What are your hopes for FF16?

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That it never comes and Dragon Quest takes its place


Designed by FFVI developer

But knowing Squeenix, it's probably gonna be directed by Motomu "Lightning" Toriyama and be another flop like FFXV

New artstyle. So tired of the Nomura shit.

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None whatsoever. I stopped having hopes for the FF series on April 1st 2003.

go back to turn based rpg

no sausage wagon
yes clam van

these, stop appealing to fags who don't like the classics.

> Chris Chn is the main character of FF16.

Nice to see they finally included a trans party memeber, SE is progresive!

Old men at the top of SE having no say in development process other than deciding the budget at the start

Nah, DQ will never reach the levels of FF.

Final Fantasy is popular for it's great storytelling, lore and characters and DQ has nothing of that, i dont see it becoming big in the west.

None. It´s been almost 20 years since the last good FF game. Even if VIIR can actually pull a somewhat decent game off (which statistically can´t happen because every single piece of media branded FF VII aside from the original game sucked, the mentioned 20 years dry spell and the prominense of open world games full of meaningless quests) unless it´s as revolutionary and relevant as the original (which won´t happen because SE is finished creative wise) that would only ammount as a fluke.

Considering those are the chances of VIIR, XVI doesn´t have chances at all. Plus, it may never even come. My guess is SE is really going to go all out with VIIR and if it doesn´t do ridiculously well they are finished.

Squeenix hates DQ but is never going to admit it

what, there are expectations? well, alright..
I hope it's fantasy setting
I hope it has "Final" in the title so I can reminisce about all the things I though were "final" in my life and actually were.. not like this title, where they can't get their "final" because everyone keeps asking for more.. not like in my life... jesus fucking christ I just want a good game at this point, what the fuck are you even asking you ugly OP piece of shit, making me fucking cry, an old fucking fuck cry, oh shit man this hurts so bad

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For Square to stop trying so hard to appeal to a western audience so much and just make a game that fans want to play.

Naoki yoshida ff14 director said if square enix offers him ff16 he would do it, that was 2 years ago.
He also said he wanted a more fantasy setting with less machines and mechs
>I’d like to see a Final Fantasy that is straightforward fantasy, one that doesn’t have much machinery, and with no mecha in it.


Square enix also confirmed that yoshida and his new team finished up preproduction of a new game thats not related to ffxiv and its going into full production twitter.com/DKHF_/status/1112587607261638656

thanks fren, this will give me some respite in this sad place we call our home

turn-based, isometric, ensemble cast of flawed characters, designs by amano

to actually finish it this time

YoshiP, the FFXIV guy, is working on another FF project iirc. Might be involved with XVI

I dont have hopes for FF since XIII.
SE never shown anything worth of the franchise since XII.

They won't do it but they should really set it in Vana'Diel. They have all this lore prepared and there's a lot of cool stories you could tell. Having hume, mithras, tarutaru, elvaans, and galkas gives you easy silhouettes for character design too.

Doubt they'd go into Vana'Diel. If anything they'd pull out Ivalice yet again. Could be cool if they did though, wouldn't mind seeing what a Gria would look like in 3d

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XIV but actually single player.

Go back to turn based combat but add something to it. I wouldnt mind seeing real synergies between characters so that they would do double team moves or some other shit like that, it was great in Chrono Trigger

>drop the name Final Fantasy
>continue the franchise spiritually with a new title
>keep moogles, chocobos, crystals, etc. if you want, or don’t ...
>basically start fresh and let the artists run wild
>use light action RPG gameplay of Kingdom Hearts, FFXV, and FF7R
It’s time for a new fantasy

Other than the last point, isn't that basically what the Bravely games are?

Pretty much. So is Octopath. Kinda looking forward to seeing what the next "copy the old FF formula and tweak a couple things" game is.

something that shits on XV.

>Job system
>Ditch any and everything having to do with Fabula Nova Crystalis, just jettison it into the void never to be talked about or mentioned again, bring back Crystal lore and the Void.
>Turn-based or one of its derivates, if you want action elements go play fucking Kingdom Hearts or something.
>An overworld
>An extensive Mark Hunt system like XII
>Kingdoms, castles, ancient evils, cool villains, interesting party members that have distinctive and fantastic visual design, don't ask a goddamn fashion designer to come up with their clothes for heaven's sake.
>A classic FF story focusing on a world, its problems, and saving it from them, with character development being a still important but secondary focus. No exclusive focus on character analysis like XIII, no "fuck the story, we're on a fishing vacation" like XV.
>Don't try to reinvent the damn wheel for no damn reason

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-no turn based combat, they tried for 10 games and it sucks in all of them. XV having shit combat doesn't discount non-turn based combat for FF you retards
-directed by naoki yoshida
-story/writing by the shadowbringers woman
-soken lead composer with uematsu/shimomura assisting
-airship travel

Final fantasy 9-2

>another flop

it may have sucked ass but it was by no means a financial flop

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FF hasn't been good since 9. I bought FF15 and the fucking thing was playing itself.

Turn-based (ATB is fine)
Jobs and job switching
Fantasy with sci-fi elements rather than the other way around
Romance that doesn't end with either character being killed

when has FF ever been sci-fi with fantasy elements?

Had me until then. I've never liked his character designs, and I hate that the Advance ports put his art everywhere.

You went to the moon with a spaceship in IV


turn based
keep nomura away from it
no open world meme
fantasy, no modern steam/cyber punk

the end having a moon doesn't mean the game isn't based on fantasy

Bring back those sexy rat people from 9.

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XIII is like that, I'd say.

DQ has the best characters of any RPG, keep your misinfo to yourself

Wait a minute that nelson..
Is that the AGDQ tranny?

I hate games where characters don't look like their actual role. Warriors not in suits of armor or at least like casual Aragorn, mages without a robe or some ritual outfit, monks in a fancy gi or shaolin outfit or whatever, thieves that don't look like some sort of ninja.
Apparently being in the future or in a "real life-fantasy" setting means you can tank hits without protection and you can be a mage like Selphie in a naked overall. Make the armor as simple or fancy as you want. Sword, shield, optional helmet, but fucking have it.
Main reason why I got tired immediately of the Persona series, the presentation is not fantasy enough for me, with the exception of the halloween costumes of Persona 5.
Seriously, a FFIX style of character design but with a realistic approach would be just fine.
>Romance that doesn't end with either character being killed
This wouldn't be bad, or no romance but a wholesome good ending. Fuck "life sucks and then you die" endings.
Someone actually tweeted it in that occasion and they almost got lynched.

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The movie.

Eh, there's a lot of fantasy in there for sure but having an alien as a main character and going to the moon is pretty sci-fi. There are some pretty sci-fi dungeons as well

We may get something with most of those.
Yoshi-P who's in charge of ffxiv is supposed to be in charge of their next big game (which basically means FF), and he's said he wants to make a very traditional style high fantasy rpg.
It has amazing writing and, funny enough, has the closest thing to a traditional high fantasy setting since ffxii, which in numbering gives the impression that it's not that old but it's a mid ps2 generation game.

Plus, I'm real sure the heads at squeenix are enjoying the shitty reputation xiii and xv have given the series, not to mention the monetary black hole that the ten fucking years of ongoing development that xv was that ate up whatever profits it may have had on release.

>Final Fantasy is popular for it's great storytelling, lore and characters
HAHAHAHA! By your logic, people buy Pokemon for the story and characters because it outsells Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy is popular because it has the second biggest marketing budget of any game series in history (second to Pokemon). When a FF game comes out without massive marketing, it sells at or below that of Dragon Quest games. They sell based on the flashy cinematics on trailers. Even most FF fans make fun of the stories for being overblown shounen level crap. Because they are.

>and DQ has nothing of that, i dont see it becoming big in the west.
Dragon Quest has better characters and stories than FF games. It's also one of the best selling JRPG series in the west. It just doesn't reach FF levels because it doesn't get FF levels of marketing. The few DQ games which did see good marketing (VII and IX) have sold well. Just like Final Fantasy.

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I want it to be based on the life of Chris Chan, just told through a fantasy setting

A big marketing budget and flashy cinematic doesn't keep the stories and high points of your games being talked about twenty to thirty years down the line.
Now I will say, they're not the most intricate and deep storytelling ever, and anybody who claims that is silly.

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>A big marketing budget and flashy cinematic doesn't keep the stories and high points of your games being talked about twenty to thirty years down the line.
Uh, yes they do. Because that marketing got 10+ million people to play the game. So even if they hate the story, they keep talking about it because it's something millions of people can relate to. Just like Naruto or Dragon Ball.

This can be seen based on how much each FF game is talked about. The most talked about games are the ones that are played the most. Even though people are very split on these games being good or bad. It's just like the Star Wars films. People may hate the prequels or sequels, but they still talk about them for decades because so many people have seen them and it comes up so often.

That it's nothing like XV

1) Keep Tetsuya Nomura away from it, like, make it so he can't approach the game development from 100km or something
2) Hire good writers for fucks sake, and actually use their work in the goddamn game not in a movie
3) Just make the game on Unreal Engine 4 like everybody else, don't waste your time on pretty rocks

Follows these easy rules and you should get at least a game, not an unfinished piece of garbage like XV
The rest is a matter of talent

I'm not a big fan of FF games. They do pretty much the opposite of everything I want a JRPG to do (Dragon Quest/Chrono/Suikoden). However, I think they should embrace their differences from those other series and run with it.

It's clear that the FF developers want to make cinematic movie games. So just fucking do that. Make the next main series Final Fantasy game an interactive movie game like Uncharted or Last of Us. Stop trying to make a game like this with weak combat and world interaction stuffed in between cutscenes.

Either go all the way with being a cinematic led game or put everything into combat/world design and make a traditional JRPG. Being half-assed on both like FFXIII/XV just makes everyone mad.

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They bring back everybody responsible for FFXII except this time don't drive the director into a nervous breakdown. Also it's set in Ivalice.

I actually just got done with the base XIV story a couple days ago, and I'm excited to play more of it. The setting is in overall terms exactly what I feel a game like this should be like, a mix of high tech but still vaguely pre-industrialized, with a high-tech, highly-industrialized antagonistic empire causing trouble for everybody. And I also am a sucker for callbacks, and I know the game is big on that.
But of course, XV also had a really, really great basic setting to build a story in, but everything else about how said story actually ended up being built was a mess.

V had a massive marketing budget? VI? TACTICS?
I would need to have intimate knowledge of Dragon Quest threads and see how discussion there goes to compare the two franchises, do they still talk about older games as much as about newer ones, do they talk about Psaro the Manslayer as fondly as we do ExDeath, for example?

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>It's clear that the FF developers want to make cinematic movie games
That's what -Toriyama- wanted to do, he is on record saying that he took inspiration from goddamn CoD to make XIII, and look how that turned out.
When Sakaguchi wanted to make a movie, he went, got funding from Square, made a studio, and made a goddamn proper movie.
Which bankrupt the company. But still, he knew to keep things separate.

