The more I play this game, the more I start to think it might the greatest achievement in vidya

The more I play this game, the more I start to think it might the greatest achievement in vidya.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The more I play it, the more I get annoyed by the fact that it wants a ton of precision despite having extremely imprecise controls

beat me to it, controls are shit

It really grows on you after a while


I wanted to refund the game during my first 2 hours

it's pretty awesome yeah

>about to climb into tunnel at very edge of screen, so no pips show something is travelling through it
>exit flashes the color of a lizard for half a second
>lizard immediately pops out and grabs me before I can react
Funny the first time it happens, annoying the second, then back to being funny the third

Fastest route to get Moon more Neurons?

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White Lizards are motherfuckers. Everytime I think I'm on a roll speeding through stages, it's right there by an exit pipe or just above it ready to chomp my ass from three feet away.

Fuckin love this game though, the kino moments of just barely surviving and getting to scenic safe zones more than make up for the janky AI and physics

I'd guess you go from 5P to the Wall, down to Canopy, quickly pass Industrial, go straight trough Citadel and you'll be right at the eastern part of Shoreline

GIt gud

I honestly did have to pause playing the game for a bit until I could get a controller. It still feels imprecise but less so with a joystick. Some stages could definitely benefit from more precise controls, like that last fucking room on the wall that needs spear trickshots. It could have easily been less annoying if you could throw spears diagonally, and luckily there's a mod that lets you do just that.

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Controls are really janky, but it serves the game and you really get a lot more fluid with it and even use the jank to your favor. It definitely hinders the first hours, though.

wait what room are you talking about? I can't remember needing any really precise spear throws

I can't stop thinking about this game everyday. I can't stop thinking about how this game could've become mainstream like Hollow Knight and could've sold millions but because of game journos not wanting to learn how games work, Rain World fell into obscurity. It hurts so much.

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Fuck Hollow Knight.

I remember that area, but you are actually not supposed to go that way. You basically cheesed yourself up. I figured that since you can't plant spears into the wall outside, you are supposed to come from there and not go up there, which was true in the end.
I still don't regret climbing the wall, because i found my first Echo on top and lost my shit because i had no fucking idea what that glowy alien thing is and why it blasted my brain with additional karma. It was the perfect reward for the grueling climb

I couldnt get into it, it seemed like it might be my thing but the entire game so far seemed like a timed underwater section until I finally stumbled into what feels like an actually impossible scissor chicken gauntlet.

I'll play it when it gets a linux release. HK got a linux release

I refuse to boot into windows for anything that doesn't involve MS office.

ok brainlet

to be honest, i am a bit glad that Rain World is a sort of "hidden gem" that isn't constantly praised, since first of all, no one talking about the game makes it easier to go in blind and second of all, i don't need to endure people like who need to shit on things for becoming popular.
I mean imagine Rain World being popular and the big twitch streamers playing it with tons of people constantly telling you how to play the game, like it happened with the Undertale Community that basically wants to enforce everyone playing True Pacifist and implanting their headcanon onto everything.
It would ruin the whole point of the game.

It wasn't made to sell. It was very explicitly said by developers to be an artpiece, and that's probably exactly why Adult Swim picked it up, they're all about that experimental shit. It's not a fair game, and it can be pretty tedious at times. And despite this, it's got a dedicated following, and an expansion mod is in the works that basically triples the content.

Going up The Wall was the first way I got to 5P and I don't regret it in the slightest after bumbling my way across Chimney Canopy's platforms. Without grapple worms, I couldn't even get past the first bits of Sky Islands either, so it was a refreshing set of more grounded (pun intended) puzzles not reliant on the physics. I got my first Echo in the Canopy so I was doubly interested in what these golden wiggly boys were before I got to 5P, especially with the desecrated tapestries you see before him.

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Doing that section for the first time is brutal, especially if your days are short and you don't find any centipedes.
There is a trick for the section though:
pick up the glowing blue bulbs and throw them down once the scizzorbirds catch up to you when you don't manage to hide in time. It will blind them temporarily and allow you to escape

At what point did this game enter your top 10, Yea Forums?

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I'm definitely gonna spend a run bullying the Iterators, but not my first run. They're both too precious. Even peeble.

