4 years later

>4 years later
>still no MGSV clones

where are my sandbox stealth action games bros

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>>still no MGSV clones

And that's a good thing.

Just wait for the next Splinter Cell. Ubisoft has completely forgotten how to make a linear game.

Ghost recon, new one

>still no MGSV clones

good, there are plenty of shit games already on the market, no need for more

>tfw no linear indoor mgs ever again

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Metal Gear remake soon

Have you not heard of death stranding

There's nothing I would love more, there isn't anything like it.

did you miss out on left alive? it looked like an extremely promising MGS clone but flopped hard.
hope more devs make MGS clones, i need something to fill the void.
look at nioh, it's a "souls clone" by some metrics, and its better than most souls games.

name them retard

MGSV is the best open world ever in terms of mission design.

I just wanna see a MGS1 or MGS2 clone one day

But there are tons of empty open world games that let you stealth.

Ghost Recon Wildlands

you don't believe this

This game would be gotyay if they just added some fucking buildings and more indoor areas to stealth through instead of a handful of bases.

dude that game was SHIT

MGSV's core mechanics were so good but it had a lot of problems outside of the dogshit story
Mother Base in particular really dragged the whole game down as you had a massive support network and could call in whatever supplies you need for whatever you were doing at the moment. Recruitment quickly became tedious and the whole management aspect reminded me way too much of shitty mobile games.
The wide-open bases, low guard density, and lack of interior ops made it way too easy to just knock everyone out one at a time. There should have been more radio check-ins and groups of guards with overlapping patrol patterns.

Ground Zeroes was an excellent display of what the game could have been with more focused level design and on-site procurement instead of Mother Base bullshit

MGSV has a pretty good open world in terms of traversing barren, empty space. Maybe kojimbo will top it with death stranding.

Aside from the story still being shit, this.

IMAGINE a full game with the level design of Ground Zeroes and proper interiors.

why do mgs1 and 2 trannies not understand that big boss is no longer the "one man infiltrator machine" type of guy and runs a huge military organisation in war zones and his primary goal is growing his organisation?

What's your source on that?
Have you actually played it?

>assassin's creed

The only indoor parts I remember were the mansion and the airport which really wasn't shit.

my ass

oh, so that just makes a large amount of level design being boring asf okay. that makes a lot of sense. because they're war zones.
also why do you just insert tranny where it's completely irrelevant? that's very weird, tranny obsessed user.

I suppose it was too much to hope for; figured as much.

Haven't you seen the Death Stranding gameplay?
Shit looks exactly like MGSV.

No looks more like mg survive

apart from there being no gameplay.

no looks more like mgsv

Same shit.
Avoid enemies while doing your objective.
Only difference is you're avoiding enemies to deliver packages.

man don't make me sad thinking about something we'll never get

what would be nice would be a level editor or mods but I heard it's near impossible to do anything with the game engine

ever heard of that one little obscure game called botw?

Can you imagine actually being one of these sad fags that still has to defend MGSV on here?
I mean imagine getting the shit kicked out of you in every argument and yet you're still plugging away, insisting some game where you do the same thing over and over for 100+ hours is actually an underrated masterpiece because it's got nice controls.

I feel like most people that like mgs v here just say they like it then get 10 responses telling them that's not okay and usually the people that hate mgs v are the ones sperging out

There was also the big cave in that mission where you get the prototype stinger missile.

nobody wants to copy a piece of shit. there are maybe two good missions in the whole game and neither of them involves the open world, the one where you infiltrate your own RND platforms and the OKB zero. MAYBE the code talker mission if youre being very generous

Mercenaries did it better.

Look at your post. There are so many better things you could be doing with your time. Go clear your backlog you sour fuck.


I'm unironically starting to think that TPP deserves a spot next to Drakengard among the "games that are both shit and amazing".

Imagine, MGS3 with Fox Engine, expanded handcrafted maps tuned for modern movement options, updated graphics, proper 1 week long The End boss fight

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They are mirror games
>very bad gameplay, very good story
>very good gameplay, very bad story

Is this the one game that is more fun if you use a mod or trainer to cheat and unlock everything/get infinite GMP? Then just disable the easy mode features as you wish.
Mother base is great on your first playthrough and so are the developments but it forces grinding or tranq/fulton/supply drop gameplay.

tpp has very bad gameplay and an even worse story

Yeah. I think the maps also kind of fucked it up. It was fun to explore the first time around but being blocked by a mountain and constantly running to and fro and waiting on choppers dragged it down for me too.
When you're at an outpost going off script the game is fun, any time else and it feels like punishment.

Being a PC-Nin-Chad I never got to play the old MGS titles. I thoroughly enjoyed mgsv desu

>4 years later
>you still do not know why you were going to be ashamed by your words and deeds

you should play the real mgs games

MGS had good tools and sanbox elements, too bad there wasn't a single place where it was worth using most of them. The world was just too empty and the most basic gadgets and tools can get you through pretty much anything.

> run 2 minutes to mission area
> literally no reason to not tranq snipe with quiet or dog
> that's it

That sounds fucking beautiful but we'll never get it. Konami hates fun.

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>Imagine another vidya remake
Sounds exciting.

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