funny comics thread
Funny comics thread
When do they /ss/?
>tfw no curvy cat mom
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___
>only viewing the fifth panel
makes it look like she's tempting him with video games as a bribe
Why are her thighs so thick?
bestiality is illegal
I wanna fuck that cat.
what happens next
take one guess
Was this done on a nintendo switch?
Double futa?
Funny comics?
do they fuck followed by cuddling
Why are you trying to force this comic?
Lol i had never noticed the bite mark on the dog before
its scat
dont bother
google image search is your friends, my dudes.
One of you is right
You posted it early today.
Would you a fujo, Yea Forums?
This was really difficult to comprehend what is going on and what the point is.
thanks for saving me the trouble
i wish someone would find me a ginger
where's the joke
where do i sign up
i dont get it
what wrong with putting your hand in pocket?
>that catmom
Left wing jokes nowadays often seem to start and end with "people I don't like are bad".
_ ____ __ ___ ____ ___
do they fuck?
More like furry comics, because that cat mom made me into a furry
The truth is the joke
Why yes, I like videogames
So is fucking my underage sister
what was doing the girl in the first place?
You can whatever about the nazis, but they did love their country. They loved it so much they thought everybody should be part of Germany.
Did Sir draw this
FUCK no. It’s literally the easiest thing in the fucking world to be a woman and not be a piece of trash. Fujos are worse than male incels. gross.
It's not scat, it's by Afrobull, it's Futa though if that's an issue.
Holy shit
It keeps getting better and better
Did, it got super wierd though and I probably wouldnt do it again
>easiest thing in the fucking world to be a woman and not be a piece of trash
Why did you repeat yourself?
That wasn’t him, I posted it earlier
its not
she does have a dick tho
>making a media spectacle out of yourself and consequently cucking yourself out of a career because you quit your job and assumed you'd be rehired
Based Kelly does it again
post more
Kelly used to be funny.
I also posted it earlier, so he's right
jannies deleted it this time though
>this is the third time in a row
Fuck, that actually got me
Is that Deadshot?
people know burritos are an american made thing right? or is that part of the joke?
Do you normally fuck your sister? That’s just weird.
It's satire, yes.
It's Kelly, what do you think?
It isn’t, though.
I buy her white claws when our parents are out. We have fun nights but it’s always super awkward afterwards. I’m gonna pay big time when she grows up for but now, cest la vie or whatever
Don't you have some infidels to blow up, Achmed?
Pretty based, my older sister started fucking me when I was 11 and she was 15 and we still have sex in our late 20s
Nice Will Smith's a fag
I'm an American and I didn't know this until a helpful click-bait article told me the truth.
why the hate for fujos when males do the same thing.
Conservatives don’t know that.
if you aren't the best ur shit like the rest
Nobody said that those men didn't hate themselves as well.
I just imagined no one locked the doors before they died
I get it, he messes up the G and N keys, getting NIGNER!
this is not a video game
and his son is a weirdo
is there porn of the cat mom?
>get a slim girl
>breed her
>most of the stuff he ate when pregnant will go to her hips and thighs
you are welcome.
fuck i actually lost
you alright pal
>funny comics thread
>most aren't funny
Yea Forums in a nutshell
>Video game board
>most posts arent vidya
Yea Forums in a nutshell
>comics thread
>most images aren't comics
>tfw no curvy cat mom that browses /vr/
Nobody's actually gonna get this one despite how good it is
I’ve got cute AND funny
is that fucking Bojack?
It's weird, I saw this guy's art for the first time today, almost completely separate to Yea Forums and now I see these again here. Hladilnik, right?
I am sensing some super disappointing plot twist like NTR down the pipeleine.
Yes, I would love to be in a loving relationship with one.
Why does everything have to be so political now?
I assume she's being put to sleep?
desu breakfast burritos are usually complete trash cause the eggs are too dry
That wasn't funny OP was the joke that you were being funny by posting a non funny image? Help a redditor out here
Fuck off with all the furry shit jesus
She has a penis doesn't she.
wtf no, she was supposed to get well soon
Feels good ravaging that tight pussy, huh? I kinda wish I could fuck my sister but I doubt I could make it happen.
I thought it was nuked?
Wow so brave and powerfull...
Puke is so fucking gross that even in something like this it deeply disturbs me
She sucks her cock
Is this how adult life is supposed to be
No penis? :(
They're always cat people and never dog people
And then she got better forever and ever the end.
There is no way this doesn't end up in either a joke or a shitty fetish which might literally be scat, but at this point I won't even try to guess, it can be NTR, it can be vore, it can be farts, point is, so many drawings and them being so barebone this is most probably commissioned fetish stuff that happens to be someone's fantasy that he can't find somewhere else, so may god have mercy
Kinda hoping it's just a joke at the end desu
>oh, he had a gun?
What's in the bag, Yea Forums?
>Sheep pussy
Okay, where are things going south here? Is she gonna take his organs or something?
Yes, this is a setup for a dicking joke.
>I buy her white claws
What's in the punishment bag?