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Sakaguchi has stated in interviews that his intention even with the first FF game was focusing on story. As limited as it was. What gameplay we've got over the years came from people lower on the totem pole. It was a secondary focus to the story/cinematics, even in the old games. FFII and IV should be enough evidence for that, where they pull the most bullshit red herring moments to revive characters or plot twist their way out of it. And these story moments override gameplay mechanics.

Exactly. The beads and random articles of clothing are off putting.
>inb4 nomura zippers/belts

That it's kino like Tabata's XV.

It's the highest selling FF ever when comparing release timespans and has more positive reviews than any FF.

xv has great combat

you're retarded

ff7r part 1 took longer to make already than xv did from start of it on its engine to end of its dlc this year

>V had a massive marketing budget?
No, it did not. And it is not as popular as half the FF games as a result.

They had huge marketing for a JRPG at the time of their release. That is, they actually had marketing where barely any other JRPG got any marketing at all. We only think they had weak marketing because we compare everything to FFVII. Which had the biggest marketing budget for a game in history, until Pokemon a year later. And of course, FFVII and Pokemon broke sales records as a result. Following these two juggernauts, huge marketing budgets became the norm.

>do they still talk about older games as much as about newer ones
Yes. Most DQ threads are about new fans asking where to play the old games, along with fans talking about all the games.

>do they talk about Psaro the Manslayer as fondly as we do ExDeath, for example?
That's not a very apt comparison because villains in DQ games aren't as much of the focus as the protagonists and the journey itself. But yes, they do still talk about him plenty. Psaro also appears in spin offs, as do all the major antagonists and protagonists. Dragon Quest had a spin off arcade game with character cameos years before Dissidia happened.

I kind of refuse to believe that could be possible

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None it's going to be shit calling it right now. The last 10 final fantasy games have been utter hot fire garbage fire trash. They can't even get a remaster right (looking at you final fantasy 8)

that it's as far away from 15 as fucking possible!

That because FFVIIR was being developed by CyberConnect2 until a few years ago when Square took over and restarted the project from scratch.
There is no debate that Square's obsession with proprietary engines, since the PS3 era at least, is one of the cause of this company's downfall

How is CWC doing these days

I just hope that everyone realizes how shit most JRPGs are by the time 16 comes out.

well at least it outsold the lightning games.

Who is this artist? They look familiar.

While it did sell enough to not be called a flop, it's nowhere near what SE wanted. And if you calculate development costs vs final sales, many FF games will come out ahead of FFXV. There's a reason they're rushing out a FFVII remake, after FFXV took a decade to release.

That said, DLC might make FFXV more profitable. But Squenix won't release the sales numbers for that. And given how they quit developing DLC part way, it's not a good sign.

Impossible, 99% of the audience doesn't even realize FF has been shit for longer than it has been good. Twice as long, as a matter of fact.

Fully rendered sex scenes with rikku

It literally had to sell for two, because FFXV was both a completed game that got scrapped and also the FFXV that never was.

This, go back to fantasy mixed with modern touches. Nomura is a hack.

Not liking something doesn’t make your taste better. If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

Turn-based combat. Preferably build on what FFX started

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Most of the sales of XV came from pre-orders. People were very disappointed with the actual game which was unfinished and buggy
Also the game ultimately lost $33 million, got its latest DLC cancelled and cause its director to be fired. It was a failure through and through
It won't even be remembered as one of the few good RPG of this gen since Persona 5, DQXI and Nier:A exists.

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You've been trying to defend FF for quite a while in this thread. My only answer to you is:
Go fuck yourself, shit eater.

I want an ARPG with an actual class system and varied skills and spells to mess around with.

>Japanese sales
>Not worldwide
>Ignoring shrinking console sales in Japan each gen

Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game

Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017

Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release

And now it's at 9m+ since Steam XV hit 1m+ by June 2019 and was at around 500k on Steam back when it was at 8.4m

It literally sold over SEs expectations for it, and for dev costs it still sold more than 7 when comparing release timespans whilw being cheaper than 7 was

>Nearer Tomato
Wait what?

allah willing this will happen

The worst Final Fantasy is better than the best Dragon Quest, prove me wrong

You can't

Yeah this. I love Near A Tomato, but I can't help but laugh when anyone calls it an RPG. It's very clearly an action game.

Wrong, day1 at 5m, 9m+ now

>Is it safe to assume that this is the most expensive game ever made, if account for the entire development cycle, before you took over?

>Tabata: No, it's not, even including that. From what I've heard, we're nowhere near what Destiny or Grand Theft Auto V [cost].

>But Destiny's budget is projected over a ten-year timeline.

>Tabata: I suppose if you consider it from when we started Versus XIII, we've been at it for ten years as well. The budgets for all of our projects are controlled quite strictly, but on a company level, so it's not been allowed to go that far out.


Destiny budget is confirmed $140m

FF7 budget is confirmed as $145m-226m

Here is Squaresoft stating FF7 sold 5.16m by Dec 24th 1997, it released in Jan 1997.

Here is Squaresoft official statement that FF7 sold 6.57m by Jan 1999, 2 years after release.

Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game

Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017

Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release

And now it's at 9m+

I know. It's just a dream

it's a shame Lightning Returns didn't get more love, it's the kind of game they should have gone with in the first one.

I also want this, but I don't want it to be Final Fantasy XVI

Make it more like Dragon Quest XI. Not joking. Dragon Quest XI is more story driven and linear than most DQ games. But it's still less linear and open than most FF games. It's a good balance between the two, which Final Fantasy should strive for.

Or they could try to emulate the Chrono games. But see, that's the problem. Final Fantasy as a series is always trying to be different from its contemporaries. This was Sakaguchi's plan as far back as the first game. Take what Dragon Quest did, then try to do the opposite of it in every way possible. This isn't exactly a bad plan, provided you have good developers who know what is good about the other games and how to subvert those elements. But Final Fantasy hasn't had these types of developers for decades. Now they just have a hierarchy of artists working under Nomura.

My suggestion would be Masato Kato, Yuji Horii and as many of the Chrono members back as you can, then let them make a Final Fantasy game. But if you're going to do that, might as well just let them make a Chrono game instead.

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hi Barry. still mad at that one woman?

>XV also had a really, really great basic setting to build a story in, but everything else about how said story actually ended up being built was a mess.
Trust me, it only gets better after the base ARR story.
A lot better.

I want it to be XVI because we haven't had an actual ARPG final fantasy like that except for 12...sorta and 14, but that's an MMO.

He never lost the company anything and SE offered him more senior positions
The $33m loss came from SE cancelling multiple new IPs and CGI production and only from when the new company started in April 2018, nothing from before that, and that $33m was made back instantly from FFXV mobile game which made over $375m in 2018 alone

Hell Tabata literally went on livestream a few months after he left SE with other SE devs in the livestream too like yosuke saito, and they talked about how him leaving was his descision and SE is on good terms with him.

Cope you lying fuck.

Also why are you posting the price it had at a single store in Japan for 2 weeks at the end of 2017/start of 2018 for a new years sale a week before royal edition was announced and they were clearing what little stock that single store had left before royal edition was back selling at full price?

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>this formatting
>endless debunked defense of FFXV
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post...

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ff6 is overrated

all i want is a somewhat grounded story.

>What are your hopes for FF16?
About the same hopes on this list.

10-2 is shit
11 is shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is shit
15 is MEGA shit
Dissidia is shit
world of final fantasy is shit
type zero is shit
7 Remake will be shit
16 will be shit
17 will be shit

1-10+tactics for life death to square enix praise Squaresoft.
Do not expect another good final fantasy ever the IP is dead SquareSoft is dead and it's time to move on.

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still coping that XV was a huge success?

>the heads at squeenix are enjoying the shitty reputation xiii and xv have given the series
>implying they're even aware of it

Better than ANY modern final fantasy.


written by yoko taro

Stop the garbage Action combat meme and go back to the amazing turn based the series is known for.

Where? You were the only one debunked by the facts linked in those posts

The most recent FF games are clearly trying to emulate what's in fashion in the Western market. XIII took inspiration from the roller-coaster hollywoodian genre of CoD Modern Warfare, while XV was trying to ape open-world games of Ubisoft and Betheseda
You can even argue that XII was inspired by the MMO craze of the the late 2000s

You didn't debunk anything, why are you lying?


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Not better than 9 and at least i would say equal to 7.

For it to actually be fun and not all style. It will never happen though.

Both Turn Based and the real time action combat is complete garbage. The only combat system I like is the real time one in 12, and that's because of the gambit system.

14, World of FF, and Type 0 are all good though. Also 10-2 is severely underrated

I was growing increasingly annoyed with all the filler up until the point where Ultima Weapon swooped in and ate three primals at the same time. It was neat to watch happen, and now I'm cautiously optimistic. I also want to participate in the XIV threads but I don't want to get too spoiled. For an MMO, of all things.

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This the core of final fantasy has been and should be turned based end of story. Changing it to something it's not is 100% retarded. This is like changing call of duty to turned based do you know how stupid that sounds?

More Ivalice to be honest.

Who gives a fuck just play the goddam games.

I remember reading that a long time ago, hope it's true. FFXIV's story has been consistently good and this latest expansion has probably been the best FF in over a decade, so I'd want to see what he can do with a mainline singleplayer title.

While my favorite RPGs are usually modern or future era ones, I'm not opposed at all to a pure or 99% fantasy one. I wonder if he'll even have airships and such in it or it really will be incredibly low tech.

FFVI is as grounded as FF can be.

So basically ATB with gambits and moving around if you want? Because battles in XII are not fundamentally different from any of the games that came before otherwise.

>>use light action RPG gameplay of Kingdom Hearts, FFXV, and FF7R
Absolutely disgusting, even FF's turn based system is preferable to a shallow button mashing action game.

I want this new one to have a more grounded story.I never said ff6 was grounded also it's not.

>Also the game ultimately lost $33 million
No it didn't. That $33m had nothing to do with XV and only to do with new IPs and CGI production getting canceled between April 2018 and September 2018. XV already released in 2016 and profited you moron, it made over $360m in its first month of sales.

>got its latest DLC cancelled
No, the non canon alt timeline BONUS 3rd round of DLC was cancelled while the canon prequel DLC that fans requested was still made and released in 2019.

Tabata quit to start his own company, he didn't even direct any of the XV DLC either.

>use light action RPG gameplay
kill yourself

Yeah I know. I kinda said gambits are the only reason I enjoy it at all.

Yes that's a very known issue with the early pacing of the game, to the point that even the team have acknowledged that they need to cut out a lot of the ARR filler.
When ARR launched it would be about three years until Heavensward launched so understandably they needed to stretch out the story and filler content.
This was fine back then when it was the only part of the game out, but not when it has three full game length expansions under its belt as well.

