Play Loader
Risk of Rain 2
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what is the correct play in this situation?
This is the perfect run. You may not like it, but this is what peak MUL-T looks like.
what are good loader binds I cant figure out how to both move and charge her punch without it feeling awkward
Aimbot enemies
Why do they exist
Damage will accelerate your ability to get the other two. With a possible exception for Utility getting you speed.
loli loader when?
so as someone who slightly dabbled in RoR 1 how does this game compare?
Damage, pop the teleporter and get the other two after
what difficulty
RoR1 is definitely better but 2 is different enough that it's also fun
not him but monsoon fucking sucks right now, I wouldn't be playing it if I weren't grinding for skins
>Fuel cell with no active
>only 1 wisp
>a Tri tip
you make me sick
Healing. Monsoon is too brutal without healing now, you need at least something.
I personally like it more.
I know you mean well, but please only post that when they start shitposting here. Else you're just inviting them.
More like you suck and always did.
What are the challenges to unlock loaders skills? Can't check atm because I am in a good run and no one else seems to have them posted.
They were already shitting up the previous thread. Figured I'd put out an APB while this one was young.
Just one, you have to enter the obliteration portal within 25 minutes.
Depends on difficulty, character, and personal skill level.
only loader alt skill is for obliterating in under 25 minutes, so i doubt you can get it on your run
trick question, opening any of those will get you a guaranteed warbanner
shut the fuck up, you dumbass elitists are whats causing unskilled players to pick Monsoon every time in multiplayer
case in point: look at how every Yea Forums lobby fails on stage 3 or 4 because "hurr have to play Monsoon even though i have 10 hours playtime and dont know what the fuck im doing:
go choke on your own micropenis
They're familiar yet completely different. RoR1 can get super fucking intense, but you can see everything happening. RoR2 doesn't get as intense, but the nature of 3D games being different you can't always see everything around you. You'll get shot by some faggot wisp from behind when you're not expecting and it'll ruin your day.
Both are super fun games. Once you're a decent length into a run they're both really captivating. If you liked 1 I'd at least say you should considering buying 2 when it was on sale.
>he fell for the rush meme
enjoy HAHAHA at 20 minutes
Shift on M4, M2 on M2. Since they're often done together as one action having them on one hand feels more natural, and also frees your left hand to just worrying about movement.
3 abilities is not fucking enough. It was fine on a 2D microscopic plane, but come the fuck on.
If you liked the concept of 1 with difficulty ramping and the random crazy items, but also like very fast paced mobility based shooters then you'll like 2. You may want to wait for release, but I've gotten about 150 hours out of it already just from loving the core gameplay enough to not mind the fairly low amount of levels/enemies.
reduced healing only matters for the first 2 or 3 stages and you really shouldn't get hit a lot early
got the new loader grapple. it's good
heh....jealous, Yea Forums?
i never really considered it because its on early access and i also have a huge fucking backlog of both Yea Forums and /tg/ stuff. Still have backlog but i saw that Yea Forums liked this game and when it comes to nonAAA games Yea Forums has alright taste.
I want to buy this game but i don't think it's worth the pricetag tbhfamalam
My biggest issue with the game right now is how few enemy types there is. And each content update adds just one new regular monster.
>implying they aren't just reposting the shit that originated here in the first place
beat you to it bro
>and you really shouldn't get hit a lot early
>director spawns 20 wisps behind you
I'd say the issue is difficulty scaling. One level you can be absolutely shit stomping everything without issue, then you're in the goddamn volcano lava fuckpit with 4 imps and 2 worms all trying remodel your shitter at once.
If you get a more threatening small elite in the early game you can just jump off the edge there, pull them off, and charge punch back to safety as they fall to their death.
hopoo, children and parents when? I want to be intimidated by a giant figure of light
Pretty impressive actually. Good job, user.
Reminder that "monsoon elitists" don't actually play the game and are just looking for easy (You)s
or just fall off because no fall damage
>10/10 update for my main (Engie)
>Only class that didn't get a new skin
I mean. Everything is great about the spider mines and the turrets are cool. It just seems like an odd thing to not complete.
then fucking shoot them, even if it spawns about 6 which is probably the most I've seen at once early, there is literally no character that can't clear them before suffering major damage
not really honestly but i appreciate the sentiment anyway sweatypie
Multiple Corpseblooms looks stupid, I don't know what Hopoo was thinking, but is just one still bad to take?
What, is that not how you're supposed to play anymore?
God I just wanna suck fat loader titty all fucking day and night, like a horny vacuum. God god god please.
Bu-buh-buh-but user
You can't swing from wisps and contraptions in the 2 whole spots in the game where there are mediocre swing spots as opposed to amazing ones.
alright, what's the play HERE?
while the other two are largely selfish, an engy with fungus helps everyone. the health box is the safest option
What's the deal with teleporter bosses healing at random now?
Wait, does she really not take damage from falling OUT of the map too?
damage and hope for onhit or syringe
utility and healing are useless for first boss
wait, brass contraptions count as light? what the fuck. those things seem huge and heavy
On monsoon one is really good unless you're going for broken glass OSP build and super late game. I always pick it up if I get one early from the lunar pod. It also has nice synergies with Aegis and Reju Rack. For REX it's absolutely top tier item.
My guesshope is that it's because they may plan to give his turrets skins too and just didn't have the time. Good things come to those who wait.
I do shift on F,
R on Q
they level up as time goes on so their health goes up
yes it is a stupid mechanic, and yes it does make boss units especially bullet spongey, but no, it hasn't just been added, it's been around for a while
Rushing on monsoon is a big gamble now. It's more consistent to farm for items and pick up a drone or activate a turret.
They count as light. And elite contraptions are the sole reason you should ever think about switching back to the other grapple since stunning them barely stops their attack and its hard to dodge them grappling against a wall.
muscle women GOAT
>Most new skins are simple recolors with no new geometry
Get a brittle crown and use it to take chests before they possibly can, and to get more chests than them until they become outscaled by difficulty increases and have to watch you carry them.
The only thing that item is good for.
>trying to obliterate with rex for the skin
>get scythe
>glasses printer on stage 4, hell yeah
>get more scythes
>fuckin 100% crit and i'm doing no damage and healing for jack shit compared to the health loss
how the fuck does ANYONE stand playing this piece of shit?
>stunning them when they start forming their balls doesn't stop it like it will with a golem
This has annoyed me a ton since the game released.