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I hate that everytime I go back, I totally forget what the fuck I was doing or the direction I should be going. Last time I got stuck in Shoreline for awhile and gave up.

Shoreline is massive, so I don't blame you. Honestly, I hate it more than any other stage because of how much of a maze it is.

Yes, even The Leg and Underhang

Defend this area.

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The game got really interesting as soon as i realized how complex the AI is, it got engaging when i was on the track from shaded citadel to underhangs, but one of the best and worst experiences was climbing the wall

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Why are you spoilering everything?

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Maximum (you)s

When I encountered my first vulture around the first hibernation chamber in Industrial Complex after the Outskirts karma gate. The fear I had when it was flying towards me and me finding ways to mercifully dodge it until it flew away. The game just got better and better from there.

there are some people reading the thread that aren't done with the game and have yet to experience a lot of stuff, but are too stupid to stay out of the threads before being done with the main story


There are far worse stages that are far harder to backtrack from.

It's better to experience the game without being spoiled. A big part of the experience is exploration. Frantically searching for a hibernation spot in a new place can be pretty aggravating though I'll admit.

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Iterators are spoilers.

Why would you EVER enter a thread pertaining to a game that you haven't yet beat, unless it was brand new? Especially one like Rain World that is all about the unique experience.

that picture is seriously unnerving for some reason.
imagine playing as a daddy and just needing to c o n s u m e

I will. It's filled with somewhat predictable enemies that you can actually fight reliably in a landscape that puts them at an advantage. it's also diverse in combat situations due to it's design. It's at it's best in the hands of a Rambo player.

the issue is, who is going to tell you that you shouldn't spoil yourself in this game in particular if basically nobody but Yea Forums played this game?

What are you talking about? The controls are very precise with keyboard.
Are you the idiot how needed us to spoon feed your 5kb brain on what to do?

>Not spoiling the name of the best part of the game
You've decimated so many people's immersion right now, to the gallows with you.

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I lost an entire tribe of Scavs trying to kill one of these

I'd almost agree but Rain World is a master piece taht would have set a new standard of indie games and revolutionized to genre. Now it's just another game that's fallen by the wayside which'll have some JewTuber go "You ever heard of Rain World? It's POOR controls and bad level design madeit fal into obsurity, but if you can get past that it's a hidden gem. Use the password 'nintendbro' to 15% off and it really supports my channel now that my wife's boyfriend made me pay rent"

It's crime really on how Rain World was overlooked.

Are you the asshole from the last thread claiming this game teaches you everything you need to know and got mad at ME for finding an exception to that?

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You should be ashamed to know about them without even reaching them yet. If you haven't finished the game stay out of these threads. You don't need us or a wiki to complete it if your IQ is above room temperature.

They have no context and have no idea what I'm referring to. They are not being spoiled unless they already have an idea or expectation that might lead them to understand of what this means.

Level design is almost perfect though.

Matthewmatosis had nothing but praise for the game, though.

During my escapades in Industrial and Garbage when the game finally had clicked and I wasn't stumbling around in Outskirts getting killed by lizards or mimic poles. From there it was just back-to-back COOL ASS MOMENTS. Coming across a vulture for the first time and hearing that spooky ass threat music kick in, narrowly escaping the rain at times, interacting with scavengers, it was like a genuine adventure and it felt wondrous. And that's not even getting into the craziness that followed.

I think it was a pretty good game

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You don't need to finish the game to know about them, no need to get so rustled.

All you've proved was that you have learning disabilities. How come me and many others could proceeded without even thinking about it and yet you whine and cry about "muh bad game design" when the game teaches how to approach those situations? Either you're a dumb ass mouth breather or i'm a genius. Which is it? The only thing that's unfairly obscure are the Raindeer, but it can be learned with trial and error.

You mouthbreathing troglodytes are just as bad, if not worse than hollowfags.


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Explain yourself, fag

>This kills the Rain World fag

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that was the joke. Too few appreciate Rain World and that will probably not change in the future.
Didn't see it but the fact it's being treated as a hidden gem is a tragedy. Rain World shouldn't be hidden, it's too good for that. I know it sounds like I'm shilling, because I kinda am, but this game is amazing and deserves more recognition.