>a somewhat grounded story.
wouldn't really be final fantasy then

I feel the only way to save FF is to copy DQ.
Stop with the constant games and sequel stories. Have every game be its own story with loose connections, none of this dumb Lightning trilogy shit or FFVII having like three spin-offs, a shit movie and a remake. They're unneeded to the story of VII at large.
Space out each mainline game by around 4 to 5 years to keep it fresh.
Stop trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to gameplay, more often than not, the gameplay is worse off. Focus on smaller changes, like when DQ introduced monster catching in V, or tension in VIII (if I recall).
Then, in those breaks between games, get experimental and throw shit at the walls.
Dragon Quest fans continually talk about past games, every game (except X for obvious reasons) get equal amounts of discussions and villains are rarely the focus as the game's don't focus on the villains a lot, they're more about the main characters.

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You're either a zoomer or a huge gaping crying vagina.

Looks good.

All future FF should use the FFVII Remake battle system as a template and swap out the materia system for whatever job system. It's literally perfect.

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>Tabata quit to start his own company

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>There is only one battle in the game

the only real issue that none of the other games than 5 were really designed around the ATB system
though some of them included an option to switch straight back to turn based, pretty sure 6 did this

I don't see the problem here. Looks fun

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Do you have one of beating emerald weapon with lucky 7? You have to input like one thing to beat one of the "hardest" bosses in the game lmao

Not a problem here.

He did. Tabata literally went on livestream a few months after he left SE with other SE devs in the livestream too like Yosuke Saito, and they talked about how him leaving was his descision and SE is on good terms with him. Other SE devs that worked on TWEWY, KH2, etc also left SE to join Tabata's company.

Attached: tabata saito december 2018.jpg (1057x567, 75K)

That's fine i'll just keep saving money.

Attached: 1559951155448.gif (271x223, 659K)

Attached: FF1holdXtowin.webm (478x272, 2.66M)

FF1 had a floating castle powered with machines and robot guards. It's possible the "floater" was nothing more than a block of fuel to power the airship, like a Uranium chunk or similar. The strongest attack in the game is literally nuclear fission from Warmech.

Haven't played FF2 all the way through, can't comment on that one.

FF3's probably the most distant with only the Invincible being really that advanced.

FF4 had the Big Whale, a giant tower spanning from the depths of the earth to the heavens filled with technology, including a giant robot powered by a floating CPU core. No explanation was ever given as to where it came from.

FF5 had the floating island and the airship dock, along with a couple of places in the void supposedly plucked from time.

FF6 had magic powered robots, flying craft, and other machines, along with more mundane things like steam powered things outside of the empire like trains and mining equipment.

7-8 are exempt because they're literally in a modern era.

9 somewhat subverts this as well, the most advanced equipment was mist consuming devices.

10 had Zanarkand and the various salvaged machina and a central theme of avoid it as part of religious dogma.

So really most games except for 3 and 9 and possibly 2. Even Tactics had some tech with the clockwork city and some of the equipment Mustadio and his father could use, though we only see the tip of the iceberg of it since most of it is long lost.

wow such exhilarating combat. Now I can finally truly understand the brilliance of Final Fantasy and all JRPGs

Good let them leave maybe they will gather together to make good games.

...Looks good here.

-Get better writers. Yoshitaka Murayama and Masato Kato are free. You also could get writers from outside gaming. Since you're so obsessed with writing shounen plots, why not just hire some good writers from anime? I bet Junichi Sato or Ichiro Okouchi could do a better job than whoever you have now. Not only are they good writers, but veteran directors and storyboarders as well. This would help the pacing and flow of the game.
-Give development to someone other than Nomura. You have multiple better teams in SquareEnix. Or you could outsource it if necessary.
-Switch to an anime style like FFVII-X did. Stop the obsession with realism, as it limits both the setting and characters. And you have to constantly update everything because CGI ages the minute it is rendered. Unless you like throwing away all that money on making new cutscenes every 6 months.
-Get a new designer besides Nomura. JPOP idols and generic Yuna clones have gotten old.
-Return to turn based combat like FFX or X-2.
-Return to classes like FFIII/V.
-Return to a fantasy setting, soft reset the series to being fantasy again. Doesn't have to be Tolkien fantasy, could be something else. Could even do Steampunk like FFVI or some other unique setting you haven't done yet. I'd consider looking at something like Odin Sphere or Princess Tutu for inspiration for a traditional but still unique fantasy setting.
-Spend more time on gameplay/world design and less time on graphics/cutscenes. Might even want to consider making it multi platform on Switch.

Attached: slow_day_on_the_horizon.jpg (1920x1080, 760K)

because they don't own it. why would they invest heavily into it lol

but I don't want every game to play the same
I seriously doubt they're ever going back to turn based though

man sucks to be you

Attached: maximumunga.webm (1530x868, 2.9M)

so the ffxv system

Attached: 1383236354.webm (700x394, 2.66M)

For you.

Attached: 1555329529854.png (128x128, 29K)

looks good here

>I overleveled to an autistic degree to make this to "prove" a game is hold X to win
>This game also has just one battle

I'm just suggesting they go back to the IV-IX way of building off an existing base instead of trying to completely reinvent the wheel every damn time. That way they can focus on making the games good again.

That response doesn't even make sense.

Attached: ff5 hold x to win battles!.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

Nothing wrong here next.

They perfected the turn based system in FFX, no reason to bother replacing it with a lame action system. Knowledge and problem solving > mechanical skill any day.

It's not that action games can't have that, it's that it's always forgone over simply increasing the speed of combat and mashing combos faster. It always boils down to incredibly simple to know what to do, it's all a matter of pulling it off quickly and precisely, leading to mind numbing tedium where you fall into a combo string and just keep inputting over and over again. Even DMC has this problem, with players generally on mixing up their abilities because the game punishes your style points if stick with what's most effective.

You can tell by their HP that this person clearly grinded up to 99. Of course he's going to blow the boss away. Poor bait. You don't need to be anywhere close to that to beat FF1

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Attached: FuckChinks.jpg (636x1012, 96K)

Very interesting. I like this.


t. zoomber

cant be worse than sakaguchi's game

Enjoy every DQ playing like Kingdom Hearts then.

why was the rest of ff 15's dlc canceled again? i thought the game did well

t. meme
fair enough

>selects a tent "LOL HOLD X TO WIN BATTLES"
>Doesn't explore the job system and have fun

dragon quest is the worst rpg series in existence

You are objectively a shit FF player.

yes the battles are hold to win as shown there

Confirmed for not knowing FF1. Even in the original game, a level 50 black belt can one shot chaos, and a level 24 one can do it with the power gauntlet if he uses it a couple of times.

The difficulty of the original FF was never in the individual bosses, it was the fact that you were descending a dungeon without save points, items that could revive characters, limited spell charges, and at best, 99 heal potions. It was a meatgrinder the game put you through where the challenge was conserving your party's health and spells as best as possible so you could actually kill the dungeon boss without showing up to him with two people dead, one guy poisoned with 1 HP left, and the other sitting around half.

Hell, in the remakes, things don't even have stonetouch or deathtouch anymore, random encounters aren't even a threat at that point.

Attached: DM is fed up with your shit.png (1024x224, 13K)

>You are objectively a shit FF player.
You thinking about modern final fantasy games friend.

Ep gladio came out in 2017
Ep prompto came out in 2017
Ep ignis came out in 2017
Comrades came out in 2017
Assassin fest and Chocomog fest both came in 2017
The season pass finished in 2017 and DLC was supposed to end here after ep ignis came in December 2017
Because of how well it did they greenlit royal edition and episode ardyn as dlc which previously was only going to be anime

then later in 2018 greenlit extra BONUS the non canon alt timeline/ sidestory dlc for noctis, luna and aranea

Then march 2018 royal edition released

they announced that in April 2018 then only cancelled the non canon alt timeline/ sidestory dlc in September 2018 to move those devs to a new AAA IP for PS5 while Ep Ardyn still released as planned as the last canon DLC
And they added other free dlc like the terra wars quests and ff14 crossover plus comrades updates too

The only thing canceled were non canon alt timeline bonus DLC for the 3RD YEAR of extra DLC that wasn't even originally planned, all 2017 DLC released as intended and that was to be the end, it did so well and there was demand for more so they did royal edition and greenlit ep ardyn based on fan demand and that was the 2018 and 2019 bonus years of DLC alongside all the new free updates and crossover events

only 3 non canon alt timeline bonus dlc that were only in script phase when cancelled were cancelled

literally all DLC for XV after December 2017 was purely extra bonus DLC, not originally planned content.

Horii won't allow it, DQ actually has some identity and core elements to it other than cinematics and big budgets, people care about how DQ plays rather than just how pretty it looks.

When I played FF1, grinding was the only way to proceed. Because it's just a bout of endurance to get to the boss. The mobs before the boss are 10x harder than the bosses themselves. So even playing the game as it's suppose to be played, you'll stomp the boss.

FFX is just simon says for weebs. I honestly can't understand why people like that game

>he's still going

Attached: tumblr_p6zt0cmF5Y1x83o8ko1_r1_1280.png (1280x720, 1.14M)

You don't understand because your a zoomer it's ok your taste is just shit from the day you were born.


Nothing wrong here.

No, not the ffxv system at all.

Attached: licky.webm (1530x868, 2.9M)

>its ok when you just hold to win in older ff because those ff came out before i was born so they must be good
fucking zoobmers

Probably the best optional boss fights in the series though, the arena had some really great enemies that required some thought how to handle, and that was the best thing about any of the EX fights in the series. They're "easy" once they're solved, but there's some learning involved.

Of course, no one would know that now because they immediately look up guides how to pass puzzles or what the strongest builds in a game are before they even start playing because they're deathly afraid of doing something non-optimally.

>>its ok to change a battle system to something it's not because reasons
Fucking zoomers

it is

Attached: graviga.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>Final Fantasy is popular for it's great storytelling, lore and characters and DQ has nothing of that, i dont see it becoming big in the west.
t. never played the Zenethia trilogy or 7-9

fuck off with your dogshit incarnate game

>wakka on winged dudes
>spells on elementals
>auron on shell guys
>tidus on dogs
>rikku on mechs
such deep and intricate gameplay, can't imagine why they didn't go back to it for the sequel

FF players have only played the bottom of the barrel in terms of gameplay, so when something even remotely functional and without several terrible mechanics that cannibalize each other shows up they think it's the second coming of christ.



seething that Nomura's XV was dogshit while Tabata's XV is kino


>it gets better after 80 hours!
yeah no fuck that






Attached: 1553986266124.png (256x256, 26K)

FFX fans like the game for everything but combat. I'm one of the few weirdos who likes the combat and grid system, but hates everything else. That said, the complexity of combat in FFX is about on the level of Dragon Quest II on the NES. It's more of a rock, paper, scissors system, as all enemies have either a ground, armor or flying classification. And you just use the attacks that counter these. While not really that deep, its still better than most FF games. Which says a lot about how combat and gameplay is handled in the series.

