Admit it, you love DMC2

Admit it, you love DMC2.

Attached: dmc2 dante.png (960x930, 1001K)

It's shit though. I only beat it because I bought the HD collection and so spent money on it. Even Capcom when marketing the switch port could only praise his outfit.

No thanks capcom

never played it

I really don't.

Attached: infamous.png (730x290, 61K)

Dante's outfit is pretty cool but no it's a shit game

Never played it, though I did recently get the HD collection, so I'm looking forward to seeing how 'bad' it really is.

Was it ever explained why dante was so pissed off during dmc2?

why do you do this?



I admit it, I love the coat.

No. The general headcanon is that he got jaded after all the devil hunting, but it doesn't hold up after the timeline retcon.

He found Nero and became happy again lol :DD

Same here. I'm playing DMC3 first and plan to play DMC2 after I get the platinum (or give up on the platinum).

The director was retarded

Never played it, but I'm a little surprised people don't combo style in it since E&I lift enemies off the ground. Maybe it's just lacking in options idk.

I love DMC2's design for Dante and Lucia, but that's about it.

booty ply gam

I hate it with a passion because of the achievments i had to get from it

>I Love the design for Dante.
>I Love the music, i set Shoot the Works as DMC5 Dante's battle theme.
>I like the ideas the game brought to the table which was later refined in future games.
>The animation on Dante's hair is good. Better than 1 and 3.
>They improved the water levels from DMC1

That's it. The game is ass and forever will be.

This is the worst bait I've ever seen, holy shit

There actually is an officially licensed manga that explains his demeanor in DMC2.

Yeah I love it when I don't play it.

Name of the manga?

normal people love dmc2, its another solid entry in the series

Yea Forums hates it because there's a black girl in it

The producer didn't like the wisecracking DMC1 Dante, that's all. The producer is also why the game had Diesel collaboration.

Attached: Development of DMC2.png (2684x1354, 2.82M)


It's coming out on the Switch guys, go get it when it comes out.

Attached: majin_dante_by_goldenivories-d7g6668.jpg (600x921, 81K)

There are some style combo videos out there.

Attached: DMC2DanteCombo.webm (640x360, 2.44M)

I thought it had some cool things, lots of extra/hidden moves. When I was a kid, I just loved using DDT.

>buy dmc 2
Why would you do that?