Lol what if mario was anime

lol what if mario was anime

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Other urls found in this thread:

He already was

Attached: Super-Mario-Bros-Anime-Mario-Ramen[1].png (960x720, 197K)

Mario literally was made in Japan

I actually quite enjoyed it.


You can’t make me click this.

dude what if Mario ate the mushroom and then he was on shrooms like real shrooms haha drugs are cool


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that animation was genuinely fun to watch
stop being such a bore

That video was funny fuck off

>If Mario was Made in Japan

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I actually liked it. I like to think Luigi has Hol Horse's mentality over being #2


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It was fun, but posting superior mario anime parody.

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Yoichi Kotabe defined/refined the look of Mario for what we know today.

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hold my beer


>Yea Forums loooves funny youtube original clips now

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To be fair that speedrunner mario vs fox video looks like it could have existed circa 2006 newgrounds and everyone would unironically have loved it then

let me call you a wahbulance.

10 years...

>If Mario was made in Japan
What fucking audience are they aiming for here where they could understand an anime parody but wouldn't understand what it was about if you labeled it as an anime parody so you have to go make yourself look like an idiot by labeling it a "Japanese version" of something that's already made in Japan

The Terminal Montage mario vs fox vid is a guilty pleasure

it's a joke
my personal favorite

What if fox fought mario

because it's not making fun of vague shallow ideas how the game is supposed to be like, the videos make fun of gameplay mechanics

we get it faggot

>Dude what if Mario ate a mushroom and spit it out because it was literally just a mushroom he found on the ground

>thread is all just recent flash animations
let me show you zoomers something old but good

>Dude what if Zelda was a girl

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This is 2001 funnyjunk tier.

Aren't they shutting down all anime channels because they're "for kids" and youtube wants to push their kids app?

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this one's better

Let me show you whippersnappers what real meme video looks like.

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Wasn't he already made in japan

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I really wish JJBA didn't have so many obnoxious fucks trying to make stale jokes or shit up prog rock comment sections to go "hurr jojo!" and i'm saying this as a newfaggot who got into it post-2014

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What if link was a nigger?

I was expecting a captain falcon anime reference
I am disappointed


>If Mario was made in Japan
Am I being trolled here
Mario is already made in Japan

It was good though.

>Nobody I knew seemed intrested in the series when it was starting off
>Gets on Toonami
>"MUDAMUDAMUDA IT WAS I DIO WRRYYYY XD" memes All over my facebook feed from these same people
I only got into the series because I wanted to know what the fuck was up with the characters after the All Star Battle trailer first dropped, Reading the manga and dealing with the fanbase was fun back then because everybody was on the same page besides a handful of fags who wanted to wait on the anime. Now everybody's in this fucking permanent part 3 fan-wank and it fucking kills me inside discussing this series now.

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based boomer meme poster. Memes legit aren't the same these days.

That's actually a quality video. Too bad you changed the title of it just to get you's. Here, have another

That ipod variant brought back some memories.

>numale anime poster
>double digit IQ

God there's so many old school remixes like these that I just forget over time

Part 1 was good, part 2 was godlike, part 3 was so fucking boring that I held out for 1 single episode post Polnareff and then fucking quit. Fuck jotaru nerds, that nigga aint even named jojo.


Shut the fuck up nigger.



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It's on Toonami now? ...That explains a lot.
Sooner or later, those nu-fans are going to argue that the dub is actually good and better than the original. I want anime to be niche again.

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Hey MariBros what is up my Famicompanions

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it was pretty funny to be honest

Part 7 is really good

What is that gif from?

>everyone on v has to have the exact same personality and interests

God like taste.
Part 4 is good and part 5 is mediocre.

Liking obviously bad things is the new posting meta. Its the ultimate contrarian move.

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Ill believe you user, after the absolute fucking bore of 3, I just could not force myself to continue. Heard italian mob part was fun tho.
Ill maybe check it out later. I dunno, its just the fucking ORA shit felt so, so fucking garbage compared to the fun asspulls of Hamon and the journey. 0 fucking charm from Jotaru. 0 fucking Caesar Zeppeli likeness. Zero fucking "Lisa Lisa. Your cigarrete is backwards" moments. Just insulting.