Attached: FFX.jpg (425x425, 25K)

It's fun from about 15 minutes in onwards. Which is far better than something like FFXV, which is fundamentally shit throughout. You don't even have a "it gets better as it goes" story for that.

FF7R will just be a shitty button mashing slog with a few set piece battles just like its predecessor. You people have absolutely ruined a series and can't see you were wrong.

shut the fuck up

you are brown

Attached: 1556282872972.jpg (1600x900, 228K)

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end you fucking zoomber

FFX is shit and so is FFXV. FF games stopped being good once they left nintendo consoles

a good game that isn't a DLC laden mess with a casual pandering combat system.

but FFVII is the best one

This isn't even good as shitposting, it's just an offensive comment.

XV is fundamentally shit from beginning to end you fucking zoomer enjoy car pushing with your boy band HAHAHAHA!

Attached: 2.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

XV is on Nintendo

Aerith doesn't die, it doesn't even rank top 10.

Attached: 1559080558227.gif (220x181, 1.44M)

The XV system is ass and thank fuck the an responsible is no longer with Square


Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

You're in denial

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff10 ever has

>tranny game

FF doesn't even know what it wants to be, FF1-3 were Wizardry-lites, FF4-6 wanted to tell a story with easy gameplay, and FF7-8 wanted to be cutting edge and realistic before dialing back with 9 to 4-6's formula. FF was at its best with 1, but X is a close second because the gameplay itself is fun while still retaining good customization between the characters.

XV is fundamentally shit from beginning to end you fucking zoomer enjoy car pushing with your boy BAND BITCH BOY!!!

>Final Fantasy thread with any subject
>devolves into arguing over which FF game sucks

Attached: everyday.jpg (396x382, 37K)

Any actual discussion or are you idiots going to keep posting cherry picked webms at eachother?

Attached: c63402ad027d782e121677a5e0df162cda3aca8e.png (500x710, 462K)

>autist is clearly holding R1+O and still gets hit taking damage while having wait mode on and using one of the strongest base game regular weapons in the game Durandal with elemental advantage against one of the weakest grunt mob enemies in the entire game while having a full 5 member party

>this autistic bullshit again
Oh fuck off KH cocksucking faggot

That isn't the combat at all because you have manual attacks with opener, mid, finisher, counter and aerial attacks, charge attacks, directional inputs, warpstrike, point warps and warp itself, manual weapon switching which each weapon type plays differently, plus character switch which adds even more variety because each member has their own unique combat to them.

Stop fucking posting outdated 2014 interview that was literally debunked a few days after it was posted.

You're such a retarded cunt that gets BTFO on a daily basis and you're a piece of absolute shit.
Meanwhile 7R is casual as fuck.


>Kitase: This is one button action.

Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

wow, that's pretty trashy.

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff10 ever has
Why are you samefagging retard?

That picture is fucking hilarious

XV is fundamentally shit from beginning to end you fucking zoomer enjoy car pushing with your boy BAND BITCH BOY ZOOMS!!!

Attached: 1568467327133.jpg (720x813, 36K)


>Kitase: This is one button action.

Attached: ff7r hold to attack.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

good thing ff7 remake is more than just the button mashing action part to build atb amirite

This is what happens to franchises that exist for corporate interests rather than genuine reasons.
It won't be long until people will eventually grow disillusioned with a myth built throughout decades of marketing and realize FF was never, ever good.

Attached: 1560818773414.jpg (381x353, 58K)

>retaining good customization between the characters
There was some customization in the early game but once you could move around on the sphere grid a lot more that kinda went away.

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff10 ever has
Why are you seething retard?

Attached: ara71631.jpg (3840x2160, 904K)

>wojak posters have arrived

Abandon thread

XV is fundamentally shit from beginning to end you fucking zoomer enjoy car pushing with your boy BAND BITCH BOY ZOOMSS!!!

Attached: 2018-08-27-ravens-mom-solo.jpg (1000x1594, 265K)

atb isn't required to win
cloud deals enough damage from basic attacks

Attached: 1552208092582.jpg (640x640, 126K)


>Dragon Quest games all have one gameplay style that slowly evolves from game to game and remains fresh through main games being released half a decade apart
>discussion rarely repeats, no "Your game is the worstest" arguing, people just talk about the games
>Final Fantasy games constantly try to change themselves after X
>discussion ends up like this thread
If any FF fans want more traditional JRPGs, I recommend DQV on PS2 or DS, DQVI on DS, and VII and VIII can be played on 3DS or PS1/2. IX is also good, not my cup of tea.
>inb4 "generic story"
Every game post IV and before XI drops the "You're the chosen one" storyline, and IV itself is great despite using that trope.
>inb4 "gameplay never changes"
5 added monster catching, and if you play in order, you'll see major mechanics being added each game, and the ones from prior games evolving as time goes on. It's quite interesting to witness.
If you want to pirate the games, /dqg/ has the mobile apks and the roms/isos.

Attached: 1547850063457.png (450x443, 167K)

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff10 ever has
Why are you seething retard zoomber?

Attached: g).jpg (331x152, 6K)

That's fantasy with sci-fi elements, not sci-fi with fantasy elements. You want the latter, it's more something like Xenogears

I enjoy FF and video games in general

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It only really fell apart late game once you got spheres that could activate nodes anywhere someone else had one active and started to try and max your stats. Early on, especially on the international version, you could branch off to various routes and get things like a Tidus that had Auron's strength or Yuna could cast some mid level black magic.

The late game still demanded some specialization though just because you needed certain attributes on weapons and armor for various characters to better handle some of the challenge fights, which was pretty great. For example, Earth Eater counter attacking you for 65000 damage every time you attack isn't something you power through, you have to get a plan on how to handle it.

XV is fundamentally shit from beginning to end you fucking zoomer enjoy car pushing with your boy BAND BITCH BOY SUCK SUCKER!!!

Attached: 1554589998150.jpg (388x471, 44K)

That it comes out before I die.

Also for it to live up to the hype/awesomeness that was that were the original trailers. Honestly, if they could make the fighting like that trailer, I'd be sold. They only got half way there on XV.

Also, I hope for them to stop making horribly dated MMOs

Attached: 3cb3b58af80a8950de1612091895d0ba.jpg (606x720, 68K)

He does
A single combo from cloud does 70 damage to 100 damage in 2 seconds for 1 attack string

a single atb attack does like 200-400 damage after taking 4 seconds to do

its quicker to just do basic attacks while have higher DPS, also just letting it play itself too

>It won't be long until people will eventually grow disillusioned with a myth built throughout decades of marketing and realize FF was never, ever good.
I realized that in the late 90s. But most other people haven't, you're right. The problem is, when a series is big enough, like Star Wars, people stay in the denial mode forever. This is what companies count on.

"Sure, the last eight Final Fantasy games sucked, but I'm sure the next one will save the franchise!"

I've been seeing "this game will save the franchise" posts for FF since FFXII.

Best DQ game is DQ Walk. Prove me wrong

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff10 ever has
Why are you samefagging retard?

Back to 2ch and 5ch with you, as the game is only playable in Japan or with a VPN


I realized everything past 10 is shit. This is a 100% fact till the end of time.
XV is fundamentally shit i'm making it short now.

Why are you coping?

Wow user. I thought I was tired of those stupid images but after seeing it for the millionth time I can tell I was wrong. Hilarious. You have any pepes too?

Most people know DQ has variety in gameplay and story. They just keep the meme going to trigger the fans. It's like how you always see the same shitposts in every FF thread. Because people respond to it.

But I agree with you. Dragon Quest is and always has been what people wanted Final Fantasy to be. Suikoden even more. Those series are less played because they're less hyped.

Attached: 1434473097967.jpg (1000x750, 452K)

What games do you enjoy, user? I'm guessing X?

Attached: a45e71a976f5e8a2068b7ceb92e9b2bda4278509fd079375da7a6f128f31f3de.gif (478x428, 43K)

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff1-10 ever has
Why are you seething retard?

Sure, but if you need to play the game for over 50 hours for the combat to become interesting then maybe there's some issue with it don't you think? It's simon says all the way until the secret bosses.

Persona can have the excuse your persona is protecting you, in one a character without a persona dies instantly to any attack


XV is fundamentally shit... I bought a 1,000 Fatal Push's for Investment

>I realized everything past 10 is shit.
So was everything before 10, but you people love to pretend previous FF totally didn't have the same exact problems of 10 and above FF.

If you just do basic attacks with Cloud for 10 seconds which is multiple attack strings you're doing way more damage than 1 ATB command that takes 4 seconds+ to do, ATB is pointless, basic attack is all you need

>DQ Walk

Attached: 97ec55a0967ebf7271a0a8103fbf37463669a75a02d39dd8d97847a772271383.jpg (524x1009, 109K)

>So was everything before 10

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end and even pushing a car for 1 minute is more gameplay than ff1-10 ever has
Why are you seething retard?


I log in once a day to collect gems in hope that they'll add quests outside of Japan one day


>This thread

so I'm guessing this is how it's been since FFXV/s release? one sperg shouting into the void trying to convince people it wasn't a failure?

XV is fundamentally shit PUMP and DUMP SCAM... SCARS OF MIRRODIN


ooh yeah

FF16 release

Game took base from FFVII remake and story by nomura ...

>This thread

so I'm guessing this is how it's been since FFXV/s release? one sperg shouting into the void trying to convince people it was a failure?

I think the early game combat is good enough, it only really takes around four or five hours to reach post-Bevelle content which is where the endgame starts Maybe a little longer if you play some Blitzball. The fights are an improvement over earlier implementations of a designated damage dealer in each group, and the bosses throughout the game, even the early ones, take a little forethought on how to handle.

Even the random encounters can be fun without a whole lot of sphere levels since they start to become pretty lethal, but the game tosses exp at you so rapidly that it's hard to enjoy them for long.

Like clockwork.

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end
Why are you seething retard?

I love tons of games but X is one of my favorite. I just want to talk about video games sometimes but I'm so tired of the shit flinging that comes with posting here. There is so much more to discuss other than how good/bad something is. It's so surface level.

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Speaking the truth not my problem zoomers can't handle it.

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>5th top selling FF game despite having been out the least amount time

I liked it. Could have been better, but I liked it.

Attached: Flop.png (472x223, 12K)

XV is fundamentally shit Does anyone care about Core 2020 Still?

Before this thread dies, could someone tell me what FFXV Comrades is? I heard it was some multiplayer version of the game with its own story and custom characters, but does it have any depth to how you can build them or interesting combat? Is it still active in any way?

