Contrarianism aside, Is NieR: Automata objectively the best game of all time?

Contrarianism aside, Is NieR: Automata objectively the best game of all time?

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Other urls found in this thread:

If your answer is "No", then post your top 10

it's lost planet 2

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why is A2 dumb btw

No, but it has the most fuckable main cast, 9s included.

is clown 2b/tubey the clown canon?


A2 was the only rational one. two bee and gayboy were the MUH FEELINGS fags.

GOTY 2017, now and always

hollowshitters and botwkiddies don't @ me

>Isn't even the best game of the series

no the most games of all time r as folows:
halo 4
halo spartan ass salt
halo spartan strike
halo reach
halo 1
halo odst
halo wars
halo 3
halo 2
halo the master chief colections
sorry user is not mai opinion is just sientific fax

shut your whore mouth!

Fuck no. Dropped it after ending A because it wasn't fun to play and the story couldn't hook me

new vegas is better get fucked nig

It's probably one not the "best" game of all time but it might be the best "game" of all time. Like its very much a game and tells a story that works in a game format. It wouldn't work nearly as well as a movie or a book.

not even close

every other platinum action game that isn't legend of korra is a better game than nier automata
won't post my top 10 but here's a list of better action games:
any DMC game that isn't 2
any NG game that isn't 3
Wonderful 101
Transformers Devastation
Metal Gear Rising
Bayonetta 1 and 2
Viewtiful Joe
God Hand

How about someone tell me how this trash game is good without getting pretentious about its existentialist story, final fantasy ost, or without dumping pics of robot asses?

Real talk, NieR:A is one of those games that genuinly melds gameplay and the audio-visual element of video games into telling the story, instead of just being a 'movie game' or by exposition. That's what makes Automata remarkable to me

Maybe it isn't the first to do that, but it was the first that did it so comprehensively that i've played

t. fagit with SUP3R C4NS1R

like i remember Pod always low-key insulting her for being dumb, and YoRHa test results showed her to be mediocre in anything that isn’t combat. was that part of their experiment etc.?

Could someone run that bitch through a car wash please

No, here is my top 15. Personally NieR: Automata would be in the high 30s. But roast away if you don't like my taste

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My nigga

No it's not even close to being platniums best game

I haven't played this game yet. How much of the dialogue in the game is text-only and how much is actually verbally read?

It has a cute boy

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>edgelord : the game
lol, no.


It's layers upon layers of pure genius, and just when you peel all those off, it has a final ending sequence that will bring even a complete asshole to tears.
To me it's the pinnacle of gaming so far. I'm pretty tired of gaming as a whole, but as long as things like Nier exist, I won't drop the hobby completely.

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The best game of all time is Quake

>It has a cute psycho

40-60 maybe? IIRC all the main story stuff is acted but most of the sidequests aren't.

People who unironically use "objectively" before something purely subjective are complete retards.

t. ch33f

T-that's not what I asked.

If you would even compare a DMC game to nier then you are a confirmed brainlet forever. I’m sorry for you

I answered your question and then added detail, what's the problem

>ninty and 90s jrpg
how fucking original

They are both hack and slash action games why wouldn't they be in the same category cause nier is open world?

Minecraft probably is honestly
It's an incredibly meme answer, but its one of the few games I find myself consistently going back to with mods


it's an good game, but its a shit action hack and slash game. its like they took the shitty parts of MGR and DMC, slapped them together, added clunky and stiff movement, made enemies have 4x the health they should have and tack on a story akin to that of a final fantasy game.

it's only saving grace is that it's a hack and slash from platinum, other companies would probably drop the ball hard if they had game like this.



not even top 1000

>made enemies have 4x the health they should have
You wut? You slice through robots like carving a cake.

try something other than easy mode sweaty..........


Name 1000 (one thousand) games right now

>Cross above Trigger
Peak taste

hey thats me

*blocks your path*

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It's funny because i grew up playing nothing but Nintendo & Western games. I didn't even know what Final Fantasy VII was until the remake trailer in 2015

fair enough, how about literally any other platinum/clover developed action game that isn't legend of korra then? or NG?

My answer is no, it isn't the best, but it's certainly up there. Here's a few that would make a top 10 for completely different reasons:
Halo 3/ODST
Smash Bros (doesn't matter which)
Chrono Trigger
Metroid Prime

That's not all, just a few I thought of within 30 sec

I'm probably one of the biggest Nierfags but I have to say no. GOTY for sure and it's in my personal top 3 but there was a lot that could have been improved further

>TMNT over Nier
damn user that's some shit taste

in no particular order:
Silent Hill 2
Majora's Mask
Super Mario Galaxy
Eternal Darkness
Eternal Darkness
Link's Awakening

Automata is up there, especially where story-driven games are concerned, but Taro's pretentious fanbase does tend to rate it a tad too highly.

Ok, how many forms of media has the complete information packet for the DrakenNier verse?

Light Novel
Drama CD(s)
Stage Play

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This is my full top 50, do you still think i have peak taste?

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>game was marketed as having good hack and slash combat when it was revealed that platinum was working on it
>"wtf why are you comparing my shitty anime movie to good action games??"

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>TWEWY that low

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TWEWY should be higher then FFX, also Xenogears needs to bumped up if Persona 2 can get into the top 30 with it's horrible gameplay

Oh 9S....