JoJo started airing on Toonami back in 2016, around the same time DiU was airing in Japan and simulcasting on Crunchyroll. Parts 1 and 2 are also on Netflix, so a lot of people are starting the anime on there as well.

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If you want to go with a classic

>Zero fucking "Lisa Lisa. Your cigarrete is backwards" moments.
The only moments that have come close to that in the anime is Keicho's backstory in Part 4 and Abbachio's death in Part 5. Part 3 just really feels lackluster in comparison, and I personally feel that everything Part 3 did Part 5 did better.

>If Mario was made in Japan
This actually made me laugh really hard, my mother probably thinks I'm crazy.

I wasn't expecting that at all.

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>"If Mario was made in Japan"

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Imagine liking things, am I right?

What do you think, big guy?

God I wish my mother thought I was crazy. Then maybe she would piss into my mouth to cure my autism.

God the comments are so fucking stupid. Fucking retards.

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> part 2 was godlike
> part 3 was so fucking boring

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>dude is that le epic JoJo reference lol XD I get it I'm so geeky and random

at least it's not "le mario drugs"

Is it?

>he enjoyed watching 20+ of MONSTER OF THE WEEK formula with no progression what so ever

>he can't fathom that going from charismatic alpha male with cool Chi powers would be weirded out in the next season when they drop the Chi powers altogether, don't even bothering explaining what a Stand even is and where they came from, not to mention the switch of the protagonist going from what I already told you to a silent edgy protagonist with mary sue powers
Part 3 was hard as fuck to watch, the ending was amazing (even if the animation was complete shit in the last fight), but the ending and those manly feels don't justify the absolute eternal shitstorm you had to suffer until they finally reached fucking Egypt.

Kill yourself nigger.


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Hahaha anime is all Jojo, hahaha I'm a fucking normie so all I know is Jojo and Naruto. hahahahaha.

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>video is goofy without being edgy and is accurate to the actual source material without going overboard with dumb shit like "LOOOOOL MARIO DOES MUSHROOMS" or "ROAD ROLLER DIO MUDA MUDA MUDA LOL"
Oh fuck off. You would've loved this shit if it was made on Newgrounds in 2007

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Quality is quality my dude.

>comparing the absolute memelordery of Joseph, who in the first fucking episodes breaks a cops fingers with a goddamn coke bottle cap to the boring ORA shit of Jotaru
>comparing the absolute fucking HYPE of Bloody Stream with that fucking tripe they use as intro for 3
>Comparing the fucking utter fun you had with shit like ACDC and the absoutely fucking based Whammu with STANDING GHOSTS BEHIND YOU THAT SHOOT FIRE AND STAB PEOPLE AND-
Listen. I could tolerate some stand shit, but the intro is literaly some angsty roiding 15 year old Gucci model thats jailed and whose ghost summons Walkmans for him and that says FUCK OFF YOU WHORE to his mother a lot.

That, is beyond a doubt, fucking boring to me. Punch as many sharks as you want and put a fucking shotgun sound to impact, make your bullshit be extendo fingers and your big boy ghost able to be a Sue, fine, but if you dont do anything interesting, your MC aint charming or able to do anything but angst and punch, and you lost me by the 6th episode. Straight up.

Also Im the OG guy, not the one that replied to you first.

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Yeah because Nisekoi-based Mario parody would totally be funny to anyone but you

Super Mario flash parodies are the high water mark of humanities creative expression

Normies don't even know all of JoJo, they just circlejerk around the early parts.

This is done by some hipster retard who doesn't know any better but pretends he does.

How long is the new fan remaster coming?

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eat mushroom get big

yeah I watched the anime too xD so good, I'm like literally Otaku

>FUCK OFF YOU WHORE to his mother a lot
dub user detected
into the trash it goes

Yes, imagine being so basic and vapid you like things made for the lowest common denominator with the most overused jokes and tropes made solely to farm clicks

Yeah, when it was actually appropriate for the time.

>changed the thumbnail
what a pussy

>Joseph Jostar was named Jojo tho


Sub actually. The dub voices are beyond fucking unnaceptable for anybody and whoever hears Dub is a fucking beast.