I haven't once said anything bad about the game's design. I climbed my way to the top of the Wall without any need for assistance, but the single time I get stuck you throw a tantrum.

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It's a good video.

I'm not angry, but your idiocy is a little loathsome. Rain World isn't some B-game you blow through with a guide and a backseat gamer. You get stuck you figure it out. I didn't even know that was something people got stuck on because it was really obvious what you're meant to do. Finish the game first faggot or is that too complicated for your apebrain. I'm little embarrassed for you, maybe you ought to try this first. It seems more your speed.

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The only "problem" with it is that it's basically a crossroads between regions.

When I realised this is the only real survival game I ever played

Oh noooo AAAAAAA
Just kidding, I still like Rain World. You don't have to, though. I'll even let you continue living on Earth with me and the billions of other people whose tastes don't align perfectly with my own.

>Journalists are retarded
Huh, thanks

didn't get any checks*

When Random Gods started playing.

when i finally reached the top of the wall and saw the kino view above the clouds, met the yellow ghost thing then realized its a dead end (i know it technically isnt) and then had to scale back down the wall. I love how the game gives zero fucks about you and youre left to yourself entirely and enemies still exist doing their stuff even when youre not there. other top moments were meeting 5P and the crazy yellow cave ending

I like that Yea Forums likes this game now. I remember after I played it i made a few threads about it and pushed my friends to try it but nobody cared and i concluded it was doomed to fall into obscurity and forgotten, which made me sad. but i'm glad more people are discovering it now.

All this does is prove that normies are shitters with no patience

Telling someone how they're supposed to experience the game feels like it goes against the point entirely being a unique experience for its players. I enjoy talking with people about games while I experience them, and I had fun in that thread I made climbing the Wall for the first time, even if you were trying your damndest to shit it up. I was well aware of the fact that it was the more difficult route. Just because it was the harder route, though, doesn't mean you're barred from going through it, otherwise its gate would have been at a later stage of the game. It was a wholly unique experience that I wouldn't trade for anything, and unlike you, apparently, I have the capacity to appreciate media in its true form, even if I've heard second-hand accounts of it.

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Any tips to get God? Had this game for a while but got frustrated early on. I kinda want to beat it though.


normies hate it because its too hard for them. which makes me love it more. i think the cover art style misleads some people who are looking for another easy cute pixel indy platformer experience and they get a horrible surprise

It's not always even a matter of different tastes. If these people had a little bit of patience and played it with a less judgmental mindset, they'd likely get the appeal.

learn the movement

Don't be afraid to goof off during a few cycles and practice killing shit and moving more efficiently. Maybe use that time finding stuff for Scavs or taming a Lizzer. You might learn a new movement technique (there are a few and they aren't explicitly told to you) and that experience will help in the later stages.

It had a surge a while back like maybe half a year ago. I'm glad Yea Forums brought it to my attention

you can spear the wall there to get in. just have to do one of the fucky jumps.

This game actually went back on my radar after Adult Swim posted a mix of the soundtrack a few weeks back:

That's some good shit.

This, Dustforce, and Hotline Miami are the three best indie games this decade.

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>fact that it was the more difficult route
What are you talking about? You moron it wasn't your route choice only your retarded problem you had with it. I went the same way which is why your problems seem idiotic. Yeah instead of playing a story game i watch my favorite let's player go through it, it's a unique experience after all. And with puzzle games I always use a walkthrough on every puzzle. It's fun to read about how others might have solved it and it's just as valid as beating it yourself. Unlike you I have the capacity to appreciate all methods. I also always summon for Dark Souls bosses, i never attempt them alone, besides it's more fun to play with friends. Games are designed to be enjoyed anyway I want.

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biggest trap is using a controller, keyboard is the way to play

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>Still seething and throwing buzzwords at me despite us both enjoying a great game, albeit slightly differently

The true Yea Forums experience right here. Please, continue. My autism requires you spell out exactly why your rage is aimed so keenly on me. No sarcasm, please, that's beyond my comprehension.

>the closing thing i said to a buzzword was "let's player"
You just keep getting dumber. Enjoy your inferior way of life. Dogs seem happy enough.

The game was developed and tested with keyboard controls. I spoke to the developer at PAX and he literally told me that personally.

