Other urls found in this thread:
I’d rather he not show us the absolute roughest of content. I kinda lost my hype after hearing those half baked tunes, pretty shit for Toby standards. The city art looks lazily minimalistic, as well. But all of this is probably EXTREMELY early because the game is still like 6 years away. It’s a wonder we’ve gotten anything at all.
Is he still working alone? Or did he find a legit team?
Also, they seem to be teasing the deergirl as a healer... Say what you will about her, but more party members is always good. My main issue with Undertale was a lack of rolling character development. Now with party members that stick with you for majority of the game, it has that.
I kind of agree with you about the music. The use of Mario Paint sounds for the city music is pretty cheesy.
The thing I liked about Deltarune, moreso than Undertale, is that it made the battles a part of the ongoing narrative. It's clear that Toby's strong-suit is his writing, so it's good that he's found a way to make the battles feel less tangential and more relevant to the story
>White Ralsei is not retconned out of existence
I guess Toby decided having Mr. Popo in Deltarune wasn't a good look.
You guys realize it's a shitpost and probably exactly one screen, right?
You sure about that? I don't see any evidence backing that up.
It's going to be done in way less than 6 years you literal-minded autist
I don't know, how about the fact that there's a fucking toby dog in a toy car? Jesus you're autistic.
So? The dog shows up a lot in Undertale. Like when he steals Papyrus' special attack. I'm sure he'll be there in Deltarune too.
>a fucking toby dog in a toy car?
That’s totally believable in-universe you absolute retard. If Undertale/Deltarune have any kind of artistic them its things being silly or cutesy for the fuck of it.
I agree, it is embarrassing that you think Toby wouldn't put his dog in various places just like he did in Undertale.
The part where Toby says "actually the city is very small."
The fact that the tone of the music matches several troll moments in Undertale.
The fact that the dog only appears when Toby is taking the piss.
The fact that he shared it at all to hype people.
The fact that the background is perfectly framed for a single screen.
Stuff like that. Pattern recognition, basically.
None of that has anything to do with the fact that it's tale-tell sign of a toby-style shitpost.
>Like when he steals Papyrus' special attack.
Did you somehow miss that he only shows up for anticlimax punchlines?
>Papyrus's trap
>The door
>Papyrus's special attack
>The piano treasure
>The investment scam
The entire game is anticlimax punchlines.
>The use of Mario Paint sounds
he uses the mario paint sound font all the time wtf nigger
What's this about an investment scam?
>It's clear that Toby's strong-suit is his writing
Even as a joke that's tasteless.
Mostly for shitposts though
It's been like that since undertale, what were you expecting?
user they can't retcon the final boss
He's still a nigger with the hat on, I just wish he didn't look so goofy without it.
Yeah you're right. He would take time out of working on Deltarune to make a whole location and two songs just as a joke.
Maybe it won't be a very important place, but it's still gonna be in the game, unless he decides to dummy it out.
my guess is dog armor
Console exclusive content.
The dog has a shrine he's building under Sans's sink. It's worthless and dumb.
He's exclusively used for that, whereas other forms of humor exist in Undertale. The only one even close to not fitting is when he's a bomb. He's even what displays when the game has an error and can't boot properly.
The dog signifies failure and being let down. He does not show up unless something is wrong.
I really don't like hatless Ralsei.
What about when he becomes president of the underground? I'd say that one was more tragic than funny.
Where did anyone say it wouldn't be in the game?
Which, again, is why people are saying this is a joke and not indicative of the overall quality.
you’re all fucking retards. The whole “city” is just fake for the dog meme, we’ve seen this kinda shit before in undertale. lmao’ing at all of your stupidity rn
i liked it...
>The dog signifies failure and being let down.
Makes sense for a bad Neutral ending.
Worth noting that he does show up on the ending screen for Pacifist, but only if you never bothered with genocide, as a sort of coda since he's kind of Toby's avatar in the gameworld.
Nobody does.
Expect a modest shortly after release.
The music he posted is bland. I like his distinctive leitmotifs-- this shit is just shapeless dribble I thought he was above.
You don't hear the leitmotif in the city theme?
honestly the music he showed is pretty lackluster, and who gives a shit about noel, susie and the main cast are the ones who should matter not this fake love interest for susie I know she's going to be crucial to the plot and that makes me sad
w-why is noelle an angel
Fucking somebody said it. THIS.
