Fuck the cans edition

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What's in this location bros?

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fun fact
if you throw a flare at your feet on silent isle, doppelgangers wont spawn until the flare runs out

A secret club for the cool kids

so who IS dude really? i cant tell if hes a genius or an idiot

>Done with the main quest and expedition
>Completely burnt out, don't want to do remaining sidequests right now

Man, I guess I should go back to my Baldur's gate playthrough or something but man oh man is it gonna be rough going from this back to that.
I'm gonna miss gassing bandits and setting fire to indigenous people

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is there porn mod for this game?

Yes, everyone figured that out
Did you even talk to the cap'n? They don't spawn in any light

Idiot savant.

fun fact
they only spawn when you're in the dark
where the fuck do I get machete bp?

Does power management works with Regen vests?
junkyard, hunter guy

Keep playing the game and find out
He wasn't always called the dude, that much should be obvious.

No, but you can fuck Ethan's brains out. Or vice versa, considering his experience.

nah he's wrong kind of idiot
he probably retreated into being dumb stoner to escape crushing grief

Welp, I finally finished the Expedition.

What the fuck do you think that Monolith at the bottom really was? Same with ACORN?

Don't fuck over Abram and do his entire questline, and you might just find out.

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what the actual fuck do I do in lemurian security center? I can't find my shit, there's half a dozen strongmen running around, I have nothing in stealth and only a low durability shitter laser pistol i found on the ground. there's two naga protectors blocking the next room that I can't even remotely get past. Feels like I should've found my stuff already but the only places I haven't looked are swarming with strongmen and trying to tnt the wall right past the checkpoint attracts all of them.

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The AcoRN is a megaproject in a can, and possibly Godsmen technology
The Shadowlith is Fuck me if I know, it's strongly connected to the other aliens who's name eludes me right now

>Told Abram to get bent
>Don't sell him out though
>Learn about what you're eluding to from these threads
>Abram is telling me to spin on it now

I didn't miss out on much, r-right?

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Probably a combination of that and memory loss from Tchort's mindrape.

It's Azif's Kool Kidz special club.

If it's godmen technology, why would it be in posession of Lemurians? You can find logs in which they transport it around and they don't seem to give that much of a fuck about it - i.e some dude just takes it for transport from one place to another.

As for the Shadowlith, I guess it's some kind of inter-dimensional object. What's more interesting is that disk that they've supposedly used to cut it up and got from fucking nowhere.

You missed out on some lore, a small but extremely cool hub area, an extremely useful item, and even more lore. I suggest either reloading or fucking with the game to unfuck Abram.

How the fuck do you do the cybernetic burrower spawn quest without persuade or stealth?

>Ditching our boi Abram for some misguided do gooder creed
I bet you think the US are good people too.

Can you spoonfeed me on how to unfuck Abram? I told him to fuck off right at the begining of the game and I've already done the main quest and the DLC.

Show it to people and learn.

Ask Azif and Six.

You can lockpick/hack (don't remember which) one of the doors just in the nick of time so that the guard doesn't notice you. There's a vent inside.

This post makes me feel like I'm too strong... I just like.. shot everything until it died. How do you only have a laser pistol ?

The Naga can be pretty easily killed by W2C ammo, that's what I did.

>Show it to people and learn.
I gave it to the doctor, figured he could use it for better things than me and I could always ask you guys for extra lore/snoop around on youtube.

No idea, it's just a suggestion that you might be able to do it with Cheat Engine. But if you've already done the entire thing, it's not that big of a deal.

underrails illuminati

>I gave it to the doctor, figured he could use it for better things than me
Lel, no he can't. He hasn't the faintest what the Acorn is and it's not like he is allowed to keep it anyhow.

What build is this, OP? Your bar is all Temporal spells but they don't even do damage. Did you just stab them to death?

Okay, fucking Jesus, I'll reload and lie to him then.

Bruh if I had my gear I'd oneshot them, but you have to dump all your stuff at the security checkpoint on the way in, and it says it got moved to wherever the decontamination chamber is. I'm trying to find this room, but there's a ton of shit everywhere and I have nothing except a weapon I picked up off the ground.

How the heck do I do stealth quests as a tin can? Like getting inside the embassy prison without killing everyone... should I just equip a ton of stealth gear and hope to god i don't get detected?

>tfw got throrugh console puzzle in dude's quest by randomly choosing options

You don't need any sneak for that one, you literally need to only get from one vent to another.

Hey, it's not the WORST person you could give it to *cough* Tanner *Cough*, you can just make an independent save just to wander around the place throwing it at people so that they tell you about it
I would recommend that you show it to the dude and Ezra first, the former won't take it from you which is honestly the smartest thing anyone does with it
The best option would probably have been to have left it in that godforsaken place.

Play as a hammer wizard

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is there a way to leave the muties base without merking all of them? I stealthed past failed the mercantile and persuasion/intimidation chceks?

So, who's transporting Muties into their refuge? Is it Abraham?

For the last time, you cannot give the Acorn to Dude
He will simply reject it, thinking some high techno fancy assasin will come and kill him to get it

you can hack the door on the right when you come in, there is also a guard that patrols so you need to time your hack and time your exit because if he sees you the whole base goes hostile

It's the Two-Headed Mutant. That's why you almost never see him.

I said that he wouldn't take it from you you zoner

If Ezra is to be trusted (HA!), it doesn't really matter much as long as it stays in south underrail, altough I doubt anyone in Dis or Hexagon can crack it given how the thing works and how there's already other Acorns around.
If somebody managed to use one of those I'm pretty sure things wouldn't be so quiet.

guys please help they seem like cool dudes, and I got the arm and all that I just can't make it out

I finally did it bros, I hit rock bottom.

I shat myself playing underrail. Held a turd for too long and just before leveling up, bam.

What two headed mutant? I recall the Junkyard barkeep mention some in a rumor.

>If somebody managed to use one of those I'm pretty sure things wouldn't be so quiet.
Dude, they are reality warping in Hexagon. How do you think they are doing that?

any build recommendations for hard difficulty apart from the tin can and psi ?

psi tin can

Well, from what I gathered from what Dude and Ezra say about it:
This particular acorn is more powerful than other acorns (dude rambling about how it's more spherical than others), It's dangerous, REALLY dangerous, even tampering with it the wrong way could have apocalyptic consequences

It probably should have stayed buried.

You better be good at Temporal Manipulation user.

>How do you think they are doing that?
What does the Acorn have to do with that?
Oculus is also a thing, weird stuff isn't necessarily related to Acorns.

Hammer wizard

And yes, I shat myself during my first psi run.

Am I a joke to you?

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>start game
>get some caltrops and traps
>go to junkyard gamble house
>make a path of traps leading to backdoor
>spam caltrops everywhere
>grenade near door and trap
>guards come out to patrol, shield guard tries disarming traps, dies without aggroing you because of caltrops
>free shield
thanks to the user that first posted this

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>Crabs can just eat all forms of damage plus they have 300 health
How the fuck am I supposed to reliable deal with them in a way that isn't just dropping tier five HE granades and closing a door?
And the psychic ones got electronesis, not even goliaths were this much of a pain.

why is gauntlet so shit?