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For anyone that's wondering what site it is
Use these for easy disposable emails
Then comeback & take a screenshot of your list

>small overall game world
>looks like a PS3 game a lot of the time
>framerate all over the fucking place with gratuitous amount of pop-in
>invisible walls out the ass
>technical issues with the engine such as failure to load a location
>obscene amount of backtracking early on, then replaced with long load screens
>fuckloads of animation glitches

A game can't be the best of all time with such a lack of polish.

Now this a real man's game.

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well I like the ass


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Also people who think Taro censored the word "fuck" in the game are retarded. It's about ambiguity. The love/hate relationship 9S has towards 2B. This is made even clearer in one cutscene where he mounts her (sexual) while also murdering her. Fuck and Kill are both equally valid interpretations. It being censored comes from 9S not being sure what of these he actually really wants.

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It's worse than
>Nier 1
less interesting than
>drakengard 1
and nowhere near as fleshed out or fun as
>ninja gaiden

It's fine for the most time. 9S has a pretty good voice actor.

No. I do think it's the best game of 2017, though.

English Emil is worth it.

I really like Automata but it is not in the top 10 due to lackluster gameplay.

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Witcher 3
Valkyria Chronicles 3
Borderlands 3
Dark Cloud 2
Gothic 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
World ends with You
Katamari Damacy

It's not even top 50 in my mind, probably not even top 100

It's inferior to Nier Gestalt

if you want to be a pretentious art grad that says this is one of the best games ever made despite having shitty gameplay that's fine, but you should never be allowed to talk shit about naughty dog, david cage, or kojima movies ever again.
Unless you just think they're bad movies, which is true

>Witcher 3

Taro is pretty wild in regards to what's blatant and what's ambiguous. Drakengard and DoD3 are absolutely blatant, whereas Nier takes a softer, more subtle approach. Like Kaine's love for Nier and Emil being gay as hell for Nier but only in Japanese.

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idk never played it, looks really pretentious.

Look at this absolute cocksucker. Kojima's games tend to have great gameplay. Kys.

This is unironically great.

Better than Tomato in everything besides combat I will say, and then again Automata didn't have good combat either

true but Im mainly talking about people who talk shit about death stranding being a walking sim/movie while also dickriding nier. I know a lot of people that do this

I think the ambiguity in Automata is absolutely brilliant. Mostly because 99% thought it was just censoring a foul word, completely lost on the repeated visual clues to 9S's split state.

So it either has to be the best game of all time, or complete and utter dogshit? Jesus fucking Christ.

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Any other questions?
Ok then post 2B.

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Remove boogeyman. Both Taro and Kojima are good directors. Kojima obviously has a greater track record.

Done, i had a hard time contemplating whether i liked FF6 or SoTC more.

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This is what it's like arguing with immature low-IQ autists. Automata is obviously neither. But falls to the better side of gaming.


I got duped into buying the game because I thought it would have good combat. The bosses they showed off looked cool and surely it would be a game with platinum handling the gameplay right? Im still pissed off I dropped 60 bucks on the anime equivalent of David Cage. Didn't get to the first ending but spent too much time to get a refund.

You've been proven wrong myriad times faggot, start with reading side materials that literally spell out what he feels during that moment.

> BoF3 & Paper Mario
Absolutely kino

>Didn't get to the first ending

I like how it took me a moment to really think about it, because it's like people spoiling with _hug vs something else.

JP media is often about multiple interpretations and I filled it in with kiss.

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>he has to read autistic extended lore to get the story

>he pushes his retarded headcanons over the actual canon materials
Just remove yourself

It's not the best game ever made, but it's still amazing & easily the best game of the decade

>love/hate relationship 9S has towards 2B
At least read the autistic side materials to understand their relationship better.

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>love/hate relationship 9S has towards 2B
That don't exist?
He straight sacrifices himself for her a shitton of times and saves her from suicide attempt fully knowing what's her role is.

based fax machine

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Ok enlighten me

No, the only issue I had with OG Nier's combat is the HP bloat enemies get from being on Hard mode, the combat itself wasn't really that bad. Also I had way more fun with AC7 than Automata.

> Horrible gameplay
> Horrible graphics
> Horrible characters
> Horrible story
> Horrible overworld
> Horrible soundtrack
Witcher 3 is literally garbage

Yet he fantasizes about killing her as he's mounting her.

Soon the two greatest games of all time will be merged into one.

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In your retarded fantasies

the combat is shit and the pacing is so fucking slow that the even slower walking segments that break up the shit combat make the experience a total fucking slog for anyone that isn't busy looking up 2B's skirt, assuming weebs that like this shit didn't already blow it off with the self destruction. Sure you get fast travel later but it doesn't make the game any more fun because the shallow at best combat is now just broken off by walking and talking to robots about shit I don't care about.

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This hit me much harder in the feelings than I ever expected. Why am I so sad about imaginary robots?

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It's not even a good video game. The gameplay and level design are both obejctively...mediocre at best.

Probably some Kamiya games like Okami, Bayonetta, RE2, one or two Zeldas, a Metroid or two, Monster Hunter, maybe a Mystical Ninja, MGS2 and something comfy like Harvest Moon or even a GTA. Off the cuff, could look different tomorrow.

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because you're the cancer killing video games

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This is the only game that made me cry like a bitch so this cannot be the best game of all time I hate to feel like a bitch this game sucks

Underage, trans or woman, what are you?