No easy way for you to get out of this one user. Its a bad season, with bad characters and uninteresting to the core.

i was never that well informed about internet drama back in 2010/2012, what was the whole intersex rika t rex flash about?
why did the guy with the toon link styled persona want to die, was he related to rika?

animations thread?

coming along nicely actually

>he watched the anime


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>implying a intro that has a angsty roiding 15 year old Gucci model thats jailed and whose ghost summons Walkmans for him and that says FUCK OFF YOU WHORE to his mother a lot isnt kino
>implying stand proud is a bad op
>implying jotaro is a bad jojo
>implying stand fights arent as creative like part 2 fights
actual fucking brainlet

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I'm a girl.

__________ or gtfo

to the last greentext meme, yes they are, but not at the beginning of the part.

kill yourself nigger

Genuinely a decent video.
Based and honestypilled.

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i lol'd

Ah, I thought the collar looked familiar. Why is it a close up of his neck?

>he can only respond to my last point
>even then he admits im right

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Yes but the channel is pure SJW shit. Just look at the parappa video.

>le dude that punches XD
>le dude that throws fire XD
>le dude with vines that do nothing XD
>le dude with a sword (no XD because he is really based)
Yeah user, very creative.

Dio already threw ice and shit, which he apparently forgot when fighting Jotaro.

You mean the Vein?


Not surprised, good animation though.

It's not a vein it's the sternocleidomastoid

Way too excessive.

There is more than 1 person answering you user. I stopped post polnareff from how uttely bored I was and yes, Jotaru is boring, the OP is bad, Jotaru is beyond uninteresting to the point of confusing me and sincerely, I did not see much creativity from what little I saw. It was animated with perhaps more budget, but more creative, no.

You wont convince me. You physicaly cannot. I was so bored that me and my bro legit just went for a break on JoJo and never ever touched it or felt like going back to joint watching from how utterly abysmal it was compared to s2. Shiggy all you want, it wont change anything.

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I don't get it.

>implying part 3 was about just punching a nigga fast instead of finding a creative way to get yourself in a position where you can punch him fast. i thought dio couldn't use his vampire powers cause he was getting used to jonathans body
the fights get much better after polnareff joins
>Jotaru is boring, the OP is bad

if you think jotaro is bad just wait till you get to this faggot

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What he doesn’t realize is that part 2 is objectively the weakest in terms of its character progression and themes. Caesar Zeppeli was a character created to literally die. By the way Jotaro stops time at the end of the part to beat DIO, Kakyoin, Iggy and Abdul die, Polnareff dies in part 5, and Jotaro dies along with everyone else in part 6

Wasn't it completely shat on by Toonami viewers though?

>the fights get much better after polnareff joins
I aint saying Its impossible but I doubt it.

And yes, he is boring. Unless he gains actual character past polnareff I am simply continuing to call him what I already do. A cancerous mistake that emulates what makes most other MCs shit in anime. Silent, cool, methodical and utterly fucking boring outside of misplaced angst while deep deep down (puddle deep) caring about his mom and shit.
Looking forwards to whatever mister pec flasher has in store.
Lot of info ill forget once I hit the hay, but glad to know. Shame kakyoin dies, I liked his design and personality. Abdul dying is fine, got no clue who iggy is, and good riddance for Jotaru and crew.

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>What he doesn’t realize is that part 2 is objectively the weakest in terms of its character progression and themes. Caesar Zeppeli was a character created to literally die
based. part 2 is in my top 3 but i never understood why people even liked ceaser

>Bloody Stream
I unironically think it's one of the weaker OPs in the series. Sono Chi no Sadame is waaay better, but I'll admit if you weren't a fan of the manga by the time Part 1 came out it's impact is completely lost on you. I feel the Best OPs so far in terms of the music itself are Chase from part 4 and Stand Proud from part 3.

But, again, the impact of the song along with the visuals of the opening animation, have a very different impact if you were a fan of the manga previously.

>Looking forwards to whatever mister pec flasher has in store.
He has no character.

It doesn't really become obvious until later parts but Jotaro is actually just a straight up autist. He comes off as the silent cool brooding type but in reality he is just a social retard who doesn't know how to talk to people

>muh SJWs
I'm glad I can still enjoy things

It escapes me but what was that horrible flash parody that rhymed ass with ass?

