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because your PC is shit

>unreal engine

I have a rx 570 and an i5. It should run at normal constant 60fps min but nooooo it can't even run at 900p low at 60fps. the stuttering is fucking unreal

>rx 570
found ur problem

nigger there's nothing wrong with either of those

Terrible optimization, I got a refund over it. No excuse.

come back to normal Insurgency

it runs well on my computer but it's just a bad game

>that escapist documentary where NWI blame the game failing on le alt right boogeyman

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i7, 1080, and 16GB of RAM and I dip below 60 all the time on high-ultra. Shit sucks. Not to mention the load times.

the stutter is probably because you have 8GB of RAM, the game uses a fuck ton
I run it on an FX 8320 and a RX 580@1440p and get a solid 60 fps for the most part, but after an hour of playing it will start to stutter


It ran like shit on Xeon E3 and 1060, refunded it. It should be running at 200 fps considering how it looks

i thought /pol/ types were the target audience? in the original insurgency it was really easy to get people to show their "power level" and bitch about muslims or whatever in the voice chat

UE4 for you

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>he fell for insurgency meme

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>in the original insurgency it was really easy to get people to show their "power level" and bitch about muslims or whatever in the voice chat
Have you played the thing?
Every terrorist team had at least one roleplaying twat and everybody kept screaming "Allahu akbar" and "Let's go brothers, we will kill the infidel"
In hundreds of hours not a single time i've seen someone bitch about /pol/ shit

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>in the original insurgency it was really easy to get people to show their "power level" and bitch about muslims or whatever in the voice chat

this game is great if you can get it to run on your rig correctly. I have an i5 6600k OC'd to 4.2GHz and a 1070. Everything is mostly on medium settings and I run about 100-110 fps. It's still fun, but I'd like for it to run at 144. The community is pretty great though sometimes

It doesn't. I have a R3 1200 and RX 470, medium-high runs great. Anybody bitching did it wrong.

lmao exactly. without fail someone would be roleplaying as a jihadi in the voice chat

Yeah your PC is shit

This, desu. People either shouted USA USA USA or ALOHA SNACKBAR over the voice chat and it was great. Nobody gave a shit.

when is this shit coming out for PS4, I'm tired of R6 Siege

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>mfw somebody lands an RPG on USA spawn on sinjar and everybody start screaming ALLAH AKBAR

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>Servers now stay together
>Kills non comp firefight
>Have to do the DGL butt buddies just to play firefight

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Unironically, MW beta's ground war is more fun than Sandstorm, which is sad. I hate CoD and loved the Insurgency mod and 1, but here we are.

it still runs like shit for me, too
I stick to normal insurgency now

spring of next year

>Sandstorm could've been on Source 2 if Valve weren't a bunch of lazy faggots

oh fuck off mw is trash

and what does that make sandstorm?

mediocre but still better than mw

Just terrible optimization
And the maps are shittier than the source ones too, which add the optimization problems

Vehicles really fucked the map design of the game.

best thing is precinct and hillside are the only good maps

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Yeah I agree-- they are super buggy, and really do suck as well, or at least no one really knows how to use them, so like all of this effort that was made to make the maps vehicle friendly is for nothing.
They're only sort of cool when you get to fight against them in co-op-- needing to take them out with an AT4 or Carl Gustav is fun
Precinct is fun enough, but I think objectives E and D on hillside are ass.
I wish they'd bring back some of the classic maps that have been in Insurgency since the Mod

The source game runs so well, it really doesn't make sense for most players to move to sandstorm. The only real improvements have been to gun customizations and realism (with the reloads, chambering a round, and with their sound design) everything else, including the shooting has been a downgrade
The Character customization is kinda nice, but mediocre compared to some other games on the same engine, like RS2, so its not even really a great tactical barbie doll game either

MW allows you to rest your weapon on surfaces, has NVG and infrared lasers, and has pros and cons to attachments. Playing it made me realize how much of a shitty cash grab sandstorm was.

I honestly think that if the vehicles were less buggy and could actually serve a function in the game beside cache-rushing/ rpg bait, the map design would improve. Make a regular ass truck with the current armor of the technical, and make the technical and its gun much tougher to break. Even simple plexiglass for the .50 cal's sight so then they can't get easily sniped from the front would go a long way.

Workshop mods when? I want to turn this game into an anime shooter just like I did to the original.

the "tactical" stuff in mw is useless since everyone can run around like a headless chicken

Fucking Call of Duty has implemented more tactical features then Sandstorm. ADS reloads. It's fucking sad when Call of Duty has better (as in more tactical) reload animations than Sandstorm.

>billion dollar franchise has more money to improve than indie devs


>tactical game gets outdone by non tactical game
Call of Duty also claims that all the reload animations were done by scratch with no motion capture

why the fuck would you need motion capture for reloading?