Electrokinesis is hard countered with shields, even a complete shitheap of a shield will do.

fuck, I'm a nogunz wizardman.

Oculus is a neat base and all, but XR is on a whole different level.
It doesn't have to be an Acorn, sure. But don't you think it's a huge coincidence that we learn about a mysterious new technology that blends virtual and real in the same expansion that introduced canned megaprojects that can create almost anything with technology of dubious origin? That XR just showed up one day and no one knows its source or how it works? That Edgelord is not so subtly hinting that our Acorn will inevitably end up in Hexagon too? That that is where Six wants us to go? Because call me paranoid but I think this would be one hell of a coincidence.

If I put points in thought control + time manip, should I just go full psi, or can I support my build with weapons?

Being able to be an omnidisciplinary psi user is kinda thematically lame, the NPC enemies do it the right way.

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I think they're relatively weak to fire.
Yeah crabs are a fucking pain to deal with, believe me I know.

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are any missions timed?

Love at first hammer swing

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hard is not particularly hard, I think hard should be named normal. Only dominating really filters buil selection

useless to you right now but for future reference, energy weapons make them a joke. psi crabs resist electricity but a single regular crit laser pistol shot kills them, and electroshock kills the non-psi ones all together.

Only the Black Sea ones

Do you guys think I'm ready to take on the beast?

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I am intrigued. Do you have a build I can use cause I'm having trouble following in your footsteps hammerchad

Does anyone have a decent hammer wizard build?

Throw some poison caltrops down and gas grenades for good measure

I'm doing that but with fists for the hypothetical time when I would lose all of my weapons. Nobody can take away my magic or fists.

>don't you think it's a huge coincidence that we learn about a mysterious new technology that blends virtual and real in the same expansion that introduced canned megaprojects that can create almost anything with technology of dubious origin?
Might very well be previous Biocorp tech for all we know, it's Protectorate territory we're talking about and it's very evident Melek has his fingers in that technopie.
I'm not downright denying the possibility, but it seems weird to me that something even Ezra is very cautious about could be unleashed and not create some serious turmoil, especially among the faceless.
That said, it doesn't really matter all that much, for all we know Styg might write whatever he wants to.

optional challenge, dont like it dont do it
why does it FEEL shitty? its a tv show if you dont suffer its not entertaining
dumb zoner

Can I somehow autoactive my shield when the combat starts just like the NPCs? I always forget to turn it on.

There are many things that are my own personal opinion tho, like Sure Step, Doctor and Stoicism, taking Pummel would have been great in hindsight, and Dirty kick too.
Be wary that not everybody is willing to play as 3 INT, and specially no TM which I disapprove, but you will eventually get by, tin can wizard is a really strong build
Just make sure to kill Thought Controllers and Coil Spoders before they kill you

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oh god how will you activate the egg?
I'm already thinking how long it took to set that up.

I forgot to put it down in the first place

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They're just tapping v right before combat starts, you should do the same
They don't do it automatically, if you start combat yourself they'll have to wait until their turn just like you
It's not like shields lose 50% of their charge per minute, you can afford to turn it on early if you smell danger

Hey Yea Forumsros, red pill me on Underrail

Did you visited Nicholas and Olivia as I told you?

I tried to do this and it never worked. No one ever opened the doors.


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>miss two 80% shots in a row
>get critted
>miss 4 50% xhots in a row
i should get a fucking lottery ticket

hard is hard if youre a retard like i am

>my character doesn't have a PHD in throwing
>drops the grenade at their feet

burst or bust when it comes to guns. snipers and pistols are a meme.

yeah im using an smg burst build
just didnt wanna waste ammo on two low health enemies

>PHD in throwing

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guys in expedition is there a way to leave the mutie base without aggoring the mutie base. Like through the pool or something. I don't want to have to gun everyone into the dirt. Muties seem cool :(

they have to hear the grenade, did you do it far away from the door?

No I threw it right at the door. I even tried both doors.

It's just Fallout. A bit more hardcore than Fallout. Lots of dialogue and fighting.

you can get in without having to do any checks if you at least promise them some medical supplies. dunno about getting out.

don't you have the option to give them some of your medical supplies?

Have you re-routed the power? They might let you off with a warning if you did that.

I fixed the generator but failed the medical check with the doc so no supplies :(

What's the fastest way to access the Ferryman's special stash? Do I need to pass the initial persuasion check?


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I've discussed philosophy with him and he just started opening up to me both in dialogue and with oddity selling.


Just kill the mutants
It's not that hard

You can do it user, just put the gun on their heads, look away and shoot. I understand that could be hard to kill the muties, but you don't have other option...

Or maybe there's another option, but idk

Yeah, I know, but usually you need to meet him a few times before doing so, right?
I wanted to know if there's a way to do it on the first meeting.

I managed to get through it by smashing random options for half an hour

Algebra. bra.
You gotta calculate the right sum of sums by looking around his office, some of his stuff has the total sums needed.

Wait, can you lock yourself out out of Dude's questline? I recall on my first character not getting this response from Dude when I brought him those 20 brews.

ah, the brainlet filter part of the game.

The numbers lying around the place are the password(s), there are three
You need to input them in order, the inputs being the sum total of the numbers at the end, beginning and middle of each option
So try the numbers from the chem set, then the electricity meter, then the number from the trash

I got to level 2 philosophy during our first meeting, bre.

>Had to whip out a calculator for that

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bro just kill the muties
its really not that hard
throw grenades at them
you DO have grenadier right

Is there a particular reason I see everyone using magnesium grenades instead of napalm grenades?

Is it a good idea to make an AS/Sniper character or is it just redundant?

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Napalm is a rare item to find, often saved for DC or clearing out savages

What the fuck is the point of all that home security if some weaboo northerner can sneak in like he owns the place?


The Shadowlith is just a monolith corrupted by a Leviathan. Six is pretty clear about it.

>be mercantile
>jew jonas for his smg, hypos, and boots all for an old watch you pulled out of a rathounds anus

I built a new cloak gen 45 stealth extra above 40 and was able to get out while burning an l3 lockpick, but they all lived.
I lost 45kg worth of loot and equip

how much electronics skill do you need for that? I think I have 69 effective and it gives me jack.

Huh, I didn't get the chance to talk to six about it before he buggered off up north

So that you can Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet. So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.

Assault Rifle

Tell me, it was worth it?

We'll bang, ok?

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Fuck you I smirked

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yeah except there are chief, marcus and briggs are not at the camp sight

nvm found them

>Finally got exothermic aura

Fuck yeah

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just arrived in core city
am I suppossed to fight all those random gangster or am I messing shit up by aggroing them?

>download arcanum
>get out of the ghost cave
>suddenly the whole world is fucked and I can see back inside the ghost bandit cave again
Did I fuck up the HD install or something?

If you cant take them down then theres something wrong with your build

How do i into crossbow crafting? I see all kinds of gun barrels on a shop but do they sell crossbow parta? I have Zephyr frame ready. How much and what craft skills i need how does it determine Max damage etc

>tfw you steamroll through depot a
is there a better feeling?