Growing up is thinking the arbiter is the straight man in every argument - the voice of reason that resonates with each of us surrounded by silliness.
Being an adult is realizing chief was based the whole time.

Its even cuter when they're crazy.

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weebs are fucking delusional

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>source: dude trust me

nice fast paced combat you got there, can you lend me a ruler and a die so I can start getting golden crowns?

>tfw no yandere shotabot bf

this but he's a big booty shota

According to Japan it's in the top 3
> 1. Chrono Trigger
> 2. Zelda BOTW
> 3. Nier: Automata
> 4. Final Fantasy VII
> 5. Okami
> 6. Zelda: OOT
> 7. Final Fantasy X
> 8. Pokemon R/B/Y
> 9. Xenogears
> 10. Dragon Quest V
> 11. Suikoden II
> 12. EarthBound
> 13. Splatoon 2
> 14. Tactics Ogre LuCT
> 15. MH: Freedom Unite
> 16. Kingdom Hearts
> 17. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 18. Final Fantasy XV
> 19. Final Fantasy XI
> 20. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

What is it about Nier Automata fans that makes them so incredibly autistic?

> Using "Weeb" unironically on a Japanese imageboard
Go back you fucking tourist

Still can‘t beat the 9s playthrough. So no it‘s kinda boring

It's popular and if a lot of people like thing then of course some loud retards are gonna be in there, also because this is an anonymous site

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> What is it about Nier Automata that makes contrarians cry & shit their pants so much?
Fixed, not even BOTW makes Yea Forums seethe as much

of course, whatever you say

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there is no objective best. It's pretty great though.

Heterosexual boys don't need large asses

Up there but ain't got no spurs that jingle jangle

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I like anime games and even 2b image dump threads. Automata is just a shit game propped up by crying low test art grad bitchboys that self insert as 9s.

is this one of the few times you can actually say someone is projecting on Yea Forums and be right?

Kek there’s a play and 2 books out already. They’re all pretty good. It’s just a really good story that gets perfected by being experienced in a video game format. And they executed it flawlessly

look at these bitches and tell me I'm not right

I cried when you start fighting the ending credits

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You'll never be japanese, mutt.

It's good, high tier even, but no it is not

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I just want to insert myself into 9S

>Doesn't have a big window with the sun beaming through it most of the day and a fluffy armchair in front of his 4k TV to play videogames on all day.
Being an RPG obsessed faggot has never been more comfy.

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how are any of those posts self inserting or low test? is it low test because lmao fag has feelings?

It isn't even better than OG Nier.

>M-muh gameplay!

I didn't play Nier for the gameplay and I also didn't play Nier Automata for the gameplay. Automata is fucking soulless in every regard compared to OG Nier.

Nier Gestalt and Automata are both excellent games.

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>tfw no Yonah daughter

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It's held back by three things primarily:

>disgusting sex fanservice
>pretentious storytelling
>cinematic combat

Right now it's a boring visual novel movie game with very little to redeem it. It uses asses and shotas and titties to sucker in people.

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The coolest part about that scene is how the more you genuinely like video games the more it will affect you

>>cinematic combat
The others I can chalk up to shit opinion but you have to just be a lazy shitposter to say this. At least try something with a bit of truth.

>sun beaming through
I have to close the curtains a bit if the sun is shining into the monitor

Automata is just smart developpers using dumbed down basic existentialism with a juicy "android" butt to hit a bunch of retards and make them think they suddently understand some ultimate "2deep" meaning of life.

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Spec Ops: The Line
BioShock 1
The Witcher 3
Mega Man X
Ragnarok Online pre-renewal
Team Fortress 2 pre-F2P

I don't care if you don't like my answers

Objective thread:

>Pepe poster is a good for nothing shitposter who repeats things from other brain damaged retards all day.
Every time.

why do you complain online about games you haven't played

NieR's open world was populated with actual good sidequests that expanded on the game's central themes without being silly or ridiculous, for the most part. Shit, the lighthouse lady and the herb-seeking dog are practically just as memorable as the final sequences of the game.

In contrast, Automata's sidequests are almost all light-hearted, goofy, slapstick shit that clashes with the tone of the rest of the game. I can't remember a single sidequest from Automata that made me feel a single thing. The main quest was the only part of the game worth a damn. It really should've just been linear. Feel free to contradict this, by the way, it's been a while since I played the game and maybe I just forgot about some good ones in the sea of shit like the ninja sensei robot karate sessions

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>The others I can chalk up to shit opinion but you have to just be a lazy shitposter to say this.
SHow me any part of the combat that isn't just style over substance button mashing garbage. It's all focused on looking "epic" and "badass" but with zero substance behind it.

I found Revengeance's combat better. There you quickly dispatch enemies almost one by one, in automata you're usually fighting a large group at once.
MGR's main defence is parrying, which feels much better than dodging in automata. You can mash dodge no problem, which doesn't feel anywhere as good as parrying an entire chain in MGR.

Not even close, the gameplay is one dimensional garbage.


So the combat looks good and smooth that makes it not fun?
What am I supposed to prove to you here? That the game's combat can also look bad and clunky or something?
Jesus christ, user.

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In what way is he wrong? Neither of you retards could have anything to say about what he said. Just admit that you are only in it for the ass you brainlets.

>I found Revengeance's combat better.
Nier Automata is an RPG. Revengeance is an action game.
That's like comparing DMC3's gameplay to Tales and saying "DMC3's combat looks better"
No shit retard.