After installing just bepinex and R2API and no actual mods, I'm getting horrible video hitches every couple seconds like it freezes for an instant and then skips a couple frames to catch back up. My framerate counter stays consistent during these times. Did I do something wrong?
entering teles spikes the difficulty, as long as you're not wasting time and actually getting items then taking your time is better
I made a shitty graph to illustrate, red is the difficulty when you rush, blue when you take twice as much time per level (let's say 3 minutes vs 6 minutes per level, seems realistic)
you don't get any more powerful when rushing than the guy who doesn't, all you're doing is making it harder for yourself
so unless you want to obliterate yourself asap or some shit there's no reason to rush
you can tell when someone's bad at the game if you play in a Yea Forums lobby and some faggot insists on teleporting as soon as possible, if that happens then leave because you're gonna wipe at rallypoint anyway
this is true BUT bad thinking on Commando his dmg is so shit early that u need SOMETHING to even kill the boss so you can heal later
I expected more than just Huntress but with white armor, let's just hope they add better skins later.
No, it's an issue with the current R2API version, due to some problems with the mmhook.dll.
Grab an older version and replace the mmhook.dll with it.
His new M2 is great in my opinion.
OOB damage is calculated the same way as fall damage. Jump off as artificer while hovering on your jetpack and watch as you take a whopping 0 HP worth of damage.
your graph is shit
you're also not taking into account that later levels have more and better chests, and the point of rushing is to get to loop so farming is actually worth your time
also rushers get the free preon so bosses are trivial
>his dmg is so shit early
Nigga, you didn't unlock shotgun yet?
I've noticed a lot of enemies are coded the way you might code a vehicle with independent turrets in most other games. Most obvious are the Stone Titan, whose head operates independently of the body (which is why it will punch you into the air out from under cover while its laser is firing), and the Greater Wisp's hands, which will continue to fire even if the body is in its death animation.
Give the source!
The trick is to start the teleporter in time so that you can get everything by the time it ends. If you leave with money in your pocket early game it means you went too slow.
Rushing does have big advantage though, and that's that it will better prepare you for the late game if you can make it there, because your speed of getting items spikes really hard at stage 5 or so, so getting there ASAP means you can start accelerating your item gain past someone who took their time.
So while that guy in red on your graph is at a higher difficulty relative to time, by the time blue reaches that stage his will be higher than red's was when he got there.
>also rushers get the free preon
Not anymore user. They get a 50/50 shot at a free preon and then eat shit because they get acres 5 runs in a row.
nope I hate playing commando because his damage is shit :) other chars are easier to use and better so whats the point of suffering with commando for 20 levels
>it's another "literally cannot find the teleporter in Wetlands Aspect even though i checked literally every spawn location possible because its halfway stuck in a wall somewhere" episode
People are underselling its damage, but the problem is that it loads too much into one longer cooldown while the default can just fire off an M2 at every target he comes across.
How does one git gud as MUL-T?
how does obliteration work in mp?
t. new to game
Also I'm reading about a commando shotty, does this mean my boy enforcer is not coming ever?
>director spawns 20 of the easiest enemies to kill
>he doesn't have the "never spawn in scorched acres" mod
but in all seriousness, fuck the new maps
>i'm doing no damage
Rex literally deals the highest damage in the game if you're not a pussy
20 levels is the frag grenade unlock.
>ever getting acre
I seek out a newt on stage 2 every time just to buy rallypoint. Fuck going to acres, what a shit map.
Shotgun shits out A LOT of damage. Commando is really easy to start the game now, maybe a bit less so if you get a vargant but it melts beetle queen and titan.
hold down M1 and stack Transcendence, teddy bears, and damage items
hes more item dependent than most characters because hes a huge target with 0 mobility, but if you tank up its really hard to die because of his 200 base hp and 20 armor
yeah well i was doing the m1-cancel spam and the bosses would regularly take longer than the teleporter charge
if i have 100% crit on a real character those same bosses are going down in seconds
>go for obliterate unlock on engie
>get the run of a lifetime, every single op item in the first two or three levels
>make it to celestial portal by 40 minutes while still taking my time
>obliterate myself
>no unlock
epic, truly epic.
>forgot that engineer doesn't have his skin yet but did it anyway
whos this artist
atleast the engineer skin will probably be cool when it comes out, unlike the rex skin
OH maybe I will bother then although desu I feel like I never see overloading worms for some reason always get imp overlords up the ass
Fucking this. I swear every other run I go on has a wetlands where the teleporter just doesn’t fucking exist. I’m beginning to wonder if there is a real glitch that makes it to where a teleporter doesn’t actually spawn at all.
I hope so, but it'll have to be amazing to drop my green and purple.
Nice, thanks.
if you're standing in the center and can't see the sparkles, it's either behind one of the dams or on the small path along the cliff
That's exactly what annoyed me about his default M2. You just spam it constantly along with M1 all the time, it's extremely exhausing especially further into the loops. New one is more like Huntress' R, you use it and then just concentrate on sniping wisps or weakening enemies with M1. Just a more comfortable way to play.
>tfw women with masked/obscured faces are a huge fetish of mine
this isn't arguable, you can literally run the hard numbers yourself
I'm not sure
Welcome to the patrician club.
That's fair. To me it sounds like asking Commando to give up his M1 for Huntress' Arrow Rain. Is it a good skill that he'd be happy to have? Sure. But it leaves him in a spot where what the fuck is he supposed to do about these spread out small enemies that he's usually just gun down?
Aside from the debuff Rex's M1 is just really underwhelming. Give him a better consistent DPS source for R/Shift/M1 and the new M2 will be far more appealing.
Are you a mudslime?
obliteration obliterates everyone
Maybe if I die enough times with commando on normal hopoo will realize he needs to buff him
@ErovSaaaka on twitter. I'm only spoonfeeding because I want to encourage as many artists to make as many RoR lewds as possible.
What are the most cancerous bosses?
Nah, mudslimes turn me off.
I like it when you can't see her face and especially her eyes.
>want to play bandito
>no official release
>play merc instead
>start getting so used to him I just can't play any other class
What if bandit finally releases and I just can't move on from merc?
Dune Striders at low damage and hordes of many.
>no dates
>probably just stole the meme and ran with it
You do realize coomer posting started in march right?
It feels like monsoon is balanced around shaped glass since you start doing peashooter damage after stage 6
play loader
Play your boy anyways, who cares if he isn't released? His files are in the game.
Hoopoo has confirmed bandit will not be in.
