Thoughts on untitled goose game?

thoughts on untitled goose game?

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Overpriced but really good at what it's trying to do.

It's fun but short. You are paying 15$ for the first level.

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>epic store exclusive

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looks fun

A no-name reddit game being shilled like none fucking other on Yea Forums atm

fun but overpriced, also


I love when games have dynamic music progression and this games chuck full of it. also this games pretty fun, would recommend if it goes on sale

It's a fucking crime that the only games Australia is producing are these "whimsical" soÿblaster arthouse games.

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>ebin quacker game xD look at this funny easteregg the devs left in xD


its Australian? I was thinking how much it looked like Grace Bruxners trash. why do all aussie games look like this

>game all about honking
Is this alt-right?

Definitely not considering this comes up at the end of the credits. I hope at least some of the money they make is being donated to Aboriginals or else this is just worthless virtue signalling.

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I just started it and already I'm feeling like a brainlet. Game's fucking great!

Hollow Knight is Australian.

You know not a dollar is going to anyone other than MeToo charities

Misogyny and retardation in only one, short sentence! NEW RECORD!

>It's a fucking crime that the only games Australia is producing are these "whimsical" soÿblaster arthouse games.

an hero, and quick

This is far more soulful than Goat Simulator. Still wouldn't pay for it though.

this is unironically like the 12th thread you've fucking made in 3 days

you're not subtle you obnoxious faggot

Nice, but not worth the price tag.

No cute 2D girls = no buy. It's a simple rule that saves me from buying shit games.

It's only 12 euros on the Epic Store for a while, it's dirt cheap for a game this good!

t. tencent

Wake me up when it's five bucks mate.

i remember when flash games were free

And I remember when they were good.

Wait, no I don't

>whimsical soÿblaster arthouse games
I'm gonna steal that line in the future

It's a game about a white goose that harasses minorities.

I'll pirate it.


It's sad how spamming "too expensive, don't buy it" is the new epic astroturfing strategy of the dischord trannies to shut down all non lgbt threads

What's the strat for speedrunning the back gardens? I can tell that it involves letting the artist woman do the more passive objectives while you're running around the other side, but I can't figure out the proper path for it

>all this reddit-tier shilling

Now I want it even less, gj fag dev

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You mean 10 minutes?

Im not even gonna bother pirating it

Of course you don't zoomie. Flash games were fucking kino.

>nobody genuinely likes a new game
just kys, you miserable cunt

Wow, totally edgy now, nothing like Reddit at all. You convinced me, I'm now buying your streamerbait garbage. Honk Honk he he Goose funny

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