The only clock that needs work is the one in your head, it's fucked beyond belief.
FF was only good when it was down-to-earth without extreme ambitions.
In fact, it died the moment they went le ebin CGI opera.
It survived FFVII because Aerith died, and exclusively because of that, it tanked and never recovered afterwards
Back to down-to-earth shenanigans exception.

XV is at 9m now and it hit 8.4m in 2018 too

Such is the way of things sometimes, user. Have you tried any other games in the franchise apart from X? What makes you enjoy it so much?

Attached: e96cc7b35c956238eb89672342f92e5195777bd5db06ac013d18e78c6ea66d97.jpg (900x960, 190K)

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end
Why are you seething retard?

you got any facts to back that up with?

That's pretty bad when you consider the industry and potential market base has only increased every year. It would've been impossible for FF1 to sell that many copies because the amounts of people who played video games back then was simply far lower.

FFVII's sales are pretty impressive though considering it probably brought in a lot of non-gamers who later caused problems for the old guard.

XV is fundamentally shit Market Movement SURPRISES

Honestly I think the early random battles are the worst part, they're a huge slog and you need to press way too many buttons with no thought put into what you're doing to get through them unless you're just running with Tidus. Switching party members back and forth isn't challenging, just tedious. If you're playing the game normally there won't be a single challenging encounter until the Seymour fight on the mountain. That's just not acceptable in my eyes.

The combat is more developed and refined version of xv and it has a better magic system too that uses MP

the biggest issue with main xv (item spam) does not apply to comrades because there are no items in battle so the only safety net is your own skill

its more lore and world focussed than story focused but there is a story to it
there is a ton of customization and a pseudo job sysyem with the king sigils which make you either healer or ranged dps or tanker or monk or aerial focused or mage etc

Attached: XV MP1.webm (800x374, 1.29M)

I guarantee I'm older than you.
>FF was only good when it was down-to-earth without extreme ambitions.
FF was never ambitious, the peak of ambition in the series was 2, which broke the original team apart because some people actually wanted to do more than some shallow copypasted Ultima clone while others didn't.
FF3 was the swan song of the original idea behind the series as a gameplay focused RPG.
The only ambition the series ever pursued was making big money at the lowest possible effort, which is why FF always copied other successful series or trends, if not downright imposed the brand name on other IPs, that and graphics, there's nothing of actual worth to it as a game series.
>Back to down-to-earth shenanigans exception.
Except that FFIX was literally ebin CGI opera with another literal theater stage in game, like FFVI, and it most certainly wasn't down to earth either.

Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game

Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017

Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release

And now it's at 9m+ since Steam XV hit 1m+ by June 2019 and was at around 500k on Steam back when it was at 8.4m

Ok zoomer

Attached: 1558095028517.jpg (800x804, 56K)

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end
Why are you seething retard

XV is fundamentally sh-wait this thread is dead my job is done remember anything past 10 is shit zoomers are niggers kill zoomers if you see them and there family go fuck yourselves SquareSoft is KING cuck enix is shit your all shit 1-10 forever.

The biggest difficulty spikes I'd say are probably the Ochu before Ifrit (Not super hard, but can catch you unprepared on your first time), and then Seymour in each of his encounters. Even the first one gets ugly until you pick up null-fire/frost/shock/water, but each one afterwards is a block unto itself.

All of that goes away for subsequent playthroughs however, because you already know what's coming and what the best way to handle all the fights are, which is just the nature of turn based combat. It's more akin to a puzzle, and if the puzzle doesn't change or shift around somehow, it remains solved for every subsequent playthrough. Fixing that would be a matter of randomizing the available tools to you every playthrough or by changing their attacks and abilities at the start of the game, which really makes for some fresh content.

If you want to see what I mean, try looking up the randomizer leagues for FF1 and FF4FE on youtube, that's the kind of development I'm talking about. You can't know that Yunalesca will zombify you can cast life every time you play if she changes up her functions for every new game.

>Such is the way of things sometimes, user
It used to not be this bad

I've completed 1, 7, 10, 12, 13, 13-2, and Crisis Core. I've played many others but not to completion. Currently replaying 7 because I'm excited for the remake.

I think the reason I love 10 is much is the gameplay and world/characters. It has my favorite gameplay of any turn-based RPG and the Spheregrid was such a cool way to build your characters. Spira is easily one of my favorite places to explore in any video game and the unique character bring it to life.

One of these days I need to get around to playing 10-2 to completion also.

Which FF is your favorite, user?

Attached: bed9abefd9b0a2f8e45286d3c2e270efa1af179e.jpg (599x650, 127K)

XV is fundamentally great from beginning to end
Why are you coping

I don't know user, I think down-to-earth, I think the stories of X and XII, where you don't even get to see what the whole world is like, and that's the opposite of what I want my Final Fantasy to be like.

The amount of time, money and hype they pushed into it, it not only should have but needed to surpass FFVII. But it still couldn't. Which is why they're rushing to remake FFVII.

The FFVII remake is not only to make up for the money they lost with FFXV, but also the reputation of the series. It's basically them trying to get the fans to forget FFXIII and XV happened and rebooting the series back to FFVII. And the fans are falling for it. So once FFVII proves successful, all we'll get is endless FFVII clones and sequels. And Squenix will have the universe they tried to establish with FFXIII and XV.

>Is it safe to assume that this is the most expensive game ever made, if account for the entire development cycle, before you took over?

>Tabata: No, it's not, even including that. From what I've heard, we're nowhere near what Destiny or Grand Theft Auto V [cost].

>But Destiny's budget is projected over a ten-year timeline.

>Tabata: I suppose if you consider it from when we started Versus XIII, we've been at it for ten years as well. The budgets for all of our projects are controlled quite strictly, but on a company level, so it's not been allowed to go that far out.


Destiny budget is confirmed $140m

FF7 budget is confirmed as $145m-226m

Here is Squaresoft stating FF7 sold 5.16m by Dec 24th 1997, it released in Jan 1997.

Here is Squaresoft official statement that FF7 sold 6.57m by Jan 1999, 2 years after release.

Here is SE state XV hit 5m on day 1 and is the fastest selling FF game

Here is Tabata stating XV broke even on day 1
>G: There has been a lot of speculation on how many copies the game needed to sell to break even. Are we there yet? Did Final Fantasy XV break even and is now into profitable territory?

>HT: Of course, we broke even on day one.

Here is official report confirming XV was close to 6.6m by Nov 2017

Here is SE confirm XV hit 8.4m by Nov 2018, 2 years after release

And now it's at 9m+

I can't even imagine how mad you are right now that you can only babble a single word as if it's some kind of argument.
But then again, I'm not the one forever butthurt about a shitty series not catering to me anymore, let alone deluded enough to worship a corporation.

>the company claimed it wasn't that expensive
>still didn't release the actual numbers so we have no way to verify that
I bet you also believe whenever Disney says their remakes break box office records, despite it having been proven they buy tickets to their own films and cook the books. Don't you, FFXV Kun?

Attached: roflLink.jpg (255x352, 17K)

Are you blind? Did you even read that post?

By your logic XV cost more than the most expensive game ever made
Fucking retard

Ah, I'm getting the occasional urge to replay X-2 lately too (along with X, but X-2 is a bit stronger at the moment), there's so, so, SO much wrong with it, especially in contrast to X, but I just get this itching at the back of my mind going "you know what, the job system there wasn't all bad, I should go have a look at that again". Also I very much enjoy the way summoning is handled in X, and the Boss Spheres in X-2 are such an interesting concept that it surprises me they haven't done more with it. I have replayed VII myself a little while ago, but stopped right at the final dungeon, and before fighting the Weapons, which is a shame. I never beat them "legitimately".

My favorites, those would be IX, along with V, and I keep being of two minds about which gets the top spot. V feels like a grand adventure with a lot of stuff to do in it, and IX is probably the most beautiful game of all time to me, with some of my favorite events and characters in the franchise on top of that.

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There ate rumors it will be a high fantasy game by YoshiP. If true I will be interested. If not I will ignore it because I think FF sucks ass now. FF7 remake looks like more of FF13 and 15 aka pure shit.

Comfy story telling
Main couple is canon
Drops the whole fantasy based on reality
Tradition team and airship
Worldmap if possible but FFXII map style is okay
Towns and minigame. Sidequest that not kill X for Y amounts.

Story as a whole not cutting it apart then sell as DLC.

More games need randomizers for sure. Fire Emblem randomizers are amazing and Pokemon can be pretty entertaining too. Just having randomized enemies (with balanced stats) could make small ronso more interesting to use. Now that I think about it, the entire game suffers from having a very standard set of skills/spells aside from the limit breaks and summons.


How can you bring them back when the whole race is pretty much extinct?

The main thing I'd like to see is a return to harder fantasy, but since we already know it's supposed to be just that I don't really have anything else to offer. I think it'd be a bit refreshing to do it with fixed roles for each party member again too(straight FF4/FF9 style). I also hope they don't jizz up the summons yet again. Fuck's sake, the only games to do them any sort of justice after FF8 were the two MMOs(FF9 hadn't gone completely off the rails yet, but the cracks in the paint started showing here).

>IX is probably the most beautiful game of all time to me

I've never heard it described that way before. I have a copy. Maybe I should play that after I'm done replaying VII. I've heard that the only way to get the best weapon in IX is to almost speedrun the game?

Oh and I forgot I also play XIV. I forget about it sometimes because it's an MMO.

Thank you for discussing video games with me, user

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>they don't jizz up the summons yet again.
>FF9 hadn't gone completely off the rails yet, but the cracks in the paint started showing here
I'm curious user, what do you mean?

Yes I did. Did you not read my post? Squenix has never released official production costs for FFXV. He's trying to extraploate how much FFXV costs based on other games. And the numbers for the other games aren't even accurate.

It's also obvioudly FFXV Kun, since it's the exact same post and format he's posted in hundreds of other FF threads.

>By your logic XV cost more than the most expensive game ever made
Never did I say that or even infer it. I said it needed to surpass FFVII in profit given the decade long production time and hype put into it. And we can't even determine how much profit it made, because Squenix won't release development/marketing costs. Only unit sales. And FFXV Kun focusing on unit sales is why he's such a shill.

>people obsess over FFIX for its cartoony/fantasy style
>mock Dragon Quest when it does the same thing, but even better

FFX was the first moviegame turd in the saga, and it was the exact same team as FFXIII, name per name, while FFXIplusI was done by someone else.

Pure fantasy setting again. Job system returns, a fusion of 5, 9, and FFTA's. directed by Naoki Yoshida. Soken, Shimomura, and Mitsuda on OST. Sakaguchi returns as a guest developer on the game.

Battle system like 4-9's ATB, turn based. Fun side content to help with grinding out new abilities. Make status effects and debuffs not only viable.

