You have 5 minutes to name the best dbz game, without mentioning Tenkaichi 3

You have 5 minutes to name the best dbz game, without mentioning Tenkaichi 3.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dragon Ball Fusions

Why does her arm merge with her tits?

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I'll name it Freezer.

Hyper dimension

Advanced Adventure

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Tenkaichi 3, fuck you.

I want her to strangle me with her tail.


200% based answer and probably the best in the franchise, but OP said DBZ specifically.

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c*m brain was filtered because it was true and made people unironically angry

virgin shut-ins don't like being confronted with the fact that they're ruining their lives and brains with constant UGHHH NEED TO FAP NOWWWW dopamine loops

Dragon Ball: FighterZ

Legacy of Goku

Budokai 3.

lol u mad

>name the best game without mentioning the best game

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no u

that word was filtered because someone definitely raided the place and spammed that shit everywhere on Yea Forums.

Coomer is a result of those people thinking that if they attach it to a wojak, it'll catch on

I liked the one on PS2 that was kind of like a board game, which one was that?

but lets not comment on the fact they sit on their computers all day, playing video games or shit posting.
Don't act like you give a shit.

it did catch on though

not because its a good meme that says anything of course but wojakshit always catches on with brainlet newfags who eat anything up

Fusions, attack of the saiyans, buu's fury, pick your posion

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Tenkaichi 2 on the Wii using motion controls while playing with good childhood friends that you grew up watching Dragon Ball (Z,GT) with.

one thing being bad does not make other things okay

if you really want to get into that, it's often that these "coomer" types ruin all their other interests with the incessant porn-brain shit. to the point any game they would talk about isn't even about the game, just whatever shit waifu is in it and them posting cropped porn just so they can remind everyone that they spurt seed to cartoon porn.

Wojakfag genocide when?

and on the other side, you have coomerposting faggots hijacking entire threads because a boob upset them.
This is the last (You) you're getting, because I know full well you'll do the same here.

Could you guys just shut up and post more Frieza? Thanks.

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>bro please let me discuss my porn addiction when its not relevant please please please stop making fun of me
>please i just want to post porn on non-porn boards im very sad please let me please


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>female Frieza

Yuck. Gimmie my manlet, twink space Hitler.

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>not liking femfrieza

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Actually correct answer. It is the highest quality level of them all.

dude stop, circlejerking eachother off on video game boards is the only thing they have outside of being bullied at highschool by those mean popular kids, just let them have this

What is this picture trying to convey?

that zarbon, fuck

Okay first off Tenkaichi 3 is trash.

Now that that's out of the way I gotta give it to fighterZ, it's most definitely the best dbz game ever.

Now for some runner ups
>Budokai 1 (ps2)
just for how amazing it was for it's time but it definitely didn't age well.
>Dbz Legacy of Goku (GBA)
A really fun experience, holds up well despite how old it
>Dokkan Battle (mobile)
Yeah yeah gacha shit but it's a game that's been going strong for 4 years so even if it's not your thing you gotta give it some props

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Hyper Dimension

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>FemFrieza hitting on Yamcha
After FighterZ, I could unironically see this happening

why is gender bender so hot

god i wish that were me

They deserve it, coomers ruined mortal kombat threads with their constant crys for tiddys and billy approved talking points like "boner culture"

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Would you a FemFrieza?

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FighterZ easily

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>*starts up discord server*
>This is gonna be so choice dude!
>*spam their retarded /fit/ meme on every thread with a woman not wearing a burka*
>*mods filter the word and ban posters*
>WTF MODS??!?!?!
>*Tries to change the meme and combine it with boomer*
>*Spams the same threads again*
>*Mods immediately delete and ban posters.*
>*Loses shit so hard they start spamming topics with more dumb forced C memes
>*Mods just ban them on site and now anyone that posts it is banned*

Just go get a job already.

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i-if she'd have me

raging blast

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does anyone have the passwords for his patreon dropboxes

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sure whats the worst that could happen

Shin Budokai 2
I haven't played any game not listed.

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w-why is it so sexy

>Cute and Maniacal

>The one where she shits out a bunch of ghost

oh no

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Frieza feet

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Tenkaichi 3 with mods made by mexicans

who wouldn't?

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I want her to step on it

>mfw this thread

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>destroys your planet but keeps you as a sex slave

>mfw this entire thread
For once this does not expand dong, and I'm just confused

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best ending

It's easily Fusions

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I wish we were getting another Fusions game instead of Kakarot.

Frieza is genuinely one of the coolest aliens in fictional media.

>all these Fusions answers

Man. Did I miss something? I bought that game day one and just could not get into it. I played for about 10 hours and it just didn't grip me.

