ITT: Weird ports

ITT: Weird ports

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Other urls found in this thread:!Y7AjEawA!Ta2RQuOC235v0wQoLtVR7HJoN7bsiawkujSlq8A1Da4

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great port, though.

It didn't come out but Resident Evil 2 for Gameboy Advance would have been amazing

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I really liked this one. Good use of 3D and it was nice to be able to crouch walk

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Hitman Blood Money on old Java phones

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however little time they spent porting it, it can't have been worth it

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Remember when Rayman was on every system possible?

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I honestly want to know how well stuff like this sells.

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I think the fact that they happen, period, tells how well they have to sell to justify the development.

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Twisted Metal is a Playstation exclusive series but 1 and 2 actually have PC ports. The PC version of Twisted Metal 1 saw a very limited release and only in Japan.

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this can't be real

It's up.

A fucking lot.

Just Dance's continued existence on the Wii isn't for the average person. They're for hospitals/senior centers/rehab centers/etc that went all in the Wii for physical treatments and therapies. There's still a fuckin' lot of locations that use the Wii for their patients and residents, and Just Dance is an easy port to make, so they might as well crank out a Wii port for lots of easy money.

everything on NGAGE is weird

It's not, PES 2014 was the last PS2 game.


oh wait ...

Shut up you meme spouting queer

It's actually a thing in 3rd world countries, they mod PES6 and update rosters/stadiums/etc to match the current version. Its fucking bizarre

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Sonic Jam one the popular Game.Com because why not. If Douk 3D can be on it...

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It's not that weird. There's people in other countries constantly updating WWF No Mercy on the N64 to have more recent rosters.

Too bad the framerate was awful.

Genuinely amazing

is actually a demake, a completely diferent gameplay, and is great.

Weird for being better than its counterparts in everything but the graphics.

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Having the voice acting really helped it stand out.

Hey bro hurry on over to my place. I got the new Fifa.

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This. Would've been a gateway for me into the MGS franchise but the 3DS can't keep up with the graphics.

Would suit the DS more desu.

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I remember when they revealed the first screenshots for it and the graphics looked stupidy good, way too good for what the 3DS would ever be able to handle. Then they basicall just turned it back to be close to the PS2 version.

I completely forgot about the gizmondo.

You have your weird ports, and you have your traumatizing ports

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how df does this shit work?

actually it's a gaiden game

demake would be something like the driv3r in GBA or that cancelled RE port in GBC

To be fair they had zero new songs on that counter, only remixes so you knew what to expect.

Not a port but a spinoff that takes place between the console timeline. Still a fun ninja game. Same for AC: Bloodlines.

But the real weirdo port/prequel was ACI DS: Altair Chronicles

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I'm kinda amazed that the GBA can handle the character model at all. Unless this is a very clever use of sprites, kinda like how Mario in New Super Mario Bros DS is actually sprites and not a 3D model.

Well the backgrounds are a bit flatter than usual so I guess 3D models with picture BGs.

i still remember beeing amazed that there were fully playable plane autobots
but i odnt remember if i played decepticons or autobots

Console TF2 and CSGO. I mean, what did Valve expect when they're ridiculously open about favoring the PC versions for updates over their console brethren?

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Decepticons likely. Autobots had you unlocking the jet mode at a Target store while Decepticons gives you both a jet (Starscream) and a tank (Brawl)

Weird that Konami never put Silent Hill on the 3DS

AFAIK GBA had the capability to render real 3D but I don't know if anyone used it. Maybe some flight games and some background stuff in 2D games?

They made a ton of 3D games though, probably using pre-rendered sprites. Like the Crazy Taxi and Monkey Ball ports. This is the most impressive one:

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I got the digital version when I bought my Vita. I never touched it.

I remember that this was identical in terms of content to the PC and Xbone versions, but neither Microsoft or EA ever mentioned it aside from a blurb when it launched.

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The Smartphone Hitman game was pretty good too.

Not the sniper one, the puzzle GO one.

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>Based Warner Bros making switch ports before switch was a thing

The Vita had some really odd ports

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Remember when every non-exclusive would have a portable version that was an entirely different game altogether? Pepperidge farm remembers.

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There was a DS series of these things, full voice acting and original campaigns. Though I can't remember which title had the blood effects because someo f them had the censored sweat effect instead.

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Looks like a Hitman-themed room in Habbo Hotel

I picked that up to try new combos when I was out and play normally on console when I was at home
Then I found out the mechanics were slightly different and some combos outright wouldn't work on both versions.

Yep. It was done by Bluepoint too. It's actually great and still has active players.

Stumbled over this while reading up on the 3D capabilities of the GBA. Apparently this game runs in an actual 3D engine on the GBA.

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Half-Life on PS2, which has a set of character models and textures that aren't in any other version of the game.

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The GBA was actually way more powerful than the SNES, despite most of its games being SNES style. There were quite a few 3D FPS games

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I miss my old Razr with Prince of Persia

I looked it up on Youtube and found this.

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This is actually the original version I played of Battlefront II and it was fun as fuck, playing this and GTA LCS/VCS on the go was fucking amazing.
So did this.

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First version I played.
Same with HL2 for the Xbox.

Speaking of Battle For Bikini Bottom, remember the PC version which was just a minigame collection?
THQ was always doing shit like that for PC versions of their licensed games at the time for some reason.

I feel so bad for anyone who bought a r-zone

Ecco the Dolphin for Microsoft Windows (16-bit).

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Orange Box on the 360 was actually my introduction to Valve and got me started into PC gaming around 2008, TF2 on the 360 was fucking great.
Are the servers still alive or modded to shit?

Tiger ports are a weird rabbit hole to go down. They made them for fucking everything, even games where it made zero sense. You just know that somewhere out there was a kid who asked for Sonic for Christmas, and got this.

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great port

Reminder there was a Dreamcast port too that was cancelled at the last second but is still available to play as a build today with mappable controls.

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I used to play TF2 on the Xbox all through 2009.
It was pretty popular at the time.

