Why haven't they made a Zelda game with Dark Souls combat yet?

Why haven't they made a Zelda game with Dark Souls combat yet?

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Because modern Zelda is supposed to be easy for young people to play.

Just like Dark Souls then.

because that would mean the zelda franchise would get a decent game,cant afford that

Zelda, like most nintendo games are targeted towards children, if a kid can't beat it it's no good for nintendo

The average Souls fan is like 11 though.

>source: my ass

vs the average nintendo kid who's 5?

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Keyword: Buyer


>supposed to be easy for young people to play

is it painful for you to say nintendo is for children?

So then current Nintendo games are made for children born in 2023?

are souls fans really this dumb


>Zelda game with Souls combat
>not a Zelda game with Souls world design

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Shoulder buttons are not gold for attacking in a third person game. Dark souls combat isnt whag you guys crack it up to be. It's literally just pattern recognition

Didn't know that 5 years old have the money to buy a Switch instead of their parents buying them one.

It really upsets me that there isn't a mechanic in the new Zelda game for invasions where you play as Dark Link attacking another player. But at the same time the combat is absolutely dogshit, and people would get rampantly upset with all the shitty netcode in the Nintendo game.

too hard for nintenbabbys and girls

that's what they did for ALBW's streetpass functionality, a Dark Link copy of another person's Link would invade your game and you could fight them and get rupees for it. It was basically the same thing as a Souls invasion but you were fighting an AI based on a player rather than the player themselves

Dark souls combat fucking sucks

Play straight sword and it may as well be OoT combat user

>he doesnt know
Most kids have more free time and are more willing to waste hours and hours on a game than an adult.
Thats why CoD is littered with 12yo and Zelda has been appealing to older players.
The older you are the less action you need