Take the rules of nature pill
Dune striders are the one boss where I really feel like they can be unfair if you have zero vertical mobility, and poor horizontal. It feels like the rolling pots are almost impossible to dodge at times and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
dunestrider without a doubt
>dunestrider when you have a low damage build
>WHIRRs itself back to full health, sometimes multiple times if your damage is REALLY shit
alternatively, malachite hordes
>class pretty much complete in the files
>gets update last patch for a new death animation
>"confirmed bandit will not be in"
Either I don't understand or you don't user
commando literally cannot dodge them at low levels, the roll does nothing
you have to hide behind something
It definitely accelerated here recently. Gay ops aren't a rarity in the discord era of the internet. They having stolen the meme doesn't make things better.
you can jump the rolling balls makes it easier if you are strafing
jump diagonally left or right, towards the boss
they can't turn fast enough if you time it right
>playing only one character
What the fuck are you even doing?
bandit will not be in the game
he'll be a post-release $5 DLC
>Kardia of Rhodes
Whoever made her deserves a Nobel prize in the field of Bonerology.
Can't you fucking read? Merc plays at a faster and crazier pace than any of the other characters making me not play them comfortably, so I end up playing merc more often. Trying to get the hang of loader, seems good, but one can only hold LMB for so long until it gets stale
Thanks, I'll put more effort into trying to dodge this way rather than hoping to passively dodge them by jumping around like an idiot. Is the timing very strict, or does it just require some attention?
Piss off ghost.
>Baseball-sized abs
Why am I suddenly attracted to this
rush to loop and you won't have this problem
Do overloading worms appear on rainstorm?
It's confirmed the next two are new characters. Hopoo also saidquite a while ago that he had given up on Bandit. However we also know that there will be post release content, and he could've changed his mind on whether Bandit+HAN-D are worth fixing up.
And really what better way to sell DLC than with the characters everyone's been praying for for so long?
they appear on every difficulty eventually
fuck off
gimme enforcer
I'm sure he'll be officially released some time after 1.0. They won't dare to actually remove his shit from the game files.
Loader has the airs of a grown up tom-boy who's given up softball for welding, but still wants to come home to you to cuddle. It's only natural to feel these things.
How does it work if you have Transcendence along with Corpsebloom?
Its not really strict so much as theres a pattern to it
That's pack 2 with miner and sniper. Two packs of 3 and we get the whole gang. It's perfect.
I just don't see how a meme making fun of blacked watchers and porn spammers is gay
>want backup magazine unlocked
>have no fucking clue how to not get hit ONCE during the teleporter event
What the fuck do I do here I don't want to be a drizzlet
play online
stay away from the boss
What determines Lunar Coin drops? I'm lucky to see one every run.
Join a pub game and hide behind cover during the boss if you suck that much
play engi
engineer is a good choice for this, on the first boss you can just sit in shield with your turrets provided the boss isn't the titan
Just play on Drizzle and you'll get it.
Just keep trying and you'll get it on accident eventually. Engineer is a good option for his turrets drawing aggro and just being quite strong early on.
Or cheese it in multiplayer.
>go engineer
>get a god tier run where your turrets are capable of instantly pulverizing anything in sight
>hide behind a rock until monsters stop spawning
Corpsebloom doesn't work probably since you only have 1 health. Thought, it may affect overhealing of Aegis but when I tried Aegis with Transcendece and Leeching Seeds\Scythes I got literally no results so no idea if it was broken or intentional or my healing simply was too weak.
Hopoo actually fucked up hard with whole shield mechanic making a lot of stuff involving it extremely confusing and unintuitive.
play mercenary
>Also I'm reading about a commando shotty, does this mean my boy enforcer is not coming ever?
haha, no silly user we'll still get Enforcer and Bandit haha...
Regenning shields is not healing. You cannot heal because you cannot lose a single health without dying. The transcendence works as normal, the corpsebloom does nothing.
The commando shotgun is a laser shotgun with a cooldown, enforcer would still be unique having one as his primary fire, and would also be cooler because a loud BANG is 90% of what makes a shotgun good in a game.
>bandit is eventually 100% complete but not unlockable ingame as an exclusive character for modchads.
>ywn go on a crusade with her
I hate the Lepton Daisy
I get it as a boss reward more often than any green it so fucking annoying
>tfw have gotten more lepton daisies than soldier's syringe this update
Uncommon my ass.
is merc being able to melee during skills intentional?
do i need to worry about a bugfix?
>YWN go on her crusade
Why the fuck would you hate a half hp bar heal every few moments during the fucking teleporter event?
Personally I want to go on a crusade IN her.
>muscle girl
because you tend to get a lot of them. Id rather have nearly any other green
>chrono bauble
>red whip
Are Engi's moving turrets good?
no, they suck
they're fun though so use them anyway
The perfect reward for trial of the mountain x2
>Spawn in
>World has like two drops
>They're both shit
They absolutely blow. They need longer range, better ai, and higher base movement speed to be usable.
UHHHHHHHHHHHH HOST??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
No, but they're cute.
I'd lick those sweaty abs and pits
>spending 4 coins every run just to avoid a map
sounds shitty tbhfam
>all the horny virgins in this thread
>no ones hosting
us east
Random drop from any enemy with a caveat - chance is low and gets lower with every coin dropped in that run.
Oh look, Commando is finally useful for something.
none, they're all warbanners.
>full already
only got 2/4, if youre client is modded you cant join
who cares i just cheat them in for this exact reason
It's Wommando.
I really miss RoR1 times when there wasn't so many fatfags.
Sawblade+volcanic egg/cube+strides of heresy
Cute but bad, what good is double damage if they can't even reach the average wandering vagrant
why is that so tiny
nice thumbnail nerd
hopoo did this on themselves, they didn't have to make all the female characters so fucking thick
no mods, black screen on attempting
If you look at the model closely those blue lines on the chest piece are little handles. Wommando is made for titfucks.
DESU, I haven't seen many fatfags deal in art for RoR.
god fuck the 20 stage commando run, it takes way too long.
>Try out the Bandit mod
>Having a Blast
>[WARNING] The ground's temperature begins to rise..
>Die to Glacial Elder Lemurian and his twin brother on Level 2/Medium Rainstorm
Thanks Hotpoo
So how do you play Huntress anyway? She has fuck all health and so far all I can tell you do is sprint around in circles holding M1 before dying in about three hits. The glaive is powerful but it also means not sprinting for a second which is death for her.
What is this, a picture for beetles?
The environment log for Golden Shores or whatever doesn't spawn every time, huh? So I have to come back to this damn place again?
What skills?
US East Pleb Lobby
join up, lads
>Oh, sorry here's the full version
Yes since they actually lead to a fun playstyle. Power wise they're currently inferior to default turrets.
all of them
that's not how the game works
It's your fault for not being smart and just editing xml.