I too have heard the whole soundtrack for the complete finished game and the fact that this song doesn’t relate to any of them is mega disappointing.
>Didn’t include Jockington’s own character theme during his boss fight
Sooooooooo fucking lazy Toby. Not even going to talk about the missed opportunity to mix it in during the Catti dating theme. What a fucking hack.
With all thats been shown so far does this kill your hype or make you more interested in what it will be
It makes me curious. Toby Fox is actually really intelligent, so I hope he'll come through.
But I've learned not to place too much faith in artists just because they managed to hit mostly home-runs, after the immense disappointment that was Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
I suppose only time will tell if Deltarune measures up.
it basically confirms this so the hype is dead
I honestly heard Snowdin's theme when I heard the city song
I don't know, it just sounds like generic video game music.
What is wrong with you? Undertale's soundtrack is full of strong melodies, but these don't excite me. Go soak your head.
Deltarune also has some pretty strong melodies so far. Remember Lancer's theme? Or the Field of Hopes and Dreams?
Yeah, I agree, they are good. These new ones are mediocre. I think he's just putting out fluff to lower people's expectations.
I just want to see how edgy it will be. I kind of half expect the game to just begin in a random moment, you wonder the town and everyone's fucking dead because of chara.
>listen to music out of cuntext
>bruh wtf bruh i dont like this
Yea Forums niggas be like
Honestly expecting the opposite to happen, with Susie calmly rejecting Noelle but she gets heartbroken anyways. I don't think Toby would just do the same shit, at least I hope he doesn't.
Susie isn't the calm type though.
he can probably go a lot farther with a T rating than an E10+
I feel like Susie is probably going to be not as harsh on someone like Noelle, since she did seem to have a slightly less mean attitude at the end of Chapter 1.
watch noelle turn susies rough heart to a pure and loving one, I'm honestly betting toby will take this route
Doubt it, doing that would completely ruin Susie's mean and somewhat smirky character, and i'm sure Toby knows that. Noelle's dad is obviously going to die and Susie rejecting her would be the icing on the cake, this could push her over the edge or something actually original and not just "SUSIE IS GIRL, NOELLE IS GIRL, THEY MUST LOVE EACHOTHER AT THE END"
>It's clear that Toby's strong-suit is his writing.
You mean Music. Now that he has a narrative with speaking MCs you can see how mediocre his writing is.
is toby a virgin?
will jevil be in deltarune or was this a demo only thing
the only girls he ever tried to date are shelby (rejected) and temmie (also rejected) so unless he fucked japanese prostitutes the answer is yes
we'll have to see, but i'm still sceptical toby might pull a fast one, I was never really a fan of noelle in the first place
He got a handjob from Sakurai in his car, I don't know if that counts
Fucking desperate. And she rejected him? Guess he's not as much of a Chad as we thought.
Who is shelby? I agree that he probably had a thing for Temmie, but she's got a boyfriend.
>ywn fuck temmie
feels bad man
Lets hope the wait won't be too long, I am putting all my hope that Toby wouldn't do the same shit again. Yeah, hopefully the full game will make her more interesting
*Feels good man
>You'll never get a two-controller handjob
Temmie's cute. She probably keeps Toby in top form by dangling the carrot of pussy out of reach
artist who was big in the homestuck fandom.
toby tried to smash but she came out as a lesbian and went crazy sjw afterwards. dodged a bullet really. she’s mostly irrelevant now.
said bitch
I didn't like Revengeance music until I played the game.
Y'know what I like about Toby's work?
The fact that he really puts his heart into it. Like whether or not you could say it's good or not, you can't deny Toby's trying his best.
She looks like a fucking skeleton
nah, toby fucks temmie on the reg while her boyfriend sits and watches
>inb4 cucked again
>inb4 forced lesbo romance
It's fun to see the kris self inset cucks rage about Noelle though
He's not a darkener. Ralsei is a lying liar who lies.
No, he fucks Hussie's ego on daily basis
thats a dude
that's a rude
Ralsei's a nigger.
>Noelle becomes emotionally dependent on you
\very nice
Is Ralsei the Justin Trudeau of Deltarune?
