Untitled Goose Game

Talk about Untitled Goose Game

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Other urls found in this thread:


Honk honk


>honk honk

Honk honk, honk?

Honk honk honk

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Honko breaker

>honk breaker

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honk honk

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Is it fun?


Yes it's very fun

what did nintendo honk by this


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Its shit, fuck off with your shilling already

dude le goose xD haha this is so random you don't normally play as a damn goose in games!!


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can i join

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Surprisingly down to Earth and VERY funny

What can't she do?

Go back to /pol


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Should I pirate it?

SJW game that is EGS exclusive, last 3 hours and is preaching White guilt at the end.

Pirate it, but don't pay for it. That credit ending was unnecessary

>preaching White guilt at the end
Show me how


>preaching White guilt at the end
I don't believe you

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hoo HOOOO hooo
hooo HOOOO hooo
hoo HOOO-
hooo HOOOO hoo

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hey guys why isn't the main character a dogshit canadian goose oh yeah thats right cuz no1 lieks those shitheads

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>Pirate it
>Get bored after 5 minutes
>See another viral marketed thread on Yea Forums
>Try to play 5 more minutes
Is like they dont have a sense of game design, fuck it.

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>glorious aryan goose making the lives of mutts, niggers and pajeets miserable is sjw

jesus christ


>buying this game will buy this woman new teeth and a can of gasoline to sniff,

based shilling devs

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>EGS exclusive
It's on consoles, PCtard.

Is anyone else able to look at this game and instantly tell what the political views of the people who made it are? It's a strange feeling, but the art style, the sound, the colors, the gameplay, it all screams certain political affiliation

That's a collared dove call, wood pigeon is four hoos.

didn't even know it existed till now

Correction, 5.

Its a game about fucking with people as a bird

>A flavor text after the credits
Yeah nice """""ending""""" also where does it specifically say that you should be ashamed to be white?

Haven't seen shilling this obvious and obnoxious since the days of ManletTears, get a grip devs

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so anyone play the game? otherwise keep birdposting.

wtf is going on here

D-did they fuck the shota?

Every game on the EGS gets shilled here daily.
Truly HMMST material

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They OWN this land! We (white, greedy and disgusting men) are only guests!

I'm trying to finish the post game objectives, specifically the back gardens speedrun and getting thrown over the fence

Apologies, I realised my mistake after posting. You've collared me.

getting thrown over isn't as funny as i thought it would be, you just bring the box from the restaurant back

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>my hips are moving on their own!

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Does flapping my wings do anything?

I bet real geese have these worries as well.

wtf dude

What's after the backyard?

"bruh it's implied it's saying white man bad for steal aussieland" so it's typical /pol/ baiting bullshit trying to make everything into TORtanic

the pub

This writing style looks very familiar.. and almost every review of his sounds contrarian hmm..

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how do I get there?

Insane cuckoldry. The worst part is that it hardly surprises nowadays, only saddens.

go through the open house to the left of the art lady's backyard, then just follow the street

Thank you kind user

If you use that unironically, stop eating and drinking products made out of söy

>Insane cuckoldry.
kek that’s pretty hyperbolic for a few lines in the end credits about “colonialism bad”

It had no reason to be there. It's just "we don't own this land, we are extremely privileged white boys, we are shameful" after a gimmicky , non political game.

It's uncalled for

Yuns aint even know

Its stupid but like you said it dont have shit to do with the game. Its just empty words

Why is this retarded so wacky streamer bait getting shilled here?


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this game isn't that wacky. it's probably more realistic than most videogames, in fact, with its low-stakes slice-of-life story.

it's also basically Hitman but you're a goose

And because of that, I won't buy it and instead pirate it. I could play it on the switch so EGS isn't the issue here, but random SJW faggotry that is only there to guilt trip people doesn't deserve to be rewarded

It's an EGS game.have you seen an EGS game NOT getting shilled here?

It doesn't eat, sleep, or have remorse and it will not stop till you are dead.

reddit thread

Anyone got a link?

Based Tim paying for my copy! IGG already has a working crack for this game

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Literally just to piss you off. Its an attack against (You). What are you gonna do about it, bitch?

Sure thing - it is feminized and "safe". Turns out one doesn't even need to go great length to prove it.

was fun for like 20 minutes

>okay Australian dev, what is your idea?
>Whacky goose puzzle game
>cool, sounds funny, will you be able to qua-
>We will also make it EGS exclusive and add in our personal political believes that indirectly should shame every white person who thinks they own their land

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Option 3: Shut up Idiot, I run my life as I please and die how I desire.

Send the dev an email telling him to go back to his reservation. I did.

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the comments are retarded
>Ugh you were so triggering, like, ugh you cant like, say the r word. Still love you but like, check your privilege!

