>Started 3rd run though of BB
Forgot just how good it was. Lets have a comfy Bloodborne thread
Started 3rd run though of BB
super mario maker 2 on the nintendo switch is better
Sekiro is better.
Listen to me.
Sekiro is the only From software game that doesn't have a "too deep for you,go read the wiki nigga" convoluted plot,maybe,except for Demon souls.
Sekiro has the best combat system,the only thing that fucks sekiro is somewhat the lack of customization and the fact that trannies and weebs can't play as a women so they feel disgusted by playing the main character.
you can hear the doll have intercourse in the abandoned workshop-reminder
What is your major malfunction?
>What is your major malfunction?
What else is a modding community for?
Never got to complete the game but I remember beating the first boss on my first try. Then getting to Father Gascoigne and getting my shit kicked in for hours.
Best game on the PS4.
One of these days, Alice,
Straight to the moon.
>Game's themes go so far that they extend out into the game's meta narrative
How do you find that enjoyable?
I made the mistake of putting the game on hold on my first playthrough and had to restart all over again.
Going through the early levels was so boring cause i knew about all the secrets and ambushes. Doesn't it feel like a chore to you when you know everything the game has to offer?
W-what's this
Canned boss, presumably Moon Presence in the physical world, not the dream(nightmare)
Anyone else feel that chalice dungeons got fucked up in offline play? The materials to create the randomized higher level dungeons are a pointless grind to get.
>>Bloodborne plot is too obtuse
>Somehow a basic exposition dump about a kidnapped kid who wants you to retrieve the four macguffins is just so much better
>>Sekiro has better combat
>It was designed solely with 1v1 humanoid duels in mind and thus would not even fit in with the Bloodborne setting so the comparison is retarded
Sekirofags are something else, I wish they'd just fuck off to DMC.
>running through chalice dungeon
>see ghost of another player
>realize it's just me 3 minutes ago
it's so lonely, bros
A hacker found a way to access and share leftover test levels as chalice dungeons. One of them has an unused alternate version of the Moon Presence. They also discovered that chalice dungeons aren't procedurally generated, and there are really only 2,300 of them, which caused a bunch of the chalice dungeon exploration fandom to riot. All the people getting upset about uncomfortable truths being delivered to them was very fitting for Bloodborne.
I'm so lonely too bro
I'm pretty sad that From isn't continuing the Victorian+Cosmic horror aesthetic, it's such a good setting.
I keep seeing BB threads lately and I'm getting the itch to do another run. Haven't done a skill run yet.
Funny, I just started my 3rd run a few days ago. Going for platinum.
Was Zullie right to tell everyone the truth about the dungeons? Did people stop spelunking because the mystery was spoiled or would the multiplayer have died out by now regardless?
Anyone else do a run at BL4? Finished one a while ago. It was really hard at point, but it definitely changes your perspective on the game.
>replay bloodborne for the 20th time
>still use only the saw cleaver the entire playthrough
what the fuck is my problem
Totally, you're kinda meant to be able to use the glyph function to properly play around with root chalices
Going insane because they learned the eldritch truth.
Best weapon is best weapon, nothing wrong with that
Good luck user, it's a fun ride.
I know that feeling too. Bloodborne's starting weapons are so good that they make me just feel like using them all the time. I don't have this problem in any other Souls game, only in BB (specifically with Cleaver and Axe).
Did BL4 up to last NG+, also cleared chalices.
you are just insightless nigger, and weebcuck.
Get some eyes, ignorant beast.
By NG+3 your armor and resistance runes are merely cosmetic. Forces you to try a different style of play like being a lumenflower or a beast just so you don't get bored. Also chalice dungeons keep the game alive. Spelunking with some random asshole only for them to die at the boss leaving you on your own is quite a rush
Impressive. DLC too? I did all non-chalice bosses in NG, don't have the patience for chalices or NG+.
Yep, DLC is so much harder than main game at BL4. I think Ludwig took me like 150 tries to beat when I was doing my first BL4 run.
Not him, but do chalices get harder with each subsequent play through? As in if I create a chalice dungeon then end the game, are the enemies NG level or NG+ level?
No, they stay the same regardless.
>dude bloodborne is a polished and finished game!
There's this section in old yharnam as you're heading towards the blood-starved beast and you're in an alley with two warewolf beasts. There is an enemy behind a small building that's only there to make noise. They won't come out of their hiding spot unless you agro them. That's really something. Imagine being a new player exploring that area for the first time and then there's a monster screaming? Pretty sure the game does a bunch of cool stuff like that for atmosphere but I can't think of other examples
No, that was a glitch that played a voice file of one of the whores in cathedral ward. It's been patched presumably since I never got it to play for me even once
When you first go to Yahar'gul you can hear singing and it gets louder as you go outside. When you go their after the Mensis ritual the singing has stopped because Mensis are all dead.
Yeah I remember that part. The experience was ruined since I pressed lock-on when I heard the scream and the cursor showed up inside the smoke.
When I first played through the Upper Cathedral Ward I nearly shit myself when the chandelier full of blue-eyed werewolves dropped down.
Never noticed the singing stops, probably because the baby was crying by that point
scared the shit out of me
*rolls toward you*
>too deep for you,go read the wiki nigga
On a side note, what was the end game for the school of mensis? Were they part of the church or did they branch off of them the same way the church branched off of byrgenworth?
Yea let’s not.
>UCW key:"The upper echelons of the Healing Church are formed by the School of Mensis, based in the Unseen Village, and the Choir occupying the Upper Cathedral Ward."
They wanted ascension via eyes on the brain like Willem, but their plan is to use Mergo's cry as a bait to beckon Great Ones.
Wasn't Mergo a great one infant anyways? Also they had ebreiates locked below the church. And Laurence must have known about the moon presence, Gherman implies that much in his sleep. Was the healing church made up of complete retards?
>Wasn't Mergo a great one infant anyways?
Yes, that's why Great Ones crave it.
>And Laurence must have known about the moon presence
Yep, the note in Lecture Hall outright states: "The nameless moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates, pale blood."
So what's the point in bringing more great ones to yharnam? Byrgenworth already figured out how to ascend (the note that mentions three cords and the other one that mentions hunting great ones). What's the point in bringing more aliens if all they're gonna do is round up the babies and hide them in upper cathedral ward? Maybe most of the choir has already ascended and the infants are just leftovers of their previous rituals to beckon great ones? We really need a sequel that explores these unanswered questions
Both Mensis and the Choir are attempting to establish a contact (gesture in UCW) with Great Ones to receive the arcane (this word is oftent translated as eldritch in the game, but japanese uses the same word it uses for the Arcane stat) knowledge of these superior entities (Madman's knowledge), as they're certain that it is the key to evolution beyond human mediocrity (Anticlockwise/Clockwise Metamorphosis).
All these schools seem to have failed because they either aren't certain on how to use the Cords to grant themselves eyes or more simply they don't have enough to really ascend.
>late to soulsborne train
>beat BB multiple times
>try playing DS
>get bored immediately
Really wish the other games had the same combat system
dumb animeposter
I didnt like BB much at first, but a couple repeat playthroughs really made me appreciate it. Has a couple issues, but DLC solved some. If only the time spent on chalice dungeons was instead used to make arcane viable for early game somehow and now reserved for right at the end of the game.
Bloodborne is pretty straightforward and concrete with it's plot compared to Souls games where it's all "lol who knows maybe it happened maybe it didnt, time is convulted now stop asking questions and go praise le sun". In fact, Sekiro is a but more mysterious than Bloodborne with things like the wedding cave.