>Destroys your thumb
Destroys your thumb
you think the zoomers who browse Yea Forums nowadays actually know what that is? they can't even pretend since they emulate old games
pretty sure zoomers have experience getting wacked in the face with this.
That's a Nintendo switch
i had one as a kid and don't remember it destroying my thumb
>Destroys your finger
The screw had corners, so if you were a kid and had to screw it into a new tv you had to do it blind with one hand. This matters because CRTs were often heavy as fuck so you couldn't move them as a kid to get to the back of the TV. Sometimes you would miss the needle too, and end up bending it in half if you screwed it in wrong.
i always used the rca cables
No way. I never tightened the plugs hard enough to worry about that. Of course, my dad would tighten the VCR into the second TV to its absolute tightest.
not letting this thread die without appreciating you, user
Roommate is on a nostalgia binge and his crt nearly killed us getting it up 3 flights of stairs. Kids have it too easy.
>chad crt vs the virgin thumb
That's why I always screwed it in with the TV on and tuned to channel 4
Yeah HDTVs are very light. An LED or OLED HDTV is pretty much light as paper.
You mean from screwing the coax connector?
Goddamn those things are annoying. Thank god the NES has RCA output for composite and sound.
You can just get some F to RCA adapters, and use RCA cables instead of shitty screw on.
>friend had a CRT he didn't want
>brought it to my house
>fucking thing weighed like 150 pounds
>made this horrifying loud pitch noise whenever it was on
>ended up giving it away
After seeing all the CRT threads I kinda regret letting it go without at least trying to figure out what was wrong.
Are you one of those faggots who can't open a bottle of your own onions drink? GODDAMN. You zoomshits are fucking weak.
How bad was the sound? All standard def CRTs emit a high-pitched 15khz sound. It's how, for example, you could tell it was movie day in your social studies class in grade school before even entering the room, because you could hear that noise the TV emitted.
>the one time i accidentally stabbed my palm with the pointy end and it punctured the skin
*Nintendo RF Switch
That has literally never happened.
Sounds like flyback noise.
you're too young to have known
>grade school
Nigga I had CRT TVs, LaserDisc, and Pentium 3's in high school in 2010
Expert comment~
There was nothing wrong with it. That's what CRTs are.
highschool is gradeschool, dummy.
And yeah, I remember my health education class in 2006 where the teacher brought out a fucking laserdisc player this one time for some sex ed shit. Very bizarre.
I know exactly what you're talking about, but it definitely wasn't that same sound. It was louder and practically painful in how irritating it was.
I remember we were switching service providers when we still had that TV in my house and even the dude doing the service repairs thought that shit sounded way off.
Yeah, it's probably a problem with the flyback then, like the other user mentioned. No idea if that is fixable or how to go about doing that safely if so.
I think some people are just pansy ass faggots and are just that weak.
>movie day in your social studies class in grade school
I don't fuck with the innards of CRTs. Screw up and you can actually get your heart stopped even if the bitch is unplugged.
In any case, it's far too late for me to do anything about. That eardrum fucker is someone else's problem now.
>or how to go about doing that safely if so.
CRTs are Giant Lightbulbs filled with enough electricity to kill you. Don't even try.
It's not an instant deathtrap, but yeah, you have to be safe and take it seriously. I've dabbled in the back doing things like yoke adjustments, but not anything with the flyback. Never had any problems with that before.
Definitely not something I'd just go about recommending anyone to muck around with.
>when you find out it fits in the bottom part
I had one since the mid 90s, but only put 2 and 2 together recently
Also channel 4, channel 3 was CBS where I lived when I was a kid
Was that port ever actually used for anything?
those sized CRTs aren't even that heavy wtf.
the famicom in japan could have a dial up modem and go online
Did the channel you set it to ever actually matter? When I was a kid the TV we used for gaming wasn't the "main" TV in the living room and wasn't hooked up for broadcasts anyway.
It really just depended on whether your TV put those ports in an enclosed little nook, or if your dad used a goddamn vice grip on the antenna cable for better reception.
It depends whether there's a TV station broadcasting on them. We had NBC on 3 so 4 was the game/VCR channel.
yeah. for RF you had to be on channel 3.
I thought it didn't matter so long as you matched the switch on the console with the channel. Usually you could pick between 2 and 3 or 3 and 4 on consoles like atari, NES, genesis, etc.
But the whole idea of those RF switches is that when the console isn't outputting a signal, it allows the normal signal to go through, no?
Some had a switch so channel 3/4.
what happens if you stack a bunch if RFs together?