Holy shit.
I'd rather see nothing until it's out.
Maybe a reference, you know how toby likes to do that.
you already know he's gonna do it's just a matter of who
So part 2 is diamond city, huh?
there's no need tho, why would he do that and piss people off?
god i wish susie would eat me
How could you say that?
he's probably gay and he lived with fucking Andrew Hussie
if he didn't get smashed by the Huss then I'm fucking gay
ok fag
Will I miss out on anything if I wait for the entire thing to come out.
I don't like this porn game-tier content dripfeeding system it seems to have going on.
i don't get it
Why is Susie fat
>He would take time out of working on Deltarune to make a whole location and two songs just as a joke.
I genuinely can't tell if this is sarcasm, because he really would, and then still keep them in the game.
had the early bird special
There is no joke, as is with 99% of content on Yea Forums
clearly there's gotta be
why else would noelle be talking about berdly's vacation
he's releasing it as a full game dumbass, the game has 7 chapters and chapter 1 is free
>It's clear that Toby's strong-suit is his writing
she's a gamer
>these delete posts
what da fuk is going on
one guy probably got banned for something, and the mods just delete all of their posts at once
Hurray for Ralsei, the Prince of the Darkness.
Jannies are pissed for some reason
It's not great.
Not terrible
I finally played Chapter 1 the other night and it's way more interesting than Undertale was.
something terrible happened here
if you really don't think deltarune is going to have pair off mechanics you mad dumb for real
what has been shown so far???
I want Kris to finally do the dinosaur
look at toby's twitter
new music for the second part some more back stories such as noelle just little snippets for now
why the fuck would people get on the hype train only to find that their expectation does not align with the reality that occurs? why not just be patient and do shit and then find out what happens when it drops. unless you get off on speculating and forecasting then just chill and then play when it comes out. god knows there will be a billion people trying to get their own attention with theory crafting etc after it drops.
He's said a thousand times that it's not episodic and he'll be releasing the whole game at once you brainlet
>UT: You Fuckin' Ship Them Then If Your So God Damn Smart Edition
If only
I just hope we don't have top wait another year for another update
haha imagine feeling her hot breath on your face as she inches her maw closer to you
wouldn't that be scary
It's pretty mediocre user, definitely the worst aspect of Undertale.
Question: Will Asgore and Rudy bara it up?
Is noelle's mother even mentioned?
Both the prom mention and released clock dialogue hint at this
Post it
Meh. I was never big on Susie or the deer so I don't care what happens. I just like Chara and Muffet better.
noelle's mom is the bitchy mayor cunt
Reminder that Ralsei will kill Susie.
Time after time after time after time after time after time Yea Forums users create infinite hype for themselves and then get anally devastated when it wasn't exactly how their autistic little brains imagined it. Then they will hate that thing until the end of time ignorant of all reason and truth.
>Yeah you're right. He would take time out of working on Deltarune to make a whole location and two songs just as a joke.
It's like you don't even know who's making this game.
I guess that's what you get when trying to make a distinct set of music for each chapter.
Reminder that the Legendary Heroes are the Discarded Vessel, Noelle, and Lancer.
Noel is probably going to be part of the main cast in the full game
I didn't get too hyped initially because I didn't know when it will release. I am pretty optimistic about how good the game will be though.
Honestly I wish I had a Susie friend. Not a gf just a friend.
A really big part of these songs is that they typically are made for exact situations, and that they reuse certain tunes from other songs based on if they are relevant. The songs Toby posted are out of context, it will probably be fine in the full game
He made a whole song called "song that might play when you fight sans" that isn't even in the game.
Whether or not the game hype continues for X year(s) I'll still play it when it's done, day one just like undertale. No idea if I'll be as charmed but it's demo was fun
Lancer already says he's the villain in the prophecy
he doesn't say it outright, but he strongly implies it
Unrelated, what will the next anagram be?
why you do my nigga berdly like that
Fellas I have a question
when did deltarune chapter 1 come out
has it already been a fucking year
It came out October 31st, so not yet, but almost
Why would you post that in response to a vore comic?
>The city art looks lazily minimalistic
Ah yes because that's what undertale was known for, its art
damn son
Frends don't eat frends.
sometimes they do
Is it just me or is that Kris thicc
>undertale has terrible pixel art
>is one of the most financially successful and popular indie games of all time
>its held high for its music score and cast of quirky characters
really makes you think about what audiences actually care about
This nigga gets it.
