Why did WRPGs become so much better than JRPGs?

Why did WRPGs become so much better than JRPGs?

Western RPGs have huge worlds, non-linear stories, interesting gameplay, choices that actually change things

Japanese RPGs have you walk down a linear hallway for 2 minutes before watching a 15 minute cutscene then playing braindead turn-based combat for another 5 minutes

How can Japan catch up to the western world in RPG design?

Attached: 1569172827982.jpg (3000x3000, 863K)

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FPBP based and redpilled

Chrono Trigger wasn't about killing God

No it was about teenagers killing an alien with godlike quality
What a difference

All RPGs are for virgins
play a real genre

yes it was
t. falseflagging JRPG fag

Those Japanese games aren't RPGs, so maybe I'm detecting the issue. Maybe real JRPGs have never been tried because the mainstream Japan doesn't know what an RPG is.

based OP
beep is always right

> Beeporz still shilling his garbage games when jannies outed him as a /r/edditor that is hated even over there
At this point i'm convinced most Doomfags are /r/edditors as well because they have the same autistic posting style as WRPG-Kun

>somehow trying to make this about doom
why are weebs so obsessed with anything western?

Now make this list again with modern WRPGs.

You JRPG fags are so cringe. I yiked IRL when i read your post.

>left: describing the premise of the game as a whole
>right: describing the final boss
Nice comparison there, maybe if you make this thread 100 more times someone will actually give a shit

Nice cope Beeporz

>It's another East vs West thread

Attached: C144E508-7CD0-4A24-A1A6-161250BD4D4F.jpg (849x565, 171K)

Personally 5 wasn't about killing God, it was about killing the Demiurge, which is explicitly not the same thing as God.

No one gives a shit that you give a shit you dumb fucking zoomer
I'm not Beeporz you fucking retard, but i do wish i was him. He's literally /ourguy/

>implying western rpgs beside Deus ex and the witcher 3 are good

>The witcher 3
>Deus Ex

Attached: 1562083628192.png (410x578, 277K)

it doesnt matter because they dont make those anymore

the last good WRPG was released 20 years ago

Attached: 2019.png (1669x1700, 1.04M)

this is such a low effort bait image

We've all done this song and dance before. At this fucking point there's no point in arguing because that's all that this thread is. Bait. An argument for the sake of arguing. Nothing productive comes from this thread or any of these threads, and yet you post it over and over again with borderline religious fervor, as if you still have a point to prove.
Enough of this. You're just making another thread that equates to "things i like good, things other people like bad". It's just console war shitposting under another name, wearing a different face. It gets nowhere, accomplishes nothing, and is just a hurricane of stupidity.

Attached: stop it get some help.gif (168x126, 379K)

Yeah, unlike the pic that OP posted, which is clearly not low effort bait. What a fucking JRPG fag.


>Superhero league of Hoboken,
>point and click adventure
>classifying it as an rpg

with that logic bishojo games, Carmen San Diego, and math blasters are rpgs.

Also Wrpgs are shit
>bad music
>art doesn't last more than 6 years
>uncreative and stupid designs
>meaningless pelt fetch quests
>dull brown wash over everything

Attached: rpgs.jpg (3000x3000, 1.75M)


Attached: wrpg combat.webm (854x480, 2.85M)

You can’t be fucking real

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>Top anything
shit b8 m8 I r8 h8/8

>What's a paladin?

Linear rpg's are genuinly better games. Open world doesn't make it good.

>no character creation
>no character interaction
>just cut scenes with turn based combat inbetween
he is right, jRPGs are not roleplaying games.

quit bumping the thread and let this shitpost die already

Nazi's what?

Is Zelda a roleplaying game?
In the eyes of retarded jRPG fags, probably, since you have character progression and items

Attached: zelda.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Why would I if I agree with the OP?

because it's a shit thread like all threads that revolve around a "my opinion is objectively right and all other opinions are objectively wrong" mentality. It's narrow minded and designed to start arguments rather than actual discussion, and has already been established as behavior that is flat-out done to incite arguing.