, you can go to any store and buy 2-3 copies of a recent structure deck and have a viable deck. It won't win any tournaments without investing in an extra deck, but it's still easy to get back into casual play.
>buy it hype to play
>slow clunky and boring as hell when grinding
I have to wait forever to build any of my fav decks, I regret this decision desu
If I have save data for Legacy of the Duelist will I be able to transfer my previous cards? I really don't want to grind 3,000+ cards again.
Still faster than the mongoloids on Ygopro so I can’t complain. But I have noticed that some of the opponents plays send the turn to a screeching halt. Like 1 minute of thinking between plays. I can’t even move the cursor either. Is this happening to other people?
My biggest complain is the fact that the spells return on my end phase and not on both end phases. Change that and it would at least be a decent rogue deck.
The music is a pretty dull to listen to, as well. They could've added some character themes.
Don't they censore it when you change the language like some games do?
I think that makes the spells a little too free then. Yeah, that would help with the speed but I think the idea is to manage your spells as resources, do I pitch or play them? That kinda breaks the concept, you'd just play them, then get them back on your opponent's end phase as if nothing happened. Any archetype would kill for a gimmick that stupid.
post your favorite table 500 videos
Ok let's have a duel in YGOpro. the loser will have to send nudes.
Who is in?
Yo invoco a la goblina oscura en modo de ataque!
>you'd just play them, then get them back on your opponent's end phase as if nothing happened.
Even if you do have the resourses, you can't do much with it. The biggest board you can make with witchcrafts is probably a verre and two haines, and both of them are hard once per turn, so you may be able to slow down your opponent a little but he will probably kill all of them anyways. Getting the spell on the opponent turn wouldn't really help much anyway.
Tag force special, I like how you get the option to buy structure decks right off the bat and they're all based on real life ones as well.
Saffira is my ace.
Yu Gi Oh has some sexy dragons and lizards
True. I think it just suffers from being a fledgling archetype, it's gotten one card as support since it debuted if I'm not mistaken. I can only hope they give it something resembling a wincon eventually, as it stands it's just quaint for the reasons you listed.
>Read through the Yu-Gi-Oh manga the other day
>So many duels are complete bullshit that only work because there are visual representations of the cards
It's incredible they salvaged anything decent out of this. How did people play this game before hologram monsters became a thing?
They remind me of bomberman.
Like the manga version of Parasite Paracide is a completely worthless card that's only useful if you cheat and slide it into their deck before the match.
I started up Tag Force 4 and I realized the hard way that cheating really fucks up the progression.
At the same time though, trying to get by with a shitty starter deck would've sucked ass, so I'm conflicted about my choic.
It's time for my objective best taste 3x3
You can go fuck yourself.
I tried out Duel Links since I wanted to try a Yugioh game and it was the most accessible. It's kinda disappointing. Being limited to thirty cards really limits the strategies you can use. Like if you have anything more than maybe half a dozen Lv5+ monsters, spells or traps, you could easily fuck up your beginning hand by having nothing but non-summonable cards. I've never really played the card games before, but already I can tell that this is kind of suffocating.
You are going into duel links with the wrong idea. Yugioh does play like it did in the 2000s. If that is what you want then look into IRL speed duel format.
Play YGOpro
I need her to destroy me with those thighs
She's a spellcaster. She doesn't work out enough to destroy anything with her thighs.
wtf was his problem?
practice makes perfect
Dark magician girl should be barefoot
Tiny Bots, big Unga Bunga. What's not to love?
Synchro > Link > Xyz > Pendulum
Link =/= MR4
I went and installed Duelists of the Roses on my PS3 and beating it over the course of two days... it's like Konami went the complete opposite direction of Forbidden Memories: now it sucks because it's too easy.
I'm inclined to put xyz above link because link just cycles at ridiculous paces, at least xyz needs to be the same level.
How good is the Magician archetype?
Shit, Duel Links had some surprisingly tracks too, it's a shame you can so plainly see which game all the effort and money went into. The themes for Yubel are genuinely menacing.
Nah. I'm playing the superior duel links.
Also DDM and ygo 2010 are my favorite ygo games
Nekroz and Harpies
Give me some recommendation to an absolute new comer to the series. I have a vita/3ds.
Can you emulate ds/psp?
Tag series is great. And my favourites are world championship 2008, 2009 and 2010 (those introduce you to Synchros) also Duel Carnival is a 3ds exclusive. It was the first xyz yugioh game
Yeah can run them. Oh god though are they all just card games?
Tournament? You mean an in-game tournament?
I like Special as well.
Uh... y-you can play capsule monster coliseum
It's tier 2 iirc
Which games have all the banned cards and let you use them with impunity?
