Your reminder that this happened
Your reminder that this happened
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can someone link the funny video showing all sorts of fps games
nice graphics what game?
>they leveled up
What is this?
Daily reminder that the media was right about Goobergate (that it was a bunch of pissed off manchildren who hated women and minorities) and it was part of the reason Drumpf got so much support online among disaffected 16-21 year old white male gamers.
Is it also the reason he's in the oval office right now?
best so far
okay, SOMEONE who browses this site daily was involved in writing that episode
have sex
based gamergate
these edits were 24 karat gold
I refuse to accept the episode wasn't written by anybody except for a shitposter. It was just too perfect.
>What did they do...?
>...They leveled up...
holy shit its logan paul
Rent Free
or maybe this shit isn't as clever as you seem to think it is
Goobergate did nothing wrong and you know it
They a big part of the reason everyone and their mom mocks the shit out of game journalists now
I think they're just that stupid.
KOBS was fucking based.
>I read on Kotaku it's better than Civ 5 with the brave new world expansion pack
What did they mean by this?
What’s your excuse for not using KOBS skull as your Steam avatar, Yea Forums?
It wouldn't be the first time. The people who wrote NCIS did an interview or something where they stated they purposefully write technical dialogue like retards to piss people off.
Why does acknowledging this upset people so much? So many people here are openly racist and misogynistic yet for some reason being called out as that gets their jimmies in a rustle.
I choose the dlc fighter, Ice-T
For those (few) people who earnestly believed in the initial purpose of gamergate, it sapped the legitimacy of the movement and came across like baseless deflection in order to basically cover up the comically blatant and obvious corruption and collusion in the industry. Most people didn't give a shit, but the people who earnestly were just /pol/ cockroaches who hate women and nonwhites were constantly hijacking the movement to turn it into a way to signal boost other sexist/racist movements and it turned in on itself.
post yfw we won
Did KOBS ever actually kill anybody? I know they startled some people and beat up a woman (or two? I don't remember) and they had guns, but I don't think they actually committed a single murder.
How did this nigga ended up in this?
>implying this has anything to do with the Law and Order episode
I personally find it baffling that some people still try to deny that GG turned into a /pol/ spergout very fast after its inception, but this SVU episode was still hilariously stupid and deserves all the ridicule and meme-ing it got and then some more.
So, this was supposed to be a reference to SomethingAwful? I never got that or the al quaida flags. It was so over the top it reminded me of that cyberbully movie.
who does this shit show try to appeal to? american soccer moms?
i remember watching this episode because some user linked it here when it came out but the whole thing is so poorly made
>Attempted murder
>Plotting to murder
>Illegal possession of firearms
>Resisting arrest
Anons from Yea Forums.
Pretty much, my mom loved the show. Now if me and friends catch it on TV and we're drunk enough, we'll take bets on whether the episode is about murder, rape, or molestation then shit talk about how ridiculous the show is.
Your reminder that this happened too.
Assuming this is made completely without a shred of ironic humor in mind, it's obviously meant to appeal to boomers and midwestern parents who don't know what the internet is and want to be afraid of something.
i thought this was that mutt black guy who shot a news anchor or something filmed with his iphone. anyone remember that
>Yea Forums
whats that?
i think you mean SUBTHREADS on REDCHAN
I noticed something. For years the classic defense of sexists and racists has been "I'm not sexist/racist", but now they have openly embraced the "okay, I am, but racism and sexism are not bad" defense.
Now that you mention, it could really be that someone designing that shitshow decided to take a piss on every gaming related community they could think of. They already got Reddit and Yea Forums directly covered, so it very much could be a SA reference.
Or then again, could be that someone just was randomly thinking about edgy symbolism to combine and happened to decide on a grenade and a skull.
Best Jobro of course
People who don't know how to internet
t. player of the new civ expansion pack
>they were only pretending to be retarded
All the same poster.
>why yes, i read about the expansion pack on kotaku how did you know?
>imma need that link to the subthread on redchan
>can you email it to me?
