Why is everyone freaking out about the PS5/Scarlett next year when you could build a decent PC that runs most modern...

Why is everyone freaking out about the PS5/Scarlett next year when you could build a decent PC that runs most modern games with an RX 580 or better ?

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Don't question, just consume product and be excited for next product

console fags just learned that SSD's exist, so they are hyped.

because children and minorities dont know any better and will bend over backwards for corporations without critically thinking of wheter or not its a good idea to buy such a thing.

Consolefags care more about historical importance than anything else. To them it's about the impact the console will have on culture more than its specs.

Pc seems not worth it. My friends have high end pcs but play shit like destiny 2 and buy all multiplat indies on switch.

can a 580 really withstand next-gen, though? got a 2GB 560 right now, and as you can see, that 2GB just ain’t cutting it. ray tracing not a concern

Not OP but I really do recommend you build your own PC. Even if it's not ultra hardcore badass gaming rig 10 million, knowing how your PC works will save you money in the long run when (yes, when) shit goes wrong, nevermind the money saved from just doing it yourself

Next-gen will be around 1070 level, really, which can be had for cheap used.

I have a GTX 760 which is an old ass card, I play Destiny 2 a shit ton and it runs completely fine (though I am planning on upgrading my GPU in December for other games)

Nobody is freaking out. It's just marketing shills and bloggers getting paid to "stir" discussion which isn't happening because 8th gen Microsoft/Sony games and consoles were an absolute failure.

Sounds like your friends just have shit taste

also this, literal Boomer "Analysts" trying to hype shit up even though Sony and MS have barely said anything.

Just got an i5-9600K with 32gb of ram and an RX 590, runs everything just fine at ultra on 1080p but I’m afraid it will meme on me with next gen games because originally I planned to go with a Radeon VII (can’t go Nvidia because Hackintosh).
How fucked am I and how long will it keep running everything at 60fps?

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>getting a tool to improve your life is not worth it
PCs are not an exclusive gaming machine.

im looking at getting an RX 580 mainly due to cyberpunk and halo infinite, but id get a better card in a heartbeat if it was under 200 bucks.

>you dont own the games, you are just renting them and Valve can take them from you whenever they want
>More than half of console games never make it to PC.

I wonder why...remember to buy your Valve machine, these machines run on Linux which is FREE and they will overtake the gaming market. 2020 the year of Linux.

thanks doc

this, i literally do my college homework,fap,and play vidya on it, its the gift that keeps on giving, consoles are unnecessary add-ons if you have good PC specs

>use PC for games
>also use it to photoshop and video edit women I know and celebrities so I can jack off to fakes

PC is pretty cool t b h.

1070 level? damn.

guess my real concern this time around is the processor, then...

>32gb of ram

Talk about overkill. You could've used that money for a better GPU, or a high-end monitor if you don't have one.

first of all why the fuck would valve take games away from you ? what would they have to gain from that ? sure i could see Epic or EA pulling that shit to hype up new things but that would be a PR diaster they would barely survive. it would be 2013 xbox one levels of hate if that happened.

Arigatō isha

>Buying games on Steam
>Buying games at all
I shiggy diggy. Even if you are a good little goy, there are still plenty of non-DRM alternatives to Steam besides pirating

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because next year that won't run shit faggot

>uses zen2 cpu
>uses navi gpu.

gg fag

literally the same thing has happend everytime a new console generation comes out, retards will always be retards i guess

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It already came with it, it was 800 bucks for everything (was “used” online but I suspect the guy built it specifically to sell it)

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because pc is full of chinks, hackers and spergs

I have a notebook. Why do I need a gaming pc if I dont want to game on pc?

Gracias doctor

Chinks and hackers only swarm F2P games, and spergs are everywhere, including the chair you're sitting in

>coping so hard you post this megacringe
Dilate, you gamma soi faggot

You see, PCs have this cool thing called piracy, which allows you to get all the games you want for free, and the bad Valve man can't take them away from you

Why do you fags say this?

Literally the only thing that a gaming pc is useful for is pleb grease monkey work, and even then only if you’re too shit at it to get an actual good job so you have to work from home for low pay.


because i like video game.

There's no mention of "gaming PC" in that post.
These anons get it, it's the potential of it.

Imagine absolutely needing to spend so much money just to play a video game.

Danke doktor

Ok so I have a notebook. What do I need a pc for? The argument was that muh pc is a useful tool. I have sex often so I literally have no need for one.

A laptop is a personal computer i.e. a PC.

>I have sex often so I literally have no need for one.
lol what is this, you can't be that insecure

Some of us would like to know whether the game is fucking up or if there's some kink in the drivers or background programs or some shit, user.
Standardized hardware doesn't have to be a swear word

Apparently a plus for pc is using it to fap. I'm just working with what im given

Everyone has “a pc”, you stupid faggot, and the post that was a reply to literally said “high end PCs” in reply to a thread about playing video games on a video game imageboard.