We're at 2/4
>printing more than 13 photon dildos
Do retards really not know what diminishing returns are?
Maybe. It's been like this since release, and fits in with what both of his R's imply his speed to be.
Ancient wisps soon
No idea what are you even talking about. You can throw glaives just fine, nothing gonna kill you that fast. She's pretty simple, throw aoe, throw glaive, sprint around shooting stuff, blink if necessary, rinse and repeat.
This picture is shit because the leeching seed seems to be having a direct affect on her breasts which means it should be leeching from them making them smaller. What makes sense according to the lore would be the seeds leeching from someone else to increase her bust size.
She's the only survivor I can't play for shit, even Commando gets some good runs now and then out of me.
It certainly does give you shit starts.
that's literally how the game works
Jump more, enemies will hit you much less in the air. Try using glaive in the air. Use her excellent mobility to get items quicker and use blink for vertical movement. Don't hesitate to blink out of teleporter bubble when you feel boxed-in.
Didnt this artist draw her getting railed by that horse?
Sounds weird, user. She's probably the most casual friendly character.
Its the range. For a character designed for speed and mobility her attack range is fucking horrible. Say what you will about Commando but at least he can shoot things more than a meter in front of him.
Redpill me on the following items
>Monster Tooth
>Cautious Slug
>3k hp, 40 armor, 6 teddy bears
>thought i was literally invincible
>random overloading worm sneaks up behind me and oneshots me
red whip is way better than the daisy
also you're implying I can just stay alive in the teleporter area most of the time which is rarely the case
>monster tooth
Rex likes it
>Cautious slug
It never gives you only 2 items
You can use multis saw alt skill while shifting.
Bug or feature?
Anyone hosting? I'm trying to get Commando's grenades so I'd prefer something lower than Monsoon.
All good and useful unless you're drizzlet.
same shit just happened to me but it was an elder lemurian one shotting me....
Bad because the orbs don't auto travel to you in a 3D space, but not the worst shit in the world.
Bad because you need to stop taking damage before it heals you.
Thanks to the Regen nerf, an unironically nice item outside of Teleporter events.
>Monster Tooth
still bad
still not good
>Cautious Slug
I don't know how this item was impacted by the regen nerf so I can't tell. It used to be among the best
>4 shaped glass
>2 used up Dio's
Why would you even bother posting this.
gonna need source on that
>best on melee characters, but it's still mediocre
>dogshit, only serviceable on rex
>best healing item atm
>Alright earlygame, probably decent with glass, falls off quickly
>Your new main source of regen when running away
>3 different modes of play
>gotta play the hard one even if it's objectively not as fun
Rainstorm is the most functional and decently balanced of the 3. Like literally every normal mode in every game ever.
Rainstorm is too easy baby mode, unless you playing with 3 people that are literally snails that think buying every item on the map before activating the teleporter is a good idea
this. I don't want to have to grind all that bullshit, I just want to play with my _boyfriend
Rainstorm is too easy to be fun. Falling asleep playing that.
pls tell me you are both cute
fuck off fags
>thought i was literally invincible
Just use a controller in your left and and mouse in the right
I've had fuck knows how many runs where the crates were so well hidden that I was lucky to get maybe one or two items by the five minute mark.
there's punching to be done
git gud
Yes! You can also use it with strides of heresy which is probably going to get patched. Also with volcanic egg which hopefully won't.
What does modded loader look like?
I wish they would move that shield to the other arm so it doesn't overlap with the aegis
big titty
big abs
>>Monster Tooth
Trash and will always be trash, you have to manually pick up orbs that heal for a fucking flat amount of health or a whopping 1 hp. It only starts to get good if you're stacking fucking 20 of the things and you're loader.
Dogshit, even on Rex, again, flat healing amount, I once stacked 20 of these shits on monsoon and they did fuck all when I got hit. Neither Tooth or medkit scale.
>>Cautious Slug
The only good healing item as it was before the "fix", it heals a percentage of your health when you're out of combat for a few seconds, and it's significant. You get 3 of these and you're set for most of the game, but stacking more is great too.
Additional notes:
>Leech seed
Also suck cock unless you've got 4+ of them and a high attack speed like Commando, Mul-T, or Rex.
Same boat, but it gives you 5% crit and heals for a much more significant amount and synergizes with other items, so even if you're not healing well with them, you still get the other utilities.
It exists user
Originated here by the person who made the discord. How fucking stupid are you to not see this?
watever fags
merc skin when
>stealth kit printer
>on rex
salvaged a shitty run by becoming perma-invisible and obliterated
>next two are new
Who the fuck keeps spreading this shit? Provide a source that ISN'T the roadmap, because the roadmap literally lists every incoming survivor as "New" including Loader.
HUGE loads
Her hips are too wide.
>mask/helmet, obscured face
muh dic
I want sniper
Hell yeah
Is there a pack with the large size merc, capeless arti and that third loader?
good hips are a sign of a decent matron
You can get MUL-T's beetle queen unlock by killing any two beetle queens while inside a teleporter event. They do not have to be part of the boss fight. Makes it infinitely easier.
yeah but it looks inhuman
Her thighs are too slim.
Tfw want to use mods but BepIn is causing huge stuttering issues
Jesus Christ I'm sick of all of these fucking wisps. Too much fucking trash to clear now and you can't afford to take occasional chip damage anymore
good thing that mod doesn't use bepin, isnt it?
lol looks like a scuffed destiny 2 clone
Works on my machine
i hate the sequencer so god damn much
>16 minutes
>stage 4
loader more like boner
>Accidentally triggered the optional boss late into a monsoon run
>Literally too tanky to kill
wat do
where's the archive?
Haven't played since April: is Artificer any better now?
>strides of heresy
>on Loader
The game was doing you a favor
If you weren't playing engineer, that wouldn't be the worst set of items in the world.
playing the long con huh?
mod when
thats not loader mouthbreather
Odd looking Loader
She can hold jump midair to hover now, she she isn't a /complete/ sitting duck anymore.
considering this was what i had before, still feels like the worst.
Sequence shrine is based for being on the celestial portal level so you can fuck off when you get something bad.
I just got off work, give me a break
>most defense items suck
>the director saves all their fucking points for the first ten seconds of the porter while enemies are scarce during exploration
>wisps can spawn right on fucking top of you, usually from all sides in a group no loss
>boss attacks that are designed to be avoided with terrain when you're encouraged to fight where the porter's randomly placed
>ranged attacks that cannot be broken out of lock on, with infinite range
>low base regen so there's barely any recovery from strafing/kiting
Monsoon is just frustrating now. I love the game to death, but the room for error is so fucking miniscule. There's practically no reason not to try and glass yourself given how vulnerable you are the entire game.