>FFX was the first moviegame turd in the saga
Final Fantasy VII and VIII started this. FFX was them trying to redo the Japanese fans loved about Final Fantasy VIII. And Kitase trying for the fourth fucking time to do a love story, since he was denied one in FFVII and Rinoa destroyed FFVIII. And again, in FFX, Yuna and her "love" is the weakest part of the game.

That is basically the case, yes, there is a weapon that you can only acquire by reaching the final dungeon in less than 4 or 9 hours, I don't rightly recall, but it is really nothing of great importance, and the whole thing exists as more of a Final Fantasy V reference. Final Fantasy has never been about difficulty, after all, and you will have plenty of ways to break the game without it.

And that is really how I feel, IX has some lovely character designs and the background art is breathtaking at times, the Steam re-release of it has updated the character models but couldn't touch the backgrounds, but there is something called the Moguri Mod which upscales everything through machine learning processes, and it is wonderful. Though it saddens me that I only found out about its existence after I had finished replaying the game. Really, the game as a whole has this storybook aesthetic, which I have great difficulty not gushing over. Imagine a game where every part of it has the same level of otherwordly beauty that the Macalania Woods have.

Oh, and I also play XIV. I was just talking a little further above about how I just finished the base game and was appreciating how the story was picking up by the end.

Please feel free to tell me more about what you enjoy about these games user, I very much enjoy to listen to the insights Anons have.

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Fire the entire team in charge of combat. SE hasn't put out a game with decent combat since the PS2 days. Keep Nomura and his writing/presentation far away. More grounded less anime.

Why? There are really people with hope still?

Well, nomura will be locked on VII R and future KH gmaes, i doubt he will fin time to make a main FF game in the next 10 years.
Also i dont thinke e even whant to do a mainline FF anymore after the shit he went through during Versu XIII times.

>SE hasn't put out a game with decent combat since the PS2 days.
Other games outside of Final Fantasy have. And Final Fantasy had shit combat since the start. Please stop associating all of SquareEnix with just the FF team.


>lack of content and effort

>Well, nomura will be locked on VII R and future KH gmaes, i doubt he will fin time to make a main FF game in the next 10 years.
They said the same thing about Kojima. Yet Konami kept forcing him to head all their IPs, since they had driven all their other talent away. Square is doing the same with Nomura. Even if he's just tacked on as a character designer or "producer" on a game, so they can put his name all over it.

SE is already forcing him to work on VII R though, so unless SE will pull out another "we removing you from XV to make this game that people are asking because we are this desperate" move, he will not leave VII R for a mainline FF i think.

I wish I could talk to you more user but I have to sleep or I'll have a bad day at work. Maybe we'll meet on XIV one of these days. Thanks again for the good discussion. Goodnight

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Of course!
Goodnight user, I hope you have a great sleep.

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The animations themselves barring a couple exceptions weren't as cool as anything from FF8. Plus, this was where they started to lean a bit heavier into oddball summons. Not that wind element had ever had persistent representation before, but no Titan; they ended up using two versions of Fenrir for earth and wind damage. A whole pocketful of Carbuncles for buffs you should already have on with their normal spells if you needed them. No Alexander(I don't give a shit if the story would have made it unlikely), instead we get the bastard love child of Maduin and a moogle for light element. Shiva's animation especially was rinkydink as fuck. Atomos in place of Diabolos for Reasons, or something. Basically Ark and Bahamut were the only ones worth a shit. And of course after that game, most of the mainline games started hitting the crack pipe hard in redesigns of classic summons, if they were brought back at all for a given entry. The summons are one of the few common threads in a series with no connected stories, so seeing them shaken around like a cup full of Yahtzee dice every release is off-putting.

Are you fucking illiterate? We know the most expensive game ever made is not XV and that XV cost nowhere near GTAV budget either, we know XV broke even on day 1 where it sold 5m so dod $300m meaning it broke even WITHIN that $300m and already started profiting
You're so fucking stupid and illiterate it hurts
And yes those numbers are accurate

Are you fucking stupid? FF7 sold 5.16m by December 1997 and it released January 1997, it had sold 6.57m by Jan 1999 at its 2 year mark

XV sold 6.6m in its first 11 months and hit 8.4m by its 2 year mark

FF7 cost $140m-$225m, XV cost less than FF7 did as a result
Also even looking at Steam FF7 sold 1m on Steam priced at $6-$12 over a 6 year period
XV sold 1m on Steam priced at $25-$50 over a 1 year period
Even on sale on Steam XV made more money than full price FF7 did on steam despite both 7 and XV selling 1m+

Attached: gyvme.jpg (1080x985, 290K)

He was already working on multiple projects when he was "working" on XIII Versus. Doing character design/overseeing work on half a dozen games and making Dissidia/KH games. They could easily expect him to work on FFXVI.

But I think they're waiting to make FFXVI after they see the reception for FFVII:R. If FFVII:R gets a positive reception, it'll be the basis for all future FF games. Endless FFVII clones. If it gets a negative reception, they'll quickly make FFXVI with a different kind of setting and formula.

Attached: nomura removed.jpg (2600x2048, 1.74M)

>SE hasn't put out a game with decent combat since the PS2 days.
If all you play is Final Fantasy, which never had good combat to begin with.

>Are you fucking illiterate?
>REEEEE I'm gonna keep shoving words into your mouth and then throw a bitch fest about it!
Oh, the irony.

I heard Yoshi-P is going to direct Final Fantasy XVI.

Xenogears, which was supposed to be VII was going to be totally sci fi. One of the other reasons it was re-regulated by the higher ups.

They weren't corridors. FFXIII was FFX lite, a FFX with even less shit between one corridor and the next.

I had never heard this complaint, I definitely should go look at summon animations from the various games side to side and measure them better. I suppose it's so easy to get swept up by Alexander savagely pounding Bahamut into submission in a cutscene that you don't actually think much about the others. I really like Atomos though, Diabolos was kind of Bahamut but edgier, and I don't use this in the sense of it's edgy so it's bad, I mean that the two of them were kind of overlapping as big evil lizards.
So, how much blood did you vomit when you saw the XIII summons

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Doesn't really prove anything since he presented it at e3. Look, I'm sorry Noctis never took off, but it's Cloud who will lead Final Fantasy to a new golden age.

I wasn't talking about corridors. I was responding to the claim that FFX started the cinematic focus. And then added that FFX was trying to copy the story/formula of FFVIII. Which FFVIII was what Kitase wanted FFVII to be. It's all building off the same formula.

>. I was responding to the claim that FFX started the cinematic focus
FFIV started the cinematic focus.

I have a specific idea of what a moviegame is.
A movie game is a game that is structured in such an obnoxiously linear way, filled with nothing so that nothing gets in the way of you, the story and the cinematics.
There you go.

>A movie game is a game that is structured in such an obnoxiously linear way, filled with nothing so that nothing gets in the way of you, the story and the cinematics.
Yeah, and FF has been doing that since FF2.

True. I was just starting with FFVII since I assumed he meant FMVs.

This. I would love to see a main entry use Amano's style beyond the concept stage, it's totally otherworldly and definitely an aesthetic of high magik weirdness we've yet to see in a FF game.

Attached: xxx1.jpg (1024x768, 624K)

So you're illiterate and can't do basic math.

The most expensive game ever made is MW2 which cost $292m, GTAV cost $285m
FF7 cost $145m-$226m
XV is stated to have cost nowhere near what GTAV cost and also its confirned that XV profited and broke even on day 1, XV did $300m on day 1 meaning it covered its entire budget and profited on top of that, XV then had done $360m by its first month after it had hit 6m by January 2017
FF7 in 11 months had made $258m after hitting 5.16m by December 1997
No matter how you fucking slice it XV made more money than FF7 did both at launch and on subsequent releases

Noctis tekken trailer has more views than Cloud smash trailer

This would look pretty retarded in a video game.

FFX is no more or less linear than any FF before it. Remove the massively empty world maps from old FFs and you'll see how linear they are.

At least half of the reason I think Hope is a completely fucking worthless piece of shit, beyond him being a completely unlikable twat that somehow manages to put "my family all just died" on the same level as some trifle only a douchebag would whine about, is that he both got Alexander and that that version of the summon was so absolutely gutted stylistically and mechanically I stopped playing the game for a couple hours. I felt like my money had been wasted despite the fact that I got XIII for free due to a promo event at the mom & pop I bought games from at the time.

>planned to play all the single-player FF games this year
>get heavily preoccupied with XIV

literally have not played a different game since March

Attached: 1496456141546.png (174x134, 28K)

Cloud and Noct are the 2 most popular FF characters and Noctis's game is selling at a better pace than FF7 did

Attached: 1566057508917.jpg (2048x1221, 1.82M)

Hey retard, there were over 1 billion less people on this planet in 1997 and the games industry wasn't even 1/4 of the size it is now.

>Yeah, and FF has been doing that since FF2.
Notice the sharp decline in number at FFX and the quality of it.
FFX has got almost nothing until the calm lands, and FFXIII has got fucking dick until the calm lands.
FFX has pratically no missable worth shit. Even le ebin FFVII has got vital plot missables, to the point it's either a strategy guide or nothing.
Accept FFX was the beginning of the end and move on. It's been 20 years.

FMVs and the giant marketing pushes being used to sell the games to normies or player that had never touched an RPG is definitely where things went severely wrong, though.

PS1 installbase 100m
PS2 installbase 150m
PS4 installbase just recently hit 100m

I know that feel user, I sunk over 2000hrs into the game before I had to take almost 2yr break, only just getting back into it and damn Shadowniggers is great so far.

Look, it's clear they had to call in the big guns here. Noctis couldn't carry FF into a new age. So the classic heros are being called upon. They even Remastered VIII to put more life into it. The sales of XV have dried up... it's already old and busted. It was a flash in the pan thanks to marketing. But now, everyone has moved on. Nobody talks or thinks about XV outside these insane threads.

FMVs are just a natural evolution of the older cutscenes from the SNES games, they might look cooler, but the underlying function is the same.
FFIV was the entry that changed the previously gameplay focused series into a narrative focused one, FFV was a small rattle before the rigor mortis of FFVI and beyond when the series lost any hope of ever being competent, and at the end of the day even FFV wasn't that good, but at least they did honestly try with that.
>Notice the sharp decline in number at FFX
Sidequests have literally nothing to do with nonlinearity you dumb fucking nigger, in FF's context a sidequest is like your boss allowing you a small coffee break, the games are still all fucking linear as shit outside of FFVI's WoR.

Doesn't matter one bit.
MGS2 sold like 8m when there were like 20m PS2 sold.
MGS3 sold 5 or less when there was like 120m.
Same for Halo 2 and Halo 3.

They should go back to turn-based but I expect they won't do that in a million years. They'll probably make another open world action game, maybe based on Agni's Philosophy.