Sus' Stompers.
>No foot claws
It's shit
How about fuck off before I kick your ass
I'm not a beta like Kris
how could you do the bulli derg such a disservice
i agree with
>not facesitting
c'mon son
>No purobf
I mean it's not the right game but still made by the same chink
I'll roll with it
NUDEALERT, the porn game spin-off
>susie not sitting on your face with her fatass she got from voring your friends
Life is suffering
stop combining my fetishes
You just said it. Unrelated
>not sitting on your face while letting out megabraps from her currently digesting your friends
step up sempai
Ewww at dating people you work on with in a project.
I know.
Noell will be consumed by the darkness.
what part of stop isn't making sense to you
Judging by this thread, probably.
And yes, it's absolute suffering knowing he'll never be real
>Yea Forums(nel) was the darkness all along
Deepest lore
>Remember, your choices don't matter
I hope Rudy lives and Noelle dies
>Toby? Trolling fans with meme content? Inexplicable!
How can you be this fucking moronic?
Actually, considering his version of Dr. Andonuts in his hack, that may very well be the case, at least for Toby
Hussie wishes he could have fucked Toby
Reminder that even in DR chapter 1, your choices quite clearly do matter because they affect whether you are celebrated as a hero by everyone or chased out of Card Castle.
Choicesdon'tmatterfags are literally just stupid, maybe they didn't even play the game.
someone made a good point that deltarune might be about fighting fate and by the end your choices do matter as you have to save your fellow friends.
do you not get it yet? the prophecy is skewed. the dark world and it's fountains, it all represents negativity, insecurities, etc. it masquerades as something good and essential because of ralsei. what is ralsei if not the living physical embodiment of every single one of kris' insecurities; kris wants to be smart, he wants to be talkative, he wants to be a monster, he wants to be a good person. kris wants to be his brother. ralsei doesn't want kris to be comfortable with who he is, to turn off his dark fountain, and when that time comes late in the game ralsei is gonna cause some serious shit.
i'd be genuinely surprised if there wasn't an edit of this somewhere where susie has a boner too
if you take into account the massive success of shit like MCU films and the new IT movies as well, you realize that people flock to character-driven stories like flies to shit these days.
by "choices don't matter" toby means that the theme of the game is "choices don't matter", in negative emotional sense, like a theme or a "feeling".
The underlying message is clearly going to be "even on fixed roads, your choices matter" and something sentimental like that, but in the overlying grand scheme, your choices didn't change anything.
>Wake up, go to school, catch Susie, go to dark world, fight king, reach the fountain, go to bed, end scene
No matter your choices- whether you pacified or defeated Jevil, whether you were mean to the darkners or spared them- these linear events play out every playthrough, though certain things like the egg carry over, suspiciously.
It's not until we see how much our choices in one part plays out in the next that we can concretely say they matter or not, though.
literally going to be 'the real deltarune is the friends we made along the way'
I think what he means is that Toby doesn't want to do "routes" this time. Ralsei mentions that, as heroes, we have the power to save the world by changing things and that theme is discussed during Susie's character arc - with her going from not just "SUSIE SMASH" to "Susie spare" but also "I'm not the hero" to "I am the hero". Because her choice to do that matters, but it's a choice that's not the player's. It is her choice and her choice alone.
>Deltarune came out right before I got a job
>been working this job almost a year now, past year has been one of the biggest in my life, I've gone to different continents, finally stopped being a NEET
>Deltarune still isn't out and literally none of that stuff matters to me as much as playing Deltarune
Hurry the fuck up Toby I'm starting to get impatient
By the time he's finished the game, a majority of Yea Forums will have probably lost their virginity by then.
>a full life is nothing compared to a mentally ill fantasy simulator
never change, Yea Forums
Unless your personal mission is to track everyone down by their IP and assfuck them that's never going to happen even if it takes him a million years.
>chapter 3 starts and it turns out Noells dad dies
>You spend the whole chapter helping her get past her grieve and whatever
>very end of the chapter its revealed that Kris is the one who killed him
Face it Yea Forums, at some point he's gonna hurt someone
I must protect the vulnerable deergirl.