Also, pic related is best game. FighterZ and Infinite World are also 10/10

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Hopefully Gambarion will work on a sequel after they stop doing One Piece World Seeker DLC.

Maybe you're more into fighters than RPGs. I do agree that Super DBZ is great, one of Arika's best games. Both Fusions and SDBZ deserve sequels.


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Yea, but his brother is Cooler

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Sometimes when I feel like fapping, I remember the BASED jizzbrain meme and find something else to do.

Fusions is great, is like a big Fanfic fueled by the strongest kind of autism, OCs.

FighterZ, Hyper Dimension, and Raging Blast 2 original print are the best DBZ games. Honorable mention goes to the Bootykai games, Infinite World and Burst Limit included.

>original print
What. Did they do something to RB2?

Fighter Z honestly
But Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is still my personal favorite cause it has fucking everyone and the gameplay is mindless fun

we'll just use this guy honestly he's way better

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so many close ups of his cute feet in the show

imagine the footjobs

That's why I like Fusions and Heroes, they go all out with the concepts within Dragon Ball, absolute AWOL ideas.

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Frieza is literally a female I don't care what anyone says.
It's like saying Namekians aren't male because they reproduce asexually.

fem freeza was one of my very first faps

Tenkaichi Tag Team, too bad it was only on a handheld system

So I'm glad I can play it on my hacked Switch with 3x original resolution at full speed

Everyone knows the best games where GBA Supersonic Warriors and DS Attack of the Saiyans.

>Akira's best games

How would a FighterZ 2 feel like if ASW implemented Supersonic Warriors' free flying and directional supers?

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Arika, not Akira. Ya know, the Fighting Layer guys.

Really, nothing? Feel like I'm getting the Cold shoulder these days

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I guess I'm just dyslexic then, my bad.

Shin Budokai 2, it's literally Tenkaichi 3 for PSP, if that one doesn't count then the GBA beat em up that covers the entire first series, right before goku and green and purple man fight the other saiyans.

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I have a better option.

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Fuck that, he was a little bitch to start with anyways

>Female Zamasu

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>Not wanting a Kai gf that enjoys teasing ningen

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tfw had an idea for a dbz game
tfw gets made several years later
tfw it it was ultimate tenkaichi
dreams were made to be crushed

It's apparently an OC but fuck that, I just pretend it's R63 Fused Zamasu. That pic is also the only one the artist did sadly.

I'd rather have one thats not an utter retard thanks

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There's more

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Budokai 1 on the Game Cube.

Well, that's pretty autistic. But yeah, it is R63 Zamasu.

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>Shin Budokai 2, it's literally Tenkaichi 3 for PSP

Budokai and Tenkaichi are 2 different series. If anything on the PSP is like Tenkaichi, it's Tenkaichi Tag-Team.

Why the FUCK would you have the idea for a Rock-Paper-Scissors-styled fighting game?

Probably fine for casual play, I'd totally get it

My dream game plays like Otogi 2 but with the Tenkaichi series' ki meter/mechanics. Otogi is the only 3D action game that's designed in a way that I think fits DBZ; it's very floaty but with gravity still in effect and a lot of impact on hits, and most notably the ability to hit enemies so hard they fly into the environment and destroy it, which is the most DBZ mechanic I can think of.

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my idea was just shit like making a character and training with dbz characters and getting stronger, not like xenoverse. Shit like the rock paper scissors bullshit however i thought was retarded as fuck

isnt Android 21 just female Majin Buu?

Oh hey, its the guy that did the ORIGINAL FemBowser comic

She's a hybrid model; she's closer to 17 & 18 than Cell, since she's based on Gero's wife (I don't think it's ever said if she's just made in her image, is her consciousness in a fabricated body, or just a heavily altered human), but with Majin cells being the main component. She's got more mental faculty than any Majin short of Buuhan.

Technically she's Perfecter Cell

Dbfz, and if you aren't at least pink square SS3 rank you don't have an opinion.

Lightsource is fucking trash. All he does is copying other artists.

What do you think about this?

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And this?

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Crazy what lipstick & mascara can do to a character design, went from insane god to qt yandere instantly. I'll never not love this frame of Trunks though.

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Supersonic Warriors 2 is superior.

Stop sexualizing the effeminate manlet space lizard Hitler.

Budokai 2, fuck the Tenkaichi shit

I think that Zamasu should've been female in the first place.

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Only ones I've ever cared about are the RPG/action/adventure type ones that cover the story; Origins/2/Legacy of Goku/II/Buu's Fury/Xenoverse/2.

Thought Kakarot was finally going to be the combination of those I'd wanted but it really doesn't seem like it. Leans too heavily towards Xenoverse where'd I'd prefer that kind of combat limited to the bosses.