You don't gain much from it, it's best just to leave them alone.
You don't lose anything by 187ing them either

I had 0 problems with a psi knifer, this tichrome/ss can is miles harder
Kill them all

nah, that's not the problem, I can kill them just fine
it just seems weird that I open a door and suddenly there are like 5 guys in there that aggro on me, I don't want to make a faction hostile against me

fuck. Im same as you. Guess after i finish The game i Starr over and do his guest

alright then, doesn't hurt to clean the streets up I guess

I have sunk so low

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You can't.
Once you fuck up, there's no turning back.

Have fun next playthrough

>at expidition
>Build is passable, but not great
>Wish I could try out one of those broken, fun builds
>But I can't be bothered going trough 3 hours of mishaps, hordes of enemies and other nonfun
>I endure
I just don't wanna do the arena again or fight balor or dredge trough burrowers.

It's so strange to lock all that behind what seems to be an inconsequential side quest from a shady looking guy

So I'm about 1/3 into the game now Is it me or are Tanner and Gorsky turning out to be the main villains of this game? I thought Gorsky was just a generic massive asshole, with ignoring the hostages in the old GMS warehouse and his attitude, but now I'm at the part where he's supposed to be going after Faceless in Core City and instead I learn he used to be a gang leader and is more concerned about settling an old score and brushes off the initial mission. As for Tanner, he's way too quiet and kind of secretive, he gives those bad vibes.

Just keep your distance from anything with the "gangster" tag over their head, also don't venture into dark corners or random doors. Treat Core City like you would a real city.

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they bwink LUL 4Heaaaad

where's your tichrome you faggot

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So what's the deal with the Mushroom Forest? What's this cryptic shit I have to do?

Here's the dialog.

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Bre, I just completed Foundry questline and now I'm slowly stocking up in TiChrome, now I have to rusk the workbenches and I will set it right up
I hope somebody sells high quality sturdy vest tho

The damage is underwhelming but the utility is great if you're a bit creative. Enjoy!

Do note that it does NOT protect you from Thermodynamic Destabilization as it also does mechanical damage.

>reach endgame
>get all these fancy medicine BPs like ironhead, bean, supersoldier
>look at the bps themselves while at my stash, have fuckall ingredients even though ive been roleplaying as al fabets older brother
>look up the ingredients on the wiki
>say eh fuck it that's too much work
im afraid my first dominating run will be plain unfun

Yeah I tried using it on some roof niggers, but it did absolutely dick all to them
Maybe I wasn't doing it right. But for fuck's sake that's ridiculous, I set the entire room on fire and the bastards still walk around like it's nothing.

why not regen?
did you dump int again?

Just use cheat engine to give yourself a bunch of cheat points next levelup and rearrange your stats.

If you want to "respec" for more fairness you can edit your save but that's a pain in the ass.

>lose initiative to robot
>never get a single turn
probably should have bought my metal armor already

I rather have extra hp over healing really
I mean, I guess I will get a regen vest, but it's not on my list of top priorities

>tfw putting a 12.7 JHP through a mutie's skull
Nothin personell kid

You can always get shaded visors for your metal helmet, also get thick skull

>psi endgame
>Those flashbanging fuckers turn up again
>My resolve is so high flashbangs literally do not affect me

endgame psi is Akira levels of broken, it's fantastic.
Though endgame tincan being Jin-roh also seems like fun. Walking down the rails like that one scene in the sewers.

What is actually the Faceless Medallion?

A token of friendship

You're right about Tanner, but Gorsky really is just a dumb asshole.


>Spend over an hour desperatly trying to fight Tchort legitimately destroying the mutagen tanks and fighting the tentacles
>keep dying
>finally think "fuck it", pump myself full of every drug I have and run up straight up to the eye and blast it with my shotgun every turn
>actually kill it that way
Alrighty then

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>6 INT
No, this time I'd call it lack of interest

they teleport in to attack and to run away after stinging, but when they come up to attack you normally after you're stunned they either poke once and run away or don't even step into the fire at all.

i found running around until you've set everything on fire except a few squares means that when they teleport away, they go right for those non-burning squares. easy to keep track of. also, the fire helps reveal them when they're stealthed.

At what point of the game should I start the expedition? I managed to get through all of Dude's quests but I had hell dealing with the fucking cats and I don't want to lock myself to a place where I'm undergeared.

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If you actually managed to clear the gray base, you're golden
But in general you should only think about it when you're around level 15.

Occams razor.
15. If you feel weak, 18 for your powerspike. Bring in bear traps and shit bre, youl need em.

where the fuck do you find lockpick 3s?

I just figured this out by firebombing the rathounds, and realizing it never ticked up while the flames burned.

What's the best place to find Super Steel plates? Making some capri sun armor sloped armor.

what do i ever need to do to get on the expedition as a femoid?
do i gotta do the gauntlet?

Around 17/18 if you're melee

>Super Steel
You've been saving up those Charons, eh boi?

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Do something impressive. Invictus, Balor, Beast, whatever.

fun fact
the light of the psi mushrooms is already enough, so you can run from shroom to shroom

black sea, kill the nagas


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this is why we need to build the wall

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>all this talk about abram's questline
>65 hours in the game and already feel like restarting again
>been doing great as a sneaky crossbow boy, and i'm at helping crossstation
does my build shit itself towards lategame?

Nearly every build is viable after a certain time that's why the game is so good.


ive seen videos of crossbow builds killing the final boss in 1 turn on dominating

On normal pretty much everything that you lack can be solved with crafting and money as long you weren't a retard and try to put skill points into all weapons/psi at the same time

Get your shit together and finish it goddamit, fucking son of a Dropoff. FINISH THE GAME. DO IT FAGGET. BRING CLOSURE.

>stopping the devil himself
sure buddy

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Can someone post the Hammer Wizard build for me?


>Sneak inside
>Open the death stalker closet
>Lob a grenade
>Watch Lurker degenerates freak out from the shadows
>Ambush the survivors

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Crossbow is not top tier but it is versatile and viable against everything.

Perfect, thanks guys.

quick tinkering any good?
it's the only perk in my build that requires 7 dex and I'm considering using that point to put str up to 9

>Seeger finally spilled on what XR is
what the fug, is this a real life going into games machine
if this game gets a sequel/another expansion i'd bet actual money we're going to HeXagon

>machetes don't benefit from Hunter
This is bull.

Question regarding Dude's Quest spoiler(?)
Where's the key? I can't find it. I have
a shit perception and looked everywhere and tried to even pixel hunt.

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Bitch have you never watched star trek?

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bottom corner under a tile, i don't think you need any perception but it's "hidden" like secrets are, you have to stand close to it

God fucking dammit xbows are boring. There is literally zero change in combat

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I hope that Underrail just gets a ton of expansions, the world is so rich and fresh with ridiculous space to expand that it would be a shame to stop here.

bottom croner? i believe
I got it right away with perception so dunno

slegdges are sleep inducing

i haven't but pop cultural osmosis tells me i'm pretty sure what happens on the holodeck stays in the holodeck and doesn't start affecting reality itself. though i'd bet there's an episode or two that deals with that.

