>play game on hard cuz I'm not a pussy
>it is way too hard
Play game on hard cuz I'm not a pussy
what did we learn op
That's what she said.
She's not a pussy?
it's ok to play on journalist mode user, no one's gonna make fun of you
Wut anime? Looks familiar.
boku no pico
You're only a casual if you give up.
>play a notoriously difficult game on Hard because I want to convince myself I'm not a pussy
>it's fucking hard
>still finish it
I always play on normal.
>Play game on normal because I'm a filthy casual but I have my pride
>It's extremely hard
>Refuse to play on easy and google how to git gud
>Nobody has been able to
is boku no pico the one where a girl and boy go under a bridge and the girl does a slow reveal lifting up her skirt showing he has a penis and the boy starts to run away? or maybe the boy was lifting up the skirt can't remember either way he runs away after seeing weiner.
That's not the right one.
>you can't joke about watching boku no pico because now everyone will call your a pedo for doing so
i hate how mainstream anime became
No, that's Natsuyasumi.
different anime, but that one is also hot
>they later stroke each others dick in the shower
my god why this wasn't my summer vacation
that’s why you save harder difficulties fir future playthroughs
>The niggas name was Coco
thanks i couldn't remember the name of it and i've been looking for it for a while
You are old.
true, can't deny that. still no matter how many times i watch it, it gets me hard
that's wasting them, by the time you get used to the game hard difficulties tend to not be harder than your first playthrough on normal, if not plain feeling easier
>Link's Awakening
>Hero Mode
>enemies deal double damage
hmmm ok
>also you wont find any hearts at all
oh fuck
Most games just crank up the values, it's not harder just more tedious. Gone are the days of the FEAR AI
>All of the available difficulty modes are too easy
>The actual challenging one is either post-release DLC or a completion reward
>tfw I once ironically watched it because haha epic meme
>just watched all 3 parts all the way through, yes, ironically
>and that's that, didn't like or hate it
>fast-forward to today, I'm a huge /u/fag
How does this work.
You're a pussy whipped bitch.
get slightly worse, oldfag
Exposure to new ideas often leads to personal growth.
I remember watching it with Yea Forums on new years eve years ago
Happens with me all the time.
Standard/normal is too easy.
Hard is too hard.
What now?
Honestly, even when people were shocked about this during its heyday, I don't find it to be that special or something worth reacting heavily.
The only thing special about it is that its the only few (shota) yaoi hentai videos present even to this day.
In that case, keep on playing on Hard. You'll eventually get better and there won't be any stagnation.
Nah. It takes all the fun of the game. I started Bloodstained on hard and I'm regretting it. But normal is too easy.
Pretty much all games are like this.
>play some old shooter
>hardest mode makes you die in 1 hit and enemies constantly respawn and EVERYTHING is a bullet sponge
>difficulty below it is far easier
never got why they had such a huge gap between the difficulty
Oh, OK. Good luck with the game.
Playing the game on a lower difficulty level is just a step on the path to playing the game on a higher difficulty level. You'll learn and improve. If you never get around to playing on Hard after you've completed it once, well, that's on the game for not being good enough to replay.
I can't enjoy Skyrim because I choose expert difficulty and it's way too hard, I refuse tho bitch out because I'm not a pussy, so I just don't play anymore Skyrim
Not playing it because it's too hard is just as bad. Better finish the hole you dug up.
An open mind is like an unguarded fortress. Easily occupied by those who would do you harm.
I said /u/, not /y/.
Basically how it works is that it doesn't work. I still don't know why the fuck I did it.
Even back when everyone was't so serious Boku no Pico was known as the disgusting anime that was meant to showcase Japan's depravity. Except everyone just went EWW GROSS and dropped the matter instead of going on pedo witch hunts over how problematic it is.
>genuine fear of failure
>always play on the easiest mode in games
>don't play hard games because dying makes me feel like shit
how do I fix this?