I used to have Rayman 2 on my old Nokia 3510i. It was basically a worse version of the Game Boy Colour version. The game barely had any levels and only 1 version of Robo-Pirate who would be both a regular enemy and the final boss.

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Was this the version which had that co-op mode?

Here is an official Capcom port of RE4 on the fucking Zeebo

I had the Lion King game on Tiger. Pretty sure I had a lot more but that one is the only one I can remember clearly for some reason.

I loved the psp version of BattleFront.
With Jedi Academy coming to switch I hope BF2 is next

Zork for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows (32-bit), OS X (32-bit) et al.
Via Call of Duty: Black Ops.

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Hijacking this post to say that the OST for Lara Croft GO (same devs) is fucking fantastic

pretty sure Mario was a 3D model in that game

Based third-worlders not falling for the EA "buy the same game every year" trick

Played this back in the day, it was fucking fantastic. Shame it ran so poorly though, I think there was an iOS port but that's long gone

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I have the Dreamcast strategy guide lol

Speaking of SingleTrac, the first Jet Moto game also has a PC port

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many java cellphones had a analog stick on them. while the numbers were the actions keys. my sonic ericsson w200 worked like that. played a lot of the ragnarok online spin offs titles on it, and the 2D god of war beat em up, a game that a castlevania ripoff called shadow of darkness with weapon change and mc looked like vergil, splinter cell java was godlike too, need for speed pro street too.

Holy mother of jesus. Wouldn't that be a nightmare to program? I don't know shit about coding but a 3D model would seem easier to implement that all of this.

The history behind this version is one of the most crazy and interesting things I will ever read.

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>use the Japanese art for 1 and 2
>switch to the American art for 3

it has Decay, yes

>check what games Gizmondo even had
>basically nothing
>one of the cancelled games was Rayman

Fucking Rayman again.
What the fuck is this then

share it with us user

Unlike the NES version which was an entirely different game, this is actually a port of the original game, albeit a very pixelated one.

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even the consoles port had differences between them. like ps2, xbox, wii 007 cassino royale is a way better game than the pc, ps3, and 360 version. marvel ultimate alliance 1 and 2 were amazing since each version had exclusive heroes

Was that the Doom version with no music?

They did the GTA2, too.

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I've been kind of tempted to get a copy of it on ebay, any weird stuff in it?

not a port but the GTA game for GBA is pretty impressive too

Nope that's the Jaguar version you're thinking of, the 3DO argubaly has the best music of all of them:

I don't have it with me right now, it's at my parent's house.
Last I checked, nothing too interesting besides some pics of concept models sprinkled about.

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Art Data was founded by some guy who convinced his church to give him half a million dollars to port Doom to the 3DO. He thought game development was so easy that you could JPGs to the executable file to make new weapons. He contracted a single programmer to make these new promised weapons and levels for the Doom port in 2 months. She barely had enough time to take the Jaguar port source code and turn it into a 3DO port.

>JSR gets ported to Java ME, GBA, iOS/Android, Vita
>JSRF has NEVER been ported even once

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featuring voice acting from Keith David
what. the. fuck.

SimCity for Nintendo Entertainment System.
Featured a completely different soundtrack than the Super NES version.

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Intriguing, I dunno if I'd call it better but it's a cool take on the theme.

not a port. but the turks game is a japan only java phone exclusive

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I think that sega lost the source code for JSRF. it would not be the first tme a japanese company just threw the source code out of the window after finishing the game

I remember someone at Square expressing interest in remaking Before Crisis

Maybe it'll finally happen with FFVIIR
Kind of weird that they'd let a part of the Compilation just rot like that

They could just reverse-engineer from a retail copy

tabata was interested in remaking Before Crisis for the 3DS. but then he got fucked by having to work on HD remaster of type zero AND later on be forced to handle the XV shit show

It's one of the worst "ports" i've ever seen, too.

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This feels like a cursed game

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It even looks bad at 2x speed

>Free pager offer
I wonder if I could get them to honor this if I called

Probably not, Rockstar aren't funny people so they'll just say, "Uh, hold on." then leave you on hold.

On one hand it's pretty neat that you can play the entire main franchise on just one console
On the other hand... what the fuck were they thinking

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>by and large considered the worst port
>ported by a tranny
Whoda thunk

Mobile games getting ported to console is pretty weird in general

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Pretty much every ArcSys 3DS port.
Between those and Extreme Butoden, they were oddly supportive of the handheld.

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CSGO wasnt a console port, it was MADE for console, its a PC port

The fact that Capcom even attempted to port this game to the SNES is weird.

hmm, but if I emulate this with the high res version of desmume, the character's (models, seemingly) increase in resolution too, this wouldn't happen the way it does with sprites


This is a weird one.

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phantom pain and ground zeroes were 7th gen console games ported to the 8th and PC, technically.

minus the framerate and resolution and in PS4/PC's case, subsurface scattering, the actual rendered effects and simulations are the same on each release.

maybe they could finish the original game if they didn't bother with this

When I was a kid I didn't even understand that other versions of this existed so I didn't know how gimped it was, it even had loading times on cartridge

I think they did fine considering it was a two month job with no other help, nothing to do with being tranny

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Originally SIE was porting some of their early IPs owned games to PC, SingleTrac was not owned by them.

And want to know an even weirder case, Psygnosis was owned by Sony since 94, yet, until 2000 they were publishing games to PC, 64 and Saturn.

The fact that the original iPod played games is really fucking surreal.
Imagine controlling a game like Sonic with nothing but the fucking wheel

Here's an image

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Both Titanfall and pic related last gen ports are good, their difference is mostly the resolution, even the framerate is 60 fps, but obviously it more solid on the current gen systems.

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This was the only version I played of the originals I believe. I sucked but it was a solid TPS.

and adding custom music, too.
the EA/Konami jew looks at the third world and cries

For poor children


>game was literally made as an updated version of CSS for the xbox360
>faggots STILL think its a PC game
why do you think its so different from the other 2 games?

The Xbox was a damn impressive hardware, it managed to run HL2, but it was pretty much the low settings at 30 fps with slowdowns, still, it was great to play.