There are more unmarked secrets in the base game? Christ.

styg has said that he's doing another expansion, and that he's working on adding stuff like new unique weapons. im sure all the new purchases are very motivating for him too. i dont think that development on underrail is stopping any time soon.

I played a bit of Fallout after this and resent this comparison. God damn that game is so slow even with Fixit. Made me appreciate Underrail a lot more, it really is the peak of CRPG

>he's working on adding stuff like new unique weapons
Hopefully they don't fucking sucks like every other unique weapon out there.

Can I use last stand to cheat my way to the "Immortal" nickname?

Can someone give directions to the pipe that takes you to Cornell's hideout? I don't see it

The combat in general should enjoy an overhaul

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Why yes, I fear native invasions, how could you tell?

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I can only complain about sledges, having few attacks draining a lot of AP is not for me

>Repair Bot calls me imbecile and generally acts antagonistic

One of the most reddit things I've ever seen in a video game. Also fuck Deep Caverns. Tempted to just quit here. It's unfun shit.

t. Knifefag

>grey army

Glad you clarified that to me because I'm always hearing of how fun and tactical crossbows builds are, but everytime I visualize myself using them it's just filling the map with traps and shooting bear trapped enemies for automatic crits.

I would like to play this game, but I hear it's not designed with roleplaying in mind. I hear it's actually just an action-adventure game with a bit of RPG mechanics. Boring. I play games to roleplay, not to experience "action" on a constant basis like a drug addict.

Don't fear natives, make them fear you

But for now, traps.

is this some disgustingly tsundere way of saying "please change my mind" or did you actually think we were interested in why you play games

What the fuck perks am I supposed to start with on a PSI user?

I grabbed sure step because I love caltrops, but I don't know the others. Paranoia because FUCK CRAWLERS?

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Kinda makes me wish I wasnt so far in the game desu. Sniping and using those blob guns sound so much more fun thanks to variety. Crossbows on otherhand are rather vertical

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force user premed locus

Guys, how much am I missing out on without the expansion?
I've got no cash for it.

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Sprint is always good

Speaking of expidition, I just got the science team into the keep and the bossman said he got more jobs for me. But he doesn't and I can't fix the statue because I'm a chump skill wise.

what am I supposed to do?

It actually allows for plenty of RPing, it gives you choices with consequences and chat options, sometimes based on stats and skills all the time.
You don't have to be in action all the time either, with stealth and a bit of social skills you can only kill like half a dozen enemies out of hundreds up to the final boss, 90%+ of the combat is optional
You just don't get to skip over combat entirely just because you're roleplaying a persuasive guy.
kinda like vtbm

Depends if you're rolling a high CON wizard or a high AGI wizard. If AGI then roll Sprint + Paranoia / Nimble. If CON then Conditioning + Stoicism.

So, I slaughtered the pirates, but when I came back to the small base with the Nagas underneath, razor was waiting for me. But this time he was breaking reality and warping around and being generally impossible to Target. I did manage to kill him and what not, but has anyone else had this happen to them?

here, forgot to mention Fast Metabolism if you're going the CON route. Take it along with Conditioning if you go Tranquility, because Stoicism would be irrelevant for a tranquility wizard.

Shotguns, more melee weapons (spears and machetes) a new psi school that is incredibly versatile and 5 more experience levels
The black sea itself is filled with death and frustration, but also some real neat lore, and more reasons to hate biocorp.

what an incredibly homosexual post

I need a small boost to lock picking so I used an under pie but my effective lock picking stayed at 33, why?

this post makes no sense

Is your base stat debuffed? Or did you overwrite an attribute bonus of your previous food?

only crafting skills you dunce
use the +dex food

>I play games to roleplay
Nah, you're just another insufferable neckbeards who can't find anything willing to actually play real TT with you so you have to settle for videogames and make believe bullshit, we all know this gig.

So, in the epilogue, if you fuck off from SGS, Vera is basically left to handle it alone and she unsurprisingly joins United Stations. Gorsky gets unsurprisingly mad and declares her his enemy, but he's too busy fucking zoner whores in Core City to do anything. My question is: WHAT ABOUT EZRA? He seems to have been hyped up to be pretty important, and in the end he doesn't get a single line in the epilogue.

He's not a major player anymore.

>only crafting skills you dunce
Then why the fuck does it say +3 to ALL skills?
Yeah this was the case, I had eaten an eel sandwich before the pie, guess I need to level up

i suck so much that i have to do that to survive with every weapoin type anyway

After all the biocorp fuckery he was involved with centuries ago I think he just wants a nice comfy sysadmin position in a peaceful station. He's certainly handling it better than drowning his sorrows in mushroom brew.

I had to retreat from depot A after going through the wormhole because of those mutated dogs, Heard armor with acid resistance makes the area easier but none of the merchants sells any so my only choice would be killing siphoners and craft a set?

>abyss station has you literally tard wrangling
I'm not sure what I expected to find down here but that definitely wasn't it

Maybe, but Gorsky explicitly states that the Protectorate would kill him and Ezra on sight. So he had to do SOMETHING when Vera decided to fully hand over SGS to Protectorate.

This game is too much sometimes.

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Ezra probably tunes out everything a loud thug like Gorsky says.

See that submarine? You can climb it.

How the fuck do you do the foundry quest for jack without persuade or stealth?

Presumably, Ezra simply fucks off with the rest of the "neutrals"
I, too, am a bit mad that he never gets full exposition.
I personally think he's one of the Biocorp scientists responsible for the Faceless

I just got fed up, shot him, cut his arm off, and was on my way. Natural Selection in action.

Cloaking device can help but honestly that quest is way easier than it looks as long as you have the necessary lockpicking; don't really need that much stealth to clear

whats reccomended for a hacker shotgun/energy gun build?
is it easy to just do energy/chemical guns from the early game?

He's one of their bosses, Anton something.

He's not. He barely had anything to do with that complex and only visited once or twice.

Probably just goes about business in his usual low-key manner, using the occasional mindfuckery to confuse anyone who'd be dangerous if they got a whiff of his history.

is 80 lockpicking enough?

what's the fucking deal with the doctor that tries to give you poison to drink?
I forced him to drink it himself

Where do you find that out?

He's derailed.

I have a problem when I disassemble a weapon to put some new attachment on it sometimes the damage goes down.
Not by much but I got an assault rifle that had 14-45 damage and after disassembly and adding a part the damage was 13-39

what gives?

Can you even pass the str check? I popped a supersoldier drug and snorted some native cocaine for a total of 14 and still couldn't drag his fat ass far enough.

Free/silence the prisoner? If you've killed the Beast and you found his sniper rifle up on the rooftops, you can convince the chief he doesn't have enough evidence to convict.