Literally no one says that in the comments, stop trying to start shit.

>Egs exclusive
Looked the game up, and on the first page, there is a steam version coming.

As virtue signal-ly as it is, here in Aus the land acknowledge stuff is basically an afterthought. People do it, but noone really cares about it. I bet there was one person on the team who pushed for it, and everyone else just shrugged

Yes, after 1 year of being exclusive to the EGS.

>What is paraphrasing for 500

Meanwhile, Donut County is anti immigration

Cunt, its not paraphrasing if theres no one even saying that. A good chunk of the comments in the video are saying they miss more edgier vinny, not say "OMG THIS IS SO BAD"

Which comments are you paraphrasing?

>We will also make it EGS exclusive
>he doesn't know

based /pol/ledditor

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Patience is a virtue.

>that bit about the special olympics
fucking A

considering how short the game ended up to be, I wouldn't be surprised if they are just stirring some controversy to hide the fact that despite so much delay their game is still barely a 2 areas + a tutorial. Like they couldn't expand their recipe to more than what they wanted to put in the trailers.

of course

This game was made in australia and that's just the kind of shit that goes on here. Before school assemblies or some kind of announcement the person speaking will thank whatever abo tribe used to shit on the land the building is sitting on. Sometimes if what's about to be said is of any importance there will be some white guy that's about 3% indigenous, sitting there with half his clothes off and his body painted with a bunch of random dots and lines. He'll then do a little dance while someone bangs two sticks together and everyone will clap afterwards. Bloody hilarious, honestly.

You'd hate living in the south east then.

Same as selflessness, something Tim Sweeney has by giving away free copies of the game.

Blessed be that man

That's fine, but when its white west-coast liberals on the internet using ya'll, it doesn't make logical sense

>He doesn't know when people say EGS exclusive, they refer to their 1 year or half a year deals
>Implying consolefaggotry matters in the PC realm
Based brainlet

>...and take it all the way home

I don't know why I enjoyed that ending so much but I did

>He'll then do a little dance while someone bangs two sticks together and everyone will clap
I read "two chicks" for a moment and had a really confusing picture in mind.

If you are white, you don't own said home.

aboriginal chicks are not something you want to imagine. They end up looking like toads.

>we pay our respects to THEIR elders

What the fuck? Why are you paying respect to someone else's elders?

no man this is pure future shit this is what peolpe want paying for it

Tim already got you covered, gigachad. Go on!

>the kind of shit that goes on here.

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Wow typical police oppression. That Aborigine could have been a doctor!

Damn, those geese FUCK.

fuck off faggot

>this thread

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He’s in.

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What, you liked the ending which includes the White guilt preach at the end. Gotta adhere to that, dude.

>wahhhh whites did what every other race did during the time period. So sorry
Sick of this cuckoldry

you know what? I was talking about the bell, but yes. Because it makes you mad, I'm glad they said something about dumbass abbos getting fleeced by a bunch of people who were too shitty of human beings to be in Britain of all fucking places. Fuck off.

>Angry Flappy Velociraptor

what do I put on the scales to make them ding?


>Australian shovelware meme game
>exclusive to the chink store
Straya is becoming chinese clay at alarming speed both physically and digitally.

I'm not doing the Epin meme so I'm waiting for Vinesauce to finish it.

>complaining about shovelware and exclusivity in the same post
You are not intelligent

Subscribe to Dolan Dark.

I just mashed A at the register until I physics'ed my way onto the scale, then pulled the register onto it.


Why are so many animals so deathly afraid of geese?
Like, it's one thing to run away or avoid fighting them, but it's another to completely refuse to fight back when it's literally chewing on your skin.
What makes Geese so horribly terrifying to animals?


They give 0 fucks or restraint.

they're scary
i dont like their honks

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Who cares? They can put whoever they want in their credits, is the game fun?

Crows are actually based though

pic not related (it's a seagull)

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>EGS exclusive
Isn't it on Switch?

Opening your wings adds +1 intimidation while honking and decreases human suspicion when theyre eyeing you and not honking

i exclusively used it to assert dominance after putting the human trash in their places
knock someone over? honk and flap
trap someone? flap for a long time
complete objective? three minutes of solid flapping and honking
i am the king

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....They have tongue teeth.

I'd rather get bitten by something with lots of extra teeth than something with fangs that'll tear my flesh off and probably kill me.

Yeah, not surprising that this happened in the NT. People up there have different attitudes towards black fellas cause they actually have to interact with them. People from down south have never in their lives seen a full blooded aboriginal in person, nor have they had to interact with them.

They have tard strength. If you're some animal and know that even simple wounds can lead to your death or life long suffering, you're not going to mess with something that will tard out and come at you like it's fighting to the death.

