Which hypothetical World of Warcraft client type would you be the most interested in?


Retail (9.0+ - new expansions as normal)
Classic (legacy server like what we have)
Classic+ (new Classic style content added onto Classic)
TBC (legacy servers with no new content)
TBC+ (new TBC style content added to TBC)
BFA (legacy realms that never go past 8.3)

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I rather play FF14

classicfags already looking for their next high

except you're a faggot who cant use roman numerals


I'd say 9.0 if it were actually good like mop or something. Modern WoW is a bit too arcadey and I wish they'd remove transmog and ability to get old mounts

A sequel to WoW on a whole new engine.

I think every expansion other than BfA has at least SOME interesting mechanic added to it that I would enjoy seeing. Overall, I think WoW peaked at BC, and started going into shit in cata, but even MoP-legion had interesting things. My favorite would be BC or WotLK though. Theres not way that blizz is gonna have multiple copies of WoW being developed, but if I could choose which xpac they would go to and start from there, I'd say anywhere from classic to pre-LFD WotLK

Don't you mean FFIX+V?

LMAO I can't believe retailfags already want a new expansion. If retail was so good, it wouldn't need new content. Can't run Azshara forever, retailfags?

why are they so angry

>Out of all options, 5% voted retail.
>Out of all options, 50% voted Classic+.
W-why are Classicchads winning?

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jesus christ imagine the sandwich

i don't get it, if we already have classic why would you put it on the list?
>wotlk and mop at the top

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Classic would die if TBC was rereleased, or if Classic+ took its place. So you have to choose.

You faggots really annoy me

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>voting for classic+

what do you retards think the game will be like in 2 years, yes you guessed it

POst more ming

people who say classic+ should fucking kill themselves

whatever client tales of alextraza happens.

I would say TBC or WoTLK before LFD

Man you guys are just incapable of not seething at WoW

Like I’ve never entered a Final Fantasy thread in my life

They're afraid because they know they're losing.


I only wanted to shitpost a little my friend.

Which client type that regularly added new content (like retail) would you play the most if all were available? Keep in mind that retail is a default option and in my last poll, Classic+ won for pre-Cata while MoP+ won for post-WotLK.

>Retail (9.0)+ - More expansions and patches for retail which expansions presumably continuing to change up the game as much as we saw between MoP to WoD, WoD to Legion and Legion to BFA. The game continues as normal.
>Classic+ - A third client type that adds Classic-style content to the Classic world, building up patches and possibly expansions in the old style of world design, dungeon design, quest design and gameplay.
>MoP+ - Picking up after Siege of Orgrimmar, this client type pretends WoD, Legion nor BFA ever happened. New patches and expansions are regularly released adding MoP-style content. This content is not exclusively Pandaria-related whatsoever, only the style, gameplay and philosophy.


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Pandas in Classic+ for Alliance and Blood Elves for Horde

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welcome to the mmorpg world

A fresh start, like wow2 or something
I would probably play retail if I weren't years behind everybody else and there was no other monetization outside the sub