If this game came out today faggots on here would be calling it SJW trash with forced diversity

If this game came out today faggots on here would be calling it SJW trash with forced diversity.

Why was it okay to have a game with predominantly black/non-white characters with a story focused on african american life and themes in 2004, but not today?

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No? It was a game taking place in the LA ghetto, of course there's going to be blacks and mexican you mong. What about the diversity is "forced"?

cyberpunk 2077 is inherently leftist. considering the goal is to be anti establishment. along with having a rag tag team of transhumanists and neon

this, its also why franklin is a horrible character

cool, no one here is talking about that game retard

we used to like niggers back then, the kikes made it too obvious in recent years and they still cant tell whites and jews apart

people are complaining saying it has forced diversity when it doesnt.

the entire political climate was different back then, cyberpunk isn't natural fictional degeneracy it's mandated and from the real world.

Nothing. Just like there's nothing "forced" about the diversity in any other game you whiny faggots cry about.

Why do you complain about blacks in other games?

because theyre niggers

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the 2016 election killed both Yea Forums and twitter

most of us old/v/ chads are in reddit now

Look, the Redditor's using big boy words! I'm scared now!

His point and the point of this thread are that games get labeled as being SJW propaganda and forcing diversity even when it is very clearly not the case. Even though both Cyberpunk and San Andreas have every logical reason to be diverse, Cyberpunk is constantly shat on here as being “SJW” while San Andreas isn’t. Clearly because the virgins who would complain about something so stupid and trivial are young enough to have grown up with SA and have nostalgia for it, so clearly it’s not an evil Jewish propaganda game like modern ones are.

Try to keep up.

Well now let's not go so far in the opposite direction we start telling lies, that Greek vase or whatever was pretty obviously forced.

I don't. Why are you assuming I do?

fuck you. i'm a mod and i'd ban you for using that in my subreddit

why do you hate seeing black people in games and movies? why does it make you so unironically seething? insecurity?

you are a disgusting newfaggot
stop calling yourself old/v/ when you're clearly a fucking newfaggot

cyperpunk is punk, which is the opposite of modern leftism. Modern leftism is simply corporate authoritarianism wrapped in smiley face diversity wrapping.

t. tourist faggot that came to Yea Forums in 2014 and got his intro to politics through gamergate

There is nothing remotely leftist about San Andreas. It's the most accurate representation of how blacks and browns are violent savages and kill each other over mere colors or what block they're from. On top of that, there's more things to do than GTA5. The story was better too. You're just an underage fanboy whose first Rockstar game was GTA5.

Where did he say it was modern-leftist? Cyberpunk settings always align with classic liberal archetypes and ideals. As for the original game that 2077 is based on, it makes this inspiration plainly obvious but it also doesn't glorify it just as it doesn't glorify it's very non-subtle conservative bigwig corporate bad guys.

So, in what way is 2077 an SJW game with forced diversity like so many claim?

>in what way is 2077 an SJW game with forced diversity like so many claim?
It's not. The people spouting that are retards looking for the next tortanic.

go back to

Invalid argument, fanboy. The theme in SA is black thug culture. Therefore, there's nothing controversial or wrong with playing as a black. If CJ was a white guy the game wouldn't make any sense.
Forcing blacks in games for the sake of having more non whites is another thing entirely. GTA5 is bad. Accept it.

So you’re an insecure racist that projected “MUH blacks are evil savages” on a 15 year old game? That’s pretty cringe.

>i-i'm not a reddit tourist newfag, y-you are!
lol pathetic

Why are you so obsessed with crying about GTA 5 and black people? Really weird

Name 3 examples of a game "forcing blacks in games for the sake of having more non whites" with actual arguments to back up your claims. Sounds like you're just mad you have to see black people more than what you're comfortable with.

you literally admitted to browsing
how retarded are you?


show me some of your filenames then, you fucking newfaggot pretending to be an oldfag

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i'm not the person you replied to first though

instead of seething and desperately throwing out "NO U"s why don't you prove you're an oldfag?

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>tfw I played GTA3 recently and can now play SA for free but still didn't play VC

Nah, if this game came out today there'd be leftist outcry how it shows basketball Americans as they really are.
Then again it wouldn't come out like that today anyway, look at RDR2 inserting current year shit.

>RDR2 doesn't have people saying nigger every second so it's SJW!!!
How sad is your life?

post more

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When it's by the minority, for the minority, or the skin color, gender, sexuality, etc. is hardly questioned at all, I don't mind it.