I was talking more about the pic you posted, but please, keep the tread alive with your rage. Hopefully it'll foster actually productive discussion.

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>he thinks I reply to him and him alone
I love this game and bump this thread as much as I can. Doesn't change the fact you have subhuman levels of intelligence. It's fun watching you seethe though, so please keep telling me how getting spoon fed what to do is what a person without impaired cognitive abilities would do.

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*best narrative in gaming this decade has a 67 on metacritic in your path*

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This game looks great, but is it worth getting it on ps4?

Ghost Trick has an 83, though.

Truly, best games are rated mixed or don't even have a metascore.

I think it is.

You can get ridiculously good at the game. The controls are extremely precise, they're just tricky and complicated. Maybe it'd be better to say that they demand precision.

You can watch people who are really good at the game go through on Hunter and it's crazy. There's a genuinely high skill ceiling here.

it's fine anywhere
it performs the worst on the switch version but people still buy it because it fits the platform so well

>Everything in any way beautiful has its beauty of itself, inherent and self-sufficient: praise is no part of it. At any rate, praise does not make anything better or worse. This applies even to the popular conception of beauty, as in material things or works of art. So does the truly beautiful need anything beyond itself? No more than law, no more than truth, no more than kindness or integrity. Which of these things derives its beauty from praise, or withers under criticism? Does an emerald lose its quality if it is not praised? And what of gold, ivory, purple, a lyre, a dagger, a flower, a bush?

imagine caring what game journos think

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You haven't been paying much attention, though I don't blame you, it must be hard reading off the screen when you're seeing red. I admitted, the moment after asking for help, that you're probably right. I don't actually give a fuck about what you think, because it's stupidly elitist, and I'd never discourage anyone to play the game in any specific way, especially at this point in time when it's still mired in obscurity. The fact that you're still mad proves you've got a little tinge of the 'tism yourself, and I'm just trying to milk that, since I've only ever lurked this cesspool in the rare case they actually discuss a game I'd like to talk about.

This game would be fucking amazing on a portable system that could actually play it well.

Imagine being this new.

Rain world is like if Made in Abyss was a game

It's "tedious" but it's always deliberate. Like when you go up the Leg and invariably lose all of your karma and then find a max karma gate waiting for you at the top of the Overhang, it's a very calculated decision. There's a feeling of utter hopelessness and then the challenge of consistently surviving in a place that is incredibly inhospitable and intimidating. Then when you figure out how to live and thrive there, there's an extreme feeling of catharsis and satisfaction, which itself builds on the themes of the game through the gameplay itself, of how life changes and adapts. It's incredible.

You're actually seething how hard I btfo'd you. I even got you to agree with me. Someone's stared at the sun a little to long; your brains are liquid.

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I'm kind of getting filtered by the water treatment area. Am I just too much of a shitter for this game or should I try to perservere?

More like it's if Andrei Tarkovsky made a game.

Explore some more

Shilled this shit for centuries while I was bullying Hollow Cucks for liking their toddler tier game and barely anybody agreed with me that it was a masterpiece, not that I give a fuck mind you, I literally enjoy the ever living fuck out of finding hidden gems which auto filter casuals the fuck out. The more obscure the better it is, and not because of any 'omg i wanna be a snowflake' reasons, but because casuals unironically have the worst taste imaginable, if a game is easy enough for your average youtube and journo cuck to steamroll through it's not worth playing. Period.

Rain World is a god tier game. The kind of game that sticks with you forever.

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Hollow Knight is such a shit game.

>Managed to devolve you all the way down to just posting smug amime girls


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Rain World is not a metroidvania.
This whole sequence followed by

Just mindblowing moments one after another

Fucking furfags.

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Swimming mechanics are deceptively simple. Don't dash if you can help it--it burns through your oxygen extremely quickly. Wiggling your tail will also make you swim faster.

It's close enough.

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It got popular around the beginning of the year when people finally got around to playing it in their backlogs because the winter was a deadzone for new releases

Did you go to Drainage? Don't go to Drainage.

Seethe more. Just because you can't beat my argument you revert to complaining about anime posting. New fags are all the same, it's hilarious

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where have you been? haven't seen you post in years

Is the Switch version good? No port screw ups?