It wasn't even made by Reflections, but by Dubail & Velez, that studio made 3d witchcrafts on GBA.

Attached: 85255-half-life-2-xbox-front-cover.jpg (800x1124, 172K)

i played over 1k hours in that port

Back at E3 2003, Id confirmed an Xbox port to be released after the PC version, it was another impressive feat, sure thing, just like HL2, it ran in a lower settings equivalent, but in my experience, it had a more solid framerate.

Also its expansion pack was released too for the console, but as a standalone for obvious reasons.

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PSP also got CT, CS2 and CSEX. i played then a lot while on the end of middle school throught high school. tekken 5DR, Tekken 6, Darkstalkers the Chaos Tower, KOF Orochi Saga, Alpha 3 MAX. psp was an beast for fighting games.
there was also this

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This was a good port for the ps3.

>It wasn't even made by Reflections
they've wasted money on a dysfunctional game anyway, that money could've gone to reflections

I loved this version. Didnt have a great pc at the time, and this did a decent job.

He voiced the best bot too. He was so memorable that Barricade was voted Bot of the Year by Hasbro.

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I dont know why NGS and S2 are on vita, but I'm very thankful for them
Same for MGS 2 and 3, they play great

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It was ported by a regular fat guy, the genders didn't happen until much later.

Only official way left to play the game in the pre-Orange Box engine update

They changed the levels in this, and made the game a bit more action oriented
I liked this port

Based sonic ericsson w200 owner, i had one too and i played a fuckton of games as well. I remember playing earthworm jim on it, sonic and other games i don't remember. Did you played worms?, because i was used to play it a lot with my friends, good shit. God i miss playing with my sonic ericsson.

Is HL2 on steam still fucked up with mods? They had changed the structure and because of that, we had to extract the vanilla GCF for each mod.

Posting in a rare, actual vidya discussion thread.

This. It played OK at least fuck the cops though

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What I miss of the retail era the most is that patches were optional.

holy fuck. is that music supposed to be blue spheres?

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I guess since they were able to port the game to N64, they thought they could get it on GBA too.

>Imagine controlling a game like Sonic with nothing but the fucking wheel
I actually had that and you just pressed the wheel like a d-pad, with the center button being used to jump.

The 3DS was mostly marketed as a kiddy friendly handheld, they likely didn't think there was an audience for it despite RE Revelations being on there.

OK but the game was unironically great on WiiU, held back mostly by lack of an audience and no one buying the damn console.

Yeah, also fuck the final boss because the bazooka sucks ass.

RE Revelations itself is a weird port. A shame the 3DS didn't get the sequel, I actually liked the first one

I remember reading the guide in an EBX back in the day. It was weird because the game wasnt going to be out for another month.

Oh fuck, yeah that was a weird game. A 3DS launch title that eventually ported to the consoles.

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I remember this was pretty fun split screen

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An absolute mind blower for me at the time. Same reaction to GTA Chinatown years later

That'll be $60 please
What? The 360, PS3 and PC are getting a bundle with all three games for only $40, you say? Well tough fucking luck.

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Apparently MT Framework was literal magic:

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rumor has it phantom pain was so barren because konami wanted it to run on ps360

I only played this on PC.
What difference does the WIIU version offer?

I almost bought this when I first got a Wii-U. Went with Darksiders II instead

Microsoft store clearanced them out for $5 less than 1 year after launch, probably due the hdd requirement.

The rabbit hole of sudaca PES patches is pretty deep

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We did get part of Resident Evil 4 and 5. Anyone remember RE Mercenaries 3D?

they actually sell these

>The port, handled by Straight Right, adds new melee weapons and removes the multiplayer feature.
and obv all gamepad functionality is removed
to me, the game felt like a crappy zombie/survival/permadeath/crafting cash grab and wiiu tech demo
the multiplayer mode sounded kind of cool, with the "asynchronous" gameplay, though I never tried it.

Winning Eleven 11 Agresivo was the shit in Peru

This was for the iPhone...

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Not too shocked for ios ports given that Rockstar ported Max Payne and San Andreas early on.

And they removed it

>hear great things about JSR for years on Yea Forums
>play the first game on PC
>good game but it feels like a prototype for a much better game
>emulate future on CXBX
>even though its running at an inconsistent 30-40 fps with choppy ass music its still fun as hell
>tfw the emulator is probably never going to become stable enough to run and its probably never getting a rerelease

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MGS4 for iOS still gets my vote

You can get an original Xbox and the game for under 100 dollars. Worth it for the music alone.

I'll raise you Forza Horizon 2, which was Microsoft's last first-party game for the Xbox 360. It lacks nearly all the customization options and several of the destructible environmental set pieces. It was done by Sumo Digital who did the Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing games, as well as Crackdown 3.

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i live in somalia so i have to ship in one from abroad and its too much money for just 1 game

One of the first 2 games I owned for GBA.

I remember not being able to tell what the fuck was happening on screen for a lot of the time though.

I used to work at a library. Families would borrow these games all the time and we easily had over a half dozen different version of Just Dance for Wii

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Remember the weird period where Sony would port PSP games to PS2 a year after their release?

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that's unironically my favorite ratchet and clank game

fuck I think I have this somewhere in the garage still
great port, annoying that you have to go to some extra steps on PC to enjoy that authentic early source engine feeling

The Commodore 64 in general had a whole bunch.
Notably, until the Xbox/PS3 rerelease, it and the DOS were the only legal ways to play The Simpsons Arcade

The Game.Com got a port of Duke Nukem 3D. It was surprising that they managed to get some sort of first person handling on such trash hardware. The game is still just as mindless as any other Tiger Electronics game.

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What was weird about them outside of the lack of support for the CPP?

Yes. I remember Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror had the blood and swearing cut out when it hit the PS2. Though the better controls were welcome i did miss the multiplayer

This was the first version of MGS3 that I ever played and I don't regret it one bit, I still had a blast playing it

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Is there a full wallpaper version of this box art? It looks fucking awesome

I just wouldn't expect the 3DS to be the place for them I guess.
Especially since the Wii U got nothing (though I suppose the writing was on the wall there) nor do I think the 3DS is that suitable for Fighting games (or at least ports and not from-the-ground-up games).