When it's by a billion dollar corporate enterprise including minorities for big sales number and to act all wholesome and progressive to distract consumers from their history of child labor, as well as putting down the majority because their great great grandfather in law's half second cousin might have been a slave owner, it becomes a problem.

Imagine being this much of a shut-in incel NEET

Why don’t you get a job, or better get a girlfriend?

What are some examples of the latter? Beyond products that come right out and say how proud they are they're including diversity and progressiveness.

2016 Ghostbusters
Battlefield 5
Pretty much anything by Disney.
Borderlands 3
That Gilette ad
The Emoji Movie


Mad ass OP.

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I didn't project. They actually are like that. That's why both of us live in white neighborhoods. You're the one that made the thread. There's nothing wrong with being a racist.
Blacks aren't a problem at all. White leftists are.
The only people that claim SA is a bad game are people under the age of 20 whose first Rockstar game was GTA5; the worst GTA game. Just because it has amazing graphics doesn't make it a good game.
Battlefield One, RDR2, Watch Dogs.
I don't have a problem with Jax in Mortal Kombat. I have a problem with an Asian actor playing Johnny Cage in the new Mortal Kombat movie. See the difference, commie?
>Reddit spacing
I'm married with a daughter.

Almost every example you brought up are cases when they quite literally come out and say how much they're doing. What is the argument for a more contested one like Cyberpunk, Horizon Zero Dawn, Wolfenstein 2 or RDR2? How are those games forcing it like people claim?

how is RDR2 forcing blacks lol
>muh non-whites didnt exist in western era america when immigration was at its most common

Thank you for proving you're a 2016 tourist. The whole REEE ME HATE BLACKS thing was an admirable attempt to fit in but you didn't quite land it. Try again next time.

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>2010 filename
lmao exactly zero people are impressed, tourist

No one in this thread claimed San Andrea was a bad game you mindless reddit retard.

>Black neighbourhood
>entirely full of criminals, questionable lingo and unapologetic sexism, racism and overall one-dimensional cliches
Yea Forums would love this game even more today, but media would have an aneurysm over it.

>that fucking owl meme
>win internets
jesus christ i didnt realize 2005 was cancer then as it was now

lol imagine thinking anyone will believe you actually give a fuck about child labor.

RDR2 is not a Wild West game. Regardless, non whites weren't big mouths and they mostly didn't start trouble, nor did they outnumber whites. If they began acting up, they'd be hunted down and lynched, by northerners too.
That didn't make any sense.
>no you
You're running out of arguments already? We're just getting started, commie!
Yes, you resorted to politics in order to attack SA fans when you made this thread. Ironically, only Rockstar fanboys make threads criticising SA.

imagine being this stupid

literally no one in the entire thread ever criticized SA or said it was bad in comparison to anything. maybe if you weren't literally retarded and actually read the thread you would see that it was said the game would be received poorly today if it was released, and nothing more.

Yeah, we know. It's very plainly obvious by your posts you're a really stupid newfag. By all means though explain "redditspacing" that existed before reddit itself like in pic related.

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How are you so genuinely retarded?

in what part of rdr2 are whites outnumbered by nonwhites lol

do you even play the games you cry and shitpost about you sad faggot

>Regardless, non whites weren't big mouths and they mostly didn't start trouble
And they do in the game?
>inb4 "B-but the gang..."
The gang was run by an anarchist with communist sympathies and the first game established that he could work with non-whites just fine. This is a literal non-issue.

The OP is subtly criticizing SA.
Only 21 posters. You're probably just the OP. You conceded though.
Good point. It just so happens that out of the millions of criminals that existed, John Marston and Arthur Morgan just so happen to belong to a group where their leader is accepting of everybody. Because it's fiction, the possibilities were endless. Prequels are always bad though.
Making a statement and ending it with a question mark is incorrect by the way.

Yes Mr. Redditor please ignore how you were caught out being a newfag. Very subtle.

See You've already outed yourself. Removing your Reddit spacing isn't enough I'm afraid. You are still openly anti white after all.
Like an NPC, you're even "learning" my words and applying them to your own responses. You're probably very materialistic in real life.

Why are you afraid to answer how "redditspacing"' existed in October of 2005 on Yea Forums? Why are you afraid to answer why Moot, who you probably don't even know, apparently used "redditspacing" in this image Oh, is it because you're a newfag tourist with nothing to actually say? Hmm, might be.

