After 23,000 votes, how do you feel about Yea Forums's favorite vidya characters?

After 23,000 votes, how do you feel about Yea Forums's favorite vidya characters?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-22 All Our Ideas - Bringing survey research into the digital age(1).png (1035x770, 39K)

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MAYA FEY WAS SNUBBED SHE'S THE REAL QUEEN OF Yea Forums THIS BOARD HAS ALMOST GREAT TASTE WHAT A BUNCH OF RETARDS Samus is actually one of the females I don't mind her losing to

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>no 2B
>no Marie Rose
I call bullshit. Obviously rigged.

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People who fill out polls are retarded. All this proves is that these fanbases have more retarded fans.

And how retarded they are, putting characters with zero personality at the top of this poll. Mario jumps and goes wahooo, why is that so great?

>Raiden on 5th
This is horseshit since for the longest time he was seen as a poor man's Snake and people didnt like him until he went full OW THE EDGE on Reveangance

You can show Mario to every soul on this planet and he will recognize it. I don't think you can do this with Samus
Also where the fuck is Doomguy

23,000 is fuck all

>all nintedittor shit

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>all Nintendo, Konami, and Capcom
>except Sonic
I want to see the rest of this list

Literally "OoT is best game ever" tier taste.

So gamefaqs/reddit tastes?

> Cries about Samus
> Shills Doomguy when he's even more irrelevant

These are all of the characters that had a "Yes to No" percentage higher than 50 %

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I’m happy Sammy won.

What a shitty list holy fuck.
At this point having Sans in top 3 would be an improvement.

>captain falcon (super smash bros)
Fuck you

>metal meme solid with that many entries
It's a pretty good list. I think Mario should be lower but otherwise it's solid. I'm happy Samus ranked so high.

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Let me guess, your favorite character is some obscure literal who that most of us have never heard of?

This list has so many sonic shitty friends holy crap

Wario would be fine, Robotnik would be OK, Senator Armstrong could also work. All buried in the middle.
The non-shitty characters are like 10% of the list.
And the top of the list is all bland "it's good because it's popular" garbage from redditcore games.

Yea Forums is a Nintendo board after all huh

>Wario not on top ten
I take it you posted this in Retardera too

i've never played any of these games

Not trying to bash Link, but what's so interesting about him?

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All those votes were me

>Captain Falcon (Super Smash Bros)

>Demi-Fiend above Shadow