Automata felt mostly like an empty wasteland with some hotspots here and there; and I also can't recall any side quests that did kinda stay in my head after completing them.

>So the combat looks good and smooth that makes it not fun?
Good? Smooth? Smacking a guy into the air and doing 50 minutes of button mashing cutscene attacks is NOT my idea of smooth or good.

>I can't remember a single sidequest from Automata that made me feel a single thing.

There were a couple, including Emil, the assassin unit, finding the flowers for the operator, etc. They were good world-building in the sense of laying the narrative framework for 9S wanting to xxxx 2B, with examples of androids wanting to either love or kill other androids.

yeah I hate DMC too dude

more like fag overlooks a game playing like shit because he's depressed enough to play through a shallow, slow game and cry about his robot girlfriend

And what would've stopped them from having s combat that felt like MGR's? It also had purchasable skills and equipment

No but it’s pretty fucking good. The bad marks for me really lied in the very heavy anime-tropey stuff, namely the Adam and Eve characterization, and CRAZY 9S

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Has there ever been a game that has made contrarians on Yea Forums cry & seethe as badly as NieR: Automata?

>I can't remember a single sidequest from Automata that made me feel a single thing.
What about the guy who stole the Scanner model because he wanted a family? The music change mid-dialogue didn't give you the willies?
It fucking creeped me out.

What about the mission with finding out about "Executioner" models that was a heavy foreshadowing to 2E?


Breath of the Wild

Unironically this

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>i didn’t play game for gameplay

How’s it feel to be retarded?

The fact the game is a sequel and they wanted the combat to feel like Nier Gestalt's.
But no, god forbid a game be anything except another stylish action game.

I'm not a big fan of DMC either desu. I hate all wacky cinematic action shit. Stop doing things over the top and start doing it the right way.

Yea Forums uses BOTW to cry & seethe about OOT, Yea Forums genuinely shits their pants whenever Nier gets praised. It's almost unprecedented how much these contrarian faggots seethe about it.

Precisely, exactly, and completely this post.

Nier Automata didn’t do anything that Transformers didn’t do better, except I guess the enemy capture mechanic.

Can I run this at 4k with a 3600x and 2080 super?

there are plenty of actually good action games if you aren't into the combo simulator DMC games. Ninja Gaiden is fucking great, MGR is good, VJ and W101 are great. Nier Automata offers nothing in the gameplay department, no variety of weapons or even fucking moves to purchase, no mechanics, cookie cutter copy pasted enemies, it's the bare fucking minimum an action game can have to be called an action game. It has as much depth as a 5 dollar hack and slash early access steam game, it's just packaged with an anime movie for full price.

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No but it's definitly in my top 10.

I think if you want to discuss "objectively" the best game ever made the answer is probably Mario Galaxy running at 1080p on dolphin. Incredibly beautiful, incredible music, varied and high quality gameplay. It's got everything that makes a game good as long as you emulate it at high res with AA.

soulless isn't a valid criticism

>it's the bare fucking minimum an action game can have to be called an action game.
Good thing it's an action RPG instead huh?
Do people just forget this because Platinum is involved in the development or something?

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>everyone universally agrees Nier had shit gameplay and only Taro’s writing saved it
>everyone shits their pants when a Plat-developed sequel is announced, because it’s “Taro not held back by Cavia’s incompetence!”
>the gameplay of Automata is just as shit as the original Nier
>”obviously it was a conscious choice to emulate the original game’s gameplay you fucking secondary!”

Just admit you were disappointed.

the best games ever made are EDF 4.1 and EDF 5

nier: automata was just slightly above average. it's not even the best platinum game. what are some of you niggers talking about?

even souls games are better than N:A

>shit gameplay
I remember it being called "mediocre" actually.
>>everyone shits their pants when a Plat-developed sequel is announced, because it’s “Taro not held back by Cavia’s incompetence!”
>>the gameplay of Automata is just as shit as the original Nier
So you didn't play the original Nier and you're yet another Yea Forums lurker who never experiences anything and regurgitates whatever he hears on every single bandwagon he hops on to. Got it.
>>”obviously it was a conscious choice to emulate the original game’s gameplay you fucking secondary!”
But they did, and made it way better. That's literally all anyone asked for and it made a fuckload of people happy.

The only people it didn't make happy are people who played Bayonetta and MGR and decided this is what Platinum needs to make for the rest of their existence and nothing else. Too bad, faggot. I got a sequel to a beloved cult classic. Suck my dick.

yes because advertising it as a platinum game was a sleazy marketing gimmick to make people think this would play anything resembling a fast paced or even medium paced game. Why even have the action part at all if the only thing this game had going for it was shit you can get in any walking sim or JRPG?

Why are plentiful sidequests and good narrative construction an excuse for shitty combat?

How do you feel knowing that 9S is such a little bitch in the vidya game but in all the SFM he rails 2B more times than you ever will

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sometimes combat isn't the main point of the game

Is "Nier Automata has shitty combat" the next "You just hate DmC because Donte doesn't have white hair"?