>play game
>it's really hard
>keep dying over and over again
>die one more time
>game offers to lower difficulty level
If you watched it ironically or not you should probably kill yourself. Gays are pretty bad, but gay pedos? Unforgivable.
Gradually get used to failure. Start with games that don't punish deaths too harshly. You'll probably feel like shit at first, but it'll get better the longer you keep at it.
Chico > Pico > Coco.
Would fuck them in that order
>Play game on hard mode to prove I'm not a pussy
>I fucking suck at it, but refuse to lower the difficulty
>I complete the game by sheer persistence without ever getting good at it or enjoying it, and never play it again
Happens every time
>Game has different difficulties
>The only thing that changes is the attack and HP values
Sounds like a shitty experience, why not just play it on easy and enjoy it?
>you need to know what the game is before you play it but it still ends up being challenging
I feel like this is both responsible and bad design
bad because you aren't given time to adapt in some cases, responsible because it manages to be hard even though you've played the game at this point
just on the fence about this
oh shit really?
I could have at least turned on the fucking auto-guard but noooo I'm hardcore.
Fuck me.
some people unironically enjoy overcoming challenges
You feel like you had to do something right that you didnt do well before, and that in itself can be gratifying
If you're able to complete a hard game through sheer persistence then I'd argue that you're good at the game. Persistence is often what separates the people who are able to beat hard games and people who can't.
This fucking game.
dam, i want a game DEDICATED to Osaka
no, persistence doesn't make someone good at the game. if you're struggling the entire time and just keep lucking into finishing stuff then you're still shit.
truly the dark souls of cutesy anime girl rpg adventure dojin games
Persistence is not equal to skill (though it's likely said player did improve more than they thought), but persistence is itself a quality more useful than skill at a game. The ability to learn from your mistakes is still more valuable, though, and a combination of that and persistence is better than anything. On the other hand, persistence through suffering greater than the reward helps no one.
From a theoretical standpoint it could be true, but most difficult games are complex enough that mere persistence without improvement won't get you through the entire game. It's far more realistic and likely that persistence lead you to gain more knowledge and experience with the game while improving your skills in the process.
Consider this. If you tried to beat that same difficult game once more, don't you think you'd have an easier time on your second playthrough than the first time you played it?
>tfw play on hardest every time, learn for my mistakes and have fun the whole way through
i don't know why this is so hard, the only issue is that i have to add my own challenges to most games since everything got too easy
this is true, but only when coupled with pure bullshit mechanics (see, the final boss of Metal Slug 3, so bullshit even speedrunners admit it's pure RNG) or if the player does the same thing every time, praying the game itself will do things that allow the player to win
>game has really uneven difficulty
>crush the easy/medium fights using expected tactics
>pat myself on the back for my skill and system mastery
>cheese the hard fights by exploiting enemy AI
>pat myself on the back for my lateral problem-solving
the source please?
>play game on hard
>it starts out fun but as you go deeper and deeper it just becomes a boring grind fest or so easy that it's boring
>Consider this. If you tried to beat that same difficult game once more, don't you think you'd have an easier time on your second playthrough than the first time you played it?
I do think so. That's why I think it's likely that enjoyed the game more than they thought (and they'd probably realize it if they ever replayed the game). Though, as says, there's probably some games random enough or some players bullheaded enough to brute force to an end screen even without learning anything.
Guys it's okay to play a game on normal. Some games are designed in a way that hard is only viable as a second playthrough or new game+. Never stoop to easy though. That's a pussy's weapon.
>Gather three buddies
>Put that shit on
>Everytime someone in the anime cums you take a vodka shot
>If 2 or more characters cum drink twice
>After the first episode simultaneous cum counts as one
>At third episode we introduced that if two characters cum in a rapid succession still counts as one
>We emptied 3 bottles of vodka, then had to open a bottle of gin
>Blanked out before it ended
Good times
burn in hell fucking infant raping pedos
normal is the new easy, i havent seen many games where hard is literally impossible on your first playthrough if you understand the mechanics
>cartoons=children harmed
what kind of mental gymnastics convinced you this is true
anime is gay. japanese shit is gay. kill urselfs.
so are you but you are still alive
>still the only decent shota yaoi hentai
Busting so many nuts to the same scenes feel like a waste.