>Looking forwards to whatever mister pec flasher has in store.
hes just jotaro but none of the edginess and even less of a personality. its even worse because he has one of the best crews in jojo and they all treat him like the messiah. they say its cause he has dios charisma but he never shows it

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Part 1 was. I remember there were people begging for Toonami to show more OPM.
However the second Joseph showed up everyone more or less began to like it.

>friends refuse to read it in B&W
>another friend skips parts and procrastinates reading until the next anime gets announced
>keeps asking if I watched part 5 even though I've read everything up to part 8 and played all games
I love it to death but I have to pretend like JoJo doesn't exist if I'm around literally anyone

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he also a big fan of Clint Eastwood and detective movies

why did he only have 1 fight solo fight

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Damn shame then. Least his design looks fun.
Well, he succeeds in having 0 charm and being a complete retard then. Props to em.

Cus he’s a NIGGER

Are we postan the classics, bros?

If you need to rely on edgy racial slurs to be funny, then spoiler alert: YOU'RE NOT FUNNY

The video in the OP was actually funny. THIS is just funny to the edgy newgrounds/old Yea Forums generation.

Hate to be the bearer of obvious news, but...oh well! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Nearly a BILLION views

lol what if i responded to everyithng with irony and epic sarchasm haHAAAA haHAAA HAHAHA FUHNEE JOKE WOULDn'T iT Be FuNnEE haHAAA

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>You would've loved this shit if it was made on Newgrounds in 2007
When I was a retarded 16 year old stoner, yeah, no shit.
If you think something is good just because it would have been good 12 years ago you're a retard.

No one cares, slag. Cunt or Fuck Off

If anything he has a Jonathan looks and personality towards innocent people

just leave nigga

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Yup thats why its one of the most celebrated, influential, and referenced pieces of manga history ever, right?

anime peaked at dbz

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because his power is literally just "fire" so Araki wrote him out of the story for being too OP

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dbz is one of the worst anime I've ever had the displeasure of watching

At least its not moeshit

This wasn't funny.
The less dialogue in his vids the better


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why didnt he just burn down dios mansion

iirc he did it to mock youtube for being sharia-tier with their censoring

the actual video is called Super Anime Brothers, OP edited it

It's from a porno, that's the shaft of a dick the moment he cums a gallon.

>the crazy frog remix

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Jellyfish was based.

This was actually a really funny video. The VA did a good job.

It's even worse when they put magical girls in that bastardized shonn setting. And that applies both to Western parodiers and Japs

Happens to me with HnK. It's all omae wa shit memes, but no one has actually seen the manga/anime.

Yeah if you are a shonen shitter, Dragonball was good but DBZ sure as fuck was not

>X but with Half Life sound effects
I watched one and it wasn't funny at all and now that's all I see in my recommended

>he didn't spend his childhood on newgrounds watching Flash animation and hentai

his art is great

Melee fox wouldn't stand a chance against Brawl Meta Knight

What if Mario was made in 1983

Not that user, but this thread made me check my old account. I'm surprised it's alive. God were my comments edgy and retarded.

>Dragonball was good but DBZ sure as fuck was not
You're okay user

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it's not much better. More ambitious, but not that well made.


This is what zoomer Yea Forums thinks is funny? This was cringe as fuck.

It was funny. No big deal.
Someone should make a Precure parody with all the Nintendo girls. The Pokemon one was great.

The Eric Andre one was funny, but the joke gets old fast.

Do you have to be bitter about everything?

I always saw Jotaro as just a big fucking nerd trying to his best Clint Eastwood impression, in part 3 at least. In part 4 and 6 I'd say he's just extremely serious if anything.

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It was genuinely entertaining

most kino mario design

This. People who think he's autistic are probably part 2 fags

wait do yall really not find this funny
I fucking died

>made in japan
Yeah, that'd be pretty crazy!

what would a Mario game made by the west be like anyway?

the video is already gay enough, you don't need to fake shit for it to be retarded, retard.

That was okay, I guess? The cute/simplistic art style really is the only thing making it work.

It's just the usual people that like to act edgy because they think that's the way to "fit in".

it still holds up

Shut up

Jesus fuck off redditors