Ice-T is such a hollywood gangster
quinn was a dumb whore who slept her way to success and there was nothing sexist about calling out that truth
gamergate stopped being funny the moment people tried to turn it into another chanology crusade, moot was right
Shows like this just like to pick contemporary themes and them exaggerate them to high hell to play on boomer technophobia.
The WP article in ’s post actually was mostly about this to my surprise. It really wasn’t about saying that the depiction makes any sense, but on how themes like online harassment need to be amped up to the point of absurdity so that they’re ”scary enough” for general audience, and how that has been done with many other themes beforehand.
nice try, loser
>go home nigger
howd they get awayy
>he's never heard of the five-finger discount
Damn, now I feel the need to play some game that has a custom emblem editor just so that I can recreate KOBS logo in it.
>gun pointing to his face
It's the little things
Wouldn't surprise me, Yea Forums wrote a porn script once.
what is it about april fools day and Yea Forums that turns everyone into exceedingly repressed homosexuals who would do anything for cock
>purposefully write technical dialogue like retards to piss people off
I don't believe it. That's too conscious a decision for a TV series writing room.
>Be Me
>Bi 70% into dudes 30% into girls
>See this shit
>Somehow don't feel a connection
Maybe it's the roleplaying aspect that I can't connect to.
You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of KOBS casualties
>be me
>bi 70% into girls 30% into dudes
>all dudes keep asking me out
>barely draw attention from grills
>The part where it's F.E.A.R
You know, the crazy part about that Law & Order scene is that the rooftop looks exactly like the one in the intro mission of F.E.A.R where you get smacked around by Fettel
>attributing arbitrary percentages to attractions
I'm sure that was the highlight of your day.
t. straight/homo
You got an issue punk? You wanna go cry to Bill "We're on a spectrum" Nye hey cocksucker?
Hey, I know the subreddit she's browsing
>>newfriends can't bluetext
whats the plot of this episode?
>hardly any lewd pics or racial slurs
not real pol
nice photoshop, loser
that jpg better be dolphin porn
>reminder this happened
A mod that isnt a fag? Is this shopped?
You lost an election to internet trolls and pissed off manchildren? Sounds like quite the embarrassing loss. I bet you've got a real good strategy for the 2020 election.
>>she's hot
the most amazing thing about this is that the crazy bastard who made this actually found the same rooftop they used to film it in google maps
That mod was de-modded after that. Truly a hero, even if he did it for free.
>concerned citizen
would get called out for the glow-in-the-dark shit that it is in an instant
Hey, does anyone here know about any illegal activities on this web forum? Let me know so I can get in on it!
>implying it wouldn't just be considered ironic shitposting at this point
>didn't get called a glownigger/ Mossad
>no Terry reaction pics
Sloppy job
>>dn, r u a f3d?
Add me on the r/gaming Discord, Im XxX_IronicMemz_XxX we're planning to vandalise school property this Friday for our love of video games.
Good choice user, he wants to warn us of the future.
>a fed could be that subtle and sneaky
Yes dear concerned citizen. As a matter of fact I'm currently impersonating as a federal agent.
Your mom sounds pretty cool.
i still beat it off to Mini-chan every once in a while
are you a fed?
what a legend
>Van explodes
>be おれ
>bi 70% into girls 30% into dudes
>don't get any attention from anyone because I'm not a fucking normalfag
Yeah, there's a bucnh of pedophiles constantly posting an 11 year old naked girl from Dead or Alive, I'm sure if you looked into their folders you'd find some real fucked up shit
Yea Forums is a hotbed of white nationalism apparently, when are you going to vandalise the public library?
>lol are u a fed?
>no lmao
>ok, see image i uploaded that could get me in legal trouble because this is still the fucking clearnet
and thats a good thing!
Actually Marie Rose is 18 years old, please do not send false reports to us-I mean the feds, especially if they involve 2D girls because they aren't real!
*eh hem*
No. Concerned citizen.
How many megpipes does your PC have?
>vandalise the public library
Whatever you have to tell yourself pedophile-kun.