The lore of this game is kino and I like the way its secrets are not unlocked so easily. You can literally and unironically beat the entire game and not be told anything. At all. You won't know why and where the rain is coming from, you won't know what the fuck Moon and Five Pebbles are, you won't know what the fuck the deal is with that area beyond the Filtration System, you won't know what the golden liquid is, you won't know fucking SHIT. You have to actively work your ass off to get lore or read the wiki like a casual faglord. And that, my friends, is something I very much enjoyed.

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It lags in certain rooms but other than that it's a very good port.

It's kino.

You missed a huge chunk of the game by taking that shortcut.
I mean it's your choice. But If I were you, I'd backtrack for the lore and the neurons.

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I backtracked, definitely. Managed to steal 3 of those fuckers for her and spent way too much time making sure I had both routes to 5P's box mapped out so I could plan for the next trip.

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This is amazing I love it

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I've beaten the entire game and I unironically have no idea about any of those things you mentioned.

what should I do then? Leave and go somewhere else?

That entire sequence from 5P to the graffiti to the city might be the best sequence in any video game ever. And you don't even know what any of it means until way later.

from whence you came.

Can someone spoiler text me the optimal path for a first timer?

follow the damn yrellow bug.

I've heard there was input lag but I think they might've fixed it in a patch.

>Try to enjoy a rain world thread
>The same faggot from the last thread is here
>Calls anyone who criticizes the game an idiot
Go gatekeep some other indie game you pretentious faggot

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Don't follow any path, just explore. Don't play as if you're trying to complete a game, play as if you're just pushing on through each area trying to survive. Get lost in the world.

Adult Swim are an unsung hero. Prove me wrong.

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Happy to hear. The area before 5p was so kino it's one of my favorite moment in vidya.

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It runs flawlessly with Proton.

I can't.

It's a game that's always going to be polarizing, but I think everyone needs to try it out for themselves.

It's something that's easy to get dogmatic about. Like when someone says they didn't like Rain World, I tend to think they're dumb because they couldn't engage with it the way I did.

For the longest time before that part, I thought those red synapse worm-things that float around in 5P were dangerous, but once started crashing my way through the Memory Conflux, I was having a grand old time witnessing every inch of that part. It was so fucking great.

I know they're dumb. Rain World is the thinking man's game.

by doing it yourself

Based and agree pilled. The best pieces of art does appeal to the common fool.

Ok, just bought this game. Looks comfy af. Wish me luck lads.

Theres some truly miserable shits in theses threads. Imagine plating a game so you can feel superior about yourself. There seems to be some overlap with La Mulana fans here, so I assume it's autism.

Have fun!

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Keep playing. Probably a good idea to steer clear of the threads and not look anything up. I hope you enjoy it.

I'm not sure I'd use comfy to describe it, but best of luck, user.

Sounds like someone got filtered.

Still horribly low


Anyone else get the game just because of the cute slugcats?

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the moment I reached five pebbles is when I realized the game was pure kino

Why don't we have a slugcat pokemon yet?


How disadvantaged am I if at all playing the switch version instead of the PC version?

It's not strictly about feeling superior because you played the game. It's just the conflict that naturally arises when you have some people who find a lot of meaning in something, and people who didn't. Those people might feel smug that they see something more, or they might get angry or frustrated at the people who can't relate, or they might try to proselytize to share what they got out of it.

Even though Rain World has a very high skill ceiling, it's not something you play just because it's a mechanical challenge. Like it isn't much of a badge of honor to have beaten Rain World, because you can do it on accident in about an hour if you're really (un)lucky. So it's more about player psychological profiles.

>no keyboard
Might as well buy it again

It's probably fine.

First time through I played it with a Switch Pro controller. It's not that big of a deal, even if it is better on keyboard. Or arcade stick.

Switch version is kino, ignore the PKeks.

More like pure ludo.

When I hit the depths and found this bozo+the music kicking in. Unfortunately, I arrived too early in the game.

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To pass you must first let go of all the things that bind you to this material world.

I'm pretty adamant about not installing steam. I like getting an installer from GoG, beating the game, then uninstalling. Don't need steam fucking around.