Further, if you actually work on your pc in any capacity that isn’t rendering shit for $50 like a pajeet, a laptop is infinitely more useful.

Huh? Are you really that insecure?

>reply to posts saying you can use it for fapping with “these anons get it”
>but I have sex often enough
>lmao r u insecure??

It's not my fault you don't know what to do with a high end machine, being tech illiterate and not noticing the potential is not an excuse for not accepting it.

You have to be 18+ to post here.

Did I ever specify? That user said he can do many other stuff and you pick that? I'm sorry you don't have any other arguments. Again since you don't know how this place works, it's the potential of a computer.

Next Gen is gonna make pc irrelevant. When ps4/bone came out the pc market suffered for 3 years and didn't bounce back tell 2016, and that was pretty shit begging. Next Gen is gonna rock the gaming scene and absolutely destroy pc gaming ( which is already being destroyed by steam and epic)

Literally all highest paying jobs involving computers can be done on a macbook air from 2015 with zero downsides. There is literally no situation in which a high end pc is a boon in which you are not a sad loser trying to farm crypto in between editing tourism ads for peanuts and rendering your badly animated 3d porn.

One of those posts LITERALLY only mentioned porn and games, and the other one mentioned porn, games, and fucking homework.

how's your digital library looking ?

Insecure about what? I dont need a pc for fapping. I am not insecure in the slightest. I just dont need a pc for daily life. My phone does most of what I need.

You can't do both? Low test?

Who mentioned high end jobs you know about? Why do you keep bringing up stuff that is not being talked about? Do you even know the meaning of the word Potential?

Again, YOU don't know what to do with one, don't get one, other people can fully utilize one, undermining the potential of a computer just because you are tech illiterate is not a good argument.

You have to be 18+ to post here.

Then why specify it? It makes no sense.
It "literally" says he uses it for photoshop, whatever he does with that skill is his problem.

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Why would I build a new PC when I already have a good PC?

PC more like peeseethe

>the best upside to pc is being a nigger pirate

>muh lewd mods
Everyone knows pc is for virgins and eternal poors

More like PS

>buying a PC I can't upgrade down the road
>buying a PC I can't cool how I want to
>buying a PC with proprietary stuff out the ass
>buying a PC that only plays games and movies
>buying a PC with paid multiplayer
>buying a PC with no real choice of operating system or features
Yeah, I mean I could think of better ways to spend my money.


If you have a laptop then maybe 16gb is fine, but if you have multiple monitors and actually multitask on a PC 32gb is the baseline.

because the only worthwhile pc games are ones that run on integrated graphics


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Yeah, like buying a console so you don't have to deal with all that bullshit lol.

lowest quality bait, here's a (you) so you get no more


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>he thinks he can't upgrade PC
>he thinks he can't do same as console and more
>he thinks PC is proprietary stuff out the ass
>he thinks PC is only for games and movies
>he thinks PC has paid multiplayer
>he thinks there is only one OS on PC
is this why consolefags don't purchase PCs? because they actually know nothing about it?
>he buys console he can't upgrade
>he buys console he can't cool
>he buys console he can't open
>he buys console that only plays games and movies
>he buys console that has paid multiplayer
>he buys console with no real choice of operating system or features
yeah, I mean, I could think of better ways to spend my money.

>Not getting the joke
>Attacking someone on the same side as you
I thought I would never see someone with an actual IQ lower than 20, but here we are.

>not writing it in a way it resembled a joke
reply to that fag too, I bet he thought you're a PCfag all the way, ICQ-chan.

>I'm afraid I can't let you play that gamer

It's okay user, you start thinking when you feel like it

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ugh bro hate to break it to you but the post you replied to is a criticism on current gen consoles

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is this bait or do you have no reading comprehension

I've been a PC gamer all my life but I recognize the importance of consoles for technical improvement ever since we stopped getting shittons of games made for PC in mind. So no major games will go forward technologically until consoles get new features.

yeah, I still don't see it.
he used PC word. he didn't reply to anyone. he literally posted in a way you'd think consolefag would. I just don't see it.

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Damn, I've never seen negative reading comprehension before this post. Thanks, user.

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where in the hell is he making remarks that would point at it being sarcastic? he's literally writing like an xbox owner.

I'm maybe gonna wait a while to get the PS5. I already built a powerful PC and rarely use my PS4 unless I'm playing an exclusive or watching things. I'm also really happy with my Switch and it's library.

yeah, no. you're just trying too hard to find that post being anything else than a consolefag.

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>build a pc
>buy new shit every few years for it in order to play newer games

No thanks family,

>Why is everyone
go away shill

ooooh, now I see it.

This stop sign is an Octagon!