A punishment
Doctor was euthanizing the cat because it's a pet shelter
Why is Hitler working with the Jews?
Now you have my full attention
what's the reference?
You sure thats the case? Didya read the rest?
Yes user, the rest of the comic is as realistic as an humanoid sheep hitting you on a bar.
Especially with the guy putting that little effort, that part is especially realistic.
I love video games.
Post the one whre the furry trannie dies already
wtf im sad now
It’s a brand of alcohol
I don't believe thats what happened. I believe she died of cancer.
oh hes sad the cat forgot her mouse after getting better.
I mean, aren't sick kids not supposed to get stuffed animals cause they are super susceptible to spreading illnesses?
I thought that's why there's so many drives for getting sick kids either plastic toys or video games.
that makes sense
One of my comfiest relationships was with a girl like this desu.
It's supposed to be someone's pet, not their kid
Depicting unpleasant things happening to nekomimi lolis is more reprehensible than genocide. Just so you know.
Did she die because doctor stopped giving her medicine because her family ran out of funding and her country does not have free healthcare?
Me saying will you marry me.
:^( I'm so lonely.
me on the right
She gets well after this and goes home to her loving parents with the mouse plush the nice doctor gave her. There's nothing else after this. She lives a long and happy life and finds someone she loves and has a wonderful family that all care and support for each other.
Don't fucking do it, user
There are 5 stages of grief. You are at the Denial stage. Your in Denial. You are denying that she is dead. That death is inevitable for all life.
It truly is.
This is gonna fuck up now, innit.
me (male) in the middle
Punchline is next, right?
Yes, and clearly the doctor's assistant is a regular ass bird and not an actual assistant carrying trays away.
It's obviously meant to be a kemono world where there's humans and animal people together. Doctor is human, sick girl's a catgirl, nurse is a bird girl.
I already did it......It's all been posted user.....You can't deny it. Reality is right ahead of you.
The nurse is an harpy, so I think it's fair to assume that the girl is considered a person.
My current bet is her biting his dick off.
I fucking hate you so much. Thank you.
where's the fucking joke fuckley
n i c e
Okay, I finally get it. This comic is supposed to be depressing because we will never experience such bliss.
Fuck user, nice long con.
>has a son
>he's a calico
>calicos are usually female
> That death is inevitable for all life.
Except Hydrozoa, fuck this dudes
This is just porn isnt it.
Fuck it, hit me.
its garbage and the joke is some of you are wasting your time looking at it
>it got super wierd though
How weird does weird get?
It's true.
Your welcome. It's truly a sad comic but alas I do not know the artist so an alternate ending is null.
Where does it say that it's a dude?
come on man, furries only draw porn
Fuck you I'll deny it because I have the power to do so. I don't like to feel any more sad than I already do so denial is all I have left
really pushing it here user
The Lamb chick is actually a ruthless mob-boss who kills people, there I've spoiled the twist before the thread gets deleted.
How the fuck do people get blowjobs without being scared? This girl was sucking me off last night and i literally went soft cause i was so spooked she'd accidentaly bite my dick off. Like i felt her teeth against it and shit.
Didn't even cum.
well there you go, retard
>Get comfortable
>Come out in a fucking Gi
This better get fucking hype
Hey, there was the Travis comic that ended well. In the alt ending but it ended well.
Hurry the fuck up already before the threads gets deleted
you might want to make an imgur for this just in case.
>>Come out in a fucking Gi
they're called robes, user
I was really expecting
>why the long face?
That shit didn't look like a fucking robe. Her legs looked like they were pants.
>lol thread ruined by furry shit
John money
There is still time for it to happen.
should have made the black ranger casual racism and the pink one misogyny instead
>Casual racism and misogyny
Nothing casual about it
Why is passionate consensual sex so hot bros?
>Using the Professor’s deluxe punishment bag for punishment.
If only there was a way to figure out the source...
This is better than a lol thread
only if it's trish
My hopes for a silly joke are diminishing.
Based /ss/ poster
I feel like these are being posted out of order
Okay but I need a name
Okay, but why did that Tumblr stuff combine to turn into gamers?
Just makes me irrationally angry to be honest
This was really interesting, thanks for posting it.
>tfw dicklet so even if I could get a member of the opposite sex interested in me its just gonna end in disappointment anyways
Who knows?
I like this one.
But user, I am one
Games like this?
I actually laughed out loud.
Learn to eat pussy well and you can make up for it
Vanilla tomboy always makes me tear up rather then turn me on.
It's the dream man. Jack off to all the fantasy you want, you'll never have the same experience as passionate consensual sex with a good partner.
At least I assume such as a kissless virgin. Maybe it's just another fantasy in that regard...
based perverts keeping women away from gaming.
I enjoy it for the same reason I enjoy all fantasy
wait that wasn't funny at all
How do I achieve bodytype on the right
oh no
Hmmm, I don't like this
Hopefully one day I’ll find out why firsthand and I’ll get to tell you...
Hey user. Whats the source?