The PS2 went a long way by piggybacking off the Wii and PSP.

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What was the actual last big noteworthy PS2 release?


Yes I played the fuck out of it with a friend and mained HUNK while he usually played Chris. Best cheap fun you could get, shame they never did more like it. If they had pumped out a sequel with more arcade like elements and more characters/maps, I would've thrown money at it.

War for Cybertron and the game after it were actually pretty fucking cool

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Persona 4 in 2008, though Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier released in 2009 even if it paled in comparison to the older ones.

i really liked the game on PS3, so i bought it on my vita and exclusively played it my senior year of high school. teachers already knew i wasnt going to college so they let me play it if the volume was down, shit was tight

I swear I played this more than the main version because I could take it to school

Right at that time the thing was cramming in console games onto mobile devices..

It is quite incredible how fast they are updated, this one for example is from 2 days ago.

They have translated the game, added teams and players that didn't even exist back then, narration from TV channels, custom banners in the stadium, custom music and so on. And the best thing? it is all free, just download it and put to play.

and also, you have to post the music if you are talking about bomba patch

I never understand why companies would port stuff like this to the Commodore and whatnot. I get that they were super popular in Europe but why not make a SNES/Genesis port? It worked fine for TMNT's beat em ups.

The two face button scheme was one of the worst vidya crimes in history.

this one isn't that updated, but it shows better the features that are in the game like the teams and the fucking face of the players (and yeah, they do look like the real ones, of course, with the limitations of the PS2)

What the fuck went wrong

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It's one of Ubisoft's silent best sellers.

I feel you somali bro, it's basically the same here in Brazil

I sucked ass at the console versions but played the fuck out of the handheld port

It takes a little more work to trace the models to sprites but there's minimal difference programming wise.

Supposedly, they tried using the Sonic Advance engine, despite said engine not being able to handle Sonic 1.
Notably, Stealth actually made a proof of concept of a GBA Sonic port with stuff like Tails and Knuckles just to show Sega how badly they fucked up.

Absolutely. The final bossfights were fucking great. Shame the DOTM and ROTDS were garbage followups to a good line of DS TF games.

Weird port, the music was great but different

HUNK was an absolute edge character dream there. Wrist carver blades, one hit kills, and looks great with Jill's setup. Loved him.

Just dance unironically keeps Ubisoft afloat
Old people fucking love these games and the development is pennies

That game was unironically awesome.

I got for $10 on Amazon brand new and with the Day 1 goodies

That game had no right to be as good as it was.

Hey I have this game. Got it frmo a trade with a guy I didn't even know. Traded away some weird japanese game my mom brought me.

We can agree to disagree on this one. The 3DS was a strong platform despite the weak start. I'm not surprised the game got a port there considering how traditionally big the Japanese are on local multiplayer (unlike the West). What is kind of surprising is that such a port made it over where most multiplayer is online only.

I loved this game even though Lizard whooped my ass constantly

True but I was actually really impressed by RE Revelations 3DS.
Sure it’s a tech demo but god damn they knocked it out of the park so hard it got ported to almost everything

Fair enough.

I swear they did this shit so they wouldn’t have to support Nintendo consoles.

Seriously everyone was pissed about this

yes I did. people played it in bus/trai for school. w200 also had a lot of customizable themes. from basic color and background change. to stright up animated menus. my favourite one was the megaman one were each time you moved the thumb stick rock would run tthrough the menu. there also was an Akatsuki naruto theme (maximum kek) theme for w200 and windows xp and used both as a kid. men, being a nerd kid in 00s was really something the amount of customizable stuff you could to devices was another level back then. psp had themes like giving it the Win7/XP UI with customizable boot screen and everything.
another cool theme was a Mahou Shoujo Ai one. I had weird feelings when I ended knowing it was a hentai (fapped anyway). and by god. did the w200 had custom themes based of vidya and anime holy shit. having a sonic ericsson at the time also put you high in the school hierarch even if you were a nerd
I wonder what the late zoom zoom nerds are doing right now.

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same shit is being done by capcom with DMC on the switch. wth

aren't all of the CS games pretty different from each other

What was it like? I know the Dead Space series got off-shoots on the Wii since there was no way they were going to make the mainline games work.

It's also the only version with co-op.

Earthworm Jim was in the PC version of this game

Attached: Toshindenworm.png (480x480, 203K)

i know about the crazy modding scene in Brazil, specially those GTA lel
but talking about futbol Peru had a few modded games worth, these come to my mind

They also made games kind of like this for tomb raider and deus ex
Although those ones had proper animations and shit instead of using little figures.

Holy fucking shit user, i had the mega man theme back then and it was my favorite as well lol i can't believe it. Also, i had the akatsuki one it was the shit. I remember there were even porn games so i downloaded some of those but i did it in the last years of life of my sonic ericsson. I bought mine back in 2008 or 2009 i guess and yeah, people always looked for me to play vidya and watch videos about stick fights, naruto gifs or just funny stuff in general that i downloaded back then.

>I wonder what the late zoom zoom nerds are doing right now
Watching tranny porn on their iphones, that's for sure man.

DMC4 got an IPAD/Iphone version too. then it was removed from the store. people say it was an rushed version of the supposed DMC PSP that was in the making but capcom canned it and just ported to IOS and dumbed it down

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Always wanted a Nes as a kid because a cousin had a one, it was like 1996-1997 I didn't even knew about N64 o Snes and really wanted to play SuperMario, my family was poor as fuck, but they give a Mario Mini Classic, that keychain thing that looked like a mini gameboy.
I was the happiest boy on earth that christmas, because I know thats all what they can give to me, also it was fun as fuck

Nothing about that is surprising. The 90's didn't care about any kind of consistency or making sense. If it looked cool or felt right, it goes.

Also, Earthworm Jim had a strangely popular run during that era. It was kind of surprising that Rayman got the resurrection.