I hate your soul. I pray for death upon you.
literally go to tumblr or reddit
this is 4chins
owned by hiromoot
>didn't realize they started sucking each other off instead of taking shots after the first episode
not if it's a game made after 2005.
the word you're looking for is "tedious".
>play game on hard
>it's artificial difficulty
>play on normal
No biggie.
I finished that game on hard, its ez to cheese
>not playing on normal, like the devs intended, because you are insecure about your videogame skills
Back then this was fappable, but now that I became a real shotacon, I can't get off to traps.
Chico is the only boyish boy in this.
>tfw i watched it back in like 2007 in a stream with a bunch of other Yea Forumsirgins
>everyone in chat was YOOOOOOOOOing or saying they were jerking off
simpler times
>Turn it on hard to see how hard it is
>Oh shit, this is too hard
>Close game without saving
>Come back
>Continue playing
>Oh shit, this is still pretty hard
>Power through
>Reach end
>Holy fuck, that was brutal
>Open settings
>I was in Hard Mode all along
>The setting is independant of the save file
>Played through the whole fucking game on my first time on Hard
I don't even feel proud of it. It was too brutal to brag about.
Why tho
The difficulty goes up to nightmare.
Yeah, but you have to beat the game once to unlock it.
That said, I at least finished the game on that, too.
who let the tranny out of its cage
>play on normal
>I find it hard because I'm a pussy
>don't want to do easy mode because I don't want to admit I'm a pussy
>take around a month to brute force the game even though it's pretty short
>never fully learn one of the core mechanics even though like three boss fights check if you've learned it
those are some pretty long fingers wow
All the better to massage your prostate with.
>All these anons talking about FS
I've really wanted to replay it but only in nightmare mode and I lost my saves. do any of you have a save file to share with nightmare unlocked?
>play game on hardest mode
>have lots of fun
>but never finish game cuz too hard and time consuming
>play game
>it's good and I'm good
>have fun
>life can be fun
>he hasn't fapped to it
>can only pick normal at the start
>die a bunch
>Easy mode is now selectable
>play game all immersive VR
>rogue AI hacks game and turns it into a continuous nightmare I can't escape from
>proceed to force it to watch me watch others do the most disgusting shit for eternity
>laugh with it over each repeat
>finally it softens up and I proceed to attack and escape
Isn't this game incomplete?
>play games on normal every time because i have nothing to prove to anyone but also am not a gigascrub
>play reality because I don't really like games
>still suck at it more than gamers because they can't see shit
No, but it ends on a cliffhanger and the developer hasn't been heard from since the release of the game.
>Yea Forums says game is hard
>It's not hard at all
>Mind tells me I'm not hard
>It's actually hard
>want to look up something in a wiki
>some video starts playing that follows you down
>if on a phone it takes up half the screen
Why do they do this?
the ideal picture is seeing two woman-esque figures touching each other in what is considered taboo. Which is why japs don't create two barafags touch each other as much as the former.
The worst is when it literally plays spoilers for you.
>Looking up something on the Assassin's Creed wiki.
>Plays the final cutscenes of Origins with subtitles on them.
>Also plays Desmond's death in 3.
I would be really pissed if people here didn't already spoil me a year ago.
Play game on easy can’t beat first lvl
This fucking game just keeps crashing on me and I'm too brainlet to figure out how to save my progress before I finish the first cave.
Any scripts or something to remove that shit on desktop
Damn, just playing this now. That first skeleton was pretty hard.
Is FGO just an Adventure Quest ripoff?
Adventure Quest is unironically better
So what the fuck was Episode 3 anyways? Is Coco actually some sort of electric fairy? The first two eps were alright but 3 was fucking bizarre.
Would still ravage Coco.