His name from Oculus, his emails are in DC

The guy in core city?
I assumed he was just a pusher

Nothing. Just a random event. You can tell him to fuck off. Him drinking it kills him which lets you get his shit.

disassemble lowers part quality, bre

yeah, apparently you can do it without killing beast by sneaking into his cell, but i'm not sure how to get in

and I think the insane guy usualy standing near the entrance is gone so is probably right

It is but do note that the optimal way to clear this quest is to prove his innocence, not jailbreak him

why the fuck can't you shoot mines

or have initiative when you're the one bashing down the door

I tnt'ed the camera (that didn't aggro people
nor leave video evidence somehow) then snuck through a vent.

good to know, so I should probably plan out crafting weapons a bit more an not just disassemble all the time

yeah but the wiki says to prove his innocence you NEED to speak with him first somehow

enter combat, open door
eats some action points but it's not like opening a door doesn't require an action
dunno about the mines, that's super annoying. grenades work or anything with an AoE

it's best for when you need a certain part from a gun you just picked up off the ground. it's honestly not the best feat but if you craft a lot and play the happy merchant game a lot it can be useful.

if you've killed the beast, the head of the jail lady lets you talk to him. helps if you compliment her flowers first, too.

Anything? Even Cooked Shot?

I think so? I would say definitely incendiary cooked shot for explosive mines.

>dudes quest
>at his last house
>about to rift walk
>desperately need to resupply
>check map
>upper caves
>haven't explored this area yet
I need an exit Yea Forums

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>first playthrough, playing AR tin can
>finish junkyard

it's cool and all but convince me not to swap to a stealth wizard

Is there ever a build that doesn't benefit from adding Psi to it?

I'm building some knife wielding riot gear build and just having the option to space-time-fuck them is so much more helpful.

Is Tanner really bad? He must be gathering people like Anton for a reason and I'm not inclined to trust Six anymore than him

What is the better low AP secondary weapon for a sledgehammer guy such as myself? Knife or Glove?

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you want different builds to get the secrets
you can't have max str, agi, per, int all at once, you'll probably want to do multiple runs, even if tincan AR is boring
maybe do a spicier PER playthrough like firearm pistols + traps?

dont worry
there are supplies on the other side of the rift

>Is there ever a build that doesn't benefit from adding Psi to it?
Im my opinion, no, it opens another pool of untaped resources and options and the cost of lower hp and maybe not being that good at psi

if you don't care about roleplaying or logic, every single build benefits from TM.
stasis and double adrenaline is just too much for 70 skill points.

powerfist or the claw probably

Why can't I play this shit like Fallout 1? The combat wasn't nearly as fucked lol

south trough the laberinth, sneak by the beetles to the west, take another west, sneak by more beetles and some siphoners heading south. Keep going south until you find a hard to spot exit and you'll be right in rail crossing. Don't tale any other road it leads to crawlers.

Somewhere west is rail's crossing, or a path leading to it

Not anymore, TM is retarded.

go up northwest one screen, should be an area with water and two lunatics around a barrel fire in the top corner. there's a rock you can climb up to get back to an area just a short ways behind Foundry.

There's no way of knowing which one showed up at SGS first.

Will I be able to return to the first rift that Dude opened or do I have to get all the unique gear now?

Also this has got to be one of the oddest references that I've seen.
What a culture shock to see slavic products being referenced instead of the usual things like Coca-Cola or other western products.

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>Decide to fight Duff for the chip instead of pickpocketing as usual
>no martial arts feat
>But 11 fucking INT
>Activate almonds
>Put a bunch of frag mines near the bed where he can't see me
>Put on Blast Suit
>Begin fight
>Walk in there while Duff struggles to punch me through the blast suit
>Step on mine
>Win fist fight
High INT and PER for sure.

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Yes, it will be always available.

>mfw i just picked off each of his crew from far away with a crossbow

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what's the best material for a machete? and should i make energy edge or electroshock?

Decent point but there's no way Anton doesn't clock the BOGG-TIER PSI CHAD as being who he is, and so I assumed he must know something - why else would he stop his "freelance" experiments and settle down?

I'm a sucker for "post apocalyptic people don't understand stuff from our era".

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Everyone user ITT gets transported to South Gate Station though it's completely unoccupied.
What happens?

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>>Is Tanner really bad? He must be gathering people like Anton for a reason and I'm not inclined
Six actually explains a lot of stuff to you. Tanner never does.

Would this work with poisoned caltrops if one can't afford good traps?

We get raped and eaten in a matter of hours.

Engaging in melee fights vs bots never ceases to be a challenge

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>its the you run out of bear traps mid bunker the episode
What to do? Corners are tight and I only have a shitty crossbow

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probably a bunch of stinky autistic gay sex

i dont think you get it, traps are just disarm bait to make him walk over caltrops
plain ass bear traps work

why are you on fire

Why I -shouldn't- be on fire?

I sincerely hope you're not wearing tabis...
phony tin can

>is it easy to just do energy/chemical guns from the early game?
It's relatively easy because I managed to make it through the early game. You just need to be prepared and get enough chemistry and traps for Molotovs and Quick Tinkering, respectively, as soon as possible. Get throwing as well. Always carry some bear traps and caltrops. I had some stealth as well even though I dumped agility; stealth gear helps. Get a SMG.
You keep taking chemistry and laugh when you have access to tier 4 nades in Depot A due to your superior intellect, possibly even shields.

But caltrops can't deal killing damage

I am
Pig leather is the best so far

im not a scientist or anything but i think its bad

Not him, while caltrops cant deliver a fatal blow, poisons can

It's just a warm breeze, don't worry about it
I was cold anyways

you're making a mockery out of every can ITT

Depends on how much supplies there are. Its self sufficient and we have big doors, guns and shit then surviving wont be too hard. You have to remember that average user is healthier and better educated than your average post apo slav. The main problem is establishing hierarchy and a chain of command. Infighting is what would doom the station because our biggest problems would only be rats.

Also, since most slavs are uneducated drunkards a station full of grad school neets probably could trade its way from trouble. Just dont be a fuck up and venture beyond the walls, trade for shit and fix it

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Yeah that's what I meant with the poisoned caltrops

How come?
I already did a Tungsten Tank roll in Dominating so I'm trying a nimble tank without psi

>tabi boots


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But my 3 hammer swings

make do with pummel+2swings. Dirty kick is 15 AP for good damage too.
Do you even know how ridiculous you look with these slippers?

But user I already played a tungsten tank, I dont want to play the same thing again
>Actually giving a shit about what people think about you
>Having an actual good fashion sense
I will be the Praetorian in slippers goddamm it

yes user that is exactly the point
you need traps to be disarmed
you need caltrops to remove hp
you need one poisoned caltrop to kill

I totally forgot to say that it's not really worth to craft energy weapons early, before you get all the feats for them, but you get access to chemical pistols around Depot A and I still haven't found that much better components for them after leaving there.
Chemical pistols are great, especially after you get the feats for them and you've already put enough points in chemistry, probably. Stick with the SMG and a chemical pistol while you slowly get feats to make energy pistols worth it and acquire batteries.

melee build, getting my ass eaten at Elwood's house with all of these sentrys I can't do shit to. I have been thinking about running back and buying more EMP nades but is there something else I'm missing utility wise?