It's super simplistic compared to the actual DMC4 but it's very competent for the time. The most notable thing about it is that you get to fight Nero as Dante, which the console/PC version of 4 never did.

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As a kid who loved playing the PC version I was upset I could never find this in stores

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I almost bought this but wasn't sure how good it was

They also got Resident Evil 2.

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I never realized just how good these games were for the time until years later.
Transformers:Autobots was my first foray into the DS so I thought this was normal for handhelds now, we were going to get huge open 3D worlds and tons of features.
I spent so many fucking hours in that game.
I was disappointed with the sequel movie's game, and DotM as well.

decepticons was one of my favorite DS games, i dont think i ever scanned every car though

Comix Zone for Microsoft Windows (16-bit).

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And the voice acting for the Decepticons, god

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>pentium processor
i want to go back

>Blurry textures
>FPS drops to 20 and can't stay stable
>Jaggies everywhere

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and the game wasnt good on the other consoles either, that must have been quite a trip

>people always looked for me to play vidya and watch videos about stick fights, naruto gifs or just funny stuff in general that i downloaded back then
me too. girls used to ask for music play lists since some of them had restrictive internet access by their parents.
I also converted a bunch of people into 2D porn consumers thanks to the naruto porn that was available.
>fapping to 2D girls from shounen while you were her age/almost her age
I'm proud of that because i'll never be able to replicate the feeling again.
they put the game back in the store and now only cost $5

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I have that game on PS4 and holy shit that game is boring as hell.

fixed every single problem of the original+high res sprites. but since it was FF2 nobody cares about this port. FF4 on the PSP is a high res version of the snes with cgi+the after years.

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I've heard that rumor too, they wanted complete console parity and that's why it was neutered, the goat hat, population density, and the 3rd act on kingdom of the flies couldn't run on ps3/360, I'm almost curious to test the older ports but I don't have a ps3 or 360

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Frankly I think Chinatown Wars is the only great port of a game to ever grace smartphones. I wish we'd get a sequel because I do miss isometric GTA and the drug peddling minigame was addictive.

People usually recommend either it or the GBA port (which its based on).
If anything, people forget the FFI PSP port despite it giving the bonus bosses rad remixes.

I cannot comprehend playing a deep ass complicated RPG like Morrowind on an OG Xbox.

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Clock Tower on the Bandai Wonderswan

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Not really weird but The Force Unleased was released on the PS2 with more content than the Xbox 360 version.

In the 360 version the Jedi Temple level is DLC. In the PS2 version its part of the base game

We have this currently going on with Capcom on the Switch
>Rip games out of a $30 Collection
>Charge $20 for each adding up to $60 in total

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FIFA 14 for PlayStation 2.

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>I also converted a bunch of people into 2D porn consumers thanks to the naruto porn that was available
Same here, plenty of friends got into it thanks to me.
Also, let's not forget about the aplications you could get such as dictionaries and other stuff i don't remember. God that cellphone had soul user, i miss it. Unfortunately, the memory card that i had for my sony ericsson has lost every archive i had in it, fucking hell. Could it be any way to get back those archives?

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I think I might fall for it .

To be fair you only need two of them.

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Yea, and that'll still cost you 10 dollars more than the HD Collection

On the topic of ports:

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World of Goo for Games for Windows - LIVE.

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They're just being assholes who are price gouging the legit hardcore Nintendo fanboy. And when I mean fanboy I mean they literally only play on Nintendo products.

reminder this wasnt a port, its was a full remake made on the peace walker engine
for some reason they never re-released this to any plataform

Koei did weird shit like this with their musou games, both DW6 and DW Gundam were backported to the PS2 with more content than on the PS3, and some others have their "upgraded" versions on the PSP.

Thank God that's a small minority. At its estimated 60-70% of Switch owners own another system so most didn't fall for it

That's actually really impressive. Thanks for sharing, user. It's sad that the Dragon's Lair film is in development hell.

Switch is basically the "Port an old game not a single soul asked for and overprice it for a quick buck" console right now and God knows if it will change

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>God that cellphone had soul user, i miss it
I do too.
there was an application that had math theories on it and helped me a lot. the web browser were also cool. I used opera on it.
what made w200 and the java phone scene as a whole was that before the iphone went mainstream in teh 10s. there was entire forums dedicaded solely for your phone. which made it a big ass homebrew scene. then came apple adn google, homogenized everything and killed it. now you can only mod your phone if you ahve the right model that let's you install a customizable version of android without the google spyware trash on it. even models now are locked and do not let you customize it. I really fucking hate steve jobs for turning phones into computers for retards and spread his model to every piece of hardware in the market

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because the switch if filling the handheld market we had up until the vita and 3ds. GBA/DS/psp also had ports of old games to then. but in the case of 6th gen handheld they actually got news shit on the ports

dont forget it also released like 2 months after the next gen releases

no way this was fucking ported
its real

somehow, it was actually slightly better than the next gen counterpart

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That's really weird. Why would a company a superior port on an old console?

It's also popular in schools. Nearly every school I went to during my training had a Wii . The teacher would usually play just dance at the end of the day for them if they were good and it helped dispell energy.

The Neverhood for the original PlayStation.

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I still can't believe they actually went through the trouble of releasing this port in the west

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quantum of solace was way better on the ps2 than on the ps360

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Granted, I didn't get very far on my copy

Atlus released a 3DS game back in July, what did you expect

>tresaure towers
This truly is a nostalgia trip, there was another game i liked which was about paintball (it was a 3d game btw), also that happy three friends game was really good. I remember i had like 70 or 80 games back then tho.
Didn't know about the forums scene behind the phones but yeah, fuck steve jobs.
What happened to your sony ericsson dude?, mine was pic related and died back then in 2012 i guess but now that we are talking about this, i'm thinking about buying a new battery just to play the good ol stuff.

