I love Anne!
Attached: 1552012224673.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)
Hey don't...
Attached: 1503084183566.png (872x632, 290K)
I love Nonko.
Attached: nonko (176).jpg (146x224, 14K)
I love Kawakami!
Attached: kawa2.jpg (706x1000, 102K)
I loathe Fuuka and want to put laxatives in her food then lock her in her room.
Attached: 17ABB3E8-FA43-4787-9D02-8C936A6AAB54.jpg (357x535, 26K)
>when two social rejects meet
Attached: tumblr_orvmzu6aTw1vczs18o1_400.jpg (400x571, 139K)
Fuuka's conversations with Futaba have had her prepare for such an emergency.
I love Fuuka!
Attached: Looking Fuuka.jpg (1085x1200, 109K)
Anne is my wife and the love of my life.
Attached: 1507177626031.jpg (700x906, 109K)
I love Reisen!
Attached: 57619490_p0.jpg (1300x1400, 1.15M)
My wife.
Attached: 1499831371399.jpg (605x1000, 66K)
Makoto's ass is the hottest thing ever
Attached: makoto3.png (119x305, 70K)
>she will never punch you and sit on your face
Attached: makotobod.png (109x294, 88K)
>this hair isn't an option in the base game
I yearn for death.
Back off she’s mine to remodel
Attached: BCCA503F-3333-4EBD-B3DA-2BB203E8F875.png (463x487, 505K)
If you need to remodel her then you don't love her, you love your fictionalized idea of her
She is perfect
Attached: makoto1.png (225x340, 151K)
Her ass is on par with Haru's boobs
Attached: makotoass.png (182x482, 173K)
With cute dress is all I meant anonymous
Lazy pig only has that ass because she sits on it all day mooching!
Attached: 468347894.png (872x632, 168K)
She's plenty cute already, please leave her alone
I liked Kawikami, and thought Futaba was cute.
But I was so attracted to Makoto's ass I couldn't refuse her. It drove me absolutely wild
Attached: makoto2.png (463x409, 380K)
Makoto is fat now, you can stop fawning over her.
Attached: 1568128624067.png (2048x1075, 1.33M)
Attached: 60.jpg (544x800, 50K)
Attached: 5.jpg (496x663, 64K)
I love makoto!!!
Attached: 5467bc1d284309df33cd3602b99e2ffced438ba8.jpg (1920x1080, 312K)
Attached: 89.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)
Attached: 7.jpg (900x1159, 374K)