Holy shit that would be a perfect reveal, hope Toby does that. Makes more sense for chapter 2 though
Noelle's dad will die at the start of chapter 2, and it will SEEM to have been from natural causes. Of course Chara killed him.
Hey susiefags, would you still bang her in she was on MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLeS
I've never played Undertale or Deltarune, and every time I see these DeviantArt tier character designs, I become more and more encouraged to never play it.
What we've seen so far just makes me more certain of my theory. The game is going to be about going to the Dark World with different characters and solving their IRL problems. Next in line is Noelle. Kris and Noelle are gonna go to the Dark World alone and iron out their shit just like he did with Susie. Berdly, Asgore/Toriel, Undyne/Alphys and Asriel will be down the line.
the real twist is that kris isn't actually going to do anything evil. ralsei is the final boss, fighting to keep you from turning on the light in the storage closet, which is full of all of kris' drawing and playthings like his red plastic horns and drawings of ralsei, frisk, etc.
chapter 1 - unused classroom east
chapter 2 - empty hospital room
chapter 3 - unused classroom west
chapter 4 - bedroom
chapter 5 - boarded room
chapter 6 - storage closet
human - kris
monster - susie
prince from the dark - vessel
there is a side-plot involving the skeletons and gaster that you have to meet secondary requirements and multiple playthroughs for
I've never played Undertale or Deltarune, and every time I see these furbait character designs, I become more and more encouraged to agressively beat my cock to.
Eh that's not the worst reaction
nah it's going to be every locked room
>chapter 2 papyrus's room
>chapter 3 library
>chapter 4 the pizza place
>chapter 5 the locked off area at the bottom of town
what if.. every october we get a new chapter over the span of 6 years, and in reality thats the full game
You forgot "Hard Mode"
I just listed off every locked room except for the bunker, the bunker being for the secondary side-plot that requires multiple playthroughs.
>The dark world is a bunch of disconnected areas you access at different abandoned places around town, each themed after the light world area
FUCK it's so obvious now
this image is horrifying
toby fox is not a good composer
I hope I get to make Kris pound Ralsei's asshole and that Noelle gets cucked when Susei and Lancer kiss if front of her
Am I the only person who shamefully finds Undertale AUs amusing?
Undertale AUs can be fun, the problem is that most of the time they're just used by fujos to draw new edgy sexy sans
True. I like the ones that are basically crossovers.
undertale power levels, irrefutable.
I enjoy the AU where Frisk gives his soul to Asriel so that Asriel could rejoin his family and grow up
I mean, sure, but also what the fuck does Lancer know about anything? Guy's like, 12 years old and despite thinking of himself as the bad guy genuinely doesn't know what that's supposed to actually mean. The fact that Lancer thinks he's gonna be the bad guy in that prophecy doesn't actually mean that he will be.
But Flowey and Asriel are the same being.
asriel and flowey are the same person, why are they on different tiers? Also, nothing ever shows that Gaster actually knows how to manipulate souls, he's just exploded across time and space. You'd think if he knew how to manipulate this kind of thing he'd put himself back together. Also also, when does Papyrus ever display any understanding of that kind of thing? Also also also, Mettaton is definitely at least Tier 1, since as I recall he actually pulls his own soul out during his boss fight as part of certain attacks. Plus his soul got put in the robot by Alphys and you'd think he'd have at least a little bit of understanding of that process.
I assume it's because where you see him in the game, Asriel only reformed once he has all the monsters souls and the human souls. But after that, even despite the knowledge, he'd be back at zero at the true end.
>prince from the dark - vessel
See I had this same exact theory at first but due to the gender connotations of the word "prince", I doubt it's true. I don't think Toby would confirm that vessel that we make as one gender or another
Papyrus talks about sans fucking with people beyond time and space in sans side-plot.
We can all agree that Kris is a girl, right?
>high school student
>no tits
>masculine frame
>gags so hard her clown makeup runs and she pukes up mystery colored faygo
Fuck yes
The prince from the dark is asriel
It is the only way that Ralsei comes out of this not a fag, so yes.