I think we can bump Xenoverse 2 up one or two if mods are allowed.

Eh, he's more Effeminate Space Lizard Stalin

Zamasu is clearly more Space Hitler

Now that you mention it, do we even have any female DBZ villains? I guess 18 but even as an antagonist she was already pretty restrained compared to 17.

Not show specific. All female villains are relegated to games/noncanon movies

For main villains, no. Unless you wanna count A-21 as canon, though that's unlikely true.

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>tfw you will never break down Frieza's cold exterior shell
>tfw you will never roam the galaxy together
>tfw she will never gift you an entire solar system for your birthday

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>bad threads

Can you imagine all the autistic spic rage if Zamasu had been a girl. Many of them still can't get over Android 21.

>yandere Zamasu

Attached: Zamasu become one with Goku.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

>mobile gachashit over anything

That was Budokai 2. The story mode was like a board game

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The game is surprisingly good and covers the entirety of the franchise.


Budokai Tenkaichi 2

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uh oh

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Let's say you somehow get a high ranking job at Bamco, and you're now tasked to make the next big DB game. What genre would the game be? What kind of story would the game have? How large would the roster be, and who'd be in it? You have access to everything within the franchise, from the manga, anime, movies, games and even related series like Dr. Slump and the Galactic Patrol trilogy.

What is your dream DB game?

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I will port Tenkaichi 3 to all modern consoles with online, perfect game right there.

A smash clone with the entire cast (except the woman) genderswapped.

What would Tenkaichi have to do with best DBZ games?

Buu's Fury
Budokai 3

The 18 from the original timeline was pretty fucking ruthless. Current timeline 17 and 18 were never really villains, neither of them. They mostly butt heads with them because Trunks told them they were evil. Other than that they didn't really kill anyone, just blew up a few stores.
But there aren't many females in DBZ to contend with.

Freiza's Lips.

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I already kind of said it, but:
>Single-player action game that covers as much of the canon series (and some of the noncanon stuff like some movies and 21) as possible
>Level-based, NOT open world
>Otogi 2-style combat; multiple playable characters (pretty much every hero that fights multiple times) with very air-heavy combat and destructible environments, but with chargeable ki that lets you use generic ki blasts/kiai/teleports/etc. as well as a handful of signature attacks and transformations
>You can replay story missions with any character after clearing them the canon way
>Bloody Palace equivalent in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber
>Bloody Palace equivalent that's just 1v1 fights in a World Martial Arts Tournament mode
>Alternate costumes like POSTBOY, BADMAN, TACOS, all of Yamcha's hairstyles, and every look that Tien & Future Trunks have had
>Beerus is a secret unlock that takes no damage from anybody short of Jiren and has a dedicated Hakai button
>Mr. Satan is a super secret unlock that is so comparatively weak that beating anything with him is a badge of honor

Alternatively, FighterZ 2 with a larger roster, balancing, & multiple assists per character.

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New story. They've been just shitting that shit out for 2 fucking decades. And if Toriyama can't put together a quality story axe him and get someone else. Seriously. Fuck Him.

FighterZ, get over it, the rest fucking suck

Frieza is a nigger.

DBFZ literally re-sparked my interest in DB as a thing since tenkaichi 3, so I guess that's where the crown goes for me
Still not watching super though.

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Its funny how much MORE pronounced they are when Frieza goes Golden

A handsome nigger.

I'd recommend Super Broly, even if you don't ever watch Super the series. It's just a really, really pretty movie with some bits of comedy, character building, and backstory on Planet Vegeta.

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Raging Blast and Raging Blast 2 outclass any of the other 3D DBZ games by a longshot.

i wish i didn't saw super now i can't get it disgusting stain out of my mind, i though there could never be anything worse than fucking GT but boy was i wrong, im just glad people are sensible enough to never compare it to Z or the original DB, you know the actual good stuff

this made goku's pp hard

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Based and Cringe

Oh, so that's the reason that a gif I posted some days ago alluding to that got deleted

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I wonder why Goku was stupid enough to go God instead of Blue knowing that Broly wasn't a regular opponent.

Happy to see him trashed tho, Vegeta was fine.

Who's your favorite character and how would you make a game around them?

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>what is Shin Budokai/2

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Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku I & II

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I want to believe the movie took the manga's explanation of God being more useful for longer fights than Blue because of energy consumption being so low in it.

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Oh yeah I watched Broly and I loved that movie, I just wiki'd myself up on Super powerlevels before feasting my eyes on 40+ minutes of uninterrupted high budget fightan. That was one good movie, tell ya hwat.