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Then it's just not because it's an RPG,but rather because it's a Nier game
I'll agree with you, games shouldn't try too much to be like other, even if can be objectively considered better. Age of Empires 2 killed the whole RTS genre through that.
I feel like that about the combat probably because MGR was fairly short, Automata's combat is similar enough to remind me of it, but not enough to scratch the same itch

The only thing Platinum can do at all is make Bayonetta-style gameplay, so yes stick with that until the company finally dissolves and dies.

it's not shitty, though. it's just okay; slightly above average compared to other platinum games

>But they did, and made it way better. That's literally all anyone asked for and it made a fuckload of people happy.
I’m genuinely, unironically glad you’re happy. I’m glad you enjoyed the game.

It’s more when you constantly shit up this board with claims that it’s a PERFECT MASTERPIECE and THE BEST GAME EVER MADE and 10/10 GAME OF THE DECADE when it’s not even the best thing Plat put out that fucking year that kind of pisses me off.

I’m glad you were able to get a sequel to a niche title but god damn shut the fuck up.

>sometimes the gameplay isn't the main point of the game
fuck anyone that says this shit

Funny the game includes Nero's DMC4 snatch as a pod program and Bayonetta's witch time dodge so you can literally play bayonetta in Nier Automata if you want, but the game still has shit combat.

I guess Bayonetta is just a trash game then?

I'm sorry that you can't accept some games being different than games you like

the best game of all time is portal

Music isn’t the main point of most games but it won’t stop me calling out when it’s underwhelming. There’s a difference between “succeeds in spite of it’s shortcomings” and “has no shortcomings” and Nearly Tomato faggots can’t seem to see it.

That's my point.
The gameplay's only issue is that the robots never really become a challenge to fight. The enemies are easy. The combat itself is fine.

I dare someone to justify pic related without a flimsy whataboutism. For example, it doesn't matter what the gameplay ratio is. This is not acceptable even with a billion hours of gameplay.

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Hi OP.
Still screaming and dilating because everyone agrees that your little mediocre rpg isn’t as good as you hail it to be?

Hi ACfag.

>are games a silly little things?
>mfw NOOO
yeah it made me cry

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>60 hour game has 5 hours of cutscenes.
That's really fucking small compared to most JRPGs.
Does that include all ~23ish joke endings too?

Attached: RitzReaction.png (138x137, 22K)

Why not?
Some games nowadays are literal movies with real life actors, too.

DmC DID have shitty combat compared to other DMC games though. In fact you can bash both games for the same reason.
I can listen to video game music and watch cutscenes on youtube. Saying a game sucks because the gameplay is bad is a perfectly valid criticism, and saying a game can be great despite not being fun is a cop out and detrimental to the medium as a whole. I hope none of you that like this game ever talk shit about shitty sony movie games for being movies or david cage shit at the very least.

>Bayonetta is just Witch Time
Stop. Automata has a shallow movepool that’s 60% mediated by enormous cooldown timers and the fucked up armor/damage scaling means that by halfway through the game, you can’t even start a proper fucking combo before the enemy you’re attacking is dead.

I wish I could have liked this game more. After playing a couple endings worth of it I just dropped it. The only thing that kept be going was 2B and A2's waifu designs, some pretty aesthetic areas (the carnival place) and the decently fun combat.

Story felt way too pretentious to care about and playing as 9S's dumb twink ass sucked. Didn't like the million endings system or gimmick shmup gameplay segments either.

>60 hour game has 5 hours of cutscenes.
I kindly asked for no whataboutisms.

>Why not?
Because I shouldn't be forced to watch a movie while I'm playing a game?

>In fact you can bash both games for the same reason.
But you can't because Nier Automata was a massive improvement over Gestalt's gameplay in every way. DmC was a step down.
Are you fucking 12? Do you have any opinions of your own?

There are plenty of moments in nier that would be significantly worse if it wasn't a video game that you played

it's negligible to say it's a massive improvement when you massively improved the combat to being mediocre at best.

>I kindly asked for no whataboutisms.
You didn't get any. You got told the game is long and story-oriented with a short amount of cutscenes compared to the time spent in combat or exploring.
>Because I shouldn't be forced to watch a movie while I'm playing a game?
If you want a game without cutscenes, you don't pick up an RPG.
This is entirely your own fault. You're bitching that an apple doesn't taste like an orange.

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You’re comparing franchises; you can flip that the other way. DmC was a huge step up in terms of Ninja Theory games and Automata is a huge step down in terms of Platinum games.

You're not forced faggot
>b-but then I don't understand what's going on!
play a different game then

You talk about contrarianism but all I see is an echo chamber.

That one includes voiced dialogue, that's like saying GTAs are movie games because of the chatter while you're driving to places

You're all faggots
Except this guy. He's alright:

Attached: 600px-Ggodhand_original.jpg (600x479, 67K)

>Because I shouldn't be forced to watch a movie while I'm playing a game?
Skip the cutscenes then?

I also like using buzzwords!

I couldn’t get into God Hand. The controls are so stupid to me. It seems like a hilarious, fun, intense game, but I just fucking hate the controls so god damn much.

Has anyone non-jokingly called Nier Automata the best game ever made?
It's great but it's certainly not the best.

I don't even like the game that much but just 5 hours spread across the whole game doesn't seem bad at all to me. I never felt like they were intrusively frequent or long while playing, it's a decently long game (if you do multiple endings) so it's fine.


The only games on that list that are better are DMC3/4 and maybe MGR.

Attached: desertfx.webm (740x400, 2.97M)

I had more fun with korra than Nier but yeah I agree.

god hand and the decision making you need is more akin to a retro beat 'em up game than a hack and slash, despite what the camera would lead you to believe. gotta get good at that crowd control.