>another day
>still cant find a rapid reloader

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You're half assing your tankiness
Should have went with the berseker approach if you're gonna fall for the allure of muh 3 swings

do black eels and use the wormhole if elwoods house cucks you
your not missing much with the scrappers anyway

What melee?
Also there's no shame on throwing EMP/HE nade and simply book it, 2 more rounds of them and it goes down
Same shit with the turrets in Depot A

you can walk past the bots by studying their patrol pattern

I will eventually try a Berserker hammerer, probably with Psychokinesis and TM
I just want to see how mobile you can get with a Nimble can
Also, I'm going to wear TiChrome/SS, I accepted the fact I wont be as tanky as before, but I'm still gonna roll with it

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Thank for the laugh and nostalgia trip

Tin can here still in the cannery.
How do I get the most absolutely bullshit high DT in the game?

Theres a drill part somewhere around depot B?

its in depot a, at the very end

Pure tungsten

>Stealthily assassinate everyone in the ironhead base with only a few rounds of open combat due to misses

Nin Nin

Might as well. Also you should make an electroshock weapon.

welp, that's it for the expedition. time to shop this 'corn around and see who really wants it.

good stuff, pretty spoopy, fairly sure I missed out on a ton of lore thanks to being a will-let. that's alright though, saving it for a lore playthrough later.

were the natives the "devolved" descendants of the lemurians/atlanteans? or were they just people living nearby who got corrupted by the shadowlith underwater? abyss station logs had names that were very native-like but they obviously weren't the ooga boogas they are now.

also fun fact: if you chug the Juice you can see, target, and also kill the void creatures that spawn endlessly. they've got absurdly high dodge/evasion and resists though, the only thing that consistently dealt damage was energy.

what was biocorp's purpose in gassing the whole lot of them anyway? did they know about the Shadowlith? the acorn? or did they just really want to purge all the competition?

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>nin nin
wrong thread, suzume

The natives are the former Atlanteans, corrupted by the Shadowlith. There was a civil war in the Abyssal Station between the Atlanteans and Lemurians after their corruption, and afterward is when the Atlanteans went to the surface. Flotsam, the being they worship, is an actual serpent-like cosmic being from another dimension that corrupted them.

Should I respec my stealth xbox/traps to guns and psi? Which is more FUN?

Xbox stealth has been rather one dimensional. It takes setup and thinking to pull off but the gameplan is always the same

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Machete but so far knives seem better, anyway i just loaded up on emps and put turds in their gears

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everyone and their mother can use a taser and electroshock weapons
learn your options breh

If you're not having fun with that playstyle anymore then you probably should try something different. Crossbow/Trapper is pretty much always gonna be about about making a plan then executing it without much reactive play.

You niggers fucking lied to me. Full /k/ommando stealth/traps sniper/SMG is insanely good, arguably better than psi for a lot of fights.

>Start game
>Fish up a shock combat knife when I get to mushroom cove

Is that scripted or did I just luck out?

You have a low chance of getting a lot of random shit while fishing.

huh. cosmic snek gods from beyond the void. fucking wild. i wonder if its influence is why there's sea serpents all over the waters in the first place.

what was the disc they used to cut it made out of? is that a thing we know? my first thought was the disc that Eddy gets you to steal but that's clearly a greenish color and they mentioned the cutter one was grey.

I was going for a full-auto burst AR build but these shotgun feats sound pretty nice, some of them should synergize with what I have already. Could I spec into shotties too after I get all my AR feats or would that be redundant?

can i turn any regular melee weapon into an electroshock too? i am learning still i just don't wanna miss anything seemingly obvious

Kinda pointless to have both shotties and AR really, especially since AR is already the strongest gun type and Shotguns don't really add much to them at all.

We can assume that Balor was a cyborg, right?

yup. requires electronics for crafting but you can do it for all the melee weapons. there's other things like pneumatic fist weapons and laser spears.

Is that so? I was guessing shotguns would have filled some other gap like huge single-shot damage for when my bursts are done.

shotguns are pretty feat heavy too so it can be kind of tricky to split your focus with them. using burst shotguns as your main weapon and carrying an AR for when you want more range wouldnt be horrible though since there's overlap in the burst feats.

holy shit, tungsten shotgun shell burst shots shreds bladelings apart

AR already fill the big damage gap and also have better range.
What shotguns might add is better crowd control or penetration for tougher enemies, but AR can just burst all day long to begin with.
>shotguns are pretty feat heavy too
Shotungs need three feats at best, what are you on about? Most of the shotgun feats are worthless while you have two obscenely powerful ones, which is why they're such a great gun type, they're so low investment they can be both a great main AND sub weapon.

well many people were not kidding when they said TM psi is handy as fuck

I wondered the same thing about the sea serpents but I didn't find anything in-game to back up the theory. I also didn't find anything specific regarding the blade they used, it might have been intentionally left ambiguous as "mysterious supercorp tech."

Well he did have a cybernetic eye. Probably also explains the strength.

leading shot, 6th shell and the crit ones are kind of essential

Beat the game with my laser scientist. How are you guys building your shotgun characters? Stealthy or tin can?

>tin can
Hammerer or gunner?

Leading shot is pointless, you only really need 6th Shell and Fragmented Chaos, add Full Auto if you want to use combat shotguns.

Shotgun guy.

Sorry bre, can't help you there.

B-B-But you can't say r-r-retard anymore in current year!

I adore the writing sometimes.

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Oskar says retard too

do you play on dominating? leading shot is really strong against all the enemies with boosted evasion. it basically gives a flat + 30% accuracy boost.

Leading shot is almost a must on autistic difficulty. I can't imagine how horrible it would be without it.

That's the most bizarre thing I've read in these threads. Leading shot is easily the most impactful shotgun feat.

>Muh meme difficulty
Even on Dominating you have plenty of other means to nullify evasion such as traps or Psi, and eventually your gun skill will be high enough to make Leading Shot useless, below Dominating it's a non issue since nothing has high enough evasion to avoid 20p/12p shells, it's straight up pointless unless you play like a retard and don't know the functional shotgun range.

The only thing that does justify investing in Leading Shot on Dominating is fighting on jetskis at low levels.

give styg a pulitzer

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Blistering shores has a small thing on genetically altered sea snakes, and finding out what creatures can handle the extreme temperatures.

God I love being a pure psyker.

Everything just fucking dies, it's great.

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my fucking sides holy shit

Tick tock, pure psifags, tick tock
t. hybrid

Who the FUCK sells good carrier vests I've got four pieces of 150~ quality metal and the brain to use em, but I can't find any fucking carrier vests. The best I can get is a 90 quality bio vest which seems absolutely worthless.

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Next expansion when?

This game is Serbian.

Do you really think the Serbs give a fuck about SJW feelings?

I wish I couldnt see oddities I've already have at full.

It's dumb that the game generates so many pointless oddities, let alone have so many redundant fixed oddities.
What's the point of having two three eyed skulls between three screens when only one of those ever gives you EXP?
I really hope Styg focuses on cleaning up the game in future patches because there's some truly ridiculous shit in here.

protectorate jew often does, i find. if you've got the merc check additional stock unlocked.

So there's a way to replenish expedition supplies, right? I'm fucked by the next raid if not.

