Your thoughts on him?

Your thoughts on him?

Attached: basedphil.png (580x582, 666K)

fuck off to reddit

the based god

besed indestructible retard


Legitimately based


Dick-sucking phil

what game did he make?

Isn't that the guy who masturbated live on stream?

>e-celeb shit in 2019
>dsp shit in 2019
there are bigger, and more vile lolcows out there, you only bash on him while ignoring the autists who render 20 hour videos on him because your own life is hollow

Based Phil

Attached: based_DSP2.png (596x540, 145K)

I remember seeing him cumming live I'm glad people have forgotten; unlike that Dota2 guy that sniffed his balls like a maniac.

he's basically Yea Forums personified

absolute madman

Attached: dark fap phil.gif (280x280, 1.57M)

The day it all comes crashing down will be glorious.
It's his job to be a lolcow.
He has nothing to fall back on when his retarded supporters get bored.

He's mentally ill,how can someone be this much filled with rage and negativity in his life.

Unironically based
He destroyed an entire YouTube channel and countless friendships without even moving a finger. Lmao at Sons of Cuckjima

I liked viva la bam. Shame to see him like this now

decent content producer
he is basically a one man reality show

What videogame is he from?

The only Yea Forums approved e-celeb.

Attached: DSP.webm (720x480, 2.86M)