Oh yeah, but for me it would always be channel 3
>import a famicom
>RF output
>can select between channels 1 and 2
>but channels 1 and 2 on jap broadcast standards isn't the same as american broadcasts
>is actually somewhere up in the 70s iirc
>also it's literally between two channels so you'll never get a proper image, just barely being able to make something out between the static
Theoretically it should be fine, with the consoles closest to the TV in the chain having priority if multiple are turned on. However RF is dogshit and each of those connectors is going to add even more interference than there already was. Even with just one, the things were always a pain in the ass as a kid trying to get an image out of the thing without getting static, snow, or other interference just from the slightest movement.
Sometimes the threads on the connectors were garbage and required unreasonable force to get on. It wasn't pleasant.
>when the teacher tells a couple of students to go fetch it and wheel it into the classroom
Would plugging the Famicom into a VCR and then picking up the RF out from your VCR with some kinda Anthea to boost the signal work? I did that once to get youtube onto a SEGA Game Gear.
I don't think that would help because you still need to set the VCR to read a given channel, so the same problem arises. Unless you can manually tune the frequency to check between channels.
that's why i got me the ol av famicom so i wouldn't deal with that hassle, just plug in my n64's composite cable into it and play kirby's adventure all day
I hate all of you fucking retards.
Excerpt you.
Beakman's world was better.
>CRT's have no tolerance for Thots
Real niggas know to keep one hand behind they back.
I never understood what these were for, what do they do?
Literally the best connection option. Great response time, true dynamic contrast, and great picture. But they wanted to prevent pirates so they made HDMI. It changed nothing.
get that modded for model 2 genesis RGB output, and maybe get a mod that allows you to plug in external controllers instead of the ones wired in
You know how older or lower-quality TVs back in the day might only have that coaxial connector, with no other AV inputs?
Well even OLDER TVs wouldn't even have that. They'd just have those screw-on tabs for directly hooking up a TV antenna.
that shit was used to connect stuff like vcrs and old video game consoles to old ass tvs. Had to put those around some screws on the back and tighten the screws so they'd stay attached. Was always a pain in the ass.
damn it's almost like nerds are sissies
I want to believe that was just a "that was a mildly uncomfortable feeling" moment, but he genuinely looked like he assumed that was painful. I've stubbed my little toe on a desk corner and felt less pain than what his face expressed.
GIF need the "YOU DIED" message at the end.
coaxial box that goes from the console to the TV like the one from the AVGN episode
>as you get older you stop being able to hear that noise
Back when I was a kid I was able to know my neighbor turned their TV on when I was in the front yard playing as that distinctive noise would start up even though the TV was mute.
I stopped being able to hear it in my mid-teens and now of course HDTVs don't have that noise.
He recovered quickly so it probably just got him by surprise
that's odd, you should be able to hear 15khz well into middle-age at least.
Keep in mind that CRT PC monitors and HD CRT TVs do 31khz and so don't output an audible sound.
I got tinnitus around my late teens so that also didn't help.
Our house had a weird daisy chain antenna setup, when I was playing a game it ended up on every TV on channel 4, and giving up one of the three channels we got wasn't reasonable, so channel 4 it was.
What a pussy
it doesn't have to be that heavy if a sharp edge was pressing on his finger
You got anywhere i can read about this?
I wanna learn more about this clusterfuck of technological design
If a broadcasting station with a strong transmission was on the same channel you were trying to play a game system on the TV station will bleed into your game and make the game's video and audio quality even worse.
Back in the days before satellite and cable and eventually HD changed everything the most desirable channels to have your station on was 2-4 as most people were too lazy to go further down the dial if they didn't have to. I moved several times in my youth and I never had a time where all the stations on 2, 3, and 4 were had super reception so there was always one correct channel to set your console to.
It's not really a clusterfuck, it's just older and more antiquated. It's from way back when each TV had its own antenna, rather than it being the standard that the house has an antenna with coax cables being wired throughout the house to TVs in various rooms. You can use standard F-type coax connectors with 300ohm twin leads with a simple adapter.
>instantly powers on
Shut up zoomer CRTs need to warm up.
get a better CRT, fag.
I still have my old Atari 2600 switch box. Those forks bend duper easily and break if you aren't careful when connecting/disconnecting them.
They are also way way worse than the cable connectors Nintendo and Sega went with as channel interference was much harsher.
Kids these days don't have to put up with snow or audio interference on anything compared to those in the pre-Playstation era had to put up (and even after for some people, I was stuck using RF all the way into the Dreamcast era).
at least for atari you could just toss out the switch box and use an RCA-coax adapter instead.