They take getting used to, but once they click you realize how absolutely perfect they are.
I do understand that not everyone wants to have to put effort into a game before having fun, though

>>game was marketed as having good hack and slash combat
It does have good hack and slash combat attached to a JRPG.
It is not "the best action game ever made". Nobody claims this.
Only falseflagging shitposters claim that people have ever said this for a reason to waste a few hours saying "game is bad" until their wrists get tired of jerking off their poor opinion they received from youtube e-celebs.

It's ACfag, the mere existence of many things in games sends him into fits after his brain was shattered by Metroid Other M ten years ago.

And even if you write that off as hyperbole, it’s still ridiculous that people treat it as a genuine masterpiece instead of a flawed gem.

Yes, Yea Forums had it ranked first in our spring edition of the best game poll.

>Yea Forumsirgin starts a thread with something that guarantees replies

take your meds

MGR isn’t even better than half the games on that same list. Fuck, even if you’re a brainlet who only plays action games for le epic cutscene wackyness Bayonetta is still as good or better than MGR.

>And even if you write that off as hyperbole,
It's a trick to get people into talking about Nier Automata. Because you can't get threads started with positivity anymore, you need to act like either a rabid fanboy or a complete faggot shitposter in order to get replies on Yea Forums.

it's frequently circlejerked over and cited in top games of all time, unironically.
that's basically ff15 combat but with even less interesting enemies, weapon types, and even lacking mechanics like warp striking. and ff15 can be described as a very shallow game at that.

Says the one who's still flailing about ten years after his waifu was desecrated in one game.

>You got told the game is long and story-oriented
And I told you that doesn't matter. The game still shoves an obnoxious, pretentious story down my throat. No amount of gameplay makes up for that, knowing that my reward for playing the game, even if I do it well, is to just be shoveled more cinematic bullshit. What incentive do I have to keep playing? So Yoko can piss out some more awkward edgy teenage dialogue about the human spirit and how robots can cry and feel sad?

This is why the "just skip it" argument doesn't work. This is also why the "dude there's alot of gameplay" argument doesn't work. When you make a game cinematic and story-focused, you remove any desire to make me want to keep playing. Compare this to a game like Gradius or Contra, where the reward is fighting cool bosses, getting cool powerups, or exploring cool locations. Every reward is GAMEPLAY focused, whereas Nier offers jack squat and is just ferrying you from one cinematic to the next, and they're so lazy that you have to replay the game multiple times just to get to the "real" ending, which means repetition out the ass.
Voiced dialogue is cancer, because that just means Taro willingly spent money, vast swathes of it no less, on non-gameplay elements.

No of course not. It is pretty good though.

I could maybe stomach the stick-flick dodging, but tank controls. No. No, tank controls have never been good.

Not the best action hack n slash game(DMC3)
Not the best jrpg(ffvi/chrono trigger)
Not the best philosophical game(mgs2)

Attached: be2.jpg (2083x2496, 693K)

what youtube e-celeb has ever said this game was bad? I only see people shitting on it here. Not that I've ever looked for a second opinion anyway, I played it for 6 or 7 hours and never touched it again.


You don't want "hurr story so bunga shoved up mah booty, grrrrrr!!" then play something else, you autistic tit.

>what youtube e-celeb has ever said this game was bad?
Fuck if I know. Yea Forums never shuts up about e-celebs, parrots their every opinion, and so when I see a group of people spreading misinformation I'm inclined to believe someone's been shepherding them.

was it autism?

Thank you for actually making my laugh out loud :)

Attached: nier au.jpg (800x450, 89K)

hot tips:
1 - When starting out you'll be tempted to constantly backflip because of all the i-frames and it moving you backwards. Resist the urge so you can learn how to duck. Ducking is amazing and works on 99% of the moves enemies will throw at you while keeping you in range to start attacking. It will also cancel ANYTHING.
2 - If you're not comfortable fighting groups use taunt to pull enemies away from their clump. It'll give you a nice boost to your tension gauge too.
3 - Once you're comfortable with the controls, you should be doing something like square-square-guard break-duck cancel-repeat to deal with one-on-one situations. You'll be too fast for enemies to deal with outside of certain guard break-specific counterattacks and it's far easier than guard breaking on reaction. Guard breaking on reaction at lvl DIE or on hard-DIE is pretty much impossible.
4 - To go with 3, keep the multi-hit moves later in your combo. If you start with a multi-hit you're just begging to get counterattacked
5 - For crowd control your best starting tool is the uppercut. A counterhit uppercut will launch the enemy letting you hit back+triangle for a shoryuken or forward+triangle for a spin kick. Both moves slow down time and have massive crowd control potential. Hand Plant Kick is the best crowd control in the game because it both juggles on counterhit and has upper-invincibility like a duck

Attached: playmeoffjohnny.gif (500x375, 443K)

OP is the one who asked whether Nier was objectively the best game ever made. I simply offered reasoning why it wasn't. Don't blow your stack.

Automata has better combat than FFXV though, even if that webm doesn’t show it.

>showcasing combat with the AI partner turned on and easy-modo lock-on aim
God damn at least try a little.

>what youtube e-celeb has ever said this game was bad?
This. Every eceleb adores every game I hate.

>where the reward is fighting cool bosses, getting cool powerups, or exploring cool locations.
So, Nier Automata?
Pod Programs, weapons, chips, and upgrades aren't enough for you?

