What went wrong with the anime adaptation of the Castlevania series?
What went wrong with the anime adaptation of the Castlevania series?
It's anime and if you watch it as an adult you need psychiatric help
It's an ok show though. And it's not an anime
Idk who you are or why you are on fourCHAN.org but clearly you are lost and don't belong here.
>I only partake in mature hobbies for a mature person like myself
There's only one anime board. This isn't it.
recommend us some books.
Because they don't have Uno!
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Instead of making a cool show about being badass and fighting cool legendary monsters, they took the popularity of the franchise and tried to use it to make SJW commentary style opinions of how society should be. It would have been a good show but people.seem to think I need to hear their opinions in my fantasy show.when really I could.care less for whatever your mouth breather ass.thinks. I just wanna see cool legendary monsters fighting with magic.and a cool soundtrack but NOOOOO. Gotta get EDUCATED instead.
>only ONE anime board
>Entire site is based on a Japanese style.
Would you like to contine this conversation about how utterly dumb could you be?
>Instead of making a cool show about being badass and fighting cool legendary monsters, they took the popularity of the franchise and tried to use it to make SJW commentary style opinions of how society should be
Things that never happened
I haven't watched much of it, but I haven't got anymore out of it than "religion is bad"
a double edged joke.
I liked both seasons
I enjoyed it, but I don't pretend like it doesn't have problems.
The biggest problem, though, is that season 2 spends half of its runtime on Godbrand. Fun character, but almost everything he does goes nowhere because he's just instantly killed by Isaac.
You could have done everything involving Godbrand in one episode by just having him confront Isaac after their first meeting, and then had about three episodes more to spend with the heroes as they travel to the mansion.
>Strong Womyn vampire Camilla starts ranting about how female vampires are disenfranchised
And on next weeks episode of Im fucking retarded and apparently didnt watch the show im talking about.
It was made by a street shitter indu faggot, therefore its not fucking anime.
>That entire ending fight.
It was worth the wait.
The moment the trio enter the tower its a thing of beauty.
Overall I liked it, the vastly variable effectiveness of the vampires was a little nitpick and the the writer's demand to point out the Church was bad and corrupt was a little heavy-handed at points. But again, I liked it overall.
Stop calling this anime you fucking idiots
>early summer
>go to 29year old cousins that I havent seen in a while
>shows me his new manga collection
>shows expensive anime girl statues
>shows me his favorite show which is some Harry Potter looking ass dude grabbing teenage witch titties the whole show
>c-cool user, gotta go
It's a good fight, but I think the final part should have been Trevor fighting Dracula alone.
Dracula vs Alucard alone is SotN, where they get to connect. So I have no clue what they plan on doing for the inevitable Richter/Alucard season.
The start of the series was fantastic. The problem is they were trying to focus the storytelling on all characters and not just the 3 heros more of which were unlikable. Game of thrones esq story directing is flooding the industry hard.
That nigger wants to fuck with beserk too, i say good luck to you, poo.
What an utter faggot. Go have this SEX stuff youre suggesting to everyone else, since youre so fucking awesome at it.
Isaac being black. Carmilla being anti-Dracula in spite of being one of the people that wanted to resurrect him.
Aside that, it was pretty nice. Props them for using the game skillset in some fights. And I guess as much as it diverged, it was a nice setup for Curse of Darkness and Symphony of the Night
he says posting on a video game board
animefags are so fucking sensitive, holy shit
Brit or Aussie?
Nothing, it was pretty good.
badly written cartoon with some poorly slapped on Castlevania paint
Silly OP, theres no anime adaptation.
They were so seduced by their own pretentious writing they forgot what Castlevania was actually like.
Aside from that and the really heavy handed fedora-tipping about religious institutions I liked it. Shankar is a colossal faggot though, but between this and Dredd he can wear as many "I'm brown. Are you going to shoot me?" tshirts as he likes
>Say something stupid
>Get called out.
>Everyone ELSE is angry not me!
That's not how this works.
For social media cunts that's how it works.
It’s all Netflix does
No Grant
too focused on Dracula
Not seeing Japanese names user
Castlevania 3 is a road-trip gothic adventure.