Nah, but it looks fun.
My favorite Yu-Gi-Oh game is Eternal Duelist Soul. The music and limited card selection from the early period of Yu-Gi-Oh makes it forever a staple in my mind. WorldWide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel was also pretty good.
I guess I kinda expected a more simple arcady card game or turn base not the actual card game haha
Link Evolution in Single Player Mode
Do Harpies have any competitive viability these days?
So nothing that doesn't require a Switch?
They have new support
It's too bad Mai's dead by the time these cards exist.
Is that really good or really bad?
>Watch the 2016 movie
>I'll summon my ca-
Repeat for 30 minutes.
>Komoney still doing 4kids tier censorship on their cards
Really meh
Yeah, I love how they are now (Conductor/Dancer is silly) but I don't know if they stand as actually good. They seem fine to me but I have no clue what the meta is.
I'm glad Relinquished/Thousand-Eyes got some support. If only the could make Jinzo a viable archetype.
If you don't like the card game then maybe you shouldn't watch card game related media??
Just a thought.
I counter this point with Kaiba's insurmountable autism.
Bullshit. Tier 2 implies that it's just slightly underneath shit like Orcusts or Danger.
Isn't that autism precisely why he keeps losing duels?
I mean it got him the win against Ishizu.
Maybe, but you cannot deny it is amusing. Besides, it allows him to stand up to ancient Egyptian bullshit magic at all so fuck it, it does him some sort of good.
It's garbage, can't even duel Proper on it
Kaiba is cute and it's entertaining to watch him.
>Bad guy "dimension summons" an egg with an eyeball
>Attacking the eyeball rusts your card and sets their attack to 0
>Doesn't even kill the eyeball
>The eyeballs can combine into several monsters and attack
There's not a fucking chance in hell the actual game is like this, "some of Kaiba's dragons get stronger the more dragons are in his graveyard" is cool, "Yugi asspulls a 3 card combination that automatically gives him the victory" is pretty neat and it involves ACTUALLY PLAYING, Diva's asspulls for half of the movie is just retarded.
Still, he'd have better results if he actually focused his autism on constructing better decks rather than spend all his time trying to turn his dragons into bigger dragons.
Had the thing take like half an hour for 2 turns once.
Can't remember which one it was but the deck was ridiculous though and I'd finally managed to get a guaranteed Exodia cheese win (got tired of getting fucked over with the story deck which is what I've been trying to do for the in-game shit) so no way was I restarting. Just went off and did something else while it worked itself out.
And then the next duel it pink screened on me because apparently it couldn't even be bothered to crash.
Don't Dimension Duels operate on completely bullshit rules to begin with?
Also, I think that three-trap asspull trick is actually based on something Atem did in the original series.
This is VRAINS final boss monster. Say something nice about him.
>attack reduction, battle destruction prevention and battle damage prevention are not part of the game.
You shouldn't assume things about something you know very little about.
soon user
All at once? As a monster effect?
Is the average duel 2 turns long?
YGO Spellcasters are fuckin beefcakes.
They train.
Unironically yes. Example of modern combos.
In fact those effects I just mentioned are considered gimmicky at best.
From what I can tell, nowadays yeah. I happened to see an episode of VRAINS the other day and on the very first turn, they did some sort of bullshit move where they summoned a monster, used a card to sacrifice the monster, summoned a different monster, summoned the monster they sacrificed and I didn't even know what was going on. They cycle through like half a dozen cards per turn. A regular game probably goes by really fucking fast.
>Is the average duel 2 turns long?
Can be.
>Is the average duel 2 turns long?
Actually unironically yes.
gibe beefy dmg thighs
Special summoning has been nuts for a while but it's absolutely off the rails with Links.
bro a "negate attack and make monster attack 0 and it cant attack" effect is some 2007 shit
It honestly throws off the pace of the show because you seem to repeatedly have characters summon a monster purely to sacrifice them in the same turn. The show clearly doesn't benefit from all the changes made to the game.
This isn't even a game anymore.
Because that's how you Link. Shit out the monsters you need as fast as possible, then smash them together as if XYZ wasn't already braindead enough.
It's more like a 2-way puzzle than it used to be, dismantling boards and stopping setups while putting up your own protections. It can actually get pretty tactical, but at the same time you basically win by making sure your opponent has as little fun as possible so it's a plus and minus sort of thing.
People who complain about the state of the game in this manner are usually hilariously stupid.
>Bro, they're making plays, what the fuck? That can't be aligned with the rules. What happened to my trap hole?
All I know is the duels in the anime are less fun to watch these days.