>Sidequests have literally nothing to do with nonlinearity you dumb fucking nigge
Yes they do, I can stop focusing on the plot and do whatever else.
There is absolutely nothing to do in FFX until the end, when you get to the calm lands and you get to hunt like in FFXIII.
Every single FF has got a few points where you can take a detour, it's a lie it's all completely straight.

FFX is the only game in the entire series to do summons correctly, since they were actual summons instead of glorified spells, and weren't useless like in XII/XIII.

You are one dumb motherfucker.

I haven't had any hopes for a FF game since XIII. I have things I'd like them to do but they won't.

FFXV literally sold more than any other FF did when comparing release timespans, it came out 3 years ago.

XV just hit 1m on Steam and is the 2nd FF to even hit 1m on Steam after FF7, XV sold well because it was good
FF7 literally only sold because of marketing which only showed FMVs and no gameplay

>XV sold well because it was good
>FF7 literally only sold because of marketing which only showed FMVs and no gameplay

Attached: superdensesoi.png (454x541, 82K)

And XV sold 8.4m in 2 years while FF7 sold 6.57m in 2 years

FF12 sold 6m after 3 years

fuck off barry

You're retarded
PS1 100m+

PS2 155m
>The PlayStation 2 is also still the best-selling console worldwide, with 155 million units sold


Get Yoshi P to direct it. Anyone with dragon quest experience being in charge of the next Final Fantasy has my vote

You posted the average FF7 fanfag

>I can stop focusing on the plot and do whatever else.
This has literally NOTHING to do with non linearity you dumb motherfucker, a non linear game is something that allows you to meaningfully sequence break most if not all of the content, not just give you small allowance of optional sidequest busyqoek every segment of a completely linear main quest that also amounts to 90% of the game's content.
FF simply doesn't do this.
>Every single FF has got a few points where you can take a detour
No it fucking doesn't, when I play FFIV I can't decide I don't wanna deal with Baron and go straight to Mysidia or Troia, I'm at the mercy of the completely linear main quest.
When I play FFVII I can't decide I don't wanna go to Costa Del Sol once I reach Junon, there's only one destination ,and even when I finally get the Highwind there's barely anything left to do and the main quest is still linear as fuck, do you want to skip Diamond Weapon and go straight to Midgar? Here's a big fuck you because the game is linear as shit, it's the same exact corridor with a few big rooms once in a while so you can stretch your legs a bit.

>has to bring kh up out of nowhere

That cope

Yeah, you absolute fucking brainlet, it wasn't until 2004 that the PS1 hit 100m world sales, a whopping 7yr after FFVII came out, jesus christ kill yourself.

Anyone can sniff you out khfag

FFXV's marketing was all cinematic hype, though. Including not only a trailer of stuff that never happens in the game, as well as trailer of stuff that does happen in game, but also a whole separate movie to watch as well as some anime episodes. Of course it sold, look at the marketing.

that's barry for you. Dude would kill his mother if she said a bad thing about FFXV,

I have no hope for FFXVI.

FFXV is shit lmao

I'm quite done with SE. I have muted hope for the 7 remake, and if by some miracle they do good, I'd like to see all the classics given the same treatment. SE just can't make completley original content anymore without massively fucking shit up.

By 2001 PS1 had 80m+ and by 2003 had 96m+
FF7 by 1999 had sold 6.57m across PS1 and PC, by 2003 5 years after release FF7 had sold 9.3m across PS1 and PC which was also playable on PS2 too

XV hit 9m months ago which is 9m in only 2 years 6 months
PS4 was still under 90m when XV hit 8.4m last year too

>SE only ever does FF

Attached: 1549309775141.jpg (480x311, 14K)

FF7 launched to a console with less than 14m units shipped, FFXV released to a console with over 50m units shipped, a bigger marketing campaign, plus the hopes of a huge slice of the FF playerbase built up (and half destroyed) by previous instalments, what the fuck are you trying to prove you dumb shit.

No FF7s marketting was literally only showing the FMVs and nothing else and it was plastered everywhere on busses, bis stops, billboards, gamestores etc

literally all that stuff for xv you mentioned are things you had to go out of your way to see on youtube and not things you'd come across normally like with 7s marketting. Hell the only reason they even showed kingsglaive in cinena was because fans demanded it, it was never planned for cinema release, it was fans who begged SE for one so they did a limited 1-2 week showing at 40 cinemas total which again you'd have to go out of your way to see

XV sold because the public demos which showed the actual game loop were well received
FF7 only had limited demo which barely anyone had access too while everything of its marketing was just CG FMV everywhere

its based lmao

Man, FFXV Kun really is an autistic idiot.

The fact Square Enix are so quiet about the finances behind FFXV tells you everything you need to know about what a fucking cash sink that was. The $33 million loss from Luminous engine alone takes a massive shit on any profits the game made.

PS1 had 54m by 1999 when FF7 was 6.57m across PS1 and PC
XV released when ps4 had 50m and it did 6.6m in 11 months

FF7 had a way bigger marketting campaign while XV was going against the grain after ff13, its sequels and 14.1.0 were poorly received

XV literally restored FF to prestige status you fucking retard

XV didn't have a public demo.. You mean Episode Duscae, which you got with type zero, and was indeed a limited quantity, and which they then changed massively before release making it even worse. And regarding the advertisements, you literally saw them on tv. there were ads for the movie as well as just the trailers I described being on tv.
>it was plastered everywhere on busses, bis stops, billboards, gamestores etc
Same with XV dude.


Side quests are not the only factor in a game being less linear. There's tons of side quests in Zelda Twilight Princess, but it's still one of the most linear and story focused Zelda games.

Final Fantasy has been linear and story focused since the beginning. The later FF games was just the natural progression of what the FF developers wanted from the start. Go to point A, watch cutscene, do something the story told you to do, repeat. With the occasional fight in between. The only difference the early FF games had was far more random battles. But this doesn't mean they're more open ended. You still can't go to locations until the story lets you, side quests don't trigger until you reach certain points in the story, NPCs/boxes/triggers block you from exploring the map, etc. That's linearity. And every game has it. Even the first three.

Attached: final_fantasy_3_crystal.jpg (1600x900, 379K)


Jesus christ. You're right, that Alexander is ugly as all hell. I only remembered the chess pieces, not the Power Rangers Zord form.

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That's what I said long ago. But he keeps pushing all those made up figured he posts in every thread. And keeps claiming I've said stuff that HE mentioned.

He's literally mentally challenged, projecting arguments he wants to have onto others so he can have a dragon to slay.

I wish Chris Chan would make sperg videos again like he used to.

Says the autist

The $33m loss came from SE cancelling multiple new IPs and CGI production and only from when the new company started in April 2018, nothing from before that and it had nothing to do with XV, and that $33m was made back instantly from FFXV mobile game which made over $375m in 2018 alone

XV itself made $300m on day 1 and in its first month $360m+, you're literally full of shit

Also XV on Steam alone sold 1m when priced at $50-$25, we know it sold at least 300k at full $50 so even we assume if the rest of the 700k on steam sold only at $25 that's still $17.5m plus $15m which is $32m at MINIMUM of profit, and it is certainly higher because it sold much more than 300k at full $50 meaning XV on Steam already gave SE $33m+


>made up
>literally factual numbers
holy fuck you're in denial

It's impossible to do, his artstyle doesn't translate to motion at all, especially not 3D and motion. Go back about two decades and you can find them talking about doing something just like that for FF7.

Chris is a mentally ill tranny that is reverting back to being a child. Also pretends to be fictional characters.

>XV didn't have a public demo..
>Ep Duscae which was the first game loop slice
And not limited since it had more units sold than the FF7 demo did on tobal
>Plat demo which was a tech demo
>Judgement Disc which is literally chapter 1

There was no kingsglaive commercial in the west you lying fuck, same for the anime, only the game had TV ads which showed gameplay

FF7 ads were only CG FMVs and no gameplay and XV was nowhere near plastered as much as 7 was, for fuck sakes the "ad" for XV in japan was a plain white billboard that just said "new ff is here" and nothing else, not even the game logo

>I posted numbers so they must be true!
>SquareEnix never posted any net or gross numbers for FFXV, just unit sales
>had to go through intense acrobatics of estimations and comparisons to come up with possible profit numbers for FFXV, which still have no way to be proven
Uh huh. You keep projecting. I'll be over here laughing.

The FFIV remake on DS used his style. It's not that great looking, but neither is his unisex vampire style.

His style has been used in multiple anime series. But it still doesn't look good. And SquareEnix wants gritty realism, not artistic hand drawn styles.

wow we totally know what this is for without reading the fine print

Attached: hqdefault (8).jpg (480x360, 14K)

meanwhile FF7 gets giant snow sculpture

Attached: hqdefault (9).jpg (480x360, 14K)

The numbers are all facts, you're in denial and can't do basic math.

What does it say?

>$33 million loss
This post gave me a boner.

even ff7 on pc got more advertisement than xv on pc

Attached: images (55).jpg (480x640, 47K)

God that is so beautiful.

>FF is here/coming

FF A Shit

See XV on PC already made $33m

And a shitty remake. I guess i'm gonna have to treat Square enix like a dog.

Oh how i miss the good old day.

A nice throwback of medevial would be nice with a grown man who's confident and not self-loathing and a setting somewhere between pre-steampunk and sword and sorcery. But I wouldn't count on anything from the squaresoft department anyways. FF is for fangirls that love their bishi girly guys and you can thank FF7 and after for that. I got my DQXI and my sassy Veronica to keep me happy.

Attached: Local Man's leg cramp up during final boss.jpg (480x360, 13K)

dumb zoomber

Attached: images (56).jpg (222x400, 22K)

You save all these images in your insane crusade against FF7, huh?

How much money did the quiet man lose them?

>The $33 million loss from Luminous engine alone takes a massive shit on any profits the game made.
While I believe FFXV probably didn't make the amount of profit SquareEnix wanted, $33 million is basically nothing. Something like FFXIV or even the DLC for FFXV could make that money back in a month.

What's probably a bigger loss for them is that 1) The game was in development hell for nine years, costing more and more money over multiple restarts and tons of confirmed wasted assets thanks to Nomura constantly changing stuff. 2) DLC/spin off anime/games didn't do as well as they expected. 3) Fan confidence in the brand, already shakey from FFXIII, is further hurt. And will effect later games. 4) Shareholders probably bailed after FFXV underperformed, just like with FFXIV 1.0. Big modern companies live off of borrowed funds from shareholders and investing into outside properties, not actual profits from their own product.

