Pokemon Sword/Shield have the same graphics as the 3DS gam-

>Pokemon Sword/Shield have the same graphics as the 3DS gam-

Attached: 4731.png (1374x680, 1.02M)

>caring about a kids game

>being a zoomer

Now increase the right one's resolution.

right: soul
left: soulless

If it wasn’t for the aliasing, the 3DS model would look better than the Switch one

Not him but I'm 28 and I can't figure out how you people haven't gotten tired or bored out of Pokemon yet. I tried Pokemon Sun after taking a break from the series for so long and it was just so easy and boring.

Models are same since XY.

Shit means nothing and isn't the issue.

Attached: wireframe.png (688x546, 45K)

Doubtful since the actual textures have been improved as well.

Attached: ph191d98l2o31.jpg (344x610, 41K)

increasing the resolution isn't having "new" graphics

That's prety much the same except with slightly tweaked textures and actual lighting.


Except it's not. The wings on the right are slightly behind it. Same exact models and animations and people have the audacity to say Nintendo is working too hard and shouldn't need the national dex.


I want to get into the mind of a poketard to understand how he manages to play the same bootleg clone for years and years
Not even my favorite thing in the world is immune to the nauseating weariness of extreme repetition

Nintendo isn't making the game retard

>thinking being for kids is an excuse for it being shit when games like mario 64, portal 2, and smash bros were for kids and well made.

do you not know how resolution works you dumb mother fucker

The best part is that Game Freak doesn't make the models anyway

Creatures does
So even if the SWSH models WERE new, Game Freak isn't spending any of their manpower on them regardless.

What the fuck is the excuse for this

Attached: 1569096575011m.jpg (1024x1024, 168K)

Now play the 3DS one on Citra at 1080p and above and compare.