
Attached: 1569179338108.jpg (1179x600, 49K)

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spore looks worse than I remember

imagine if that was a skitty in the middle haha




this is japan. those whale could very well be the ingredients

Based and HSOWApilled.

Attached: HSOWA.jpg (744x800, 77K)

Attached: 350px-Demoman_taunt_laugh.png (350x352, 125K)

Why are those wailords so tiny

I hate this

Attached: Anime wailord.png (1280x720, 807K)

But I thought they made the sizes accurate in Let's Go

Attached: all_around_are_familar_faces.jpg (749x537, 40K)

Prease undastandu


Please understand, make proper scale very difficult.

Are you guys really bitching that they couldn't make Wailord his actual size for something like this?

why share this image, gamefreak? what are you trying to sell?

No fucking more, never, ever again

Attached: u only had to undastandu.jpg (600x484, 99K)

They did, but that feature will be exclusive to let's go to make the game unique *raughs*

this fucking image and the OP fucking imlies it alright.

why wasn't Wailord one of the scrapped away pokemon then if he's so smol. so teensy.

>Are you really bitching that they couldn't do [something easy]?

Attached: iu[2].png (1201x1230, 912K)


Attached: DaS sides.jpg (917x1080, 63K)

Yes. Don't bother with this bullshit if you aren't gonna make it to scale

>do [something easy]

Aren't Wailords supposed to be the size of a small village?

Well yes, it's lazy. It would have been better just to not make wailord appear in these scenes.

They could've made them bigger, they obliviously don't have to be their actual size but this thing is barely bigger than a 10 yo child, and it's supposed to be a fully evolved biggest pokemon out there.

changing the scale of a model is just adding a value to the scale of said model. it's (easy)

B-b-b-b-buh DYNAMAXING

~gamefreakaziods defending this shit.

>Meanwhile sixteen years ago

Attached: 1502216905507.jpg (3264x2448, 1.15M)

>stick large model comically off-screen.
>Have a message saying large modeled Pokemon are too large to come out.
>Or even just the typically lazy Gamefreak method of having a large floating pokemon like in battles.

haha i really don't know xD

Attached: -1oPQ1kz_400x400.jpg (400x400, 20K)

any one of those would have been better, even the second one, the worst option provided.

Was there a shadow Wailord?

it wasn't Gamefreak would was in charge of Let's Go, just so we're clear, fucking Google can do a better job.

That can't be real.

There is a cheat that allows you to shadowfy every pokémon to catch and purify them.


Attached: 1568752557172.png (818x818, 141K)

Hahaha, I don't really know... Making a game is quite hard...

guy's these are Kalar variants. Waildwarf!

Why can't they reuse THESE animations.

I hope fans don't set their expectations too high haha

Attached: 1569113786357.gif (350x263, 2.79M)

The demoman one is better