Pretty disappointing that the devs listed linux as a stretch goal but ignored it even though it was achieved. Flash-game design ethos aside, I really gotta hand it to team cherry for being the exception to the kikestarter rule.

supposedly there's a way to use proton without steam, but the compatability data isn't available without buying and downloading the game, so I don't know how that works out.

Warning: Immersion breaking information incoming!



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Are you me?

I only discovered the Array after spending hours attempting Unfortunate Development and going back through the kino zone after meeting 5P, and then spent those 2 hours exploring every nook out of pure curiosity for its size

Speaking of mazes, does anyone else absolutely hate Shoreline? It's just a slog to go through the first time, and once you've found the shortcuts, you just wanna go through as fast as fucking possible. Really wish I could take Moon somewhere nicer, maybe have her camp out with some Scavs you befriend, or give her a Lizard pet to protect her.

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Shoreline is comfy with nice music, a bit on the easy side in most parts except for that one hellish pearl in the tower.
My least favorite aspect of shoreline is getting bumped by squids while trying to deliver neurons/pearls and having to reload

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I feel like getting out of Shoreline from Moon back to Garbage Wastes requires one long underwater section that requires the use of a jetsquid that never cooperates. And I hate it forever because of that.

In general though, the leeches terrify me.

I feel that. Only saw that pearl after dying on the way up and watching the lizzer that killed me wave my carcass to its friends on the top.

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Spoiler alert
Friendly reminder that 5P did nothing wrong and if you really cared about moon then you would let her die. She deserves to sleep.

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5P did EVERYTHING wrong, though.

Leeches feed on fear, if you hesitate that gives them the chance to latch on to you.
The first time I played I just happily charged through the leeches and never died to them, ignorance is bliss since you can charge confidently.

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Post ludo tracks.

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There is an entire stage leading up to him that proves he did a helluva lot wrong, though we have no idea how it happened... Do we?

Gotta put 'em somewhere, I guess. Oh god, now I'm imagining Slugcat regurgitating a Neuron in there


Also, shoutout to my Sciggas

backflip and throw a spear downward.

You're welcome.

The pebbles tell us that 5P went awol, stole moon's water leaving her with an inch of life left, fucked up his experiment that resulted in the unfortunate development.
Everyone told him to stop too.

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It felt nostalgic farming for the Karma to pass that gate and maxing out my hunger just in case a new wave of bullshit was going to meet me on the other side. You get into a sort of flow state of charting your next route to food and effortlessly maneuvering past previously tough obstacles... Then dying almost every time you extend yourself too far, like with the lizard-infested shortcut to the northeast.TRUE hell was accidentally exploring my way back to the Underhang route to the Wall and then for some batshit insane reason saving at that annoyingly placed hideout at the very bottom. I died more times getting back to the gate than farming for Karma.

>The pebbles
If you meant to say pearl, I'd be intrigued to see Moon's response to reading that.

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Why are Rain World threads always the best threads on Yea Forums?


Because Rain World is the best video game.

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I wouldn't worry about it, good art is good art

Got a good 48 hours out of it. Honestly I wish it was even longer.

It's better for a game to stay well paced, then for it to overstay its welcome.

An expansion mod's releasing this week, actually.

Wow, I'm actually surprised that there are tools to mod all that stuff. Looks pretty cool.

If enough people appreciate it that we get mods like this, it can't be that bad.

literally just do better

The official map making tool for the game was released to the public, the same one used to make every single screen in game. I'd say it's the perfect way to bring in the most dedicated of fans, and I'm happy the devs are willing to let people play with their creation in more ways than one. Makes me wonder how tough it might be to make a mod myself with the added tools the community's provided, though it'd probably take me a while before anything comes from that ambition, seeing as I have no experience in programming.

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Wait? is more slugcats already out???

This and the Echoes. Made me reconsider this Yea Forums meme about games being art.

Not yet, though they did release their planned bugfixes, as well as... Something else... On RainDB.

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Unfortunately, Rain World and The Void are the only vidya that can be considered art.

I like this comment

I'm wondering who here is still posting from the first threads. Where my OG sliggas at?

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Reminder: If you liked Rain World, you owe it to yourself to play this absolute masterpiece.

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Do not go gentle into that good night, you slimy bastards!

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