Everyone know the best way to hookup a Nintendo is on the VHS RCA input and then using the VHS coax to plug the TV.
What does this have to do with my post?
It was actually uncommon for TVs to have that connector back in the 2600's heydays. When cable started becoming widespread in the mid-80s was when TVs started having that connector by default.
>mfw there are people who did this even with TVs with composite inputs
I have never heard of anyone having that much trouble with a coax cable. Did you ever consider gripping it softer than "hard enough to make your hand bleed"?
sure let me just head out to Best Buy and get a new one. brb.
Sorry you were poor in the 90s and had some shit-ass zenith TV that didn't power on properly.
that's what I always did
How long do you think Kids arms are?
Is this some kind of attempt at making a joke or something or were there people that actually had a hard time screwing/unscrewing those?
Just shove the rest of your body in between the TV and the wall along with your arm, its not that hard.
sometimes those things were absolute bitches to unscrew, especially if it had fuckin' walls near it on the vcr/tv you were plugging it into or were otherwise in a tight space for your fingers, preventing you from getting a good grip on it..
Then blame your own dumb ass for prioritizing hiding shit over ease of access
Either your TV was small or your setup just made it easier to get at the coax. When I was a kid we had this fucking huge CRT that was in a TV cabinet. I could barely snake my arm behind the thing and there was no way to turn the TV sideways. It was meant to be set up once and left alone forever.
>implying that children choose the location of the family TV
Who the fuck said anything about children?
Whoa, I forgot those were a thing
We're talking about the distant past, user. I don't know about you, but I used to be younger than I am now.
>I used to be younger than I am now.
Now this takes me back.
Imagine, people age and weren't adults from the moment of birth.
Imagine, people being kids and their parents are the ones that decide on how the TV was set up
Imagine being fucking retarded and not realizing the kids had no say on how hard it was to get to the back of the TV to screw the switch box/cables in.
ahaha someone include me in the Reddit screenshot simply epic my guy!
Miss me with that gay shit
You win the internet for today, user
Cute and funny.
The piercing high pitch scream is part of the normal operation of CRT displays.
I thought this was just a ruse, but holy shit this is an actual thing. Ty user, I'm retarded and this may well save my life one day.
>taking 2 people to live a TV
>usus up as much power and space as he feels like
>breaks the floor instead of himself when dropped
A true chad.
Get a better lcd
even my 20in PVM doesn't power on instantly.
Is that you, webm guy?
Yep. Need anything?
ahaha someone include me in the Reddit screenshot simply epic my guy!
oh man, Eyewitness and Beakman were my childhood.
>not playing all of your games on a rear projector tv that doesn’t even have composite
What a fucking pussy lmao
>rear projector tv
who actually fucking bought these things? I remember seeing them at stores like best buy back in the day and thinking they looked like dogshit
that old hdmi cable looks weird no wonder with cords now
Good to see you, man.
You too. Looking forward to see the usual suspects at the next event.
That was 20Kg tops, just how weak is he?
It has a hex fitting.
Anyone who didn't use a wrench for them is a literal retard.
Sometimes the feet on those are really sharp, especially if they were supposed to have a rubber insert that fell out and just left the plastic ridge
forced meme cock scukers
How have you never been pinched in your life? It doesn't even take much weight to inflict pain.
>using a wrench and making it even harder to remove later
>thinking getting a wrench into a small cramped space would be easier than trying to fit your hand in there in the first place
People who never had to mess with this shit in their youth must think all TVs back then were on rotational stands in the middle of the the room with no obstructions whatsoever.
>that (literal) boomer dad who tightened the coax with a hex wrench thinking it would make the signal stronger as if it was a leaky water hose
in reality it was to stop (You) from unplugging the antenna to replace it with your bing bing wahoo machine
I miss the days when televisions were made from wood.
also cars
and trees
Anyone rich enough to afford a "big-screen" TV in the 90s. Real richfags used CRT projectors.
>he didn't have one with prongs
fuck i am old as shit.
Did you mess with the V-Hold?
I still have some of these in my Atari 2600 box.
'94 here, my hand me down TV only had that shit and I used a male-male coax coupler on a prongs-to-coax antenna adapter to get my Genesis onto it.
Usually didn't need to for vidya.
Only time I ever had to fiddle with the V-Hold was in my fruitless attempts to descramble premium stations back in my youth.
when I was really young I thought it was some kind of special ability I had that I could tell when a tv was on
I think we all did back then.
my dad bought a couple, and uncle had one (managed to burn a few things into the screen from Halo 2)
So do any other fucking losers like me still have one of these things?