Don't mine me, just posting antique Toby kino
>chapter 2
Wait is this shit gonna be episodic ? Pass
Kris and ralsei are the same person
nah there's gonna be like 7 chapters and he just posted shit that's in the chapter as an update
So we all agree that ralsei is the final boss, who confronts you when you try to thwart his plans by snuffing out the primary dark fountain, right?
As has been said a thousand times, no
Chapter 1 was released as a demo/teaser but the rest of the game will be put out all at once
Wait what happened, did I miss something?
I fucking love ralsei bros I dont know what to do with myself FUCK FUCK FUCK
That theory has so many holes in it. Firstly, why would his whole thing be trying to get you to not hurt anyone in the game?
Secondly, he had chances to end your campaign at any time. All he had to do was talk you into abandoning Susie or letting King finish Kris and Susei off
So something is going to happen on day 2 that causes school to be cancelled for a few days, to give the game time to explore other venues. What happens i dont know but it'll allow you to show back up on thursday and reenter the storage closet, and see a drastically different rendition of the area. Chapter 2 definitely has you searching for noelle in her dark world. One of the chapters will take you into the boarded door in asgore's bedroom . Red bunker is probably for second playthroughs like true lab.
I hate that people give a free pass to indies for having shit art. I know they don't have the budget for AAA graphics, but they could at least try harder.
Ralsei is kris's idealized version of himself. Aka who he wants to be. His initial intentions arent to be evil but to maintain his existence, which stems from the dark fountain and kris' problems. The true prophecy calls for the bringing of light and the angel's heaven. Ralsei twists it in the hope you will protect the fountain and his world.Things will escalate greatly in later chapters when kris' new friends and confidence create problems
what if susie cute boy?
Even better
I know this sounds like a cope but i seriously enjoyed some of the very minimalistic art in UT.
Detailed pixel art is definitely really cool and i like when games go for that style, but when an area is low detail it allows me to use some of my own imagination to fill the gaps and i really enjoy that.
The ruins in UT perfectly captured this vibe, it was comfy.
that's a very girly boy
Ralsei is clearly Asriel.
Finale has you choose between noelle's heaven or ralsei's darkness. There is no timeline where you can be friends with susie and both of them. That's why toby fox said he hoped we could all be friends someday.
Ralsei's name is ralsei because kris idolizes his brother and wants to be like his brother
I'd be lookin for Susie bara, probably
Toby Fox and Kenny Omega made sweet love in his Tokyo apartment in the winter of 2018.
reminder that Toby's real name is Robert
he is Nintendo's bitch now
so he's bob?
dude ralsei is absolutely filled with red flags
You wouldn't report your COOL teacher right? Certainly not for some silly little images on her phone? Please I need this job
I'd fuck this evil! goat and I'm not even gay
don't stick your dick in crazy
you can't stop me
Ralsei is not evil he is a good boy who loves his friends especially Kris
I don't trust like that.
Isn't whitewashing a character considered racist too?
I'm glad Toby decided to add another cutesy shota goat
Reminder: fanart that doesn't draw noelle's face elongated, is invalid.
I still wanna hug the reindeer
why the long face
Me on the left
Susie is built for /ss/ with lancer
smells like a fluffy boy
Holy shit, this thread is still up?
ew gay
>that tongue
I want to give him a deep tongue kiss!
he was dating a webcomic artist
so i guess no?
i want him to wrap me up in his tongue and swallow me
What if Susie and Kris... Kissed?
prepare to be heartbroken. He's gonna be a turncoat
haha, what do you think it would feel like
utg pls go
literally hot
i wanna fuck the emo dragon
im gay for the shota goat help
haha, what do you think the experience would be like
>Toriel made me into a furry
>God Asriel made me gay
>Shota Asriel gave me a kemoshota fetish
Fucking Toby, he planned this all along
Embrace it
haha i dunno having his long, wet tongue wrap around your body would be weird and gross haha
>Toby made you a pedo furry
Jesus someone stop that fucking madman
>that bulge
me on the left
>god I wish that were me
>I wanna fuck the...
You just couldn't resist, could you? You even said you wouldn't do it until the game came out. Thanks, nigger, I love it.
Am I missing context here?
Whatever do you mean?
Oh wait, ignore me. That was just about the porn, wasn't it?
d o o f u s
zoom zoom stop falling for blatant bait and switch
where's the next page
that is p funny
please respond