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>play as a violent black criminal
cant get anymore redpilled than that. imagine if this got released today. lol it wouldnt

it is shit, and so are their skin colour

Switching tactics now? I'm having fun with you.
You've shifted topics from GTA to defending your choice of Reddit esque wording. I single handedly derailed your thread. Your pride won't allow you to get back on topic either.
I guess your only option now is to wait until your thread gets archived.
I can do this all night.

im playing gtav right now and i dont see how franklin and his gang are forced, he lives in a ghetto anyway and he has the attitude of a gangbanging cocksucker

I don't care about politics in San Andreas because I'm not an obsessed retard like you. Why are you so scared to admit that you were caught being a 2016 reddit newfag? Every post you ignore how you've been utterly BTFO, very sad desu. Makes you look insecure.

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>If this game came out today faggots on here would be calling it SJW trash with forced diversity.

>Why was it okay to have a game with predominantly black/non-white characters with a story focused on african american life and themes in 2004, but not today?
>I don't care about politics
You even used Reddit spacing at the start of your thread. Keep-a-digging that hole, Reddit.

>desperate to claim people who acknowledged him as stupid are all one person
It must be sad getting this utterly BTFO that you have nothing to do but cry "samefag". Do you want me to post pics proving I'm not OP to BTFO you even more? You seem really desperate for a dicking.

Still waiting for you to answer why redditspacing existed before reddit itself btw :)

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I've only played like 8 hours of it so far but if it was forced diversity then every character I ran into would have screamed about the patriarchy and evil white men keeping them down. Also CJ would have been labeled "stunning and brave" constantly for simply being a nigger.

all of those things would happen if it released in current year

Mid 2000s there was a big push for colourblindness and people bought into that because it sounded nice and fair, after 2012 though greivance politics came to the forefront and people got asshurt. Also its more realistic in its portrayal of hood nigger shit for the early part than the firzzy hair mulatto you see in shit.

>24 posters
Try again, Reddit.

Yeah that's true. I had fun with SA from what little I've played of it and I really don't wanna see it tainted by current year bullshit if it was remade.

Are you still seething? LOL

Trump is still the president. I know that makes you angry. And derailing your thread of course, Reddit.

I voted for Trump though. Why are you still falseflagging, redditfag OP?

You stopped replying thrice. I exposed your samefagging quick. I'm too good.

That was a "no you" if I ever saw one. You're so desperate right now. I almost feel bad for you, Reddit.

>cyberpunk 2077 is inherently leftist
water is wet

Rockstar doesn't have a history of catering to any particular crowd. They skew left but that's just what sane people do. Not Nazi versus manhaters.

Because CJ is literally a nigger gangbanger

They catered to leftists since GTA5.

Damn, really? I guess I won't be checking that out then.

It's not a "no you" if you have already been undeniably proven to be reddit though. You've still yet to answer why redditspacing existed before reddit, outing yourself as a newfag redditor. Mad?

San Andreas wasn't representative politics. It made fun of everyone and didn't cared about group x or y not being properly represented.

In other words, it wasn't lazy activism.

all games are political and san andreas' are no different than gta 5's

Activism is a part of politics. Retards miss the point and think that "everything is politics" means its okay to smear their ideals whenever they go like a bunch of tribal niggers.

With video games, it is perfectly possible to make a game that is speculative, not representative. San Andreas criticizes many aspects about blacks, whites, mexicans and asians. It also criticizes many other things like the government, religion and so on. However, it is done in a way that it raises discussion. It's not a vehicle for propaganda that is pro or against anyone where the player can either agree with its core message or not, because the topic it is tackling is too complex to be dumbed down to a simple "this group good, this group bad".

Christ, fucking Skyrim got that right. For all the shit the game gets people still argue about Imperials and Stormcloaks to this day. You have these fictional factions that represent their own set of ideals, but they are both presented in such a way that there is no "good guy". In contrast, Fallout 3 is just "this group good, this group bad" and is ultimately shallow and forgettable.

By the way, if you are not just some low effort troll and you plan on giving me a half decent reply, please remember to sage this shitty thread.

t. is mad about politics in games when they don't align with his

Weak bait

>This multimillion dollar piece of media meant to be bought by millions of consumers to have braindead fun is leftist

Fucking Capitalism. Suckers in too many people and tries to make them go "haha we're smart! We're the good capitalists! We'll fight the good fight for you! Remember to buy our DLC!"

>If this game came out today faggots on here would be calling it SJW trash with forced diversity
No Yea Forums would just scream
ad nauseam.