Castlevania the show is one half good prelude and second half Game of Thrones with Vampires and Library Studies.
Bloody Tears was shit btw
What are you talking about? The main villain is a manipulative femme fatale and the main conflict was basically about a father and son.
If you want to shit on it, shit on it for making Trevor not act like a Belmont at all (his personality should have been to Grant), Grant not being there at all, and having annoying 'quippy' western cartoon humor.
There are things wrong with it, particularly as it is meant to be about Castlevania but takes a LOT of liberties with it, but it does a lot of things well as well and honestly I think it turned out a lot better than anyone expected.
But back to my point there is no SJW shit at all unless you count Sypha not being a meek anime girl
My guess is that it will go
Castlevania 3>Rondo/SotN>Aria of Sorrow
That way you keep Alucard as a consistent recurring character and you get all the main story arcs of Castlevania
>Sypha not being a meek anime girl
Stronk Netflix wymmyn that don’t need no man #356646884578
westerners and self inserted calitumblr fags
>Carmilla rants about disenfranchised women vampires and how much better than male vampires they are, only to show she’s just as much of a bloodthirsty sadistic animal as any of the male vampires in the end.
Good job getting the point dipshit
My thoughts, basically. I liked the first season as an introduction to Trevor and Sypha, and expected Season 2 to be when it'd be focused on them going into the castle and fighting classic monsters.
I think they'll do Ecclesia for a bit to do a female protagonist, then have Alucard return in Aria as a twist of "old character returns."
>written by a brit
>animated by Americans... or was it Canadians
It's a cartoon.
Edgy anti-christian narrative that shoves "Church is bad!" down your throat every chance it gets to the point where Characters who used to have Religious background get retconned to being EPIC ATHEISTS! and I say this as an atheist myself.
When you look at the whole picture, it's not faithful to its original material and tries to hide it by filling the series with EPIC REFFERENCES HAVE YOU SEEN THE WALL MEAT?
3/4 of the second season is boring as fuck Game of Thrones court drama between Dracula and his subordinates
3/4 of the subordinates never say anything and are only shown during brief action sequences.
Everyone swears unnecessarily and it becomes cringe. You could swear Shankar is 14 years old. Alucard shouldn't swear.
Pacing is so bad it makes me wonder if I'm being trolled or if these guys legitimately overlokked this issue.
Visuals are good.
Fight scenes are good.
The Bloody Tears part in the castle hall is kino
Dracula is even more interesting than he originally was.
Issac is a much better character.
You really could take the exact same story and only change a few things to make it better, such as actually respecting the source material a bit more instead of plugging a million refferences just so you never forget it's Castlevania, changing the order of a few key plot senquences such as showing Lisa's death mid series rather than in the beginning and just throw the viewer straight into Dracula overtaken Wallachia so the viewer becomes more involved as he learns progressively what drove Dracula to enact genocide on humanity instead of being told his motives in the first episode and leave no sense of mystery to new viewers.
Overall, everyone I know who are not Castlevania fans loved it anyways and want to see more. As its standalone it's great, it's just that it ignores important details in favor of being its own representation and it ends up pissing of some old fans.
It's alright, a lot different from the games, but still enjoyable.
just played Grimoire of souls on PC and with a controller, for a mobile game it's actually pretty good, still, it's not a real CV. i'm waiting for more for the next gen.
is this the Castlevania thread? Should I play the originals or skip to SoTN?
>there's only one anime board
I count 12.
I hope they don't fuck up the new DMC anime
>Give to a fat piece of crap that doesn't know jack about the original Castlevania lore and just wants to throw an edgy anti-religious narrative into the 15th century
>Replace all classic monsters and silly enemies with generic shadowy monsters
>Have Trevor fail at killing Dracula
>Don't include Grant Danasty simply because your fatass' brain couldn't come up with a way to implement him despite taking so many other creative liberties elsewhere
>Turn Carmilla into a feminazi just because she's a lesbian
>Constant swearing that gets sickening to hear and just sounds stupid
>Throw a portrait just so your fatass writer can pretend he knows more of the original lore than he actually does
>"Satan is not real, but Dracula is"
>"We're enemies of God"
Do I have to keep going?