Spoken like someone who hasn't watched 5Ds. Watching protagonists go off is fucking great.
Literally only Zexal had the fodder shit shenanigans, no other show played like Zexal's way of playing shit
o-oh no
I need this in my life
I very much appreciate how the video games became time capsules of different eras of the game, and their being annual letting you get picky.
The Dimension Summon mechanic exists entirely to further speed up the games, both in letting you normal (?) summon higher level monsters without tributes and dealing damage equal to a monster's ATK/DEF when it dies to guarantee big damage with every kill. I was never quite clear if it was mandatory, since we get oddities like Yugi summoning the new Giant Soldier of Stone when he could have just played it normally. The triple trap probably refers to the Slifer/Osiris loop trick, which Takahashi has unsurprisingly admitted was also one of his favorite duels, and it fits with Diva's aim being continuous attacks.
>Dub card format
>Duel links field
Yeah the triple trap thing doesn't seem like an asspull to me because Yugi probably put it together in preparation for being caught in a strategy like that. Granted, it's a pretty situational strategy and he just lucked out in that Aigami just happened to use exactly the type of strategy that his deck is built to dominate against.
This guy got me through many gba duels.
If Kaiba's duel A.I. was so perfect, why didn't he update the A.I. Atem with modern cards and strategies?
is a porn game
duel links makes the duels go faster.
GBA was peak vintage YGO.
I wonder if we were ever meant to get a "Master" Dark Magician Girl or if Magi Magi was just a happy "accident".
It helps that the individual traps can be useful too.
More DMG please
Kaz mentions in his art book that Magi was originally going to be alt art for DMG to go with the black DM. He fell in love with the design so much that he had her made into an entirely different monster.
Props to Takahashi for trying something different with the real Oracle Mana, but I appreciate the golden what-ifs.
The wiki's paraphrase saying he thought it worked well with the XYZ black border too.
I guess.
Can't be a wizard bodyguard without 'em.
>Heishin frequently plays Black Skull Dragon early in the duel
>Red-Eyes can never catch a break, strong as it gets and try as it might
Truly his spirit animal.
Played them since Day 1
Through thick and thin i've always enjoyed dabbing on fags with her.
Duelists of the Roses
Played the absolute shit out of that on my PS2. I really liked the idea of having a map that you moved your cards on, with the terrain already present in the cars game it really worked well imo.
God I remember grinding thru both campaigns so many times as a kid. Fuck you Chester and your nasty insect deck.
I wish they'd give us then newer sets so I can fucking have more fun with Dragunity.
Feels so empty when you can't have the newer cards and shit on people as easily online.
>oh damn, a yugioh game for switch. i can play yugioh on the go
>Master rule 4
Into the trash it goes
i really wish they released more Chaos of Power games, Yugi and Joey sucks but Kaiba is goddamn good
a few more please
Yugi's cool when it's actually Yugi they're giving focus to, rather than just Atem. Watching him go from this meek, weak kid to someone strong enough to stand on his own two feet without needing constant support was great. In fact, one of my favorite things about the Dark Side of Dimensions film was seeing just how much stronger he'd gotten. Also Kaiba's sheer autism, but that's a given.
>Konami still won't give us Twintle Littlestar and Wise Strix in english
Hopefully mr5 fixes links like mr4 did pendulum. Keep the extra zone shit exclusive to links and let the other extra deck stuff roam free again
But aren't they just proto Tag Force duels (voice overs and reactions, etc.) with a single AI opponent? I know they've modded like crazy but at the time their only appeal looked to be YGO running at a higher resolution.
>still no English Fiend Kraken, Horn Imp,
Kairyu-Shin, and other common vanilla monsters from the anime
Wait, seriously? All those cards never came to the west?
Strangely they haven't. I think it is because LOB was trying to play catch-up and it was too much on a roll to go back and release older OCG cards. We sometimes get older vanilla monsters, just never those ones. Also weird considering we got merch of the monsters, just never the card despite having multiple excuses to release them.
They're probably super-low priority, I guess. None of these monsters are particularly useful or in demand and you could easily substitute them for any number of cards.
i fucking love revolver.
reminder that he was unironically right in the end.
Booster pack fodder is all the same, I guess.
I play true draco and it's pretty fun
>163 posts
>No Forbidden Memories
Well there was the one.
do the links tutorial and just keep buying playmaker's pack - you'll soon get enough cyberse spam cards to make a mediocre link spam deck. You'll also get a bunch of important link staples (Saryuja, Knightmares, Borreload, Borrelsword dragon etc.) which makes life a lot easier.
Keep Going
>favourite archetypes
Summoned Skull, Skull Servants and Toons
Banishchads ww@?