And I swear to God, ranged enemies are vastly more threatening than any boss in this game beyond the strength of shit like titan's laser or vagrant's AoE.
where da 10 man at
Much better. Her M1 got a way higher proc rate, and almost all items now deal damage based off of the attack that caused them rather than just a base damage, so a sticky applied by her m1 or m2 is far stronger than a sticky applied by a commando. Also her hover is absolutely amazing, and her new alternate abilities are mostly pretty cool.
EU lobby, NA fine
Considering Monsoon difficulty
>>Monster Tooth
Terrible. Even on melee characters, it slows you the fuck down to have to run back for it. If it ever homes in on you, then it'll be good.
First cycle: Great. 3D print one if necessary, but ONLY one.
After first cycle: Shit.
It's fantastic early game healing and can speed up progress a lot, but it falls off after you reach ~Level 5 or the 4th stage stage.
>>Cautious Slug
Shame you didn't get a bunch of sacrificial knives. They'd be one shotting enemies and chain reacting like crazy.
Is there anything worse than playing fucking engineer in Drizzle? Like at that point you might as well be watching a movie.
this name doesn't exist
being a pleb and not wanting to have fun
seriously, eat a bag of dicks
EU lobby, NA fine
One more
no breaks
>Monsoon is just frustrating now. I love the game to death, but the room for error is so fucking miniscule. There's practically no reason not to try and glass yourself given how vulnerable you are the entire game.
Monsoon is "Extra Hard" mode now, as it was always meant to be, just like in RoR1. It's not fair, and there are strategies that just don't work.
You're looking for Drizzle Mode.
Everyone would need this mod, not just the host, right?
last time i got this as a roll
i think its just cursed
red whip barely makes you any faster than an energy drink, and the energy drink doesn't stop working for 5 seconds every time you shoot something
So where's hard mode then?
Right now it's Casual > Easy > Extra Hard
Whereas before it was Casual > Easy > Hard
>40 tonic sickness
holy shit
>40 affliction
Where's all the lewd mods
He was very thirsty.
and you know what it stacks
doing 500 damage to suddenly ZERO damage.
all you can do is walk like your diaper is full and think angry thoughts.
NA Monsoon, all are welcome
>failed so many runs with awesome item pools, aurelonite support, lunar items
>constantly killed by elite hordes of many once the loop kicks in
>win with this pile of crap
Seriously? The only thing I really had going for me was the bear printer on stage 3, I didn't get a single damn red and THIS was the run I actually finish?
mods of modanon's mod
7 bears is fucking godlike, better if you somehow get like 25 of them since there's no other way to avoid damage in this game.
nope only me the host is on
What's in each folder?
welcome to yellow arm
It's more like normal > hard > masochistic
or demon hunter, Son of sparda and DMD if you're familiar
>Just outdo RNG
Rainstorm really doesn't deserve to be called hard.
That's because it's "Nisetanka"
I had a 100% tonic uptime build a while back, with like 14 stacks of affliction being suppressed by it. I had hardly any movement speed or attack speed items in that game so the tonic was absolutely carrying me.
Then as I was the last person alive I was rushing looking for the teleporter on abyssal depths opening chests as I went. It turned out that one of those chests was not a chest but an equipment drone. I did not finish the teleporter.
I like to think there's a little drone out there with a crippling tonic addiction thanks to me.
>activate teleporter
>2 elite elder lemurians spawn ontop of me and instakill me before I can even react
Why do the devs think it's okay to have enemies instantly attack you after spawning?
modded arti, loader, merc in all
WIP2 has jetpack and robeless arti, cageless loader
WIP3 has artificer with an open jacket, loader's cage is intact, and lemurians and wisps are modded
WIP3_edits are basically WIP2 with modded enemies, the other versions have a description in the filename
what's a good kinda rhythm to get into as loader?
Nice, thanks.
>challenge of the mountain
it's never fucking worth it.
Anyone have the ryuko or satsuki mods?
If you see the boss bar say elder lemurian you're better off not waiting for them and running away before they pop out of the ground instead. Would still be nice if they had a bit more delay before attacking though.
>start charging punch
>start swinging towards enemy
>let go of both at same time
>hit R while you're at it because why not
>get launched through enemies all the way to safety
>run around for a few seconds
There really isn't that much else to her at the moment, but it sounds like they plan to change that.
I could bring Ryuuko over. The Nonon and Rex mods are a bit weird, I don't think I could get them in fully working.
alright how do I edit the xml thing to get coins
>uses shrine of the mountain
>not prepared to get the fuck out of dodge as soon as the boss is revealed
>Challenge of the Mountain
>against Overloading Lemurs
That blows
Get a couple backup mags and you can keep swinging around while your punch recharges for extra safety.
Monsoon run, get in here boys.
To the user who joined earlier and got shit drops, sorry you got fucked. The run went really well and I was obliterating bosses in just a few seconds with a punch through large groups of enemies with all the will o wisp damage. Lobby's open again if anybody else wants to join.
US East
Why is MUL-T even a character?
I'd like to use them, but you don't have to make it a priority by any means. Did they change something to how models work that makes then useless as they are?
get a neurologist to examine your brain
How do I git gud with Rex?
is there a way to save my progress of a run and come back to it or and I just forced to leave the game open paused?
>forced to leave the game open paused?
That one
they didn't know how to make HAN-D, so they made a ranged version of him instead
The nice thing about playing multiplayer is that your teammate can be a safety net from bad items. If you can just not die you'll get enough items eventually that the bad early RNG will trend towards the average.Or you could just git gud
loader not so tough after being touched by wisp
The latter. I wish you could pause runs for a later day. Cause sometimes I get those 150 minute runs and I start to get pulled away.
ty user
Tempted to cheat these challenges. There's too much grind and RNG to get shitty sidegrades.
>acting like a monsoon elite
>says monster tooth isn't complete shit
The worst kind of posters are not the "Drizzlets" but the people who don't even play the game.
why is Yea Forums mostly shitters?
i played monsoon for the first time and got my huntress obliterated and it wasnt as hard as some crybabies make it out to be
I'm telling you user, drizzle is the new monsoon
>4 backup mags
>3 fucking afterburners
I would kill for that setup just for how fun the web-swinging would be. Could you even deplete your rocket punch reserve with how fast they'd recharge?
looks like shit
shit anime
Do the fans in anyone else's PC start speeding up faster than when actually playing for some reason when you pause the game or are in the main menu? Am I mining Randy bitcoin?
everyone post more Kardia
literally any healing item has had it's value increase due the regen patch
that user said nothing wrong
I kinda wanna loop until I die but i'm not sure if i can at this point. I'm punching through overloading worms without trouble anymore.