>religion is bad
Aww, did the Satanist get his feelings hurt by the negative portrayal of demon worship?
Hopefully it's non-canon. Otherwise look forward to a Netflix-approved DMC cartoon, with all the horror that implies
It should have been more about alucard vs dracula with each season being a different belmont in a different point in time as a supporting character. They have pretty much locked themselves into just being another generic grimdark anime with how they did it.
I played SoTN as my first one and it left a good enough impression for me to try out the rest of the series. So i actually would personally recommend starting with SoTN.
Why would it not be canon? They treated every side thing as canon except that one novel
Second season they tried to be too much Game of Thrones with all the vampire backstabing politics while the main characters hung around in a library the whole time. They forgot all the demon fighting and ruins exploring that made the first season good.
They tried to add a bunch of shit that doesn’t belong in the series and as a result I watched 8 episodes of vampire politics while my protagonists bantered in a basement
Aside from the fact we don't know how much oversight Capcom has I don't know if it'll be canon or not. I simply hope it is, with both Netflix and Shankar's track record I'd be worried about what they might pull
>What went wrong with the anime adaptation of the Castlevania series?
trio shippers
The mascot for this site is literally a character from a manga series you nitwitted newfag.
>and the main conflict was basically about a father and son.
Then why the fuck pick Dracula's Curse instead of SotN? The latter actually deals with the father/son aspect ingame and is far more popular. Why pick a game that's about pure action when there's another one that already tackles the plot you want to write? Are they braindead?
he is a poo who was raised in honk kong
he is also an edgy faggot with a boner for gackt that dabbles in the rap community
do not associate us with the likes of this thing
Anime is for sexually repressed social retards that can't emote properly. Did you hear about the newest popular anime:
>A student that struggles in school is a social outcast but finds out he's the chosen one and learns from his grandma the sacred art of unlocking his latent angel powers. He discovers through the use of his angel powers that he's actually a demon, but secretly a vampire!
No, the only ones you should skip are II, Legends, Adventure 1, 64 and maybe Dracula X.
>One of Britain's national dishes is chicken tikka massala
You best start believing in poos, Britbong, you are one.
How do I get to make my own anime
Rondo of Blood and then SOTN if you just want to see what the crzes is all about.
You're a delusional fucktard if you think every anime series is retarded shounen shit like that.
any chance someone where has a castlevania chart of the best games?
99% is
>I swear it's not all complete trash!
Wew lad
It’s not an anime and that was the problem
Warren Ellis is a hack.
This is so fucking true and it's sad. At least Japan is starting to get out of their obsession with fucking high school.
Nice comeback.
Let me guess, you watched DBZ, Naruto, or some other gay shit like that and concluded that all anime series are like that?
What does it say if I play video games as an adult?
>Let me guess, you watched DBZ, Naruto, or some other gay shit like that and concluded that all anime series are like that?
Nope, mass-replaying user, I watched Yea Forums turn into a shitpile of bad taste.
Camilla was never a lesbian. Literally half of what you said is a blatant lie.
Every board here is a shitpile of bad taste
I'm so fucking lonely bro's.
if you watch jojo season 1, it's castlevania if it was good
Isn't this the guy who complained about Apu?
Not anime. Most anime sucks too.
Which is why you should read manga and LNs instead since the good ones usually don't get anime adaptations
I went in release order and had a lot of fun, even with Simon's Quest.
Not actually but it's an interesting experience.
>tfw Midnight Castle Succubus is a better Simon's Quest than Simon's Quest is
Well DBZ and Naruto and the like are the most popular anime. Using them as a gauge of the overall quality of anime is relevant. Saying otherwise is no different than saying Terminator 2 and Mad Max: Fury Road aren't representative of action films. Or that Led Zeppelin isn't a representative of classic rock. Sure, everything has outliers that rise above the common quality of a given genre, but when the most prominent examples are garbage it's safe to say that's it's garbage.
nah, that's a different poo
My first one was SoTN but my favorite was probably OoE
I've seen some screenshots on here. I do think the idea behind Simon's Quest works, it was just the execution that was terrible. Shit like Deborah's Cliff was just an asshole move.