In the long run, it doesn't even matter if FFXV made $100 million in profit or lost $100 million. All that matters is how the company can spin it to shareholders. They just borrow from Paul to pay Peter, then claim in their shareholder meeting that the game was a success, without providing actual data sheets of numbers. Same shit Disney and Sony are doing with their movies.

probably a lot since it was a complete disaster from start to finish

i literally just googled them 5 minutes ago

Attached: FINAL-FANTASY-VII-ULTIMATE-FAN-LOT-Sealed-PS1-_1.jpg (400x261, 27K)

XV over performed
SE higher ups were being generous in expecting it to do 5m
it did 9m

Attached: FFXV 6 million SALES.png (1810x786, 159K)

>Another quality Squaresoft product
It makes me all warm inside.

>SE higher ups were being generous in expecting it to do 5m
And in another interview, back when it was still known as FFXIII Versus, Wada said it needs to outsell FFVII. You just like to cherry pick the interviews that make FFXV look good.

Oh look, those unit sales again. But no actual gross profit numbers.

Attached: D-i-HtUU8AAbnYw.jpg (1200x899, 220K)

If i had that power there would be blood on the streets with zoomers begging for death on my boot and i would grant death if only man if only.

>I never saw this
I suck dicks that's cool.

Wada was not involved in actual XV and he was removed from SE during the 2012/2013 transition

Also they never said XV needed to sell more than 7

Seriously are you fucking illiterate? 5m on day 1 = $60x 5000000, which is $300m on day 1
1st month it hit 6m meaning $60x6000000= $360m
It cost nowhere near GTA5 and broke even on day 1 and profited on day 1
Meaning XV cost nowhere near $285 that GTAV cost, and since it made more in its first months than 7 did it means XV made more money in that timespan than 7 did

>What are your hopes for FF16?
Why do you want more shit? do you enjoy eating a sandwich everyday?

ff is the only good aaa rpg series

>you're not taking what I say at face value so you must be illiterate!
Keep projecting.

>5m on day 1 = $60x 5000000, which is $300m on day 1
Oh, you're an idiot who doesn't know how game sales work. If SquareEnix got ALL the profits, stores would never sell the games. Plus, you have to factor in production costs, producing the physical game, distribution and marketing. At best, SquareEnix would make $30-$40 per game. This is why I keep mocking you for using unit sales numbers rather than gross profit.

But since this is FFXV Kun, he'll ignore all these facts and just keep repeating his autistic numbers while calling anyone who dares to contradict him illiterate.

>It cost nowhere near GTA5 and broke even on day 1 and profited on day 1
>Meaning XV cost nowhere near $285 that GTAV cost,
I never brought this up. You did. And you continue to bring it up like it proves something. Which it still doesn't because YOU CAN'T PROVIDE ACTUAL NUMBERS FOR THE PRODUCTION COSTS OR GROSS PROFITS.

>do you enjoy eating a sandwich everyday?
Sure, if it's a good sandwich.

Attached: Dragon_Quest_Consistency.jpg (208x225, 52K)

Selling the same game 11 times is in fact pretty consistent.

>Imagine being FFXV kun...such a brain dead individual that he has to rely on some imaginary virtual numbers

Attached: 1561218488257.jpg (1900x2400, 1.86M)

Yup. Because Dragon Quest 1 had alchemy, monster collecting, party members, sailing, tension, group based battle system, etc.

No youre literally illiterate and incapable of doing basic math
by your own fucking logic squaresoft got no ff7 profit because of publisher and marketing and distribution shit
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about
by your logic FF9 fucking bombed because it only sold 3m at first

Are you fucking illiterate?
Seriously are you fucking illiterate? 5m on day 1 = $60x 5000000, which is $300m on day 1
1st month it hit 6m meaning $60x6000000= $360m

The most expensive game ever made cost $292m, XV made $360m in 1 month
FF7 literally only sold 5.16m in its first 11 months which is $50 full pricex5.17 = $258m, according to you because of marketting and production they'd only get $30 so thats $154m, FF7 budget was $145m - $226m, by your fucking logic FF7 by end of 1997 only made $90k, the fucking FFXV collectors edition priced at $270 that sold 40k units made at least $10m you fucking idiot, not even factoring in the $80 deluxe edition

>No youre literally illiterate and incapable of doing basic math
Imagine being such a brain dead individual that you have to rely on some imaginary virtual numbers

Attached: 1547534598674.png (323x410, 97K)

9m* not 90k

>t-that dont count!?

a good game would be nice

Attached: 1568757858693.jpg (242x209, 6K)

Good luck with that. Stick to SquareSoft an ignore cuck enix for life.

here you go bro.

Attached: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn3.dualshockers.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F07%2FFFXV_Packshot_PS4_3D_ITA_ (491x695, 244K)

By the time you finished that mouthful i would of had you on the ground throat smashed ribs broken and a crowbar shoved up your ass.

Attached: FAGGOT.png (750x1000, 1.06M)

>Tfw greatly enjoy FFX but my favorite is still V
What's with the divide? You're allowed to like both styles, you know

Attached: say WHATbone.jpg (572x514, 84K)


fucking l o l


if you would have converted ff7's sales to current money it made more

Attached: 1527282608639.png (574x572, 404K)


>played through the game
>watched the shitty movie
>watched the shitty anime
>still have absolutely no goddamn clue as to what the fuck is going on
stellar storytelling, squeenix

Attached: Facepalm.png (200x200, 57K)

Sales don't matter 7 original is better /thread.

Oh god, a fate worse than death.

>No youre literally illiterate and incapable of doing basic math
Said the person who thinks SquareEnix gets the full $60 for every game sold.

>by your own fucking logic squaresoft got no ff7 profit because of publisher and marketing and distribution shit
I never claimed this. You're once again making shit up, then trying to project it onto me.

>Are you fucking illiterate?
Wow, didn't see that coming.

that's not how inflation works

Honestly, they should have two concurrent FF series running. One in the new style that tries new things and one that stays more true to the classic games to appeal to long time fans. Bravely Default and Octopath seem to be their attempt at scratching that itch, but a full fledge FF Classic series would be great.

Launch sales = full price which for XV is $60
FF7 was $50 launch price as full price was $50 back then

>I never claimed this
You illiterate fuck, I said by your LOGIC that's what you are saying

If FFXV releasesd back in 1997 at its $60 price then itd still cost more than ff7 did

>He's at it again

Attached: Laughing4.png (750x1000, 1.02M)

Nobody gives a fuck except you LMFAO

user... who cares


>Launch sales = full price which for XV is $60
I give up. You're literally an idiot.

Attached: facepalm_animated.gif (300x300, 976K)

ok then

Attached: 1516332374894.jpg (832x292, 39K)

Attached: Carl.png (750x1000, 905K)


Very true. This is what Dragon Quest does. The main games stick to the standard formula while the spin off games experiment with crazy ARPGs, monster games, arcade slashers, card games and minecraft clones.

But the people in charge of Final Fantasy are too prideful. And force the throwback games to be under a non FF name.

Saved lol

I wanna see that Agni's Philosophy demo fleshed out into a full game. Could be interesting.

So you're fucking stupid

FFXV uce sold directly by SE from SE store cost $270 and only 40k units were made which sold out instantly
That's $10m+ just for that alone

FF7 sold 5.16m in 11 months priced at $50, that's $258m but with your own distribution cost that's $30, so $154m. FF7 budget was $145m-$226m meaning using your own distribution/publishing costs FF7 at max only made $9m by the end of 1997 from every copy of FF7 sold

Again 10m for 40k units of XV UCE sold directly by SE thus 100% revenue made more than your own insinuation of how revenue distribution works.

didn't read lol

Every Final Fantasy game tries to be entirely different from the one before it

Every DQ game is the exact same

XIV's cd combat but with the statting and cross class armory system developed further instead of removed for the sake of pruning and swappable party members with gambits like VIIR has


>I don't know jack about Dragon Quest


Retard. Name two DQ games that have a different setting and atmosphere

FF has fantasy, cyberpunk, steampunk, modern dystopia etc

>So you're fucking stupid
Imagine being such a brain dead individual that you have to rely on some imaginary virtual numbers

Attached: LAUGHING.png (750x1000, 1.23M)

>setting is the only thing that makes games different
>gameplay, game mechanics, story, world design and everything else don't count
And even with that, Dragon Quest games still have different settings. Medieval, Renaissance, high fantasy and even technological near future settings with the Joker games.


imagine having no counter argument to factual numbers

Attached: gon-freecss-hunter-x-hunter-2011-5.21.jpg (210x240, 18K)

Imagine being such a brain dead individual that you have to rely on some imaginary virtual numbers to get off on.

Attached: Laughing2.png (750x1000, 403K)

so there's Barry, ACFag, Barneyfag and Sybb. anyone else i'm missing?

Since I on the NES. Warmech, my dude.

imagine having no counter argument to factual numbers

Attached: 8b28b8dc0ea0ccd4277f01541af85f2b1353961156_full.jpg (640x360, 50K)

Zoomers Zoomer wanna be's zoomers zoomers and zoomers...did i miss zooms?

imagine needing a counter argument for factual number cancer.

Attached: NiggaaPlease.png (750x1000, 642K)

People have made numeroous counter arguments. You just call them illiterate, infer things they never said then repeat your numbers as if they're facts. Even if your argument was correct, which everyone else in this thread agrees it isn't, your way of going about it is so toxic, people are going to keep mocking you. Not that you care. You're here for that very attention.

imagine having no counter argument to factual numbers

Attached: 174519.jpg (225x350, 41K)

No you have been consistently proven wrong.

Imagine being such a brain dead individual that you have to rely on some imaginary virtual numbers to get off on.
imagine needing a counter argument for factual number cancer.
No more (you) for you.

Attached: Stare.png (750x1000, 942K)

Yoshida director
Ishikawa head writer
Soken main composer
at this point they're the modern Square Enix dream team and should be put in charge of anything FF related

Attached: yoshi.jpg (4032x2268, 315K)

>he thinks only one person is responding to him

Attached: lol_maribel.jpg (69x137, 6K)

Attached: 1568440456130.jpg (300x222, 8K)

>Yoshida director
I'd unironically love a single player game set in the world of FFXIV. Focused on a mute female lalafell main character.

>Ishikawa head writer
I can think of some better writers, but that would be better than who they're using now.

>Soken main composer
Sounds good to me.

They could make a game about a photorealistic turd melting in the sun at it'd be better than the gay ass boy band FFXV hold O to win simulator.

>They could make a game about a photorealistic turd melting in the sun
I would buy it at a high price.

Sounds a little too deep for the FF fanbase. Better make it another weak shounen love story with an ignorant JPOP star.

>literally no argument


Attached: c49db8f7cea7644579559fa31c484a3e.png (640x384, 160K)

Same thing.

XV requires buttons and has a fail state unlike 7r

Attached: ff7r playing itself.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

sounds more engaging than FFXV.


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zoomber detected



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Hi Barry


Attached: agdq.png (583x686, 556K)


I just want this to be made into FF XVI it looks fucking perfect I don't care who is gonna be making it, I don't care about director, battle system I just want this. My dream is to get AAA RPG set in modern day Tokyo.