Does anyone else just come here to shitpost...

Does anyone else just come here to shitpost? I haven’t played a video game in 3 years but I always browse here because the jannies are shit and it’s easy to get an off-topic thread with 100+ replies.

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Sometimes I wish rangebans were more common.

Yea Forums is the only place I can socialize.

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>Does anyone come here to shitpost
>The only good remaining board beside Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums.
No, I come here to view threads about videogames, that are buried in seconds because they are not on a Nintendo console.

but why not just post to Yea Forums or something?

jannies are always on point whenever i browse. then again, i post late at night here in the Philippines, which is when you guys over there would be awake

>Yea Forums is the only place I can socialize.
how so?

ye, Nintentoddlers are despicable

Get a hobby you massive fucking faggot

Sony games are off-topic, they belong in Yea Forums

Even Demon/Dark Souls?

Even if they're on nintendo consoles the threads get ruined by shitposters. We all suffer here.

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This thread has been moved to in 3...2...1...

I come here mostly for videogame discussion, and as far as I am concerned, people like you should be gassed. Your entire life revolves around being petty nuisances. There may not be anything, anything in the world more sad than people like you, OP.

>but why not just post to Yea Forums or something?
Yea Forums has been taken over by jocks who literally only talk about how many bitches they fucked while swapping pictures. Most insecure neets that shitpost on Yea Forums will feel instantly intimidated and jealous.

You guys are alright.

Can we stop with the threads that are clearly designed just to masturbate or is it too late to change the culture?

I haven't masturbated irl in 6 weeks.

I don't try to shitpost. It's where I get alot of gaming news and updates that aren't about how a game isn't political enough to pander to people that weren't going to buy it regardless.

How do you do it bro? I feel like I have to masturbate just to sleep at an appropriate time.

If we're not allowed to have any memes that aren't wojak edits anymore, then you have no right to try and kill fap threads.

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"""Too much porn"""

It has been a thing since the site's inception fuck off.

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I hate how the only way for your thread to gain any traction concerning videogame related topics it has to be trollish/inflammatory in nature (often times with a Wojak opening image).

Not that guy, but Yea Forums is the only place where other people are autistic enough to care about and discuss games on more than a superficial level and are willing to challenge and be challenged about their opinions without some snowflake babysitter admin looking out for peoples' feelings.

no different from clickbait articles, user, and their readers are awfully similar (i.e. retarded)

early morning Yea Forums is the best Yea Forums
barely any mods jannies or dogfuckers so people have fun to their fullest posting obscure shit and off topic stuff

i come here to reply to the same copypasted scripts posted by comrade chan marketing for chairman sweeney's epic games client.

When you get rid of the threads that are designed solely for outrage bait, sure. Gotta get rid of all the cancer, not just one half of it.

No, I understand that but at least there was a hint of videogame discussion in the mix now people are unironically just masturbating to IRL roasties

check the bans page. mods approve less than half a dozen bans per hour. This board is hot garbage steaming garbage, mod ranks absolutely need to be purged of trannies and jaded sois, and jannies should be more carefully picked instead of choosing the most mutated bootlicking IRC trannies and nepotisming them into becoming janitors.