Only Yea Forums thinks it's bad.
Witches are cute.
I have many, uh, screenshots as well.
It it canon to the games' lore that Alucard got the final blow during Dracula's Curse or was that exclusive to the show?
Might as well say the RPG genre is garbage due to how a lot of the popular games are garbage.
By your logic we can all agree video games are absolute shit because garbage like Modern Warfare, Fortnite, and FIFA are the most popular games.
III is a NES/Famicom game, the story is told entirely in the opening sequences and the ending. That said, I'd bet my left nut on Trevor being the one dealing the final blow since Alucard was barely even a character back in the 80's.
As a whole, yes, modern Vidya are absolute shit.
3 barely existed in the 80s.
Simon's Quest would benefit hugely from a remake/reimagining. It's a mediocre game with an ambitious premise.
Maybe you should stick to /vr/ then. You're dismissing anime as a whole because a few of the popular ones are shit while ignoring the good series. By your logic you shouldn't even like any new games that come out regardless of their quality since a few of the popular ones are shit.
It is basically the first inception for what would become the whole metroidvania formula, but I kinda like the more open 2D aspect of going from town to town instead of it all being inside one castle or through a series of somewhat disconnected levels. Helping people, seeing some actual improvements on a town as you clear out the evil of the area, that sort of thing.
Then again, this is Konami we're talking about so I doubt it. The only news about Castlevania a few years ago would've been a pachinko machine. Now it's just a gacha game.
I typically do. I'm just here to shitpost.
How the fuck is Castlevania 2 the first iteration of metroidvania when Metroid was out a year before?
Was it? My mistake. But it was the first time the series started to explore that direction.
Nothing was wrong with it am i being baited why is this thread getting serious replies?everyone loved it when it came out and it revived castevania discussion for a bit.
Because Metroid is just Metroid, Simon's Quest is Metroid + Castlevania. Metroidvania.
No Konami rep to oversee it like when Iga was around, since it would otherwise have had Grant and white Issac, among other things for accuracy to the games. Iga refused the script for this adaptation twice while he still worked for Konami due to stuff like the sheep fucking "gag" and how it didn't fit with Castlevania, but here we are in a world where Belmonts are considered as lowly as sheep fuckers to establish just how much the commoners hated them.
Simon's quest isnt metroidvania though. It's a linear game.
As a gay black man it made me happy to have another good role model in media
Not everything they produce is shit. B: The Beginning was pretty good.
Yeah, I'd like to see those open world elements be kept while polishing and improving the game, filling out the Mansions and overworld with the kind of level design and bosses that made CV1 and CV3 so fun to play. Maybe implement fast travel (via stagecoach/horse) as to cut back on the tedium of going across the map.
Despite it's pop cultural status, in terms of television shows Stranger Things is legitimately great as well. Anyone that disagrees doesn't know shit about technicals like lighting and set design.
literally nothing
I'll take GAY PREIST IS HERE Issac over the original version any day of the fucking week
Dark is excellent, too.
it felt like a good show on its own, with emphasis on character building and a sympathetic villain.
It doesnt have to be 1:1 a video game show because shit the games go into doesn't translate well into the big screen.
Are you retarded? It's just anti-establishment. The undead priest literally makes holy water that's actually fucking magical, indicating that in-universe, Christianity isn't just myth, it's objective fucking fact
>Japanese forum style means anime is automatically related
Do you go to a sushi place and whine when no one is talking about Sen Toku No Magic Maid Adventure?
>He goes into a Creole restaurant in Louisiana and wonders why everyone isn't eating hotdogs like a good 'murican
Umm, sweetie.
How do you feel about JUSTe Belmont?
I thought they did pretty well with the whole thing given that what they had to work with was a simplistic NES game. My only complaint was that Trevor got sidelined hard in favor of Alucard--he got one good hit in with the Vampire Killer and then that was it.
It is garbage. You're not wrong.
I agree with him. Anime and video games are trash lol