Can overloading worms spawn as malachites?
what's the current state of the more effeminate loader mod?
I don't know where to follow it
The game has fucking awful optimization that they could fix if they weren't too busy nerfing anything the players enjoyed.
if you went for another punch instantly then yeah but it's no big deal
That's disgusting.
Yeah, I'm going to back up that statement. Monster tooth always sucked because base regen handled all the issues monster tooth can help alleviate. With drizzle regen you can't notice it making a difference. With regular regen you can. It still is a bit underpowered early game and should scale better into late game, but it will help you in the first few stages.
>full portfolio isn't uploaded anywhere
>"it exists" yet it's nowhere to be found
Isn't optimization like one of the final things that is usually done in a game because of how much things can change in a couple years of development?
Suggesting a jacket like this for the hotpants loader mod, maybe shorter sleeves with open/closed variants and studded fingerless gloves
I like her armored pear-body design, but every image where she's topless, she aesthetic ruining cowtits that shouldn't even fit under the platemail she normally wears
>flat ten hp per stack after you've been hit
>chasing after flat healing orbs gets you more damaged than if you had ignored them
Just one after burner is more than enough honestly. The main advantage is that you can throw out uncharged rocket punchesWhich still deal respectable damage here and there to kill small stuff and finish other stuff off without wasting the cooldown.
Depends on difficulty and character. Assuming Monsoon (since if you're on Drizzle, everyone should take the damage chest to help one shot everything, and no one plays Rainstorm):
He lacks damage early game. He absolutely cannot risk a useless healing or utility item.
He is tanky enough that he gives zero fucks about healing or even moving in Level 1.
You have enough CC not to worry about getting swarmed, and your blink is more than enough utility. You can't suffer more than 2-3 hits against the boss without any healing though.
For the very first item, rolling for Bustling Fungus isn't going to help nearly as consistently as powering up yourself and your turrets. After you fuck up the boss go fucking ham looking for funguses, but not in the first stage.
She does enough damage and CC to take her through a loop itemless. Her Ice Wall and hover can keep her out of harm's way relatively well for the first bit as well. Rolling for a speed item will give her a bigger benefit than pulling a damage or healing item.
"Monster Tooth is good on Merc" is a stupid meme. However, Merc has no dead draws with healing items, since even though MonTooth is fucking terrible he can still use it. He's also going to get hurt being so close all the time.
Obvious reasons are obvious.
She's GOT utility. Damage items take a while to start scaling with her attacks. First item should help her live more.
US East
get in nerds
I can't fucking get good enough to get to the obelisk on Monsoon. I just want the fucking alternate skin for Mercenary. Fuck this game.
>He is tanky enough that he gives zero fucks about healing or even moving in Level 1.
oh no no no
The teleporter pad just isn't fucking safe. You're better off starting behind cover in case several Titans want to laser your ass early, or imps immediately go into their ground pound.
If anything the regen nerf just makes Monster Tooth worse by comparison because people are in more desperate need of actually good healing. Something Monster Tooth doesn't provide and will gladly fill your healing chests with.
if you're that bad at google, you don't deserve it
>chasing after flat healing orbs gets you more damaged than if you had ignored them
This is your mistake for being bad at dodging and going in at the wrong time instead of clearing a bit more out first. The 10 HP is a lot early game as far as negating chip damage. Wisps deal 18 damage at the start of the game if you get hit by all 3 beams.
Don't bother arguing with people who don't even play the game, my guy. It ain't worth it.
where can I find the full version of this seeing as the text is an edit
EU Monsoon
That's really bad logic. If they nerfed everyone's ability damage it wouldn't make tri-tip dagger worse. It'd make tri-tip dagger more appealing since it helps you get closer to necessary damage.
one of the first responses is literally
>hey yeah this guy doesn't upload all his stuff in one spot what's the deal
Multi can handle between 6-11 hits early game before needing to heal, which is a fuck of a lot.
If you NEED a Healing item in the first stage when playing multi, you should switch back to Drizzle.
New to the game. What's with the massive AOE on Wandering Vagrant's bubble attack? How are you supposed to dodge that?
>be playing arti
>dangerously low hp
>nano bomb into large crowd
>proc skills chain react
>mass of hp balls on the floor
>run through and get heal to full
Yes user monster's tooth is useful I suggest you play the game more before passing judgment
still 1/4
I'd argue huntress and loader want more damage but healing doesn't hurt them.
The fuck are you doing dieing in level 1 with Mul-T?
Explain to me how the stone titans being able to laser you when you're behind them is good game design. I'll wait.
yeah yeah anyone who doesn't think the exact same way as you needs to switch to drizzle
so tired of this
mul-t needs movement more than healing, or he gets picked to pieces in the first two levels and saying something as stupid as "he gives zero fucks about healing or even moving in level 1" is just plain ignorance
no fucking clue and i've been playing since day 1
You have to get behind cover or i-frame through it
Yea Forums's properties are lower than fucking dinosaur bones. You niggers honestly wonder why "have sex" is such a popular meme here? This shit is why.
He newgrounds and twitter accounts are LITERALLY the first results on google
you aren't even trying
You fucking line-of-sight or iFrame it you literal mouthbreathing double-lemurian drizzloid.
>mul-t needs movement more than healing
Oh my fuck you're probably the kind of person who thinks Mul-T moves slower than every other character, or that Engineer moves slow too.
On the other hand him having innate armor means that each HP healed is going to be more valuable, and him having a higher HP pool means he has more time to get more use of the healing items.
His DPS at the start is already great with nailgun or saw, and he has much more difficulty dodging wisps than others thanks to his large size.
You likely won't NEED it, but it's still very much appreciated.
It function on line of sight so if it can see the nova doesn't hurt you
you can also just i-frame through but that requires a bit more of skill
EUW 1/4
why are you being such a nigger about this? mul-t's movement skill is an escape move
he needs movement to be able to dodge small hits while outputting consistent damage, ergo movement items are king for completing early levels
Take cover behind a rock/wall/other vagrant if you're feeling ballsy. MUL-T's shift gives enough armor to tank it, and Mercenary can iframe it. As Merc just stand on the vagrant and when its whole texture goes pure white hit R.
>wait for a game for a couple hours
>nobody wants to host, my net is too shaky to risk it
>go take a shower
>get out to find game was hosted 30 minutes ago
>invalid lobby ID
>mul-t needs movement more than healing
Every character moves at the same speed initially. Multi also has one of the better utility skills, acting as a get-away card and making him invincible. He doesn't NEED mobility.
