

Attached: m4s9tdvjskx21.jpg (1334x750, 158K)

Animals buried underneath it

Double its width.

Not bad, that's a clever way to use leads, with hiding the animals underneath like that.

>walk past bridge
>hear pigs squealing

Attached: dylan.gif (250x167, 283K)

Why can’t it just work without using animals?

Can someone explain? Haven't touched minecraft in at least 5 years

wait you can't just leash two fences

you cant tie a lead to just anything i dont think. you need to start it on an animal and then you can link it to a fence

linking a fence to a fence isnt possible

What items do you want added to minecraft?

I just want some more early game mobility, like a grappling hook or a rope. Its annoying always having to use a water bucket or waiting till after the ender dragon to get a Elytra.

Half slime and half redstone blocks

You can put a rope on animals and then attach them to fence posts, the brown blocks with gray dots are trapdoors, the animals are inside. No idea what block the planks are.

I actually would like rope just so mining is cooler. What's more bad ass and adventury, making a big ass pole of dirt, or rapelling down and climbing up a ravine or mineshaft?

That's clever

Why is he a retard

Death stranding looks pretty nice

I really wish they would add more functionality to leads, there's so much potential for them.
First let them be attached between fences for nice aesthetic uses.
Next, let them attach most entities together, including animals, minecarts, villagers, monsters, etc.
This way you could create trains by attaching minecarts together.

It's those campfire blocks, but unlit.

Ah yeah I know about those, cool.

So this is Mojangs definition of "creativity"

Rope would be based as fuck.
>Place it on a wall
>As much rope blocks stack downwards as there are in the item stack
>Rope works like moving up and down in a waterfall except it doesn't push you down.

>Can make rope arrows that hook rope in your inventory to walls to climb up or shoot at mobs to drag them in.

Then have a grappling hook with dope physics as an expensive lategame item.


what year is it, boomer?