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I still have a back up of the themes and games on my dvd archives. the only 3D fps I rmember was one that I hated because the game was brown and grey while being dark. which made it impossible to play on the sunlight.
mine was the black version. I still have mine and it is working. the issue is that the proprietary cable stopped working so there is no way to charge and finding a new one to buy is a pain in the ass

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Yeah but for some reason XBOX LIVE OR SYSTEM LINK ONLY
wtf were they thinking?

Well this thread is wholesome.

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>didn't change recoil patterns on anything
>no aim assist
kinda based desu

oh and it's also the first version to have official bots, can't forget about that

Metal Gear Solid also have a PC version, it is terrible, despite the higher resolution, fps and texture filters.

go back to it, user. the game on the ps2 is really fucking good.
I still think the 6th gen version turned to be good because activision gave no fucks about it and just let the devs work on it at their pace. similar to what happened to splinter cell chaos theory. the 6th gen version is a lot, A LOT better than the 360 and PC version. 7th gen was the downfall of console games. when everyone decided to copy hollywood since it was the time the nerds were moving out of the industry and the hollywood rejects started getting in

>Chaos Theory
You meant Double Agent, surely.

Prince of Persia 2008 on Nokia. One of the most unplayable games I have ever seen.

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Except this is the one the most people played if you count emulations.

You are smalltime

Nightfire had a few interesting ports. The PC version was done by Gearbox and has different levels from the console version. Speaking of engines, the game runs on a modified version of the Quake 3 engine, except for the driving segments where EA crammed in a a very stripped down version of the Need for Speed 3 engine, hence the longer load time for those levels on console.

I'm glad yours is still working, user. I had a good time remembering the good ol days talking with you man.
See you in another thread based w200 owner bro.

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i bought EO nexus, but im not a persona fan so i skipped q2. is it actually good or do you have to be a persona fan to like it?

The PC version is on GoldSource, had some neat features for a late GoldSource release if I remember correctly.

What possessed them to try selling one of the most poorly revived games ever solo

>port of a then three year old game
>release it after Resident Evil comes out
what were they thinking

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You can't even play it anymore. It was weird how they made rpg elements work on a run and gun style game

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user, it's the original game. The PS4 version is a port.

what the fuck? I have never once thought about this game for at least six years, am I supposed to believe the dev team remembered?

i bought that game for 99cents at radioshack and it came with a 4pack of batteries

gba higurashi

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you answered your own question user

Capcom sees the Switch audience as ignorant boomers who are completely unaware of games outside Nintendo consoles and tries to take advantage of them

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see ya, and godspeed user

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The GBA max payne game is literally the entire game from a 2.5D perspective and you can take it on the go anywhere.

A really cute quiet girl had this console in highschool. She was playing emerald on it and I was too autistic to talk to her.

yup. after I went to play the 360 version of double agent in a friends house I got mad at the game, and for the first time in my life I wanted to call a game trash

no blast processing

Whats the first bubble supposed to be? It looks like castlevania but thats not capcom

so they weren't thinking?
that's what i thought

and then the vesperia team goes out and makes this version with no delays, revamp battle system and an extra character and fully voiced with another game in the same disc where the battle system is 2d vesperia but less restrictive in the early game and the limit bar being used both for overlimit and the TP and making phantasia be in native 16:9. I really hate how bamco skipped every good 2D tales in the west besides eternia

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I just want my full scale 3D phantasia remake Namco

People in first world countries mod No Mercy, too.

Somebody at capcom obviously hates nintendo and when they heard they were gonna sell dmc on switch they convinced the higher ups to sell them individually so they could use the low sales of 2 to justify not releasing 3

full blown 3d TOP remake will be the panic button if the arise turns out to be trash. just like how 7R is SE's panic button for fucking up FF non stop for over almost 2 decades. that and the re-release of Destiny DC


I can't believe they put that shit on 3DS. The impressiveness of the feat didn't even really hit me until I got the the Mechonis finger and you can see the entire island from that scaffolding. Fucking nuts, dude.

Looked like ass though.

Why does he look like Ainsley?

God I wanna fuck Platinum

Hawkeye on the front, really?

Based Dragon's Dogma gentleman.

I had this, it was okayish

How bout the canceled RE1 GBC port?
Was actually good
Zombies was weird in this one
They lost HOTD 1 too
I played this one. Very impressive, but I dont think it was the full game. They took it off the App Store for "bug fixes" and then never put it back up
I thought it was tolerable

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MK Trilogy on the is the saddest thing I've ever seen. The game is a black and white slideshow, has less characters than any other version, and has no music. They didnt even position the characters right. They're clipping into the ground.

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The VAs were awful though.

>tfw no eye-covering bangs secretary wife
I never knew I could feel those feels thanks to a Switch ad

Motaro is just giving Scorpion a handicap

I'm going to say Darkstalkers even though that definitely isn't true

I'm not totally sure if it counts.

The game is great btw

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I played this before the PS2 version.

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It is its own game, it's got a subtitle in the Japanese version. Guess they just wanted to market it as a port in the west and yeah, it's a great game. Probably my top 5 metal gear games.

Final Fantasy VII for Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

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No one told Cloud he's got something on his face?

Metal Gear Solid: Integral for Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

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that 4 disc sleeve was the coolest shit ever

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Kojima killed the franchise with V anyways. And even before the that story started getting really retarded with 4

me too, so for years I had shitty childhood memories of Spiderman 2 the game.
I got ultimate a year later and loved it.

Then fast forward to 2015 when the teaser for spiderman PS4 comes out and I see everyone praising spiderman 2 and hoping those web physics come back.
And here I am thinking "wtf are you guys on? spiderman 2 was a shit game"

Sudaca PES thread?

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I liked it

its dragons dogma

It was a mostly original game and played the same way the first game did. Spiderman 3 on PSP was a direct port of the console versions though.

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Nah you can play it.


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He's literally Scorpion with weather magic

>tfw the Ghost Trick remaster will be forever stuck on iOS
Fucking hell, it looked really good too

There's also a jap only collection of Higurashi on the DS too.

A current gen remaster of a last gen game scaled back for a last gen level console, and the predecessor to a sequel that was one of the Wii U's launch titles. Did I mention it released after Breath of the Wild?

