Any good? never played this before

any good? never played this before

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typical run-of-the-mill MMO. if grinding's your thing, have at it -- but if grinding's really your thing, then play Black Desert instead

It had good ideas but was made by soulless gooks obsessed with grind and gear. Also designed for Korea so in any country not condensed into 1 city the netcode is gargage.

good graphics for its time

i always get bored after 5 hours and never touch my character

It was okish when it was released but its total garbage now and creepy as fuck. Basically they changed the way the leveling path works you skip through most zones now and never even enter them, just doing a few story quests and basically speeding through everything. It feels unnatural.
Then you get to the level cap and everyone expects you to have years of experience running the dungeons.

It was fun at release when fighting the minibosses in the open world was actually a challenge and it actually took a while to level and you played with people through the entire process.

Now its only kept alive due to elins basically.

give me good f2p mmorpg

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Completely dead game, don't waste time on it. Used to be pretty amazing game-play but it's been abandoned now.

rift is dead user


It was good, now it's kinda crappy.

I really my my elin zerk and my Baraka mystic.

>korean mmo

oh no no no no

It became shit since they removed Kumasylum.

It had it's time.

2012-2016 will never come back again.

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>no one has stolen tera's combat system yet
not even the company that made tera is using its combat system in their next game, also wildstar's housing system is still goat

Soul worker

I actually really enjoyed the combat, the rest was meh.

Its basically Monster Hunter and World exist.

If you're gonna play it, play the EU version now because it has some nice events to boost you up. The next patch will be out in a few weeks which will fuck the game up so might as well enjoy it now.

I played RO for a few years and this was the only other MMORPG I ever enjoyed since. I never liked FF11 or WoW's style gameplay

Characters look good with decent dressup
Graphics are decent
Combat is really good
Dungeons are pretty good

PvP super dead
Optimization is completely shit both on the netcode and FPS side, seeing more than a few people will cause your FPS to nosedive to single digits
They keep recycling and reusing old dungeons
Nothing really to do at endgame besides grind the same dungeons daily
Levelling is kind of braindead

>The next patch will be out in a few weeks
Let me guess, they are deleting more raids, replacing them with new ones that would last only for a few months, and made a gear tier worthless with a new set, which will get outdated in a few month?

And reinstating the Xigncode?

It was fun till everyone left.

Easy plat on PS4 tho...

man i wish the MMO genre wasn't so fucking dead and stagnant.

All I want is a game with actually fun PVP and a story that doesn't make me gouge out my eyes

This is painful to look at.
Sadly the game was killed because it focused too much on endgame content rather than world building and the level up adventure.

Newer players never got to enjoy getting a group of ragtag to fight bams for level ups before tackling dungeons, you never forget your first basilisk and crab death due to bleeding.

This is one of those mmo where housing would have been popular but not added for some fucking reason.

i tried to get into it and the dungeons were fun, the leveling was boring but what caused me to drop it ultimately was the poor performance

there are STILL housing districts in velika
places for guild emblems and everything

Wildstar was pretty okay and Guild Wars 2 is the only one where I actually finished the campaign, but that's mostly because of its leveling system

there are no good mmos in general user, let alone free ones
the genre is basically dead, WoW killed it.

Garbage.Got the platinum on the PS4 in like a week,but as an MMORPG it's stale.The world is barren and you simply queue for dungeons to level up until you reach endgame where you again queue up and do your daily shit.
From what I've read it was a vastly superior experience and different experience than the state it is now.

Just play B2P/P2P or skip the genre entirely.It is not worth going into the F2P territory.

What are even any good buy to play MMOs? Guild Wars ruined everything good about Guild Wars 1 and spat on it's story and characters. TORTanic has Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent as worth playing for the story but that's about it since everything from there is downhill

it hurts anons

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There really aren't,the genre is absolute shit.
I'm just playing Classic with a friend and might give AA:U a try if the beta is good enough.

dont fall for it user

Just play City of Heroes if you want to play a Free MMO.

Hot chicks
great combat system

I know...

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I'm still playing it because there's nothing that beats tera combat for me right now
If you're going to play, play on eu, mystel server. It's not completely on life support if you're wondering, I've leveled 3 characters in the past few days and it took me 4-6 hrs for each. Leveling dungeons are popping.
New gear is coming soon which will of course make current gear almost useless but it will make gearing alts a thing again, hopefully.
I kind of miss /terag/ simply because there's nowhere else to talk about the game ;_;
I don't know why people are saying it's completely dead and empty, the population is aight and as a new player there's always things to do, at least for a week or two until you get bored if it's not your thing. Either way if you're looking for a free mmo with fun combat tera is a decent choice. Sucks the developers are so retarded.

here are some f2p MMOs I have played/tried
Closers (a favorite)
Blade & Soul (a favorite)
there are TONS on steam though, just go look for them.

Kind of, game is kind of dead too so i wouldn't bother playing it