I used this because I wasn't a degenerate
In an attempt to rationalize the fact I could only hear it when a TV was on I thought it was me being able to hear the TV signal leaking out.
Holy fuck whys your screen pink
got an official one and a mad catz one
It enables elite gamer vision.
>used the RF cable for the video
>used the A/V wires to connect to the stereo
The first time I ever listened to Super Adventure Island through headphones blew my fucking mind back then. I wanna go back
>no meme tabs
Missed opportunity
I do.
I always feel better seeing a bunch of fellow old timers here. I swear /v is almost all exclusively 16-24 year olds.
Maybe where you live, kek
It goes:
Grade school : 1-6
Middle school : 7-8
High school : fr.-snr (9-12)
Some middle schools do 6-8, nut it’s called grade school for a reason user, students are referred to by their grades, 1, 2 and so on. High school students are referred to as freshmen, sophomores etc.
we talk'n coax in here?
did the red cords in composite and component actually do anything?
eyyy miss me with that slow shit
I try not to think the people I argue with here are probably younger than my Yahoo e-mail.
Extremely based
If you had a good enough TV or a separate stereo system it was the right speaker audio.
I had a shitty receiver then but it did the job. Nowadays FANBOYS will say there is no loss in audio quality on fucking consoles but my ears don't lie faggots!
i can't wait to not have to deal with ingress and shitty fittings. too bad i can't touch fiber anytime soon ;_;
Yeah I've still got mine stored with my SNES.
If I remember right the red was half of a stereo audio output, white being the other half; don't remember which was right or left.
Used to hurt like a hell
He's gonna take you back to the past.
Did this with my original Playstation, but like almost all launch PS1s the fucker died on me a year or two later so I had to get a replacement. Sony changed the PS1's internals during that time and they removed the RF Out in favor of a multiversal plug so I had to get the RF cable wire for that and do without stereo for the rest of the PS1's life.
Needless to say I was very pissed about it, especially since the Saturn pulled that universal connector thing too so my stereo was only good for the NES and SNES after that point.
i miss playing jackal on my wood panel tv only to reach around to unscrew the fitting and screw in the adapter to my n64 to play battle tanx with my dad
kill yourself faggot
Why didn't you daisy chain it?
It would have been used for the NES version of the Disk System if they ever made that.
I find it amusing the NES, SNES, and N64 all have expansion ports on the bottom that are all useless.
i wasn't a cable technician... yet
That's why you get it composite modded.
this is some old-school real electrician shit, yo
to add to this they connected to everything. My receiver and speakers for my turntable are from the 60's and use pitchforks for the hookup
Who /s-video/ here?
i have down-syndrome and i also use s-video
Worst part is that the genius that made the NES design moved some of the pins from the cartridge slot to the useless expansion port on the bottom so none of the Famicom games that used custom sound chips could use them on the NES. I never knew what I was missing in Castlevania III until I got on the internet in the late 90s.
>using tools to tighten a coax end
If it's big enough to fit the end through to screw in with a tool, it's big enough that your pussy hand can fit through and do it the normal way.
I always liked how the SNES, N64 and Gamecube all used the exact same output port so the one that came with my SNES was still in use ages later.
Casual filtered
Godammit Carlos!!!!
it didn't matter for analog but for digital, if it isn't tight enough you run the risk of ingress and egress. i use a 20lb torque wrench at work to ensure people don't loosen up their fittings and call a tech when their shit fucks up.
>i always used the rca cables
Our family was too poor to have a tv with rca jacks.
so what, you have two
Less gay than using kg
>Using NES/SNES with video
there are still people with out them... yet they can afford modern cable
What, do you only play games with fucking audio?
When I graduated high school there were still teachers using VCRs in two thousand and goddamn sixteen.
get out, zoomer
>putting that phone number into Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!'s password screen gave you a busy signal
It's the little things
My nigga!
t. Oldfag
>100% of children don't understand what this is
Wrong. It's like this…
Elementary school: K-3
Middle school: 4-8
High school: 9-12
holy shit, didnt even remembered that shit but when the music drops my mind instantly remembered everything
I had to go through about 4-5 schools in my life due to constant moving it was always 6-8 for middle school.
>getting a nut finger tight hurts user's hands
what kind of glass faggot are you OP?
Back when we first got our Genesis we had to daisy chain the RFs for it and our Master System.
I used S-Video with my Dreamcast before moving on to a VGA box.