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That's more cause No Mercy is the GOAT wrestling game and people just want modern wrestlers on that engine.

Man i clearly remeber being extremely disappointed with the PS2 one hoping it would be the bigger and better version of the DS version, which i played first on an emulator

>Did I mention it released after Breath of the Wild?
Wasn't weird until that moment. Bet they were kicking themselves.

didnt they charge full price for these too

White Day, a game from Korea in 2001, got a remake in 2015 and the first versions released were on iOS and Android.
Why Sonnori (ROI Games) did this I don't know.
White Day did have a mobile version before but it was not the same as the PC version.

them music covers

I'd pay $10 to not play DMC2

what's this?

First panel guy is cultured as fuck.

Doom RPG probably

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I actually played this port yesterday. What a surreal experience that was

didn't this version have exclusive content?
remember i got this a year or two after the Wii U came out, still never played it or any Batman Arkham game...

Was that the version that allowed you to spend the money you earned on what were essentially better bots as teammates? I remember playing a version like that but I feel like the game had a longer title than just Counter Strike.


Based. Although usuing the black ops keyboard is a pain in the ass

Mostly just a new suit that made fighting enemies easier, and of course a more gamepad-oriented control interface.
But it also included all the DLC on top of that so it's probably the most "complete" version of the game out there.

Reminds me of when the Director's Cut of Deus Ex Human Revolution was a Wii U exclusive for a while.

>that torture sequence with the space bar's resistance
I say it cant be done

Console still works but it never received a single update. Pure vanilla. All the original bugs and maps and no new features.

That's because the "Naked Sample" was never intended to be a full game. It was a tech demo designed to show off the 3DS' capabilities.

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This id the best thread on Yea Forums right now.

Counter strike global offensive, although it wasn't money, you got a certain amount of points depending on how far into the "campaign" you were and better bots took more points
Not to be confused with counter strike global offensive deleted scenes which was an actual single player campaign and the only valve game to not receive a cover in the new steam ui. Good fun though even if the church boss was fucking bullshit,

No one is this fucking stupid, right?

I had Peggle on the iPod Classic. It was perfect to control, desu

this is fucking amazing.

the game was obviously running on ps3 code and set to the lowest settings without any further optimizations for the handheld. it still runs at an average of 20 fps and i managed to beat it on my pstv with no issues.

the game almost looked and ran as good as the xbone version.
the game ran at a smooth 60 fps.

the game is feature complete so play an iso of it on your dreamcast. they didnt release because the DC ended production soon after.

the xbox was able to run the most advanced games like doom and hl2 without breaking a sweat.

this game as well as the expansion ran really well on the xbox.
the first game was a perfect port while the sequel needs the camera speed fix where you have to max out the camera speed in the settings in order to fix the resolution as well as the framerate.

I didn't even know this thing existed.


It sold less than 300k systems in the USA and UK for the three years it was on the market. They actually thought this turd could compete with the game boy.

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IIRC ezio gives christopher columbus a piece of eden in this game and the movie retcons this

The RE1 port actually ran surprisingly well

Mercenaries 3D is the tech demo. Revelations is the actual full game they wanted to make

Still upset we never got DMC and RE for the PSP even though Capcom announced them

Resident Evil 4 on the Zeebo

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It's amazing that they pulled it off

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This music was made by some random guys the CEO of the company knew who knew jack shit about DOOM too. The whole development of that port is hilariously batshit.

Wait what the fuck

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pes 6 is one of the best football games of all time so it's not that surprising

Played it. Can confirm was better

is it the whole game

I almost downloaded this mere hours before the Switch remaster was announced

It was only available via Amazon and GameStop, so for the most part it was pretty under the radar anyway. Also it wasn't a port, since it started on the PS3 but delays resulted in the PS4 version.

I thought the RPGs were ported to the Apple store?

The nintendo ds did get a port of orcs and elves with an extended quest.

The Sten was missing on the wolfenstein one.

>Mati Fernández

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Not even a port, it's an entire remake of the game.

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and ofc nobody says anything

i installed this last week to try the multiplayer which gets praised around here, suprisingly first round in i already got 2 others playing
the next day my wiiu died

>Konami said they were considering MGS2 for 3DS
>They never made it happen
It would have at least ran better than MGS3 and it's less mechanically complex, why?

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A great fucking port that pushed the Wii so hard it could burn out the disc drive.

It's probably just the last new version of the game rereleased with updated teams like the FIFA Legacy Editions

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The Dementium series started out as a pitch for a Silent Hill game on the DS

Also Rise of the tomb raider

Wasn't MGS2-3 on the same engine? Why would 2 run better?

Last game I bought for the ps3. Pretty based of Atlus, I thought for sure it would stay in Japan.

Nope, they had to make a new engine. The only MGS3 in MGS2 engine is an old concept vid

It's actually a completely different game using the RE4 engine. Most people forget it even exists

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I want to find a copy of this but can't find it anywhere outside of Amazon and Ebay and I hate ordering shit online. Was it any good?

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Not that wierd. The first two games were top down and had a simple art style

I have MGSV on Xbox 360. It runs really well, there's no enemy pop in like in Ground Zeroes and the frameratr is really consistent

That's because it sucks.

It worked great thoug, regardless of texture quality, got me into Xenoblade

we all knew about it

Surprisingly a very good port (aside from lack of mod support)

The console controls feels very natural when in combat, the overworld map controls also is fine.
Menus are still pretty poor however. (Especially looting)

Going back to PC I've found myself preferring to use console controls when fighting.

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I didn't learn about the lost frontier until years afterward
At first I was surprised I never heard of it, but then I learned what it was like

Is xenoblade chronicles the only game to get 2 remakes?

Isn't the 3ds version just a downgraded port? Wouldn't really put it on the same level as what we've seen from the Switch one, which arguably seems to be more like a remaster than a full remake to me anyways.

I keep forgetting how international this site can be
How are things in somalia anyway

>the movie retcons this
what movie?

>How are things in somalia anyway
I'm going to guess not good.