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Just kill Magnar

Where the FUCK do you get rags?

What have you been doing? Go genocide the fucking natives.

What in the world are you talking about? Tanner doesn't have any psi powers.

Be a good hobo and look around.
Or recycle vests.

recycle any fabric-based item
junkyard vendor, the eels guy
barrels literally everywhere

Kill cave hoppers
Make cave hopper armor
Recycle cave hopper armor

Easy as pie

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The Eye of the Underrail

You can always be a war criminal if you believe it in your heart user.


You mean the one in Core City? I joined Coretech, not the Pretoreans.

no, in upper underrail, protectorate base Fort Apogee. if you join the protectorates by finding and returning the train at Rail Crossing. the merchant there sells pretty good stuff for any kind of frontline fighter type.

Im starting to think the "just hack the door in the embassy" is a meme. As soon as I start the hack every aggros.

Use stealth, high level stealth, or pick pocket the keycard from Athanas
Or just persuade

Don't have any of those skills

Ahhh, the 3INT post of the day.

Then come back later and level up skills

time it so the guard on patrol is out of sight, not just her back turned to you. there's enough time to do it.

It doesn't work because there's a guard by the door across the hallway who is in line of sight at all times.

>"Railcrossing? Its to the west, a bit northwest, you can walk there if you want or you can just take the train"
>Im not a pussy, fuck you
>20 screens later
>Really dark map
>No idea where i am
>No clue if its even the right way
>Crawler teleports behind me
I should've taken the train

Should I hunt down the Rathound King or should I just trek straight to Core City?

don't know what to tell you other than works on my machine, and that's with a character with zero stealth. just scrunch up as close to the door as possible.

don't take the ladder, follow the train tracks. i mean it's a train, it has to stay on the tracks, yeah?

whoops, ignore this. thought you were doing train hijack quest.

Rathound king is pretty beefy if you don't do his quest for pussy.

>mental breakdown + bilocation + forcefield
hahaha this is amazing how can mere mortals even compete

What a lackluster ending

>teleports behind you
>unsheathes cube
heh.... not gonna explain anything......kid

It's like the dev completely gave up at some point.

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What's a good level to head to the expedition?

Does Oddity give similar level progression as Classic?
If I explore everything and go everywhere, is it easy to get to end game with max level?

>It's like the dev completely gave up at some point.
I think its more of a "To be continued"

You get more experience on Oddity, assuming you do explore areas and search for trash.

Your average user is fat or skinny and hasn't worked out a day in his life, and pretty much none of his education does anything to help him survive in a situation like this.

I haven't gotten far enough to tell you, but the only thing that's guaranteed is you won't be able to grind; when you have your oddities, they don't reset or respawn.

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this worth picking up if I liked the Shadowrun games?

15, but 17+ to be safe

It's an easier way of carrying 3 cans.

Does Perception reveal crawlers if it's high enough?

Yes, but your best bet is probably to just throw mollies and grenades all around.

>Shadowrun games
Im not going badmouth them but they're pretty much entry level CRPGs, so maybe Underrail might be a bit too much for you right now, that said the combat/exploration/story is great and a definite step up from shadowrun, but it doesn't pull its punches, its just assume that you understands its mechanics perfectly and you know what you're doing

I'd take oddity if you have any intention of doing the DLC, there's a frankly absurd amount of enemies you can and probably will kill, you'll end up super overleveled if you wipe out the entire Black Sea like a proper explorer would.

Here user, let me do something that might just make you think.

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just don't level

>find tabi boots before even getting to Junkyard on my psion
>still no tabi boots on my unarmed monk despite hitting lv10 in core city
>tabi blueprint requires you to kill the Beast

I can't take it anymore, bre

Better combat then shadowrun, but only 1 character.
The game also has chemical weapons that are as powerful as the tabletop ones.

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>tabi blueprint requires you to kill the Beast
Are you sure? I think jonas has it, or i found it before i even went to junkyard

The fuck? I thought quality only went up to 160 but I found a 167 steel plate.

It's not impossible, I guess, because Jonas got a lot of weird junk, but I haven't seen it so far
life is pain

Do you need stealth for pickpocketing?

does chem fire stack with pyro fire?

How fucked am I with 3 con?

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they're both counted as fire damage for purposes like catalyzing belt stacking, yeah. but you can't set someone on fire twice.

Not that bad but you have to have some kind of defence on you, with 3 con you will want some dodge/evasion or you're not going to last long

For the stolen shield emitters mission, will killing everyone in there still make all other protectorate hostile? I could kill everyone no problem but I'd rather just sneak in without making an entire faction hostile.

only thing you needed to do to save maura is to open vents, avoid a single camera next to the room with a double door on the center of the floor, take the key to maura's cell, open vent in that room that leads to maura's cell

Don't worry user, I killed everybody in there too.

isn't it a psion? I'd deff take agi instead of per, you'll usually go first if you go Paranoia + 5 pts in initiative + initiative drink thing

>low initiative
>low stealth and dodge/eva
>not enough str to properly equip tincans

I was taking the perception to see stealthed enemies.

That's a waste of points, you can just eat food and wear goggles for detection.

>did this already
>got it up to 86 detection
>everything is STILL hidden

craft better goggles

If it's for traps you can just walk slowly to give you more time to detect them or throw grenades. You're probably never gonna detect crawlers unless you have super high perception as well as detection goggles, flares, and food.

get into character and spend spec points into paranoia if you're worried about them too much

alright how's this?

also my starting skills are Stealth, Pickpocketing, full Psi and Social.

>spec points
where do I do that?

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>where do I do that?
you get 1 spec points for each level after 15

ok after like 20 minutes of savescumming I managed to do it.

5 con is meh, with psi aids you'll have very low hp anyway - move those 2 pts to agi and you'll be good, esp since you could easily add a bit of stealth for positioning (makes for insane alpha strike with the living bomb skill)

If going super low hp I'd recommend psychosis and staying at low HP permanently once you hit all the important perks - you'll be doing insane dmg with close to 100% crit rate

specializations are 15lv+, having paranoia allows you to choose more initiative (and, frankly, most specializations suck anyway)

>In Underrail: Expedition, player characters also gain a specialization point each level after 15
Oh, I don't have that. Waiting for it to go on sale.

>I'd recommend psychosis

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>scrapper vs eel fight
>sillas dies
>sillas lives
>no eels died
>can't get eel oddity
>get eel oddity
>two frag grenades kill me

Drop int to 9, agility to 3, pump con to 9.
On lvl 4 increase con to 10 to get Thick Skull.
Then pump will.

psychosis is *easily* top spec in the game bre, easily outperforming tranquility once you get all +crit% requirements - and with your piddly 50hp pool you're dead the moment shit attacks you anyway

don't need to be a tin can if everything dies before having the chance to attack

does Aimed Shot's damage gets improved with smart modules attached or have I fucked up crafting this silent pew pew?
what makes a special attacks "unconditional" anyway?

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>he doesn't know the pleasure of infinite recursive temporal ripples
tranquility is the greatest feat of all times

doesn't thick skull mess with LoC?