On top of that, only Artificer can risk a utility chest over the others in the first stage, BECAUSE she does enough damage and healing otherwise. Multi wants guaranteed damage more than "maybe" pulling mobility, since his already pretty good.
Gee sorry I'm not a master within like two hours of game time.
For Mul-T, speed is damage.
Tfw no WIP3 with cageless Loader with pants
Its line of sight and the bubble is just an effect to show its about to happen.
Its literally just Doom 2's Archvile in the sky. Nothing will happen to you until three seconds in when it makes the whoosh noise and then massive line of sight hitscan damage is applied.
Just like the archvile you hide behind something it negate it.
>Every character moves at the same speed initially
If thats true why did the first patch nerf his movespeed?
Literally don't fight it in an open area devoid of cover. It's retarded but that's how it is unless you're timing i-frames just right.
You can also just barely break it's range if someone like Merc and use all your skills to dash and run, assuming you react fast enough to the AoE starting.
his utility skill is good but it's a relatively long CD and is better used for escaping larger moves or repositioning yourself. he gets picked to pieces by lesser wisps and lemurian fireballs if you find yourself in a poor spot.
>find largest most up-to-date stash
>followup image that was mentioned doesn't even exist
>Every character moves at the same speed initially
No, go play Mul-T and then go play any other character. Mul-T is so slow it's actually frustrating.
>no cuntmando
It's useless
I want to drop a hot LOAD into Loader.
crit scythes would've done the job better
MUL-T moves at the same speed, but he still needs the movement speed bigger because he has a bigger hitbox and inherently needs more speed to dodge things than others as a result. A get-away card is only good for escaping big attacks like from bosses, or for running away to heal(which you need healing items for now). It won't help you avoid attacks while still fighting back yourself.
Because he was faster than everyone else originally to make up for his size and the feeling of the zoomed out camera.
In stage 1, you don't chance a Utility chest for speed items when they aren't even close to guaranteed, less you get fucked by a War Banner.
Damage chest guarantees damage. Utility chest MAYBE gives speed, and probably doesn't. Only reason Artificer can go for it is cause she can handle an entire loop without upgrading her power - Mul-T can't. For him, killing faster saves more health, and his movement is better than half the casts already.
user, fucks sake. Rule 34. No, Im not joking.
This. Fuck Hopoos "akchtually he's the same speed" nonsense. He clearly isn't.
>have this precise scenario that requires you to have bunched up enough enemies together to nano bomb enough so that your Monster Tooth's healing can be actually meaningful provided of course you take the time to grab all the orbs
>when you could have just stacked slugs and be able to heal independently of bunching up enemies, using abilities, grabbing orbs, etc
>nevermind that Monster Teeth doesn't scale with your character's stats unlike Slug
You sure showed me, guy.
Not that user but
But if I remember correctly during the release they actually made him faster because the camera made it "feel' like he was slower
>less you get fucked by a War Banner.
>Damage chest guarantees damage. Utility chest MAYBE gives speed, and probably doesn't
you realize war banner is in all three item pools right
>Every character moves at the same speed initially
That is some right bullshit, REX moves so damn slow you can leave and make a sandwich in the time it takes to walk to the teleporter.
Ok, except both are lacking art from the other, and neither has the supposed followup image, you didn't even look yourself.
Damage chest has War Banner too. Utility as well.
>no chainsaw
Missing the best alt introduced. I don't get how everyone doesn't love this.
To the people talking about MulT, he has the same max movement speed, but worse acceleration which is why he has a lot of trouble going up hills. Or maybe it's an issue of his hitbox registering more uphill surface area than other characters.
>If thats true why did the first patch nerf his movespeed?
It didn't, it fixed his animation.
Holy absolute fuck, they've literally put out a tweet about this shit.
Go play Mr. T in a new game, and sprint across the plains and time how long it takes. Then do the same with huntress.
How can I make my own combinations of edited models?
You don't need to get a full heal from it for it to be useful. You'll pick up orbs as you go along keeping you more healthy than if you didn't have it. No one's saying it's equally as good as slug. Just that it's much better than a single stun bomb or something.
he literally is, play multiplayer and see how you move at the same speed as everyone else
Just be a little bitch and abuse lunar items, bro
>literally any healing item has had it's value increase due the regen patch
No it hasn't you fucking retard. Monster tooth and medkits are noob traps, the only good healing item was always slug.
he has the same max speed but lower acceleration means he has much more trouble dodging and strafing attacks. this is why movement items are good for him
Rex is also larger than most characters, which is why his sprint shrinks his hitbox. Poor guy got absolutely fucked this update. Of all the characters, he needs that health regen. He should have merc tier or higher natural regen if he doesn't already.
It's purely placebo, hopoo even knew people like you guys using their reptile brains would would perceive him as being slower due to his size which was why he made him faster in the first place
>you can FEEL it working
literal snake oil placebo effect, the only one that works is slug, any other answer is brainlet tier.
His movement speed was in fact nerfed, no idea why you think it wasn't.
Monsoon 1 spot left
It isn't the same. I've tested this countless times. Without using Blink, I can do a good clear of Ground Zero in about 2-3 minutes with Huntress. With MUL-T and "sprinting," it takes about 5-6 minutes withour fail. MT's "sprint" is the same speed as everybody else's default fucking run. On this I can assure you.
Join us
you have to be in danger to pick up the orbs, it's a fucking trick items only retards pick up. It's only useful if you get corpsebloom.
this is what I need as well
I can do without the titty wisps
yeah that guy is retarded, they did nerf it
it was originally 9, now it's 7 like everyone else
>Download asset bundle extractor
>open the resources.assets from the mod you want the model from
>find the mesh or texture you want
>extract raw
>open the resources.assets from the mod you want to inject the model into
>find the mesh or texture you want
>import raw the file you extracted earlier
>save and replace the resources.assets and possibly sharedassets0.assets file in your RoR2_Data folder
>he thinks I didn't check there first
user, his skyrim OC and this OC are not the same character, isn't even on r34, and neither of the two are actively getting railed. I'm not nearly as retarded as you're making me out to be, I'm looking for something very specific that might not even exist because OP remembered incorrectly
>be not at full health
>kill 10 wisps as you go through the level
>pick up their orbs as you go along
>you now have 70 more health than you would've without it
>7/10 of a fully stacked infusion
>more than seven tenths of a level 1 huntress' HP bar
>enough HP to negate 4-5 lesser wisp shots
The point is that with old regen you couldn't feel it working because you regenned so fast that it never had a chance to do anything of use.
