>Two characters have opposing ideas
>Both are wrong
>You have to choose one anyways
Two characters have opposing ideas
Other urls found in this thread:
It's obviously called a jumper.
I refuse to believe that anyone has ever called it anything but a bouncy castle.
Remember when the nintendo kid used to get retard strength and glowy eyes when someone said his console was for kids?
I want to fuck the goatee loser
Bouncy castle is the only thing I've ever heard anyone call it. Also I miss good webcomics like Fanboys
it's a fucking bounce house
I'll relay it to the man. He'll be happy to know you guys still enjoy his work.
>mfw americans call prince charles boingalows "bounce castles"
It's a bouncy castle. Calling it a bounce house is understandable, even if it's also wrong.
Isn't it called a Bouncey castle?
That is a castle-shaped structure. That you bounce in. Therefore it is a bounce castle. How anyone could see that structure and think to call it anything else boggles the mind.
What if it wasn't in the shape of a castle? Bouncy Castle seems oddly specific.
The wikipedia article is listed under "inflatable castle."
Bouncy contraption.
>air filled attraction is not shaped like a castle
What do you do now bouncy castle cucks?
It's a bouncy house you fucking idiots.
I have only ever known these to be called bouncy castles.
Its a fucking Bounce House you uncultured retards
>artist disappears
>checked twitter - last post from 2017
Yeah, RIP.
It's a jumping castle.
All these brits getting it wrong
It's a moonjump
Don't ask why, but my family always called it a jumphat
It's a Moon Bounce.
One word.
Here endeth the lesson.
I've always called it the inflation house.
What a shame. I feel like Fanboys was the only decent video game comic
Its a bouncy castle
>one word
I will end you
Sure you have dobson
Dobson pls
>doesn't look like a moon
>gravity stays the same because it's not magic
>has literally nothing to do with the moon
>balloon jump
I think this might be even dumber.
>bounce walk
And that is the dumbest that no one has said ever and the "artist" made it up for the comic.
right here
it's called a fucking jumpy or a bouncy what the actual fuck
>I will end you
It's a jumping castle
Ok, except you don't.
Nothing wrong with a little air.
>fucking jumpy
how did they get away with this
It's called a bouncy castle.
the house of bounce
can you tell him to stop being such an SJW cuck as well
The actual term is Closed Inflatable Trampolines. CITs for short.
i'd probably just stop playing honestly
illusion of freedom of choice =/= freedom of choice
this or hop house from what i've heard in 'urban' communities
Dobson go away
they are always in the shape of a castle
like House of Pain but with severely more jumping.
it's called a bouncy castle. I've seen them naming it that multiple times on the news.
balloon jump is what the original generic term was (and I think the patent?), Bounce House was a brand named balloon jump. "Bouncey castle" is what kids tend to call the Bounce House brand ones since most of their designs are castles. I think bouncewalk is just made up for the comic. Also heard them called moonjumps in certain areas, most commonly among teens/college age kids that watched Revenge of the Nerds one too many times.
The Fresh Prince of Bounce House
>Bouncy castle
>Bounce house
You're on thin ice
>Bounce walk
What the fuck is wrong with you
But there’s already so much jumping in House of Pain as it is
Who cares what people call a bouncy castle when there are people out there who call ball pits "ball ponds"
Bouncy, bouncy
Ooh, such a good time
Bouncy, bouncy
Shoes all in a line
It's never been anything but this
seriously though, what did it mean?
In German its called Hüpfburg, which literally means bouce castle.
Discussion over
But what if it’s not in the shape of a house?!
It was the code phrase that turned the little girl into a killing machine.
Is this even a debate? Bouncy castle is also acceptable.
The second panel is still one of my favorite bits in any comic. I'm not even sure you can call it a strawman at this point as it reaches much further than the average strawman.
we call it Hüpfburg and i think thats beautifull
>ywn take your gf on the fucking jumpy
of course
its a castle not a house
>mrw I read that
It's insane. It's like the artist recently started learning about Japanese and Japanese-exclusive products and couldn't help but shoehorn it in somehow, and thought, "I bet if I played a white PSP in public, people would mistake it for a DS, because people here don't know any better!"
It's amazing how a simple turn of phrase can make me feel so uncomfortable.
you are not required to bounce in it, however it is certainly filled with air so by your logic it should be an air castle
to this day I've never seen another page of "god mode" and I'm not convinced that it's real aside from this page
The way this comic is composed makes me feel like this was based on a real life confrontation that the author is sperging out about after the fact
Really activates your almonds when you think about it
>What do you do now bouncy castle cucks?
Don't bounce in it, because it's not worth my time.
It's a jumping castle
>Persona 4 Spa Day
>american "people" calling a funny sky fly and die a bounce house
this user beat you to the joke
I miss this guy.
Its called a jump n jizz
In finland it's called "pomppulinna" which literally meas bounce castle
fanboys was too good for this world, perhaps the only right way to do "gamer friends" webcomic
It's a bouncy castle.