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I want to cum to android 21


Who's your favorite gods?

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an rpg type, play as a self insert and play through all of dragon ball in goku's place. goes through all of dragon ball, dragon ball z, and would probably end with berus showing up. Includes all movies.with goku being a boss similar to broly but both are there
the game also has original content to keep you on your toes that can happen through different means throughout the game. The game works in a somewhat time based way where you can do events, train, or find shit to mess with the story. in the end the story can be radically different than how it was normally. Like being able to find gero in the red ribbon saga and buddying up with him so in the end he just makes androids for everyone. can marry most major characters and some extras.Most have unique kids. Can also marry best girls Mai and 21

Take the concept of the first arc of GT but do it better. A travelling adventure with the bulk of the Dragon Ball cast as they travel to distant planets in search of the Dragon Balls.

However, it would not consist of GT characters. It'd be based after Super's conclusion. Maybe split the groups up to see some more varied character interaction.

I juts like Beerus.

The Ratgod Genius

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Slight disappointment at obviously worse than disappointing circumstances.

extremely based /fit/poster

An updated version of Budokai HD with the roster and story of Heroes, plus the gameplay mechanics of Infinite World with beam clashes added back in. Maybe also add a tag-team mechanic, probably 3-v-3. Probably a custom mode too where you can change up the pallets of costumes, auras and attacks, plus create special team attacks like pic related. Since the game would just essentially have hi-res PS2 graphics, most of the heavy lifting would go into content such as characters, stages and animations.

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>"He came out in the end"

merci docteur

I really like burst limit.

Frieza can't compete.

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Beerus is a slut

Tell me more.

How come some of the gods from higher mortal level universes are so weak compared to lower mortal level universe gods?

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He's number 2 as best god, and number 4 in 'would you a god'.

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post more fem freeza please

I want to feed him and pet him above his tail.

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>it's been a year and a half since super ended
When the FUCK is a new DB anime coming

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That's boring.


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Quitela truly is a great GoD

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budokai 2 for that godly jazz ost

>yamchas so weak that frieza doesn't even notice him
>finds him cute, like a puppy
>beats up all the other z-fighters and hits on him while fighting vegeta
>vegeta is screaming

Attached: Ryan+Gosling+Blade+Runner+2049+Madrid+Photocall+D2fxe7NOSFql.jpg (600x383, 48K)

Best Single Player: Fusions
Best Multiplayer: Xenoverse 2
Best Nostalgia: Budokai 3
Best fighter: Fighterz


Yamcha nailing Frieza would probably be the best way for him to get back at Vegeta for marrying Bulma.

I could already see vegeta eating breakfast and frieza walks in with yamcha's clothing.

Man...DBZ makes no sense...none of that should even be hurting him.

>Lizardface, that gi makes you look like a midget.
>Says the talking trolldoll, see you later monkey!

Why do you live? Why won't you die?

coomerfag only appears when he wants to
if you see 5 threads in one day it's just him, no one else

I just hope frieza doesn't leg lock too hard.

Super DBZ all the way

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Enter CHADza.

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Yea Forums has good taste. FUCK Jobgeta by the way

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Yamcha's gonna learn how to deal with it.

>only one cute Egyptian goddess

shame really.

legacy of goku II

Budokai 3.

If it is as you claim who the fuck is actually watching Super then? How in the fuck is it still going on?

Frezza should have been a monster girl all along

Half of the other GoDs are cuter than that THOT.

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>tfw I will fap to gendebender dbz today thx to you sick fucks

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lmao what the fuck is this.

It looks like a seizure.

Looks like overacting to me.

Turns out women were the true coombranes all along

literal jizzskull

i'm on the second volume of super and i like it a lot, however, some shit is so stupid i just don't find it funny or worthy to be in dragonball, like weis explaining how magetta just lost it because vegeta insulted him. just stupid mayn

What the fuck is happening here?

I'll be that monkey.

>he doesn't convulse in bed just for the fun of it.

any pictures of Frieza's tongue?

Attack of the saiyans

Attached: Special-Training-11.jpg (367x247, 57K)

the best part of waking up in the morning

Attention whoring for tips on MFC or Chaturbate

Beerus and Quitela

Fishman seems cool

Quitela rigged the poll

>Legacy of Goku
I hope you mean one of the sequels, because the first game sucks ass.


I don't remember which Budokai it was, but I do recall grinding the tournament mode to get Zeni to buy capsules at the shop. I had a lot of fun doing that. Too many of the other games don't have enough incentive to keep playing after completing the story mode. Even if I'm only unlocking alternate costumes, it gives me a purpose.

It was 2 or 3, probably 2 because there isn't much else to do besides the main story and Babidi's Spaceship.