>savescumming for optimal outcome
I bet you're a Free Dumbass as well

yes but i NEED this oddity

>thick skull on a psion
this is literally the worst possible advice you could give

why would you even need hp on a fucking psion lmao

>psychosis is *easily* top spec in the game bre, easily outperforming tranquility once you get all +crit% requirements
Yeah once I've beaten the game I imagine nothing will be able to kill me.

Locus of Control?
Why would it?

>Finally finish my ultimate tin can
>Paired with my ultimate low frequency shield
>Fight Carnifex
>He does zero damage
So this is the power of the tincan... Not bad...

Why would you need 6 agi for psion?
Sprint is overrated.

sprint is the greatest feat in the game

>why would you even need hp on a fucking psion lmao
Because you don't always have the right thing at the right time, it's a safety net.
>walk into room
>stung by crawler
>instead of exploding into gibs, I can back off, wall myself in, and wait out the poison

you get all the good shit at like lv15, don't be a dumbass

since crafting is all but required for psi armor/headband you'll be 80% of the way to crafting an OP shield requirements-wise, so at about 15lv you suddenly go from struggling to EZ mode until the end of the game - and lv15 doesn't take that long

but sure, go tranquility if you suck shit and want 15% extra survivability

Not even close.

name one feat that gives you 30 movement points

LoC's immunity doesn't cover daze
thick skull turns stuns into daze
going by description alone shouldn't that make the character who takes both with LoC active suffer daze when eating a stun grenade?
dunno. haven't tested it myself

it's not sprint, it's initiative - you literally kill entire rooms before getting hit as psychosis, but you need to go first (and high agi - ez stealth - you can position and enter combat when enemies are clustered together meaning 1k+ AoE with living bomb even without crit)

crawlers (and deathstalkers with low shield) are no threat as a psion, even without a shield, because you have 4 turn long forcefield and they conveniently stack in one place. Frankly, you don't even need LoC for them with forcefield

>and lv15 doesn't take that long
You're not even fucking trying.
Stop, just stop. You've failed your troll, everyone knows it, there is nowhere to go with this, it's over.

Psychosis is garbage, it makes everything cost too much for barely any benefit, it makes it's successor feat Mania needed in every fight, if not multiple times.

Fancy Footwork. It's not guaranteed but it can.
Anyway, with Psychotemporal Contraction Sprint is no longer as necessary as it used to be.
If you're already taking feats that require agility then it's fine, but if you only wanna get sprint you're essentially wasting a feat and 3 stat points.

>it's a safety net.
translation: i'm a pussy and make frequent mistakes

I use LoC for offence. I'm not gonna wait until I'm stunned or incapacitated to use it.
I have 3 agi and I still stealth around without a problem.
You really don't need 6 agi when you have stealth gear.

Thoughts on this? How often will I get use out of Intimidation? I know I get to use Persuasion every now and then.

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Yes it does benefit. Pretty sure Burst attacks are the only "unconditional" attacks. The tooltip should will say if it is unconditional. What that means I don't know.

>using fan translations
professional sub team translation: I'm psychic in game, but not in real life

you are correct in that thick skull is absolute trash if you have LoC and is actually worse than not having it, but that other user took Thick Skull irl and cannot stand being wrong on the internet

> 9 con psi with thick skull
> fucking cmon

LOL, and at what level do you get psychotemporal contraction? and at what cost? sprint is FREE movement points, it lets you KITE and TAKE NO DAMAGE, it enables the fuck out of your character

I very rarely if ever use debuffs. It's always better to simply kill or stun your foes, or throw a nade at them or any of the dozen options you have, than it is to debuff them.
But I guess there are a couple of really tough fights where it could be useful, maybe...
It's better to invest those points into crafting imo.

It's a good ability if you can spare the points in agi, but I don't think it's absolutely required. Especially on a psion. You've got Force Field, fuck you running around for?

you don't but it's convenient - and having 8 agi makes it ez to get, esp since you don't want to have to replace headband at any time (and armor, to a lesser degree)

nice. time to go silent psi-op on these pipeworkers

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I think it's a waste of agi on a psion, but hey, if you're happy with it good for you user.

con is objectively a bigger waste.

intimidation is the worst by far out of social, I always skip it. Persuasion isn't necessary, but it's decent, mercantile is great

lockpicking is really close to 'must have' territory

pickpocketing is rarely, if ever, worth it, I'd dump it on psi

you don't strictly need crafting, but you're gimping yourself heavily without it as a psion - you won't find psi beetle armor and you'll eventually want to craft a customized headband (and OP shields are nice)

con is great, just... not on a psion, unless you're going ironman

>having a bigger healthpool is a waste

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>this is on sgs soldier corpse
good job scrappers

Attached: 1.png (300x736, 197K)

if you need a high hp pool on a fucking cave wizard you're objectively doing it wrong


>thread is full of theory crafters
>people in this thread are actually saying you don't need more than 3 con on an unarmored psi

"CRAWLERS could be here" he thought "I've never been in these caves before. There could be CRAWLERS anywhere." The hefty weight of his steel sledgehammer felt good in his bare hands. "I HATE CRAWLERS." He thought. TenseCaves.mp4 was reverberating troughout the tunnels, making it far too scary even as the 700 credit psi beetle brain soup circulated trough his powerful, psychic brain and washed away his (extremely merited) fear of POISONOUS ROOF NIGGERS in the dark. "Play as a hammer wizard, you can go anywhe-" Player enter initiative 23+4-1000=-973 12 mechanical 7 toxic 13 mechanical 12 toxic STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 83 mechanical 112 toxic 40 mechanical 20 toxic YOU ARE DEAD

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As someone fucking around with temporal manipulation, are there any other psi abilities that are worth dipping a few points into the other disciplines for someone who's not building a straight up wizard?

How do you even get to this point? On my run there are 19 soldiers left but all the supplies are in very high numbers. Currently genociding the natives so I've only had to defend the camp twice, is this what happens if you just waste time waiting and just efficiently defend instead?

Can you get 100% dodge and evasion?

PK for force fields

>maybe those people actually have a clue
>maybe having to reload five times during each fight means I made some mistakes somewhere
>no, it must've been because I have 9 con instead of 10

Is this what motioners are like?

>beat up Gorsky's old rival gang
>can't use the tunneler to go back
>have to go out the front door where the muties are
>PTSD flashbacks to depot A
>especially when one of them picks up giant rocks and throws them at me
>kill them effortlessly anyway cuz depot A was 8 levels ago
>think it's kind of weird that they just let me go out here alone to put up with this shit when they're 50 ft away
>as soon as I have that thought they all show up
>"What's going on over here?"
>"What was that?"
>they just walk around and stand in the acid until they have to use hypos to not die

wtf is with the AI in this game

>exploration being a huge part of the game
>camp gets wiped out if you take your time exploring

it's the stupidest fucking thing imaginable

>have 3 con
>a single guy doesn't die instantly in the first turn

Is Biology worth for bolts? Seems like a nobrainer along chem but dont fire arrows outshine most poisons or acids?

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What the fuck do you think is going to happen when your camp is constantly getting attacked?