What games have the most satisfying gunplay?

What games have the most satisfying gunplay?

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definitely not pic related

I unironically think the gunplay in cod is fucking fantastic. most games take realism too far (looking at you, Counter-Strike) or not far enough (destiny) and it ceases to be a game. stuff like bloom, damage dropoff, bullet arcing, shotguns that can't harm a fly outside of 20m is cancer

Planetside 2 had some of the best gunplay Ive ever experienced

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Rage 2


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unironically this completely
going from some battlefield grunt to an absolute juggernaught because you took anons seriously and aimed better was one of the best video game journeys of my life.
just learning proper fire control puts you leagues ahead of most players in this game

>that pic
thats fucking great. i dont remember seeing that in the generals

Playing a TR MAX was and still is the only way to satisfy my BRRRRRRRRRRRRT fetish.

its my OC lol
yeah TR max with mercys were the best while VS felt underwhelming and NC were cancer OP

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pic related

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Despite all the attempts at realism, Insurgency has some real satisfying guns. Haven't played Sandstorm but it would make sense that it's even better

max FOCKING payne

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Faggot what a terrible post

it's worse fyi


Allied Assault

Planetside 2
Payday 2


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Unmatched to this day.

A buddy of mine got me to try MW2 multiplayer a little while back and while the gunplay was pretty good, it didn't seem like there was very much of it. It felt like people were mostly just using grenades and grenade launchers and barely even bothered with their guns.
Pic related handled grenades a lot better in my opinion. You only had one grenade which meant you had to use it wisely which really let the gunplay itself shine. Shame the game is dead though.

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> Allied Assault
My nigga. I got fond memories of the Breakthrough expansion spamming the voice commands as a British soldier during cutscenes in the objective and prison break multiplayer modes, especially since said cutscenes had a habit of constantly breaking (although that might have been because I had dial up at the time)

>sprinting magdump simulator.

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I actually really enjoy the A280 in EAFront 2


Unironically receiver, even if it is just three pistols you can use.

too bad everything outside the gunplay is absolutely irredeemable fucking dogshit

You now remember Sniper Town

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Black, even though it's old
Destiny, even though it's shit