I remember when he and his girlfriend had their own softcore porn tumblr for a while.
As expected from asshats
are you fucking blind?
>used to think this was some top tier cringe
>now there are comics way more cringier than this
Not saying this ever stopped being what it is but Jesus we have came a long way
But it’s a Balloon Castle..
Only retarded spergs would say otherwise
Noone calls it an inflatable castle.
I just hope the guy is alright. He disappeared without a trace.
Lemmy and Sylvia are total cuties.
Dutch has 'springkasteel' meaning jumping castle (literally 'castle for jumping')
Moon bounce makes no sense. There's no castles on the moon
is this the comic with all the super masculine heros living together? that comic was hilarious
or is there.....
If it is a house then why does it have turrets?
would you fuck a dragon, user?
A man's house is his castle.
It's either Bounce/Bouncy Castle, or Bounce/Bouncy House
Everything else is wrong
Jump House.
Bounce Castle/Bounce House are equally acceptable, I've never heard anything else except for when stupid arguments about what they're called comes up.
Absolutely, male or female. As long as they were capable of consenting.
Good man, following the Harkness test.
you got yourself a 50/50 chance there of having your insides torn up from massive dragon phallus
I miss it so much.
all those silly costume walk in moments
It's a bounce house
I don't think it is either
I call it a bounce house, I thought everyone did
I wanna fuck the guy with green eyes.
what did he mean by this?
Bounce House
Google and iqdb give nothing.
I mean, can you prove it wrong?
Artist is watsup
well then, what do you know there are at least 2 pages of this comic.
Yeah. DNF actually released. And we all know how that turned out
bouncy castle but bounce house is acceptable
anything else is retard tier
You can't move in there without bouncing around.
>lost to a hydregion while using vanilluxe
>Why yes, I call it a bouncy castle. How did you know?
The sadness in your eyes.
If it's dinosaur shaped it's a jumpasaurus
Kek, great response.
Clearly she's an IV grinder scumbag while he just wanted to have fun.
The conflicts never happen. They'll see some stranger and get nervous and start imagining all of the ways they're being judged. They create this scenario in their mind where this random stranger acts out on these judgments. Combine that with an autistic web comic artist and now you have someone who draws out this already crazy imagined scenario and blows it even further out of proportion because comics need ridiculous characters.
That's what they want you to call it...
there is no requirement to move around in there.
High IVs and Fire Blast/Focus Blast.
What's the comic made by the women who loves buff beefcake guys and the main character has a Gyarados?
what would you call this?
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things.
in the rural midwest they're in the shape of farm sheds and they're called bounce barns.
>balloon jump
Bouncy Castle
Bounce House
Inflatable castle
Balloon Jump
20 pounds of pussy and bouncing.
The start of an un-birthing fetish
The fresh prince of great air.
That bully seems pretty chill.
I seriously can't tell if this is satire
>If it's dinosaur shaped it's a jumpasaurus
i've never been in or seen a jumpasaurus and now I feel like I missed out
Anything else is pure nigger babble.
Thank you, love her style
Everyone in my area called it a bounce house.
Dunno why i expected the hydreigon to eat his entire team or something
not in a sexual way
It's a fucking bouncy castle
i live in rural oklahoma and this is bullshit
Well everyone in your area is a retard.
Godmode was a fucking terrible overly-wordy comic in the age where everyone and their dad had their own video game webcomic. There's no irony here.
If the guy who was dumping the comic in the funny comic thread is in here, nigger, you best give me a sauce on that sheep/zebra shit since the mods were massive blue balling sandpaper cunts for deleting the thread before my curiosity was sated.
It's a moon bounce you fucks
>commercial literally just played that said bouncy castle
Get dabbed on faggots.
They're bouncy castles. They got steepled towers and everything.
always lose it with gun
It's true but you shouldn't say it
>believing TV propaganda
Congratulation, you brainwashed sheep.
Jumpy castle
Oy vey! Believe in the (((inflatable castle.)))
PikaCoon Castle
oklahoma isn't midwest, its east.
rural oklahoma is west, you retard
Only if you count the fucking states as west you fuck head. thought oklahoma was near kentucky
Theu're called a Jumping Jamboree
I call it a bounce house. We also call those carnival rides with the mirrors and shit "fun houses"
Are those supposed to be fun castles for some people?
mate you lost, get over it
Jolly Jumper
>Scott drew porn
Sauce me up senpai
>not Braap Palace
This, or a bounce house.
It was a few years ago and the tumblr's long gone. No idea if any of the pictures survived. They were all cute softcore pics of Lemmy and Sylvia petting and cuddling and oral.
nah giant/giantess stuff is gross. wouldn't mind a loving relationship with a dragon but sex is outta the question
He said fuck, not fucked by.
This is the only correct answer
I've always called them "jumping balloons"
I'll take Clefairy, please even though I called it a bounce house.
south ontario, it's a bouncy castle
yes it is nigger