Again: the controls take getting used to but once they click you realize they are flawless. The game simply would not function properly without tank controls.

Attached: dealwithit.gif (490x360, 442K)

No, it's shit.
Wonderful 101
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Rising
Bayonetta 2
Devil May Cry
Katamari Damacy

I don't like the story either, hell not even the game overall really, but you're retarded for conflating not liking the story with cutscene time as the issue. 5 hours of cutscenes in an RPG is hardly "cinematic".

Then it’s a bad game. I am sorry to make this argument but if the game’s core functionality is built around taking half a second to rotate 90 degrees then it’s bad. It leans too much on the disconnect between player intent and character action. It’s like all those old N64 platformers that made a “challenge” out of walking a narrow path with a shitty uncooperative camera.

For what it’s worth, I disagree with you, I think God Hand would work perfectly fine without tank controls, but if that’s REALLY your position then there you go.

Like with all games, Nier Automata was popular on Yea Forums until it became popular outside of Yea Forums. As soon as that happened Yea Forums instantly turned on it and still angrily insists it never liked it. Remember that we are the counter culture, the last bastion of contrarianism, what the normies hate we love and what they love we hate.

Probably top 10 best game yes

>Pod Programs, weapons, chips, and upgrades aren't enough for you?
Not when they're sandwiched inbetween hours of cutscenes and dialogue, and the game blatantly keeps shoving pretentious themes in my face. It's like giving me an ice cream cone, then throwing it on the dirty floor and telling me "I made it better because now it has a unique story".

>5 hours of cutscenes in an RPG is hardly "cinematic".
That's because you've been sitting in the lukewarm water as the industry slowly turned up the heat. They keep pushing the line to see how much they can get away with. Soon people will be saying "10 hours isn't bad in an RPG" and then "20 hours isn't bad in an RPG" and more and more, and people will just keep letting that line sink.

I hated this shit game two hours into playing it even on release and I feel like I'm in the minority even here

I guess you just don't like RPGs, dude. All your issues are things people play RPGs specifically for.

Attached: 1553348926331.png (527x470, 207K)

is she getting fucked

And since RPGs want to be movies instead of video games, it's quite hard to justify them as "the greatest games of all time" which is what I'm explaining to the OP.

pod programs, weapons, and chips barely do anything to affect the combat, but maybe I just didn't play the game long enough to get to interesting ones.

Automata is a good game but I wouldn’t put in my top ten. Maybe top 20, though. Here’s my list.
>Metal Gear Rising
>Devil Survivor Overclocked
>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Jak 2

Attached: neku shrugs.png (172x202, 8K)

>It's a bad game because I'm unwilling to learn it
cool story, bro
>I think God Hand would work perfectly fine without tank controls
You are objectively incorrect, but you'd have to play the game to understand why.

I'm sorry that you're going to miss out on Mikami's greatest masterpiece because of the preconceived notion that the tank controls inhibit the link between player intent and character action. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is not even the best NieR game.

Eat a double decker dick sandwich, I went from hype to hesitant as soon as the first public demo dropped, and from hesitant to hate the day it launched on Steam and I got a peek at how fuckawful the PC port was.

By the time FAR made the game playable I had already made my mind up about it, and by the time I finished ending E it hadn’t done much to change my opinion.

>but maybe I just didn't play the game long enough to get to interesting ones.
Weapons have entirely different attacks. You have fists, swords, large swords, and spears.
Pod programs are spells and there's plenty of them. Some are attacks, some are utility.
Chips can affect anything from stats, stagger, some even slow down time during dodges.

It would be perfectly fine without tank controls. You just give Gene normal movement and camera control, and replace the “180 spin” button with a “lock on” button that makes the right stick perform dodges/ducks instead.

If you’re telling me that would break the game then I don’t even know.

>muh combat
Games are about more than this and yet I factored combat into it. That's why I didn't put Okami in that list because its combat drags it down. It's also got little in the way of replayability.

Attached: NieR Automata 2019.01.09 - 0g07.56.39.054.DVR.webm (636x400, 2.97M)

>That's because you've been sitting in the lukewarm water as the industry slowly turned up the heat
Nah dude, I just don't have a problem with cutscene use unless it's like Pokemon Sun/Moon where you get stopped every 15 minutes to view one, Star Ocean 4 where the cutscenes were so long my 360 controller would turn off and TV screen would dim before some of them would be over, or one of those truly cinematic games you're pretending this is like where the game is literally just watching a movie. I don't like Taro's pretentious themes any more than you do, but cutscene runtime is far from the list of actual complaints I have with the game.

>one of those truly cinematic games you're pretending this is like where the game is literally just watching a movie.
I learned after horse armor that you NEVER compromise. You don't say "well it's only a little shit, it won't get bigger or worse." It will. It ALWAYS does. Because we didn't crack down on horse armor, we now have microtransactions and season passes and blatant lazy DLC cut out of the game. So true is it here. If you give ANY lenience to cinematic bullshit, it'll just get worse and infect more and more games. Infact, this is the common defense of cinematic games like The Order 1886 or Gone Home. They use games like Nier to justify themselves, saying "you liked it that one time, why can't we do it too?"

The solution is to simply never give them that precedent.

I like Star Ocean 4 but some of those cutscenes seriously needed to fuck off.

>if you're telling me that would break the game
It would. In fact it would make the game significantly more difficult and cumbersome.