>Isn't the 3ds version just a downgraded port?
Yeah it is simply a port. A well done one at that, even Monolith was impressed.
I'd say that it's too early to say whether the Definitive Edition on the Switch is a remaster or a remake yet. We have the Bionis shoulder which was taken out of the original game and there a high possibility that a few things will get more fleshed out or slightly changed to fit into Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

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your guess, even if it is correct, is worthless

could be from the minigames

Wasn't there a Megaman DOS port that only had three bosses?

They need extra time to include the cut content that will lead into X2, r-right?

runs great for me on Cxbx

Fucking silent hill on the gba.
I was a va

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I remember spending so many hours in this game just driving about.

What are you talking about it's better on every aspect except most of Mantis' sequence is changed

The Fassbender one


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This isn't a port it's a DS remake.

Wii versión is the best versión
It has 4 players co-op and you can steal goo balls from the other players

sonic pocket adventures for neo geo pocket

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There where like 5 zombies on screen and most stores were closed. Hell just the fucking floor got closed forcing you to take narro paths
Something I never heard anyone mention is that they also changed the survivors. You start the game scorting a group of 4 girls, one of which crawls through the floor and another needs you to hold her hand. I guess that's how they tried to make the game more difficult to balance out the lack of zombies

Unironically quite good game.

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that's not really a port of anything though

And yet it is so feature complete that you can use pc mods on it.

I was playing it on my xbone the other day. It plays great and has a way better UI than the PC does. It played great when I was younger too and has always been my preferred way of playing morrowind

Morrowind is completely fine on the Xbox. I used to play it all the time before I got it for PC.

All these games played fine. Peggle and Zumba worked amazingly well for it. You could even mode it with an NES and Gb emulator that worked pretty well

>You can't even play it anymore
here you go, from /vr/ doom general!Y7AjEawA!Ta2RQuOC235v0wQoLtVR7HJoN7bsiawkujSlq8A1Da4

A weird case is how the original game was upgraded to 4K for Xbox One X BC, althrough it ran at 30 FPS, yet Warmastered didn't receive the same treatment.

Similar case to Halo 3, the X360 version had even a bit more upgrades in the X BC, and it took a year to Master Chief Collection to have its own 4K update.

Gearbox made this fucked up version of NightFire for PC.

Its a very different game that uses GoldSource, the textures, and lightning are way better than the console version, but the gameplay, level design and its modelling are worse, plus its missing the driving sections.

It makes me wonder why the fuck they did that, the first one was the same game as the consoles IIRC.

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I remember playing this game along side the pc version

Java phone games had some surprising decent effort into them, i remember playing a lot Prince of Persia, Doom RPG and Orcs & Elves among others.

Best thing is that is a cultural thing that happens since Snes,you'd be surprised by how many people didnt know they were actually playing modded games in that era.
Eu mesmo só joguei os piratão mesmo

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Gearbox would find its redemption a year later with the PC port of Halo, Microsoft basically disinvested in almost anything that could be on Xbox for PC at that point, i've heard it ran poorly on PCs at the time tough.

But it was the PC version that brought the online multiplayer first to the franchise, which was very popular. The Xbox version never had it because Live would only be available exactly a year later.

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You meant Condition Zero
No, the Xbox version just had regular bot matches (first version to have official bots btw)

A weird thing is when remembering that japanese developers didn't support much PC until around ten or less years ago.

Konami was the kinda opposite for a short time, Metal Gear 1 and 2, and Silent Hill 2 to Homecoming got PC ports (yes, even 3 which was console exclusive to PS2).

But what it made Metal Gear 2 a weird case is that it came only in DVD format in 2003, at that point no game had came out with that format as standard, and it required 7GB which was a LOT of space at the time. Also sound issues with later OS.

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It was. These good high res hacks/patches wouldn't be possible with sprites without looking like shit.

I rememer it played really smooth on a phone joystick + keys

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I fucking hope someone makes a true fanmade port for this game. What's even weirder is that Ultimate Spider-Man had a 10/10 PC port, so I am not fucking sure how this one even got fucked up. Either way, I hope a real port gets made of this game because the Gamecube version has that weird fucking shininess to the character models and the PS2 version barely works on emulators and it makes the game almost unplayable.

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The Xbox version ran at 60 FPS. The X360 version while it had better graphics, ran at 30.

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just because someone made a spritesheet from the available resources doesn't mean it's programmed with sprites

using a DS emulator making a 'sprite' sheet isn't that hard, just time consuming

A port to Microsoft Windows was released in Japan in 1999.

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No reply?
Yeah it's pretty good. Controls are better than the 360 version and I remember it looking quite nice, although that was when I first played it when it released.
Genuinely would not recommend buying it though. Try it out on an emulator first.

>console CSGO
I forgot that even existed. Wasn't there going to be crossplay too?
The real kicker is that both console versions of tf2 and csgo are the only way to legitimately play legacy versions of the games

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>I was a va

yeah sort of. Most of the popular mods got updated and a few others got fan patches. You only really run into trouble when you're trying to play really early, obscure stuff. SMOD comes to mind as one that was fucked for quite a while until the community basically made it standalone. Anything that gets released these days is obviously fine.

I wonder how pissed everyone at microsoft was that CE ended up being a huge system seller but couldn't be played online.
It's obvious in retrospect but holy shit what a fucking oversight.

he just took screenshots of a bunch of poses.
mario maker works as autistically as you think this does though, everything in it is normal mapped sprites

it's a port.

360 had some balance updates, PS3 is vanilla, its only update was for performance.
the 360 version is peer to peer just using xbox live as a master server, so it can live without valve or EA's support until microsoft pulls the plug

god, who the fuck thought anything about the Gamecom was a good idea?
>no framerate
>worst sound of any console/handheld ever

they announced cross play early on and then just gave up on it because it would be impossible to release console updates as often as on PC.


played it on this phone, it had some 3d games

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the ps1 had a lot of weird PC ports

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JSR ports didn't make enough money to justify the cost of licensing music for a JSRF port.
>inb4 'just release it without the music, people can mod it back in'
it alienates enough people that they still wouldn't