Really need Commando soon, yeah.
The fact that I need to explain how vacuums work to you makes me think you're the biggest retarded in the thread right now
us east
>kill wisp, go to pick up orb
>wisp spawns behind you and you get shot in the back for 13 damage
>kill wisp, go to pick up orb
>repeat, losing 3 hp at a time
>circle strafing boss to avoid its attacks
>enemies naturally spawn around you and therefor in a circle around the boss
>continue clearing small enemies means you end up accidentally picking up orbs
It's probably not going to save you if you fall down to 5% HP, but it'll make it take longer to reach that point. There's no real risk in running into a pack of beetles and lemurians early game to pick up the orbs either.
user, its the same bottomless knight. Just get the good shit and quit splitting hairs on a microscope nigga.
>literally just a fucking reskin
Holy fuck. Are all the other skins like this?
Fuck you
Stop getting hit by every single wisp that spawns. No wonder you think if you don't get an instant full heal an item isn't of any use.
Commando and Mercenary get some differences
The Jews fear the Samurai
Commando's looks cool. I hope there are proper new skins later though, instead of boring pallet swaps
That because no follow-up exist, dumbass he never drew her getting railed by a horse only pin-up sets and shotas
As an additional pointer, meshes are usually called something like mercmesh, magemesh, ...pilotmesh?
Textures are texmercdiffuse, texmagediffuse, texloaderdiffuse, iirc.
Loader cage and Arti robe are seperate meshes.
>Artificer does healing
Excuse me, what?
>brittle crown on engie
I fucked up
If the rescue operation started out like that they'd have overrun the planet in no time.
>100 Mercs enter
>1 leaves
Open wide babycakes.
It's shit
Commando best boy, fuck the roll
>That jab at people wanting HAN-D
Harsh but funny.
>how come merc #276 gets a buckler no fair
Based on Solus Probe and Alloy Worship Unit logs, has been summoning ships and beaching them on the Planet and trying to find pilotable ones. To physically get off the moon or to get out of the system entirely?
quite literally isn't, artstyle is different, one has an open helmet while the other does not, one has slutwear while the other has plate, neither is taking horse dong, etc. etc. I'll stop shitting up the thread at this point, this servers no purpose
That never happens
>kill wisp
>orb drops slowly while seven other wisps spawn and shoot at you
>heal for barely anything when you pick it up
>straight up impractical to go orb scraping when golems spawn
>healing immediately outclassed when you get to stage two
fucking retard.
You quite literaly got fed the source now, and its the exact same shit. Stop being retarded and enjoy your shit dumbass.
what do you play on drizzle where you don't get mob spawned by wisps? git gud fag
He does feel slow as fuck its so fucking irritating
Agreed. It is pretty useful and worthwhile.
nice strawman retard, this is how I know you don't actually play the game; whenever you're halfway through dealing with a cloud of wisps, another group spawns behind/on top of you. You're GOING to take chip damage from the sheer amount of them, not even counting the elemental ones that apply DoT
Should I buy this game for PS4?
syringe doesnt work on them
Han-d is in the character select screen now, he also got some new moves this patch.
I wonder if Providence is dead yet.
>shooter on a console
>no follow-up exist
That's what I claimed, but then at least 2 different people told me I was wrong
Hopoo was counting on retards thinking it was worthwhile so he didn't have to actually make good healing items. Congrats on passing as a lobotomy patient without needing a lobotomy!
You get all the teeth you want, I'll get the one good healing item instead.
Playable providence fucking never.
I wish though.
How the fuck do you even do 20 stages with commando without lunar items? My ass gets fucked around stage 10 doing this shit solo.
>running into enemy mobs to grab monster tooth orbs
>when golems and wisps make strafing a fucking nightmare, and lemurian fireballs are a big enough to clip into
I can see this working with Merc and Loader, but it's literally suicide for anyone else to try to juke through enemies, especially after they've taken a huge chunk of monsoon's damage. Monster Tooth is bad because it's never useful when in the scenario you're hurting, which is generally when you've been , laser'd, or shot by a fucking spike ball for spending one extra second too long in the air. Why the hell would I need healing if I was in a safe enough position to kill all my enemies and then dance over the corpses? Odds are there's something else, boss or mob, trying to dick me too. And it becomes even more useless later on when you've got tanky enemies to worry about.
You fags always grossly overblow shit, you clearly don't play this game because you're far to shit to handle like 6 wisp spawning at once
>huuuuuur it's literally impossible because I can't do it!
just do challenges on drizzle like a sensible person
play on drizzle fo shizzle my nizzle
it doesn't work on Merc, his hitbox doesn't pick them up for some reason, so you have to manually waste time picking them up instead of gliding through it.
t. actually plays Merc on monsson.
Monster tooth isn't great, even in the new patch. At best it's a hail mary when you have literally no other options, or a way to slightly top up after a fight. It's not something you can reliably depend upon.
have a carthatic drizzlet run where everything fucking dies
then realise grenade isnt as good as suppresive fire lmao
just admit you don't play on monsoon brainlet.
good pic but the tits look off
Get a shotgun, it solves a lot of problems.
Wait, it gets more difficult over time once you reach hahaha?
>playing normally, about 5 minutes to the run
>game freezes for a second and then the window becomes completely transparent
>can move and shoot and hear all the sounds, but can't see anything
>have to exit the process
what the fuck
Only based on item and level scaling, not time scaling anymore.
What the fuck, this art wasn't anywhere else I looked. Also why does it keep redirecting me to the same set of images after I close the ad, forcing me to view little more than slightly expanded thumbnails? Whatever, mystery solved I guess, I wasn't aware of abstract jap forum that's probably infested with malware, fuck me I guess.
Play on drizzle and tell monsoonfaggots that you completed it on monsoon
completely wrong, retard.
works on my machine
i heard you liked knights.
New Host thread?
I'm trying to use the connect via ip command on console, but everyone that connects gets listed as "Unknown player". Is there a way to prevent this or rename the players?
>Leaking the Moomin's Patreon
Just admit you're bad, shitter
if you don't can't even deal with a handful the lowest health enemies that get interrupted when taking damage yo don't deserve to even to talk
you have no argument just "y-you don't play on monson!!" like bitch please, I was playing on monsoon avoiding blazing titans killing me in literally one hit while you where getting dabbed on by fucking wisps on stage one
Wait but can't he dash through bandoleer reloads? Or am I just retarded?
Either way that's another fucking reason monster tooth is a total waste with how demanding monsoon's become.