Alright, have you got drift on your switch?

OG or lite, I kinda want to buy a switch at this point but I'm not buying either the lite or the original if stick drift is actually common. Have you got it yet?

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I have both and they both have it. The lite came with it right out of the box. Returned it to get it fixed and got it back still drifting.

Not yet. Though when my analogs got a little loose after about a year I traded up on my Joycons, so maybe I just haven't used a set long enough to experience drift. Now that I think about it my left is second hand so I have no idea how long Its been around or how much use its had before me.

Don't be rough with them or play games like smash or.splatoon with them and you'll be fine. It's legit just Americans getting theirs fixed for free because Americans are too retarded to treat their shit properly and have overweight hands.

T. Works at nintendo customer support

Both my girlfriend and I have launch Switches and neither have drift or any Joycon issues.

why would you play it in handheld mode though get a pro controller

I have the OG and it drifts once every few days for a few seconds, then stops. Not as reeeeeee worthy as these fucking virgins make it seem.

The lite came out two days ago you fucking liar.

Drifting only happens after prolonged use you fucking tard.

My joycons have it, before I even had my finished my first game BOTW

Used my Pro controller for years with no issues. It's the controller, stop blaming the user.

I have an OG Switch (Not the recent update nor the Lite) and I've never had drift issues.

No drift here.
I also lack the musculature to physically damage the controllers (or anything for that matter).

t. Eurofag/Canadian

I had drift replaced my sticks.
Think It might have been because I actually take the thing outside and I live in a fucking desert.

Should I get a switch lite or a used, hackable switch that has scratches

Got drifting in both of my joycons and it's the first fucking time in my life I'm experiencing this shit, I started in 92.

Fuck Nintendo and fuck the nintent*ddlers and the shills.

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Got mine at launch, used it pretty extensively. Left Joycon started drifting in Febuary, hit it with Boomer Juice and no problems since then.
The other two Launch Switches I know of had no problems so far.

Hey, this might be Noose to yoose, but you can replace the screen's plastic for like $12

NEWS ALERT: These sticks don't drift because of mistreatment. Nintendo used an inferior material which causes the metal to rub on the graphite generating graphite dust which causes the drift. This can be cleaned out, but the problem will always eventually come back.
This IS a design defect in both the Joycons and Switch pro controller.

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Had mine since launch, no stick drift.

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I started experiencing heavy drift about 4 months ago now, and I got mine around... maybe July 2017? It was good all up till then

I only threw it three times and it stopped working. Nintendo stopped caring about quality control.

No drift on my launch Switch but then I don't really use the Switch much.

I've literally never used the joycons. Get the pro controller like a real man.

I first noticed the drift two years in, when I couldn't run straight forward in the Switch version of Dragon's Dogma. It was relatively minor and only in the left stick, though eventually it would start moving on its own and the right stick got it, too. I cleaned both out with a little electrical contact cleaner and they were as good as new after just a few minutes of drying. I still need to clean them out occasionally but I haven't had any other issues with them

>just don't play the literal 2 games you buy the console for

i honestly don't understand how they didn't fix it yet
and the pro controller dpad is shit too
this console is the scam of the decade

mine started after a year and at this point i can't even play most games handheld. I need to mail it in but I'm lazy. I heard it takes 2 weeks.

i've looked into fixing it myself but it seems a lot trickier than people make it out to be.

Got one last summer, so about a year out, I have no idea what you even mean by stick drift.

it happens to me occasionally on the OG switch. luckily I don't really play any games that require great precision and control in handheld mode, I only play real games in docked mode with a real controller.

I know 4 other people with a switch and none of them has it either
Maybe we're lucky idk

I only had it happen to my left launch Joy-Con, but blasting the fuck out of it with an air compressor fixed it. I've used Mario Reds for a little under a year now with no issues so far. I would get an OG Switch, not only because the Joy-Con are replaceable, but the size difference isn't significant enough to warrant losing TV mode even if you think you won't use it. You'll still be carrying the Lite around in a case in a bag.

swap vita sticks into it

My dad works at Nintendo and he told me they program them to drift on purpose if you don't buy enough games or say enough positive things about Nintendo on Twitter.

Totally legit

Got drift in two pairs.

what the fuck is this picture

>playing smash with joycons

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Dust and debris can get under the analogue stick and cause erroneous inputs. Compressed air and WD-40 contact cleaner will generally do the trick.

>aimed towards GUN

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I got my Switch about a year after release and I haven't got any drift problems. I also clean it pretty regularly and throughly, I dont know if that factors at all.

My set of joy cons with my switch got drift but my 2nd set are doing fine and i got em like 4 months ago. Maybe more.

>and Switch pro controller
i haven't heard a single case of drifting on the pro

>throwing your controllers
literally a seething retard

Nintendo Switch is riddled with little annoyances that aren't the result of any mistreatment. The backplate wears like a motherfucker even if you put it on a velvet pillow and the dock will scratch the screen and/or the backplate if you don't widen that fucker yourself, I don't care what anyone says.

I know 3 other people that have one and we all have drift. There will always be faggots that say they own 10 joycons and noone of them have it. No shit tranny, obviously if you own multiple joycons the time usage is split and as a result occures later

Guess I'm not buying a switch any time soon then

Have had mine since launch and it's been perfect. Around 400 hours across non-Smash games (I've only played Smash with a GC controller), no issues with the console or controllers

How do you clean joycons, mine drifts often

just get a pro controller

Look under the stick, there's a little flap. You can squirt some electrical contact cleaner or even some compressed air under there. The biggest cause of drift is dust particles getting under the stick, and that should clean them out.

Not everyone lives in America stupid gaijin.