>It had no reason to be there.
This is just a common cultural statement in Australia now to note whoever owned the land you were working on. People do it at assemblies and shit. It's not even a political thing.

The hiss and the lack of fucks
Almost all animals are kinda wired to be afraid of a hiss and almost all animals will flee if charged, no matter the size
If you run to a lion, full speed ahead with the intention of kicking the shit of it, without an ounce of fear and making a bunch of sounds, that lion will fuck off
Geese learned that and now do it all the time
If you own geese you will quickly learn that once they know their tactics don't work on you anymore they won't try going for you and just behave like any other bird

thanks, I just ended up throwing a bunch of the nearby tomatoes onto it so same diff

pretty much this. Farmers will get geese and they just learn to not be scared of their animals

Honestly Abo chicks are the perfect example of current western AAA female designs if he does want to imagine them. They look like goblins or trolls or someshit.

God bless our holy land(sometimes)

I own geese and find them super cute
They generally only hiss at other people but not to me, if I walk near them they just ignore me like any other birds that I have
One of them even like to sit on your lap so he can be petted, and their feathers are so dam fluffy.

>no way to hiss at people for no goddamn reason
>no way to shit literally everywhere
>move faster than a snail's pace
Not a very realistic depiction. Hoping for improvements in a potential sequel.

>How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

Fairly. Pretty short though

in fairness, white geese are slightly less temperamental than Canada geese

Then give me a fucking Canada mode

i want online multiplayer patched in, with the white duck as player 1 and player 2 being a canadian goose

wow, there sure is some quality video games in this thread

>Wow guys lets maek a gaem where we insert some funny lol so random humour liek goose doing funny thing and we'll get memes and gaem maek money, right?
This is probably what the devs were thinking when making this game.

video games arent real, stupid
get your head out of the clouds

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Post magnet pls

'ere kid... dont say i neva did you no favors

>EGS Exclusive
>except it's also on Switch
Why do they do this?

>people complaining the game is soi when you play as a pure white goose tormenting mostly brown people

Its more so just dumb humor with puzzle solving. And that's why I'm gonna pirate and then when it comes to steam, buy.



well then go fuck yourself and find another one, i did igg and it worked just fine, dicklips

Cause actual people play on pc

can you wear the crown?

you can

I hope they make a sequel and call it Titled Goose Game

Only Yea Forums can be this upset over a simple game about a goose

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Enjoy your malware

Not him but How?

Has anyone 100%'d the game yet? How do I get myself to be thrown?

Hint 1: you need something from another area
Hint 2: try thinking it over

Hint 1: That's terror

The part at the end with the bell was kino.

Is this game good or one of those gimmicky titles that gets old after five minutes?

It manages to avoid being entirely a gimmicky sandbox by giving you actual objectives in small areas to complete before moving on to the next, with an escalating difficulty and an actual narrative that works. It's not Shakespeare or anything, but it ties everything together nicely. There's also "post-game" challenges with a greater scope and difficulty.
That said, there's just one core concept it runs with to the end, so if the gameplay videos don't interest you to begin with, you're not going to find anything else to like later on.

That actually sounds good.
Though I might wait for a sale (yes it's $15 but I'm cheap).

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I don't blame you. The game's longer than people give it credit for, but it's still pretty short.

Backyard > Market > Restaurant > Farm

>expecting an american to not be triggered
>expecting them to think other cultures behave differently
You are a funny man

What the fuck kind of list is that?

why the fuck is this game being shilled on Yea Forums?

remember goat sim
its like that
only this time goose

Laff riot tbf

> Game set in the North East of England.
> Not one white character.
What's going on there?

Accurate depiction of "England".

>game isnt like goat simulator whatever in any way

great analysis

lol goat
lol goose
ther is a difference?


>no white character
>goose fucks with the townspeople
are you complaining?

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It looks entertaining but I watched someone play it on a stream for an hour while I was doing other stuff and feel like I may have seen most of the game so it's probably not worth buying.

Just pretend it's Rochdale or something and this user (who's probably never been to the north anyway) is correct

This. People hate this game without knowing anything about it and who the fuck hates Hitman?

different game genre. physics sandbox vs stealth/puzzle game

>standing there filming this instead of booting the fucking bird for terrorizing a tied up dog who wants no trouble

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>you can't play a Canadian goose
immersion ruined.

I don’t think an apologetic goose in blackface would fit the game


Their long prehensile necks that let them nip anywhere and aggressive nature make things want to leave them the fuck alone.

You mean white accountability

still manages to bring a chuckle

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goose should be in smash, as opposed to geese the Fatal Fury character, or Groose from legend of zelda skyward sword