Take a look at it again, the 2nd item is
>buying a PC I can't cool how I want to
Modern consoles are just AMD CPU/APU's and they're x86 to boot. There are less and less jap titles since publishers started porting more to PC. They all get the same multiplats. The post is all about how inflexible consoles are. You have no control over chassis, cooling or how loud you want the cooling to be.

Unless you're as autistic as this guy who strapped to hyper 212's to keep his PS3 cool.

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yeah, but it still doesn't explain the lack of visible sarcasm

yeah, yeah I got it with the stop sign guy. I guess I read too much into this thread and forgot the OP. my fucking bad, alright?

Would doing something like this to a brand new backwards compatible PS3 prevent it from desoldering its own components by becoming a literal frying pan?

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just don't boot it up in the summer

I don't have one of those, I was just wondering if it would hypothetically save it from an otherwise unavoidable death.

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most modern games aren't even being ported to the pc

non-faggotly, it would. But at that point you may as well just emulate or get a PS2

Graphical glitches everywhere
>or get a PS2
Yes ...Without HDMI

No, but it might work with a brand new backwards compatible ps4, oh wait.

It could, especially if you separate the power supply and have decent airflow/heatsinks on the other components.
The big issue with consoles from the 7th gen on are that they are power hungry and packed into tight boxes with no airflow. My slim PS3 is a real pain in the ass and runs hot as hell.

You can theoretically cool most of the consoles with commercial PC coolers (including AIO's and custom loops) as long as you have access to some washers and can machine/rig the cooler to it. The rest is just thermal pads, copper heatsinks and airflow.
It's all a matter of how much time, money and space you want to put into it.

>he doesn't game on a quantum computer


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For video games. With only a few rare exceptions, most games worth playing each gen are on the consoles, and are created just to push those consoles. Nobody makes games to sell PC hardware, that's why PC hardly has anything good outside of indi stuff. But even that eventually goes to consoles, so it's irrelevant.

I built my own PC, I got my 144hz monitor, great mouse, great wired controller (with no input lag, thanks current consoles for ruining everything with wireless) and a 1080ti. But more often than not I find myself playing Mario Maker 2 and the Shadow of the Colossus remaster. I'd love to use my PC for more gaming, but the last time I did was when REmake2 came out, and haven't touched it much since. Battle royals are shit, Valve is dead as a game maker and Epic is a trash fire right now. I'm really happy I use my PC for a lot more than just vidya, because otherwise this would have been a grossly stupid investment.

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google.com/search?ei=u_2HXaenDoO2ggem8aXgCw&q=component to hdmi converter&oq=component to hdmi converter&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.2070.3701..3873...0.2..0.127.709.9j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i67.um_qgZ1atcc&ved=0ahUKEwjn8Ij7xOXkAhUDm-AKHaZ4CbwQ4dUDCAs&uact=5

There's also PS2 HDMI adapters nowadays too that are cheap as chips, so you don't even need to go down the conversion route.

poorfags will never know the feeling of playing in two different online matches at the same time

What the fuck am I looking at

I just recently found a launch model PS3 and I was in the same boat, being very concerned about its longevity. I took the entire thing apart, cleaned everything, replaced the shitty dried up thermal paste with some leftover stuff from my last PC build, and installed CFW with a better fan curve that kicks on sooner to keep it cooler. The design is still fundamentally flawed, but it's a hell of a lot better. After I bought it the thing sounded like a goddamn jet engine just idling on the main menu, now it's much better even during demanding games.

The next thing I'd think about doing is either replacing the stock power supply or doing some sort of mod to make it an external PSU. That thing is huge and gets as hot as a clothes iron. And it's sitting right up against the motherboard, just adding to the heat problem.

A computer that utilizes concepts that literally tear down our perception of reality in order to operate magnitudes faster than an ordinary computer.

>The design is still fundamentally flawed
>either replacing the stock power supply or doing some sort of mod to make it an external PSU. That thing is huge and gets as hot as a clothes iron. And it's sitting right up against the motherboard, just adding to the heat problem
IIRC correctly the PS4 also has hotbox VRM's/power delivery next to the CPU/GPU too. I don't think they're even cooled in the stock configuration. Some decent thermal pads/copper sinks would keep them under control.
But launch consoles are a mess, the NA ones had the PS2 hardware on the board too on top of being hotboxes thanks to being 90nm designs. The PSU is nearly 400w and at peak they draw more electricity and generate more heat than my PC and all with one very, very shitty design.

IIRC the PS3 doesn't actually draw anywhere near as much power as the PSU is rated for, and the design is ridiculously inefficient and burns tons of extra heat for what it gives.

I know some people have taken normal ATX power supplies and such and have just modded the cables to plug into the PS3's 12V and 5V rails. I might look into that at some point. But for right now the one I bought is doing just fine with some cleaning and thermal paste replacement. But I know they're still ticking timebombs.

Still, it was a steal for an OG george foreman grill at 5 bucks.