I've had mine since launch, no drift.


I bought mine may 2017 and it doesnt have drift but i barely use it soo

My launch joycons had the drift after about a year and I was admittedly pretty rough with them, I bought a new pair because I wanted some other colors anyway and have been a lot more gentle with them and they're still working great a year+ later. Nintendo fixed my original grey pair for free a month ago too.

Kinda want the lite tbqh

Have a switch for 6 months now, no issues with drifting.

we don't know if it has drift yet

It uses the exact same joy-con stuff

It came out in every territory 2 days ago though.

they could have fixed the drift

come on, son

I got drift on both - my red mario con and my Hori d-pad con that i bought to replace mario con

Holy fucking shit im mad

Its not as widely complained about because not everyone has them. Everyone with a switch has joycons.

Reminds me of the N64 controller. The stick doesn't have any lubrication at all so it's just plastic grinding against plastic.
Eventually with enough use, it generates a lot of dust and the stick becomes loose as fuck.

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Shit, even the Hori? God damn. My PowerA gamecube pro wireless controllers seem to be safe and i've been using the hell out of them.

>bro just dont pkay videogames on Nintendo Switch and you will be fine :^)
Are you a fucking moron?

I'm not going to assume they're fucked before seeing anything about them

I feel blessed to not have drifting joycons. then again i don't play it ALL that often (just smash, deemo and Tetris until I buy FE).

You clearly are

Octopath Traveller any good? Looking to get some jrpgs for Switch.

That’s what you would think but Nintendo is known for hardware issues especially at launch.

Third-party controllers and joycons often use the same molds and parts as the official stuff, just without the bells and whistles like NFC/HD rumble and so forth.

Mine started drifting about 1 year later after getting mine. Apparently repairs are free in burgerland but its still inexcusable garbage

My pro hasn't had problems and I'm sure enough people own one that it would get criticized if it had serious drift problems

Drift wasn't even a huge issue until Kotaku put out an article complaining about it, suddenly everybody and their grandmother gives a shit about it.

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It's pretty good, try the demo out before buying it

Well...i dont see any reason of hori being better quality stick than official nintendo stick
In theory hori supposed to be identical or worse

I literally almost never used my joycons for playing and stuck with the pro controller for 99% of my playtime, and when I recently tried out handheld mode in Astral Chain it was already drifting

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Cope harder faggot

Get DQXI on Friday

Yes. On og from 150 hours of up from botw

>can't Switch
>D-pad's absolute dock shit that can't do diagonal inputs
>analogue sticks are still the exact same as the Joy-Cons meaning they'll start drifting
>revised base model has a significantly longer battery life
Yep, you're a fucking retard if you buy this.

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name some

Not that guy but how is that possible?
I have only used my launch joycons and they don't drift.

>exact same as the Joy-Cons meaning they'll start drifting
you're a fucking retard if you buy the switch and have to keep paying nintendo for joy-cons too

Way easier to open up a joy con than the entire system just to fix the analogue stick yourself, m8.

Dust under the caps, I imagine.

3 switches, 8 joy cons, no drift

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but y tho

dafuq is joycon ''drift''?
i got mine since day 1 and its perfectly fine.

>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.

1 autism

Red ring of death.

the fuck did you do to that middle one

i have an OG, and i haven't. i use the Pro controller more than anything (as any switch owner should), but the joycon have been put to heavy use by friends with Smash and they've been just fine.

If you're splitting your time between that many switches, it would take that much longer for joycon wear to show


Yes it was. But most people who've owned nintendo products would just assume it was something they did, or quietly returned it to walmart without a reciept. Nintendo wouldn't be replacing a product for free unless they had done something wrong and they wouldn't be failing at this rate.

There's some custom frames floating around so that you can use the joycons with a vertically-held switch. Great for arcade games like Ikaruga, or the DS emulators he's showing off on a hacked switch

No, it really was not. It was a known and acknowledged issue but wasn't complained about very often and then it exploded when the Kotaku article came out.

They started offering refunds when they started getting bad press en masse about it from everybody piggybacking Kotaku.

post it

Its almost like when people realize other people are having the same problem, they collectively do something about it. AKA, a class action lawsuit.

If OG drifts, you can just replace the joycons or Nintendo will fix the drift free.
If Lite drifts the whole thing is fucked and Nintendo will charge you out the ass to send the whole system in for repairs.

I was probably the only person in the world who bought a launch Switch without Zelda. My controllers didn't start drifting until about two years after the fact, but both left Joy-Cons started going out at about the same time.

But i’m A mong my 360 controller had drift after the 4th month. My joy cons are floppy in handheld mode too from Mario cart.

Have had it for months but don't wanna send it in. What's the point of repairs if it'll just go right back to drifting? Defeats the whole point of portability if the controls don't work.

So first revisions of Switch lite are not safe bet I assume? Better to wait for new model?

Anti nintendos don’t bother to do research of any kind before shitposting.
Which is probably why they don’t like the switch desu senpai.

I have it, it started after about a year of use. It goes away for like a week or two after I clean out the stick, but it always comes back. I'll just buy a new joycon set after they've affirmatively fixed the issue. I definitely wouldn't buy the lite if I were you at least until we can be sure that stick drift doesn't happen on it.

Falling for stale bait

>even the pro as well

Would taking em apart & cleaning out the "dust" be enough to get rid of said drift?

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We really don't know. I wouldn't get one for the time being just because of that. Unless you're very careless with your controller, stick drift usually takes at least 6 months to set in.

haha cobe :)

Why would someone go on the internet and tell lies?

>pretending to be retarded
Yep, it's a Switch owner doubtless