Prove him wrong Yea Forums

Prove him wrong Yea Forums.

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I can't, I need to find my thesaurus first

Truly the Citizen Kane moment of Reddit




Forgot that Yea Forums is full of brainlet fly overs.

i can't... bros... this is truly the citizen kane of the internet

Is this real? Jesus christ reddit is beyond help.

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GAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. That is my rebuttal.

upvoted and redditgoldpilled

how quickly it becomes overbearing. you know how fans can ruin a game for you?

>Look at me, I use big words, that means I'm smart r-right?

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How does someone write this with a straight face being 100% serious?

I have a useless piece of toilet paper that is an English degree, so let me tell you that people who write shit like this are so fucking far up their own ass and looking for validation it's not even funny.

maybe if i chain a lot of big words together regardless of their actual meaning or context people will give me upvotes even if they don't understand what i said because they want to feel as smart as i feel when making this post

Are there any other atmospheric slow burn narrative driven games like Last of Us?

>people who think using "big" words and terms somehow strengthens their arguments

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Can someone rewrite what the fuck this guy is saying to us brainlets?

It can. Some of these big words fill a niche much better than smaller words. OP's case is not an example of this however.

The fun thing is a quote?! I thought people were shitposting.

Call of duty

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

me no read game is not fun
only fun game me read

t. feelsguy poster

"Ill-phrased" is the understatement of the year. "Fractally ill-conceived" is more like it. If you were trying to absolutely stereotypically archetypally embody a Plato's Forms-World Ideal of the neckbeard trope in the tropingest tropey possible way, you nailed it. If I didn't believe you were sincere, I'd make a Poe's Law joke, but you're really too tragic to actually land on the razor's edge there where humor makes it hard to distinguish the intent. Seriously, on behalf of everyone trying to stand up against the stigmas that some people try to apply against men as a DIRECT RESULT of insane extreme examples like you ... fix the craniorectal inversion, stop generalizing about women like we're a horde of NPC mobs with one base program (you inanely myopic sophomoric embodiment of ego lol jfc listen to yourself), and try shutting up when you feel an impulse to preach insane arbitrary social constructs that are literally precisely identically as much made-up tautological fantasy as any religion. And if the deliberately repeated use of hyperbolic language in this comment doesn't make it clear enough, I am completely totally dead serious about the literal non-hyperbolic weight of meaning in every hyperbolic word choice.

It's shopped, but that's basically how every thread's title on reddit looks like. Fucking pricks.

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>stop generalizing about women like we're a horde of NPC mobs
opinion disregarded, show your tits
>Speaking about the success of The Last Of Us Part 2s gameplay success at this years’ E3, Druckmann told Buzzfeed: “I think what we do at Naughty Dog is I think we have a radically different approach than most studios, and that is that we’re very character driven.
>“What makes us unique is everything we do from gameplay to art to story is ultimately in service of a message; there’s something we’re trying to say.”
>Druckmann went on to say: “with The Last of Us specifically…we don’t use the word ‘fun.’ We say ‘engaging,’ and it might seem like a minor distinction, but it’s an important one for us, which is, we believe that if we’re invested in the character and the relationships they’re in and their goal, then we’re gonna go along on their journey.”
In other words something a game like pathologic does but without the devs trying to sound like pompous faggots over it and doing it better.

Whoever originally made this pasta needs their comma key taken out their keyboard.

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This was your reddit post isn't it?

It's, like, only seven commas, bro.

"Naughty Dog managed to deconstruct and redefine what it meant to convey and obtain the lustful, rare permission showing us that idiosyncrasy is cheerfully inevitable while simultaneously substantiating the superiority of video games"

It's copy pasta. It's an incomplete thought and makes no sense.

mario is fun

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literally how i got top marks in english. just use big words and a lot of them. back when i gave a shit i could write a post that was just "no u retard" but in like 1000 words. Fuck essays.

my essays were just shitposts

Okay, let's try to unpack this.

concupiscence = lust

anomalistic clearance = unusual permission

idiosyncratic = unusual characteristics

ebullient = energetic

substantiating = proving

ludo-fiction = video games


ND has deconstructed and redefined what it means to want to fuck your daughter and why that means that video games are the best medium.

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It's literally absolute fucking morons who can't understand that he means he's not making a bright platformer where the enjoyment comes from collecting coins.


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> Post modernist word salad.
Do you want communism? Because that's how you get communism.

it is a video game about zombies

Why didnt Joel rape her once they were alone?

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cause it was consensual

somebody sure loves using the thesaurus

How is the concept of sinful lust from St Augustine in a book that came out in 400AD post modernist?

I'm assuming this is ironic.


They failed pretty hard at making fun levels in Crash, fucking overrated piece of shit game.

looks fine to me

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>rooks fine to mee

Its just overly verbose
Like a yr 11 English assignment

She was a lesbian race traitor who loves niggers, with Ellen Page's 5head

2/10, wouldn't rape at all, she is not worthy of my dick