You sound autistic as fuck, my man.

>Because we didn't crack down on horse armor,
Oh no, he's one of those faggos who thinks he controls the industry...

>Automata felt mostly like an empty wasteland
wasn't that the whole point? All we humies got turned into ASSFAGGOTS players so everything's kinda in the shitter.

I can’t imagine having to hold a shoulder button to dodge would “ruin” an action game, I’ve played the DMC franchise, but okay.

Nah man. I just had the misfortune of being an early PS3 adopter who grew increasingly tired of EPIC THIRD PERSON OVER THE SHOULDER CINEMATIC SHOOTER being the flavor of the month, every month. after ditching that mess and embracing idortism, I'm now shocked that everyone praises the exact same bland cinematic shooter/action games, as long as they have le epic titties.

Yeah, nah. You still sound autistic.

I'd rather be autistic than someone who praises movies.

He definitely is, but he’s also kind of right. Every year you overlook more and more things you dislike about games in pursuit of new fun experiences and suddenly a decade has past and you’re lamenting “how they don’t make em like they used to”. Well, that’s because as they stopped, inch by inch, making games the way you like, you never stopped buying them.

>he actually admits that he’s autistic

who are you quoting?

You, dumbass.

God Hand is nothing like DMC
Requiring you to swap lock on targets manually would absolutely make God Hand more difficult.

You are dramatically underestimating how unique and demanding God Hand is.

Names don't offend me, but nothing hurts more than unironically looking at a game and saying "this needs more cutscenes."

Pretty sure nobody on Yea Forums has ever said that but okay.

Let’s not call it “lock on”, let’s call it “pin the camera behind Gene’s shoulder and make his attacks face exactly forward and the right stick do dodges” mode. It doesn’t have to pin to a target.

I’ll say it. I’ll go out on a limb and say “the ideal quantity of cutscenes in a game is not necessarily zero”

>Pretty sure nobody on Yea Forums has ever said that
Sweet, innocent user. If only you ever looked into a TLOU2 thread or God of War thread.


good art and music direction but the gameplay itself was kinda repetitious. story was decent but kinda juvenile and predictable. not that I mind if a game has a juvenile story, just when a game with a juvenile story takes itself as very seriously as N:A did

Pretty sure a majority of those threads have people shitposting about the games or calling them out.

And again, that would also make the game far more difficult than the softlock system in place.
Please stop recommending control changes for a game you don't understand.

did the maker of tokyo ghoul draw this shit?

I've been in many of them user. There is shitposting like you wouldn't believe, and since they're PS4 exclusives any criticism gets you discarded as a Nintendo fan. Any time I criticized TLOU or God of War as pretentious or having bad story, the responses would usually call me a nincel or tell me to fuck off back to my bing bing wahoo games. You vastly underestimate the fanboys.

No, and fuck you. Shitting on my favourite games won't make your favourite empty open world with 3 different enemies better. If you can't defend your argument, don't start shit, you obese fucktard.

I’ve been in those threads and there’s just as many people shitposting about them as well, especially when it comes to the gameplay.

They're all shitposters, to be fair. I've been called a nincel and a snoy tranny within the same thread, so it's just anarchy.

Well, if God Hand is perfect the way it is, so be it. Running around in circles like a fucking vehicle trying to do donuts in a parking lot is not fun, I don’t really care if it’s better balanced for its “unique gameplay”.

No, the creator of Tokyo Ghoul based his character Kaneki of 9s, He even drew the Covers for Niers CDs.

And I'm back to saying that I'm sorry you're going to miss out because that element if the controls so infuriates you. I think if you gave the game a chance and got past the initial curve you'd find the game controls impeccably and the skill ceiling is infinite, but I obviously can't force you.

>objectively the best
Not with that shitty combat. You can literally spam dodge to become invincible.

>You can literally spam dodge to become invincible.
and this somehow completely negates all the actual depth the combat has?

Attached: A2 Combo.webm (640x480, 1.93M)

pretty cool

Attached: 1569115105470.gif (200x200, 288K)

>and this somehow completely negates all the actual depth the combat has?
yes. At least Bayo had ball stompers like Grace and Glory to contend with. Nier has nothing but walking tin cans.

Here you go faggot, it's not in my top 10 & i'm not even sure it's in my top 50
> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 3. Metroid Prime
> 4. Valkyrie Profile
> 5. Final Fantasy VI
> 6. SoulCalibur
> 7. Eternal Darkness
> 8. A Link To The Past
> 9. Silent Hill 2
> 10. Shadow of the Colossus
> 11. Vagrant Story
> 12. Chrono Trigger
> 13. Super Metroid
> 14. Final Fantasy Tactics
> 15. Warcraft III
> 16. Beyond Good & Evil
> 17. Fatal Frame 2
> 18. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 19. Bioshock
> 20. LoK: Soul Reaver
> 21. Breath of Fire III
> 22. Xenogears
> 23. Resident Evil 4
> 24. Castlevania: SOTN
> 25. Mass Effect

Why does this read like a GameFaqs ranking list?

I'm one of the few people in existence who cares about Soul Reaver, Valkyrie Profile, Vagrant Story & Eternal Darkness

I really really really really like this flag!

Attached: Drakengardempire1.PNG.png (640x480, 356K)

>He even drew the Covers for Niers CDs.

Also shout outs to his literal Hunter x Hunter fanfiction. Guy's just a massive nerd that made it big.